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Unit 1.docx

1、Unit 1 Unit 1 Animals and Plants Text A Conversation: Pet Keeping Pet Keeping Nowadays, many people would like to keep a pet. Some of them raise a dog or a cat. Others prefer a rabbit or a parrot, or even a tortoise, as their companion. However, pet keeping is not that simple. Laura and Joe are talk

2、ing about how to take care of a rabbit. Structure Nowadays, many people would like to keep a pet. would like to do sth.愿意,意欲 (想要做某事) I would like to go abroad. 我想出国。 疑问句形式可用作询问某人的意愿 Would you like to go swimming with me? 你想和我一块儿去游泳吗? 肯定回答:Yes, I d like to.是的,我想。 否定回答:No, thanks. 不,谢谢。 Structure Some

3、 of them raise a dog or a cat. Others prefer a rabbit or a parrot.Some . Others . : 一些 其余的,连接并列结构。 Draw some in, push others out. 拉拢一些人,排挤其余的人。 Some stayed while others left. 一部分人留下了,其余的离开了。 Vocabulary raise: vt. 抚养, 饲养(可用于有生命的生物) The old man likes raising dogs and roses. 这老人喜欢养狗和玫瑰。 The baby was ra

4、ised on soya-bean milk. 这孩子是用豆浆喂养大的。 植物多用grow,种植;栽培We grow flowers and vegetables in our garden. 我们在庭园里种植鲜花和蔬菜。 raise 提出;发出None of them raised any objection. 他们谁也没提出反对意见。 筹(款);招(兵) They are going to raise funds for the school buildings. 他们将为盖校舍筹集资金。 Vocabulary companion: n. 同伴, 伙伴 a faithful compani

5、on 一个忠实的伙伴 His brother is not much of a companion for him. 他的兄弟与他志趣不甚相投。 Structure Pet keeping is not that simple. that: ad. 那么,那样地(表示程度,通常程度较高) Is your problem that complicated? 你的问题有那么复杂吗? not that simple 不是那么简单 Structure take care of: 照顾 They appointed her to take care of that old man. 他们委派她照顾那位老

6、人。“照顾”:look after, attend There was no one to attend him but Tina. On his deathbed the General was attended by several doctors. Translation 现在,很多人都喜欢饲养宠物。有些人喜欢养猫、狗;还有些人喜欢兔子、鹦鹉,甚至乌龟来陪伴他们。然而,饲养宠物并非如此简单。劳拉和乔在谈论如何养兔子。 Text A: Pet Keeping Joe: Is that your Rabbit? Laura: Yes, I just adopted her from the

7、humane society this weekend. Joe: Congratulations! You finally got a pet. I know that youve been thinking about it for long. Why did you decide to get a rabbit? Laura: Well, I wanted to get a pet that wouldnt disturb my neighbors. At the same time, I wanted it to be affectionate. Vocabulary adopt: v

8、t. 收养 Many childless couples adopt children. 许多无子女的夫妇收养孩子。 humane: a. 人道的, 仁慈的 Is it humane to kill animals for food? 宰杀动物来获取食物合乎人道吗? humane society 人道主义协会, 保护动物协会 Congratulation and Blessing Congratulating others and response 最常用的方式是直接用 Congratulations! (祝贺, 恭喜);恭喜事项可放在congratulations前或后: I hear th

9、at you have won. Congratulations.听说你们赢了,祝贺你们。 也可用congratulate: vt. 祝贺, 道喜 Let me congratulate you on your success. 祝贺您的成功。 回答一般用thanks, thank you 等。 Structure youve been thinking about it for long. have been doing:现在完成进行时(表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在或动作刚结束) The boy has been watching TV since six o clock thi

10、s evening. 这孩子从今晚6点起一直在看电视。(动作可能还在延续)。 Youve been thinking about it for long. 你考虑(养宠物)已经很长时间了。(对于说话人来说,动作在说话时刚结束) Vocabulary disturb: vt. 打扰, 妨碍 Sorry to disturb you, but I have an urgent message. 对不起打扰你,有急事通知。 She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child. 她轻轻地开门, 以免惊扰了睡着的孩子。

