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1、词汇72个单元部分高频词汇必修版词汇72个单元Vocabulary Unit 1aboard ad./prep在船 (或飞机、车)上,上船(或飞机、车)abstract a.抽象的n.摘要,梗概accidental a.意外的,偶然(发生)的accompany vt. 1.陪件,陪同2.伴随,和一起发生 3.为伴奏accomplish vt.完成,实现accordance n.一致,符合in with与一致,按照,根据accuracy n.准确(性),精确(性)accustomed a.(to)习惯的,惯常的achieve vt.1.完成,实现2.达到,得到acquaintance n.1.认

2、识,了解2.相识的人,熟人1. Welcome aboard!2. His plans were too abstract to be put into operation.3. The rate of accidental death has decreased since last year.4. He said he was going to accompany her home. The pianist accompanied her on the piano.5. All this was accomplished in a year.6. Everything has been d

3、one in accordance with the rules.7. There is need to check the accuracy of the report.8. You will soon get accustomed to it.9. I have an intimate acquaintance with French.Unit 2addition n.1.加,加法2.附加物in另外,加之in to除之外(还)address n.1.地址,住址2.演说,讲话vt.1.在上写姓名地址2.向讲话(或发表演说)administration n.1.管理,经营2.管理部门,行政机关

4、,政府admission n.1.准许进入,准许加入2承认,供认advance vi.1.前进,向前移动2.取得进展n.1.前进,进展2.预付,预支in预先,事先advantage n.1.优点,优势2.好处gain/have an over胜过,优于take of 利用,趁之机adventure n.1.冒险,冒险活动2.奇遇agreement n.1.协定,协议,契约2.达成协议,同意aid n. 1.帮助,援助2.助手,辅助手段v.帮助,援助1. The expenses of the household, with the addition of a nurse, were heavy

5、.2. He will address you on the subject of war and peace. What is your permanent address?3. An executive should be experienced in administration.4. To resign now would be an admission of failure.5. Banks make business advances to firms.6. He often took advantage of her good nature.7. The explorer tol

6、d the boys about his adventures in the Arctic.8. During the course of history, many agreements have been made between France and England.9. A dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language.10. At high altitudes it is difficult to breathe.Unit 3ambition n.雄心,野心analysis n.分析,分解analyze/-yse

7、vt.分析,分解angle n.1.角,角度2.角度,观点announce vt.宣布,宣告annoy vt.1.使恼怒,使烦恼2.打扰apologize/-ise vi.道歉,认错apparent a.1.表面上的,貌似(真实)的2显然的,明明白白折appropriate a.适当的,恰当的approval n.赞成,同意1. Nothing would stop me from achieving my ambition.2. The analysis of the samples on the murder spot showed some valuable clues to the p

8、olice.3. I stood for five minutes trying to analyze my impressions.4. They have a different angle of observation from ours.5. The government announced a budget cut.6. I felt annoyed when he refused to help.7. She apologized profusely to me for not answering promptly.8. It was apparent that they all

9、understood.9. Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.10. He showed his approval by smiling.Unit 4arrange vt.1.安排,筹划2.整理,排列,布置artificial a.1.人工的,人造的2.假的,矫揉造作的aspect n.1.方面2. 外表,面貌assembly n.1.集会,集合2.装备,组装assist v.帮助,协助assure vt. 1.使确信,使放心2.向保证astonish vt.使惊讶atmosphere n.1.大气,大气层2.空气3.气

10、氛audience n.听众,观众,读者authority官方,当局2.当权者3.权力,权威automatic a.自动的1. We have arranged a party.2. It makes me sick to think of his highly artificial manners.3. Consider the economic aspects of owning your own house. The valley took on a mysterious aspect at dusk.4. Can you assist me with this prob

11、lem?5. I assure you that this medicine cannot harm you.6. Im astonished that he didnt come.7. He grew up in an atmosphere of love and trust.8. The audience was enjoying every minute of the show.9. A Policeman has the authority to arrest law-breakers.10. The heating system here has an automatic tempe

