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1、备战高考英语复习资料最新最新高考英语复习最后100天冲刺高考英语单词拼写扫无用之虚词 求躬行之实效单词拼写题小结一、考点1、名词:可数、不可数,可数名词的单复数形式;2、动词:时态、语态、非谓语及动词形式的不规则变化;3、形容词、副词:形容词与副词的区别(也可能考比较级及最高级);4、数词:主要考序数词。二、解题方法1、 根据语境确定所填单词的确切含义和词性;注意:不论是给汉语注释的还是给首字母的题都是如此。特别是给汉语注释的,其注释不一定准确。如: This plant is found in the _(南部) parts of the country. (2000全国) 其确切含义应为“

2、南部的”,所以此空应填southern。2、根据所填单词对应词性的考点(见单词拼写题小结一、考点)确定单词的正确形式,进行填写。三、需要注意的问题1、有些单词的首字母需要大写,应特别注意;2、书写要工整、清楚。特别要注意几个手写时易混的字母,如u和v;a和u;d和cl。须重点记忆的单词Aability能力; absent缺席的; abroad到国外; accept接受; achieve获得,实现; activity活动; actual实际的,真实的; advanced先进的,高级的; adventure冒险,奇遇; advantage优势; address地址; admit承认,允许进入; a

3、dvertise登广告; affect影响; afford买得起; agriculture农业; announce宣布; anxious焦虑的,渴望的; apologize道歉; appearance出现,外表; appreciation感激,欣赏; arrival到达; astronaut宇航员; atmosphere大气,气氛; attempt企图,尝试; attentively专心地; attract吸引; audience听众; average平均; appetite食欲; attitude态度;Bbalance平衡; bargain讨价还价; basically基本地,主要地; be

4、nefit利益; beyond超过; biology生物学; bitter苦的; branch分支,部门; broadcast广播,播送; breathe呼吸; behaviour行为; belief信仰,信念;Ccamera照相机; capital首都,省会; captain队长,船长; ceiling天花板; celebrate庆祝; century世纪; chain链子;连锁; challenge挑战; channel航道, 海峡,频道; character特征; charge收费,索价; chat聊天; Christmas圣诞节; citizen公民; cigarette香烟; cli

5、mate气候; coal煤炭; collar衣领; comfortably舒适地; communication通讯; competition竞赛; complete完全的,彻底的; composition作文; concert音乐会; conductor售票员,导体; confident自信的; congratulation祝贺; construction建设; continent大陆,大洲; convenient方便的; conversation交谈; cough咳嗽; course过程,课程,一道菜; courage勇气; cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹; crowd人群; cur

6、tain窗帘; culture文化; curious好奇的; custom习俗; customer消费者; conclusion结论; contribution贡献;Ddaily每日的; dangerous 危险的; decade十年; definitely明确地,肯定地; deliver投递; declare宣布; deserve应受,值得; description描述; design设计; devote专心,致力于; determine决心,决定; dialogue/dialog对话; dictionary字典; direction方向;指导; disaster灾难; disappear消

7、失; discussion讨论; disturb 打扰; diary日记; digital数码的; download下载; dustbin垃圾箱; decrease减少; department部,局,处,科;系; dynasty王朝,朝代;Eeconomical经济的,节约的; educate教育; effective 有效的; efficient 效率高的; effort努力; electricity电; equality平等; encourage鼓励; energy能量;精力; entrance入口; envelope信封; environment环境; escape逃避; especia

8、lly尤其,特别; exhibition展览会; expert专家; extremely极端地; eventually最终地;Ffamiliar熟悉的; failure失败; finger手指; flour面粉; fluently流利地; forbid禁止; foreigner外国人; forgive原谅; fortunately幸运地; freedom自由; frequent频繁的; fresh新鲜的; fruit水果; friendly友好的; fuel燃料; furniture 家具; festival节日;Ggeneration一代; generally一般地; generous慷慨的

9、;大方的; geography地理; glove手套; government政府; graduation毕业; gradual逐渐的; grammar语法; guest客人; guide导游;Hhabit习惯; handkerchief手帕; handwriting书法,笔迹; harvest收获; healthily健康地; height高度; honor尊敬; hunger饥饿; humourous幽默的;Iidiom习语; island岛; imagine想象; immediately 立即,立刻; increase 增加; income收入; industry工业,勤劳; inform