11、No sound disturbed the silence of the evening. 入夜时分, 万籁俱寂。 Vocabulary disturb: vt. 使不安, cause or make sb. worry or upset disturbing developments, reports, symptoms 使人感到不安的事态发展 报道 症状Leila felt disturbed to learn that she might be fired. 得知要被解雇,雷拉感到很不安。 affectionate: a. 慈爱的,充满感情的 an affectionate mothe

12、r 慈母 affection: n.慈爱;喜爱;感情;影响 a feeling of liking or love and caring He gave me a necklace as a token of his affection. (爱情) 他给了我一条项链作为爱情的象征。 She has a great affection for/towards her hometown. (情爱,钟爱) 她对家乡怀有深厚的感情。 Their father never showed them much affection. (亲情) 他们的父亲很少表现出亲情。 The boy is sufferin

13、g from an affection of the ear. (感染) 这个男孩耳部感染。 Translation 乔:这是你的兔子? 劳拉:是的,我这个周末刚刚从动物收容所收养的。 乔:恭喜!你终于有宠物了。我知道你一直想有个宠物。你为什么决定养兔子? 劳拉:嗯,我希望宠物不会打扰到邻居,而且很亲近人。 Text A: Pet Keeping Joe: Rabbits are not usually that affectionate, are they? Laura: Right. But if you hug them a lot when they are very young, t

14、hey can be just as close to us as dogs or cats. Vocabulary hug: vt. & vi. 热烈地拥抱, 抱住, 紧抱 They hugged and kissed. 他们相互拥抱接吻。 (用作不及物动词) The child is hugging her doll. 孩子紧抱着她的洋娃娃。(用作及物动词) Structure They can be just as close to us as dogs or cats. as + a. / ad.+ as: 和 一样 He is as successful in business as

15、 his father. an old woman with hair as white as snow Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses. We work as hard as any other team in England. Vocabulary Please let me know your decision as soon aspossible (=as soon as you can) . 请让我们尽快知道你的决定 just :用于修饰as as词组,表相等程度 His last alb

16、um sold half a million copies and we hope this one will be just as (=equally) popular. 他的上一张专辑买了50万张,我们希望这张卖的一样好。 除 just 之外,还可用 (not) nearly, almost, exactly等修饰as as Its not nearly as cold as yesterday. 今天可不像昨天那么冷。 Translation 乔:兔子通常并不是很亲近人,不是吗? 劳拉:对。但如果你在它们还小的时候常抱它们,兔子一样可以像狗或猫一样亲近人。 Text A: Pet Kee

17、ping Joe: OK. Thats a good idea. Are rabbits difficult to take care of? Laura: Not really. I went to the veterinarian to get her vaccinated and she told me how to raise it. All I have to do is to give her food and water and keep its cage clean every day. Also make sure to trim its nails from time to

18、 time, or it may easily get hurt by the long and sharp nails. Structure OK. Thats a good idea. thats a good idea: 那是个好主意(表示赞同某人的想法或建议) Not really. not really:不太/很 (表示轻微的否定) A: Do you want to come along? 你想同我们一起 去吗? B: Not really. 不太想去。 Vocabulary & Structure veterinarian: n. 兽医;vet (缩略形式):老兵 a Vietn

19、am vet 越战老兵(veteran) to get her vaccinated get sth./sb. done: 使被做 (sth.与done之间是被动关系,done是宾语补足语。) I got my hair cut. 我剪了头发。 The climb got all of us tired. 爬山使我们很累。 Vocabulary trim: vt. 修剪, 整理 The gardener trimmed the hedge. 那位园林工人修剪了树篱。 trim ones hair / moustache 修剪头发 / 胡子 nail: n. 指甲;趾甲 finger-nails

20、 手指甲 a toe-nail 脚趾甲 cut ones nails 剪指甲 Structure make sure to trim its nails from time to time from time to time: 不时, 偶尔, 间或 I can see Thomas at the library from time to time.我在图书馆有时能看见托马斯。 He went swimming from time to time. 他有时去游泳。 sometimes, now and then, at times, on and off 有时,间或,偶尔 I like to g