12、rature control.Unit 5avoid vt.避免,避开await vt. 1.等候,等待2.将降临于award n.奖,奖品vt.授予,给予aware a.意识到,知道的awkward a. 1.粗笨的,笨拙的 2.尴尬的,棘手的 3.使用不便的background n. 背景balance vt.使平衡 n.1.天平,秤 2.平衡,均衡 3.结存,结欠bear vt. 1.忍受,容忍2.负担,承担3.结(果实),生(孩子)behalf n.利益 on of代表,为了behave vi. 1.表现,举止 2.(机器等)运转vt.检点(自己的)行为1. A danger fore

13、seen is half avoided.2. She had long awaited this day.3. The best students were awarded special scholarships.4. We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.5. He is still awkward with a knife and fork and drops food at each meal.6. The election took place against a background of widespread un

14、employment.7. The acrobat balanced himself on the high rope.8. The ice is too thin to bear your weight. At last his effort bore fruit.9. He made an impassioned speech on behalf of his country.10. He has behaved badly towards his wife.Unit 6belief n. 1.相信2.信念,信仰bet vt. 以打赌,与打赌博 vi.打赌 n. 1.打赌 2.赌金,赌注b

15、ind vt. 捆绑,捆扎bloom n. 1.花 2.开花期vi.开花boast vi. (of, about )自夸,夸耀vt. 1.夸口说,吹嘘 2.以拥有而自豪 n.自吹自擂,自夸的话blame vt. 1.责备,责怪2.(on, onto)把归咎于n. 1.(过错、事故等的)责任 2.责怪,责备bleed vi.出血,流血bond n. 1.联结,联系 2.公债,债券bore vt. 1.使厌烦,使厌倦 2.钻孔n.令人讨厌的人(或事)1. I havent much belief in his honesty.2. Ill bet a months pay on that.3. T

16、hey bound his hands.4. They blamed an electric shot circuit for the fire yesterday.5. The wound bled freely.6. The rose will bloom soon.7. Many Oxford colleges can boast of beautiful gardens.8. She bolted the door.9. They are eager to buy their government bonds.10. I am bored by his tedious talk.Uni

17、t 7bow n. 1弓形物 2鞠躬, 点头vi 鞠躬,点头brake n. 闸,制动器,刹车,(车)被刹住, vt. 刹住(车),用闸使(车)放慢速度brand n. 商标,牌子 vt. 1. 打烙印于 2. 铭刻brief a.简短的,简洁的vt.作简要的介绍 in 简单地说brilliant a.1.光辉的,灿烂的 2卓越的,杰出的broad a.1宽的,阔的,广阔的2广泛的3宽容的bulk n.1.(巨大的)物体,(大)块2.主体,绝大部分3.(巨大的)体积,(大)量burden n.担子,负担button n.1.钮扣2.按钮vt.扣上,扣紧1. He did not return

18、my bow.2. Seeing a child running across the road, the driver put on the brakes suddenly.3. Do you like this brand of coffee? Farmer Browns cattle are branded with the letter B.4. Before setting out a raid, air-crews were carefully briefed.5. The lights were far too brilliant.6. The river is a mile b

19、road here.9. We have disposed of the bulk of the surplus goods.10. We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to them.11. Too much praise is a burden.12. A button has come off.Unit 8calculate v.1计算,核算 2.估计,推测 3.计划,打算candidate n.1.候选人 2.投考者,申请求职者capture vt./n.捕获,俘获career n.生涯,职业cargo n.船货,货物car

20、rier n.运输工具,运输者cast vt.1.投,扔2.浇铸,铸造casual a.1.偶然的,碰巧的2.随便的,非正式的3.临时的catalog(ue) n.目录(册) vt.将-编入目录,将(书籍、资料等)编目cease v./ n. 停止,终止 celebrate v.庆祝1. The cost of production should be precisely calculated.2. I shall vote for this candidate.3. With the capture of the escaped lion everyone in town felt reli

21、eved.4. His academic career was undistinguished.5. These planes can carry a cargo of six tons.6. A porter is a baggage carrier.7. He was cast ashore with two companions. The statue is cast in bronze.8. The two old friends had a casual meeting. A casual laborer is one who has no steady job.9. A libra