10、通知; internet因特网; interview采访,面试; interrupt打断,打扰; inventor发明者; insurance保险;Jjournalist记者; judge法官; justice正义,公正; junior初级的;Kkindergarten幼儿园; kite风筝; knowledge知识; kitchen厨房;Llabour劳动; lack缺乏; ladder梯子; language语言; lately最近; latter后者; lawyer律师; league联盟; lecture演讲; level水平; librarian图书管理员; local当地的; lu

11、ggage行李; luckily 幸运地;Mmagazine杂志; majority多数; market市场; marriage结婚; material原料; meanwhile同时; measure测量,尺寸; medical医学的; memory记忆力; mental精神的; menu菜单; mention提到; merry欢乐的; merely仅仅,只不过; message消息; metal金属; mirror镜子; monitor班长; monument纪念碑; mostly主要地;大部分; museum博物馆; media传媒; minority少数,少数民族; mobile移动的;

12、 motto格言; mystery神秘;Nnarrow 狭窄的; nationality国籍; naturally自然地; neatly整洁地; necessary必要的; neighbour邻居; nephew侄子,外甥; niece侄女,外甥女; normal正常的; nowadays现在; nurse护士; nutrition营养;Oobey服从; object物体,反对; ocean海洋; offer提供; operation操作,做手术; opposite相反的; organize组织; overcome克服; obvious明显的; Olympic奥林匹克的; outstandin

13、g杰出的;Ppalace宫殿; paragraph段; park停放(车); particular特别的; partner搭档; panda熊猫; passenger乘客; patient耐心的,病人; peaceful和平的; peasant农民; performance 表演; period时期; permit允许; persuade说服; phenomenon现象; physical身体的,物理的; pillow枕头; pilot飞行员; population人口,人数; poisonous有毒的; pollution污染; position位置; practical实际的,实用的; p

14、ressure压力; precious珍贵的,宝贵的; president总统; pretend假装; program节目,项目; project工程; pronunciation发音; purpose目的,意图; potential潜力; private私人的; privilege特权;Qquality质量; quantity数量; quarrel争吵; quarter四分之一; queue队,行列;Rraise提高,抚养; rare稀有的,罕见的; recently近来;recognize认出; record 记录; recover恢复; recycle回收,再利用; reduce减少;

15、refuse拒绝; refer 参考,提到; regular规则的; relative相对的,亲戚; remain保持,剩下,仍然; remind提醒,使想起; remove去掉; resign辞职,放弃; request要求; research调查,研究; respect尊敬; restaurant饭馆; resource资源; review复习; responsibility责任心;Ssafety安全; salary薪水; satisfaction满足; scene场景; scenery风景; scientific科学的; secretly 秘密地; secretary秘书; seldom

16、很少; senior高级的,年长的; sense感觉,辨别力; serious严肃的,严峻的; service服务; separate分离,单独的; shape形状,制作; share分享,份额; sheet被单; shelf架子; shortcoming缺点; shoulder肩膀; similar类似的; situation形势; slightly轻微地; smoothly光滑地,平坦地,平稳地; society社会; spare抽出(时间、人手); spread传播; square广场; standard标准; steal偷窃; straight直的,直地; stranger陌生人; s

17、trangely奇怪地 suffer受苦,遭受; system系统; selfish自私的; sensitive敏感的; sincerely真诚地; strengthen加强; sympathy同情;Ttask任务; technique技术; temperature温度,体温; theatre剧场,戏院; therefore因此; thief贼; thirsty渴的,缺水的; thorough彻底的; thunder雷声; title标题; tobacco烟草; toilet洗手间; traffic交通; translate翻译; traveller旅行者; trousers长裤; typic

18、al典型的; throughout贯穿,在整个期间; tourism旅游业; traditional传统的,传说的;Uumbrella伞; uniform制服; union协会,联盟; university综合大学; universe宇宙; upstairs在楼上; unique唯一的,独特的;Vvacation假期; valley山谷;流域; value价值; variety变化,多样性; various各种各样的; vegetable蔬菜; victory胜利; villager村民; vocabulary词汇; voyage航行,航海; volunteer志愿者;Wwaste浪费,无用的

19、,垃圾; weather 天气; wedding婚礼; weight重量; willing愿意的; welfare福利; wonder想知道,奇观Yyouth青,青春;一年中的十二个月:January 一月; February二月; March三月; April四月;May五月; June六月; July七月; August八月; September九月; October十月; November十一月; December十二月;一周中的七天:Monday星期一; Tuesday星期二; Wednesday星期三;Thursday星期四; Friday星期五; Saturday星期六; Sund