21、o to the opera now and then. 我喜欢偶尔去看歌剧。 He behaves very oddly at times I dont think hes quite all there. 他有时很怪-我觉得他头脑不太正常。 Recently it rained off and on every day. 近来每天都在断断续续地下雨。 Translation 乔:不错,这是个好主意。兔子难照顾吗? 劳拉:不太难。我带她到兽医那里打了疫苗,兽医告诉了我如何养她。我要做的就是每天给她食物和水,保持笼子清洁。还要时不时为她修剪指甲,否则她很容易被尖长的指甲弄伤。 Text A:

22、Pet Keeping Joe: Oh, got it. That sounds pretty easy. I used to think that a house with a rabbit must smell. Laura: Thats true. But theyre not very stinky. As long as you clean the cage every other day, its not that bad. Joe: Can we train a rabbit to do things like dogs? Laura: Maybe not, Im afraid.

23、 But I know someone has made them go to the bathroom in a special rabbit toilet. Joe: Thats amazing! Structure & Vocabulary I used to think that a house with a rabbit must smell. used to do sth.: used + 动词不定式,表过去的习惯和状态,该习惯或状态已不复存在。 I used to smoke, but now Ive quit. 我过去吸烟,但是现在已经不吸了。 smell: vi.有难闻的气味

24、 Garlic smells. 大蒜有难闻的气味。 This fish smells. 鱼发臭了。 This liquid doesnt smell. 这种液体没有气味。 smell: vt. 闻到 I smelled something burning. 我闻到东西烧焦的味道。 smell: (link.) 闻起来 The stew smelled delicious . 炖肉闻起来很香。 The milk smells sour. 牛奶有酸味了。 The house smells of fresh paint. (BrE.) 这房子有股未干的油漆气味。 Vocabulary stinky:

25、 a. 发恶臭的 Unwashed shoes are stinky. 没洗过的鞋很臭。 stink: vi. have a very unpleasant and offensive smell 有臭味; 发臭: (stank, stunk) That rotten fish stinks. 那条鱼腐烂得发臭了。 Her breath stank of garlic. 她呼吸中有大蒜味。 What do you think of the film? It stinks (ie is of very low quality)! 你认为这部影片怎麽样? 简直糟透了! Structure As l

26、ong as you clean the cage every other day, its not that bad. as long as:只要, 如果 (表示条件) = only if/ if You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard. 你只能呆在后院玩。 As long as we keep playing well, well keep winning games. 如果我们一直打得好,就能一直打赢。 every other day 每隔一天 every two days 每隔两天 every five m

27、iles 每隔五英里 Vocabulary & Structure train: vt. & vi. 训练, 锻炼; 培养 You must train hard before the next match. 在下一场比赛之前你必须好好训练。 They trained the soldiers to fight.他们训练士兵打仗。 trainer n. 教练员,培训师 trainee n. 实习生,受训者 training n. 训练;military training 军训 Maybe not, Im afraid. Im afraid: 恐怕 (表达否定或不愉快的意见时的常用语) I am

28、 afraid that I cant help you. 恐怕我帮不了你。 Vocabulary special: a.专门的;特别的,特殊的 a special hospital 专门医院 Take special care tonight because the road is icy. (more than usual) 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。 This is a special case, deserving special treatment. (not ordinary) 这是个特殊的案件,应该获得特殊处理。比较:specific a. 特定的;具体的 Education

29、should not be restricted to any one specific age group. (particular) 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。 The trouble with Bill was that he never had a specific aim in life. (exact, detailed) 比尔的问题是他从未有过明确的人生目标。 Structure Thats amazing! 太令人惊讶了!太神奇了! (用于表示赞叹或惊奇) amaze vt. 使吃惊;to surprise sb. very much Dave amazed his f

30、riends by suddenly getting married. (amaze sb. by doing sth.) It still amazes me how much she has improved. I was amazed at his conduct. Translation 乔:哦,明白了。听起来很容易。我常想,一间有兔子的房子肯定有气味。 劳拉:是这样的。但他们并不臭。只要每隔一天就清理一次笼子,就不会太糟。 乔:我们可不可以训练兔子做狗能做的事情? 劳拉:恐怕不行。但我知道有人训练他们使用专门的兔子厕所。 乔:这太神奇了! Idiomatic StudyCongratulation and Blessing Congratulation: Congratulations! Im so glad to hear that you and Young finally got married! Wonderful! What good news for your family! Good for you!(W

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