22、ry catalogue tells us the names of all the books in the library.10. They demanded that these acts of war cease at once.11. They warmly celebrated the festival.Unit 9central a. 1.中央的,中心的 2.主要的champion n. 1.冠军 2.捍卫者,拥护得channel n. 1.海峡,水道,航道 2.渠道 3.频道chase n./vt.追逐,追赶cheat vt.欺骗,骗取vi.行骗作弊 n.欺骗,骗子check

23、vt. 1.检查,核对 2.制止n. 1.检查,核对 2.支票,账单in 办理登记手续; out 结账离去办妥手续离去ceremony n. 1.典礼,仪式 2.礼节,礼仪certificate n.证(明)书challenge n.挑战 vt.向挑战1. You must first determine the central idea of the paper2. The ceremony took place in the auditorium.3. The drivers certificate has been suspended for three months.4. The st

24、rike was a direct challenge to the warlord regime.5. The champion issued a challenge to all other boxers to fight him.6. The channel is marked by buoys.7. The boy and his sister chased each other in and out among the bushes.8. She knew he had been cheating all along.9. Please check your exercises ag

25、ainst the answers.His father gave him a check for fifty dollars.Unit 10chop v.砍,劈,斩 n.排骨circuit n. 1.电路,线路2.环行,巡回circulate v.(使)循环,(使)流通circumstance n. 1.条件,情况2(pl.)境遇,经济状况under the s在这种情况下,(情况)既然如此。civilization/-isation n.文明,文化claim vt. 1.声称,主张 2.对提出要求,索取 n. 1.要求;2.主张,断言clap vi. 拍手;vt.拍,击;n.拍手,鼓掌cl

26、imate n.气候clue n.线索,提示clumsy a.笨拙的,愚笨的1. The tree is too big, youll have to chop back some of the branches.2. The rocket did one circuit of the earth and returned to base.3. Blood circulates in the body.4. Bad weather is a circumstance that we cannot control.5. The ancient Egyptian civilization exis

27、ted for several thousand years.6. Facts bore out his claim.He claimed damages against the driver.7. He gave a clap on the back and invited me for a drink.8.How do you like the climate of Japan?9.Have any clues been found that can help the police to find the criminal?10.Jack is clumsy with his hands.

28、Unit 11collision n.碰撞,冲突column n. 1.柱,圆柱 2.直行 3.栏,专栏(文章)command vt.命令,指挥;n.1.命令,指挥;2.控制;3.掌握,运用能力commercial a.商业的,商务的;n.商业广告communicate vi.通讯,交流vt.传达,传播compare vt.比较,对照;to把compel vt.强迫,迫使compete vi. 竞争,比赛competent a. 有能力的,胜任的complain v. 抱怨 complaint n.抱怨1. A collision with parliament could ruin the

29、governments plans.2. The newspaper publishes a daily column of English.3. If you command wisely, youll be obeyed cheerfully.4. He does not want to make a living in the commercial world.5. Deaf people communicate by sign language.6. Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.7. They were often co

30、mpelled to work twelve or fourteen hours a day.8. These circumstances have enabled us to compete successfully in the open markets of the world.9. He is quite competent to do the work.10. He complained bitterly of his bad memory.Unit 12complex a. 1.组合的;2.复杂的;n.综合体complicated a.复杂的,难懂的component n.(组)成

31、(部)分,部件,元件 a.组成的,构成的compose vt. 1.组成,构成;2.创作(音乐、文学作品),为谱曲compound n. 1化合物,复合物a.化合的,复合的comprehensive a. 广泛的,综合的compromise n. 妥协,折中办法;vi妥协compute v.计算,估算concern n.1.关心,挂念;2.关系,关联vt.1.涉及,有关于;2.使关心,使挂念as/so far asbe ed 就而言conclude vt.1.推断出,推断出;2.结束;3.缔结,议定;vi.结束,终了1. What he said was too complex for me to understand. The

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