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1、个人手工制作新译林英语小学升初中课外趣味阅读及练习题五新译林英语小学升初中课外趣味阅读及练习题(五)课外趣味阅读精彩小故事(四篇)The Pianist and an Old WomanJohn was a very famous pianist. When he was a small boy, he once played at a party in the home of a rich man. He was only eight years old, but he had played the piano for several years. At the party he playe

2、d a famous piece by Beethoven. He played wonderfully. The famous piece has several long rests in it. In each of these rests he took his hands away from the piano and waited. To him this was very exciting, but the mother of the rich man thought differently. Finally, during one of these rests she came

3、 over to him. She touched him on the head, smiled and said, “My boy, why dont you play us what you know well?”The favorite coat.Mr. Smith had a nice, blue coat. He loved it very much, but his wife didnt like it because it was old. She often said, “Give it to a poor man.” Mr. Smith always said, “No,

4、I like this coat.” Then one day a cigarette fell on it and made a hole in it, so Mrs. Smith said, “Please dont wear it again.” Mr. Smith took it toa small tailors shop and said to the tailor, “Please make another coat just like this one.” The tailor made the coat very carefully, then he lit a cigare

5、tte and made a hole in it in the same place.NoiseMiss Gray lived alone in an apartment house. She was old and did not like noise at all. One day a young man moved into the room above her. He looks quiet, Miss Gray thought. However, at three oclock the next morning, Miss Gray was woken up by the bark

6、ing of a dog. She thought, Ive never heard a dog here before. It must belong to the new man in the room above me. So he telephoned the young man, said some nasty things to him about the dog, then hung up the telephone before he could answer. At three oclock the next morning, Miss Grays telephone ran

7、g. When she answered, the young man said, “Im the man upstairs. Ive called to tell you that I havent got a dog.”The Diet.Mrs. Tan is worried about her weight, so she goesto see a doctor. “Oh, Im too fat, I need to lose a lot of weight.” “It isnt difficult to lose weight,” the doctor says. “All you n

8、eed to do is go on a diet. Ill give you one.”The doctor takes out a piece of paper and writes “Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Also, eat a lotof lean meat and grains.” The doctor hands the paperto Mrs. Tan. “Eat all those things and youll soon lose weight.”A few weeks later, Mrs. Tans friend visit

9、s her. Her friend is surprised to see that Mrs. Tan is even fatter than before and she is eating a huge sandwich with chocolate and ice cream.“I thought you were on a diet,” her friend says. “Oh, I am.” Mrs. Tan answers. “Ive already had all the food on my diet today. Now Im having my dinner.”英语趣味谜语

10、Come up and let us go;Go down and here we stay.Short thighsBald headAnd bullet eyes.I run smoother than any rhyme,1 love to fall but cannot climb.I tremble at each breath of air,And yet can heaviest burdens bear.Why should you never tell secrets in a cornfield?anchor frogwaterBecause corn has ears.小

11、学生实用口语句子37. Can I go with you? 我能和你一起走吗?38. Sure. 好的。39. Do you know his telephone number?你知道他的电话号码吗?40. Are you sure? 你能确定吗?41. Yes. Im sure. 是的,我肯定。42. Maybe hes in the teachers office.可能他在老师办公室。43. Were about the same age, I think.我想我们大概年龄相仿。44. Yes, youre right. 是的,你是对的。45. Youre wrong. 你错了。46.

12、I like very much. 我非常喜欢47. I like to draw pictures there. 我喜欢在那儿画画。48. Me too. 我也是。49. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?50. Yes, a dress for my daughter 是的,给我女儿买条裙子。小学生重点词汇积累动词类其它动作want, make, cook, wash, please, draw, thank, think, point to, sit down, stand up, know, help, hope, look see, have, has, like, sin

13、g , read, write, draw, learn, listen, hear, say, talk, tell, study, speak, drink, drop laugh, give, visit, catch, dance, carry, live, agree, stop, finish, wait, get up, have breakfast, go to school, go to work, have lunch, go home, have dinner, watch TV, take pictures, go straight on, turn right, tu

14、rn left, understand, argue, wear,went bought had met ran lost learnt练习题(一)What Went WrongA Japanese company and an American company had a boat race,the Japanese won by a mile. The Americans hired analysts to figureout what went wrong. They reported that the Japanese had one personmanaging and seven

15、rowing, while the Americans had seven managingand only one rowing. The American company immediately restructuredits team. Now they had one senior manager, six managementconsultants and one rower.In the rematch the Japanese won by two miles. So the Americancompany fired the rower.Notes:(1) analyst n.