20、ay星期天;大洲大洋国家名(名词、形容词):如:Asian亚洲的; European欧洲的; African非洲的 ;Pacific太平洋;Atlantic大西洋; German德国的,德国人,德语; Germany德国;France法国; French法国人,法语,法国的; Canadian加拿大的,加拿大人; Canada加拿大; Russia俄罗斯; Russian俄国人,俄语,俄国的;东西南北(名词、形容词):east (东,东方); eastern (东方的,东部的); west (西,西方); western (西方的,西部的); south (南,南方); southern (南

21、方的,南部的); north (北,北方); northern (北方的,北部的)基数词和序数词(1-19、20-90):如:fifth 第五;ninth第九;twelfth第十二;twentieth第二十(30、40、50、60、70、80、90的序数词都是去掉y加ieth )高考英语单选、完形高频答案词Aadapt adjust adopt attract apply adopt appealadapt:指修改或改变以适应新条件adapt to sth/sb:适应某物/某人。 You should adapt yourself to the new environment.adjust:是

22、指“调整、调节”使之适应。You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyesfit: 多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合”。 The shoes fitted me well.suit:多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”等。 No dish suits all taste.match:指“大小、色调、形状、性质等”相配或相称 与匹敌 =go with A red jacket doesnt match green trousers.adopt sb:收养 appeal to = attract 吸引 apply

23、for申请 sth:采用 hold /draw ones attention to应用2010安徽-How did you like Nicks performance last night?-To be honest, his singing didnt _to me much A. appeal B . belong C refer D. occurappeal to 意为 “吸引”;belong to意为 “属于”;refer to意为 “提到;涉及”;occur to意为 “突然想到”。 句意为 “她的演唱并不怎么吸引我。”答案A2010江苏Thousands of foreigner

24、s were_ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached表示成千上万的外宾被吸引来参加上海的世博会。答案C2009浙江The good thing about children is that they _ very easily to new environments.A. adapt B. appeal C. attach D. apply根据句意, “关于孩子们美好的事情就是孩子们能很容易适应新的环境”。adapt to“适应”; appeal

25、 to“有吸引力, 有感染力;呼吁;求助于;上诉”等; attach to“粘上, 附上”; apply to“应用于, 适应于”。 答案A2008辽宁You have to be a fairly good speaker to listeners interest for over an hour. A.hold B.make C.improve D.receive hold ones interest使某人保持兴趣。make制造;做;improve改善, 提升;receive接收。答案A2008天津Her shoes her dress;they look very well toget

26、her. A.suit D.match句意为:她的鞋和衣服很搭配, 二者搭配看起来很不错。suit指时间、口味等合乎需要;fit指大小、尺寸合适;compare比较, 对照;match指颜色、款式等的搭配。答案D2004全国How about eight oclock outside the cinema? That me fine.A.fits B.meets C.satisfies D.suits这四个词在汉语意思上很接近, fit一般指衣服等的尺寸对某人很合适;meet有 “满足的要求”之意;satisfy的意思是 “使满意”;suit指样式、场合、方便等

27、, 意思是 “适合的要求”。答语的句意为:这约定正适合我。答案D2005上海The company is starting a new advertising campaign to new customers to its stores.A.join B.attract C.stick D.transfer句意为:为了把新的顾客吸引到店内, 公司开始了一场新的广告战。join参加;stick粘, 贴;固定在某处;transfer转移;传给。答案B2012高考模拟My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

28、 A. treated B. adopted C. adjusted D. adaptedadjust强调, 调节, 使适应; The body adjusts itself to change of temperature. (身体能自行调节以适应温度的变化。) 本句中adjust是不及物动词。I must adjust my watch. Its slow. (我必须调一下我的表。它走得慢了。) 答案 C. adjusted.2010陕西工大附中模拟Though the necklace is not made of real crystal, it still_ young people

29、. A. appeals to B. attracts to C. accounts for D. apply for 考查动词短语的含义及语境。Appeal to投合所好;attract to吸引; account for说明;apply for 应用。答案 A2012高考押题The people who are out of work should _ themselves to the new situation quickly.A. fit B. match C. suit D. adapt D2012高考押题Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cu

30、pboard?No, dear. They dont _ well. Put them in the fridge instead. A. keep B. fit C. get D. last A2012高考押题Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does_his boss. A. serves B. satisfies C. promisesD. supports B2012高考押题Will $200 _ ?Im afraid not. We need at least 50 more dollars. A. count B. satisfy C. fit D. do D2012高考押题Ladies and gentlemen, may I _ your attention to me?I have an important announcement to make. A. draw B. attract C. pull D. drag Aa/ana variety of 多种多样的 an average

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