16、分析家(2) figure out 想出;演算出(3) restructure v.重组(4) consultant n.顾问Exercises: 根据短文判断下列句子正(T)、(F): For the first time in the boat race, the Japanese won bytwo miles. The American company hired Japanese analysts to find outwhat went wrong. The Japanese team had two persons managing and five rowing. In the

17、 rematch the Japanese won by one mile. The American company fired the rower.译文问题出在哪里一家日本公司和一家美国公司进行了一场划船比赛。日本队赢了一英里。美国人便请来了分析家探讨问题出在哪里。他们的报告说日本队有一人掌舵七人划桨,而美国队是七人掌舵一人划桨。美国公司立刻对队伍进行了重组。这次他们有一个高级舵手、六个舵手顾问、一个划桨员。在第二次比赛中,日本队赢了两英里。因此,美国公司解雇了划桨员。(二)You Never CalledA guy spots his doctor in the mail. He sto

18、ps him and says, Sixweeks ago when I was in your office, you told me to go home, getinto bed and stay there until you called. But you never called.I didnt? the doctor says. Then what are you doing out ofbed?Notes:(1) spot v.(从很多人或物中)认出;看出(2) mall n.集市Exercises: 根据短文选择正确答案: Where did the guy see his

19、doctor?A. in the barbersB. in the shopping centerC. at the railway stationD. in the hospital How long had it been since the guy went to see the doctor?A. two weeksB. three weeksC. more than a monthD. more than two months What had the doctor told him to do?A. to stay in bedB. to have a nice sleepC. t

20、o go homeD. to call him again We can see from this passage that_ .A. the doctor had played a trick on the guyB. the guy must have stayed in bed for a long timeC. the guy was very angry with the doctorD. the doctor did call upon the guy What had been the guys problem?A. He had caught a cold.B. He had

21、 had a mental problem.C. He needed a good rest.D. He had been homesick.译文从未来访一人在购物中心偶遇他的医生。他走上前去说:“六周以前我在你的办公室,你告诉我让我回家去卧床直到你来访。但你从未来访。” “我没去吗?”医生说,“那你现在下床干什么?”(三)A Vacation CruiseOne stupid guy reads an ad about a vacation cruise that costsonly $ 100.After he signs up and pays, the travel agent hit

22、s himwith a bat, knocks him unconscious and throws him out the back doorinto the river. Soon another guy comes in, pays his fee and getsthe same treatmentFifteen minutes later, as the two are floating down the rivertogether, the first man says, I wonder if theyre serving any foodon this cruise.I don

23、 t know, the second guy replied. They didnt last year.Notes:(1) cruise n.乘船巡游;巡航(2) sign up 签约(3) bet n.棒(4) unconscious adj.没有知觉的;不省人事的Exercises: 根据短文判断下列句子正(T)、(F): The first man heard about the cheap vacation cruise. The first man is knocked unconscious and carried unto aship. The second guy does

24、nt have to pay since he was on the cruiselast year. The second guy comes about 15 minutes later than the firstman. The second guy was even more foolish than the first.译文假日巡航游一愚笨之人读到一则假日巡航游只须花100 元的广告。在他签了字付了款后,旅游经纪人用棒猛击了他一下,把他打昏了过去,并把他从后门扔进了河里。不久又来了一个人,付了钱并得到了相同的待遇。十五分钟后,这两个人一起向河的下游漂去。第一个人说:“不知道他们这次

25、巡航游是否提供食物。”“不知道,”第二个人说道,“去年是没有的。”(四)This Way to RequestI had fallen and dislocated my elbow, which made writing checksfor my small business nearly impossible. I called my bank to explainthat the signature on my checks would look odd due to my accident,and would they please horror them anyway.Okay, s

26、aid the woman on the phone, but you 11 have to writea letter to the bark telling them that you are requesting this.Notes:(1) dislocate v.脱离原位;使脱臼(2) signature n.签名(3) due to 由于(4) honor v.承认并如期支付Exercises: 根据短文填空: I had fallen and_ my elbow. It made writing checks for my small business_impossible. I

27、 called my bank to_ that the signature _my checkswould look odd due to my accident. Okay, said the woman_ the phone. But youll have to write a letter to the bank _them thatyou are requesting this.译文如是请求我摔倒了,肘骨脱臼了。这使得我几乎不能给我的小生意签账单了。我打电话给银行解释说由于事故,账单上我的签名看起来会有些古怪,并请求他们无论如何给予承兑。“好的,”电话中的女子说,“但你必须给银行写封信,告诉他们你在作此项请求。”

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