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1、南京市六年级英语阅读练习题10题附详细答案解析南京市2020年六年级英语阅读练习题10题附详细答案解析1 All students need(需要) to have good habits: When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly(快速的). You also remember(记住) things easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You n

2、eed to study in a quiet(安静的) place like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing(事情), and you will learn better.Before you begin to study, remember to clean(打扫) your desk. A good light(灯) is important(重要的), too. You will feel tired(劳累的) easily if there is not enough(足够的)

3、light.1When you have good study habits, you will .A.learn things quickly B.remember things easily C.both A and B2The living room is not a good place for study because it is too .A.quiet B.noisy C.clean3What does the underlined(划线的) word “noisy” mean in Chinese?A.拥挤的 B.嘈杂的 C.热情的4You should remember t

4、o before you study,A.clean the desk B.tidy the room the window5The BEST title for the passage is “ ”.A.Study in the bedroom B.Good study habits C.How to study【答案】1C2B3B4A5B【解析】【分析】短文介绍了学习要有一个好习惯,有了好习惯,学习起来就更快了。并提到了不要造客厅学习,学习前,记得清理一下课桌。一个好台灯是很重要的,你很容易感觉累如果没有足够的光。1细节理解题,根据“When you have good st

5、udy habits, you learn things quickly(快速的). You also remember(记住) things easily. 当你有了好的学习习惯,你就会学得很快。你也很容易记住事情。”,可知答案,故选:C。2细节理解题,根据“This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. 这不是一个好地方,因为它通常太吵了。”,可知答案,故选:B。3词义猜测题,根据“You need to study in a quiet(安静的) place like your bedroom你需要在像你的卧室这样安静的

6、地方学习”,可知这里This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy.应该是指“吵闹的”,故选:B。4细节理解题,根据“Before you begin to study, remember to clean(打扫) your desk. 在你开始学习之前,记得清理你的桌子。”,可知答案,故选:A。5标题概括题,根据“All students need(需要) to have good habits.所有的学生都需要有好的习惯”,可知本文主要讲好的学习习惯,故选:B。2I have many teachers now and I

7、love them all, but I think I love my English teacher, Sophia, best.Sophia is from the UK. But she loves Chongqing very much. She thinks Chongqing is great. She loves Chongqing food. Do you know what she likes for breakfast? Bread and milk? No, she doesnt. She only has noodles(面条). Hot pot(火锅)is her

8、favorite and she always eats it on Saturday and Sunday. Sophia has a daughter and a son. Her daughters name is May. Her sons name is Jack. They are 8 years old. They go to the same school. They like hot pot, too. They are all in Chongqing now.We have English from Monday to Friday. So Sophia is very

9、busy. But she is always nice and happy. All my classmates like her and her classes very much. She often plays English games and sings English songs with us. When we have questions, we like to ask her for help.Now I think I can do well in English because I have the best English teacher, Sophia.1My En

10、glish teacher Sophia is in _ now.Athe UK BBeijingCthe USA DChongqing2For breakfast, Sophia only has _.Anoodles BbreadChot pot Deggs3_ like(s) hot pot very much.AMay BJackCSophia DMay, Jack and Sophia4From the passage, we know _.AI like Sophia, but she isnt my favorite teacherBSophias daughter and so

11、n dont go to the same schoolCwe have English classes from Monday to FridayDwe cant ask Sophia for help because she is very busy5The best title(标题)can be “_”.ASophias Family BMy Favorite TeacherCSophia, an English Star DSophia and I【答案】1D2A3D4C5B【解析】【分析】试题分析:这篇短文中,作者给我们介绍了他最喜欢的老师Sophia。Sophia来自英国,现在住

12、在重庆。她喜欢重庆的食物,尤其是火锅。她非常的友好,所有的同学都喜欢她。1细节理解题。根据短文第二段的内容They are all in Chongqing now可知,Sophia来自英国,但她和她的两个孩子现在都在重庆。故应该选D。2细节理解题。根据短文第二段中Do you know what she likes for breakfast? Bread and milk? No, she doesnt. She only has noodles(面条)可知,Sophia的早餐只喜欢吃面条。故选A。3细节理解题。根据短文的第二段中Hot pot(火锅)is her favorite and

13、 she always eats it on Saturday and Sunday. 以及They like hot pot, too.可知,Sophia和她的两个孩子都喜欢吃火锅。故选D。4推理判断题。根据短文第三段的第一句话We have English from Monday to Friday.可知,作者从周一到周五上英语课,故C是正确的;根据短文中I think I love my English teacher, Sophia, best可知A不对;根据They go to the same school可知B不对;根据When we have questions, we lik

14、e to ask her for help.可知D不对。5主旨大意题。在这篇短文中,作者给我们介绍了他最喜欢的老师Sophia。Sophia来自英国,现在住在重庆。她喜欢重庆的食物,尤其是火锅。她非常的友好,所有的同学都喜欢她。所以B选项,我最喜欢的老师这个题目最能概括全文的意思,故选B。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。3阅读与表达(判断式) People come in all shapes(体型) and sizes. When you describe people, you talk about their height, weight, eye color, hair color and

15、hair length. You can also describe the clothes that theyre wearing. Sometimes, when many people from one country have similar(相似的) features, people may think that everybody in that country looks the same. For example, all Germans are tall and have blue eyes, and people from Africa have dark skin and

16、 very curly hair. But such descriptions are not true. We should be careful about being too general(大概的) about peoples appearances(外貌). For example, most Chinese people may be short, but what about Yao Ming? He isnt short at all.根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为T,错误的为F。1All the people have the same shape.2You can des

17、cribe peoples clothes.3People from the same country look the same.4All Germans have black eyes.5We shouldnt be too general about peoples appearances.【答案】1F2T3F4F5T【解析】【分析】短文主要讲诉了人们有各种各样的形状和大小。当你描述人的时候,你谈论的是他们的身高,体重,眼睛颜色,头发颜色和头发长度。你也可以描述他们穿的衣服。1细节理解题,由短文第一句“People come in all shapes(体型) and sizes.”可知

18、,人们的体型和大小不同,因此本题错误,故填:F。2细节理解题,由第一段最后一句“You can also describe the clothes that theyre wearing. 你也可以描述他们穿的衣服。”,可知本题是正确的,故填:T。3细节理解题,有短文第二段中“Sometimes, when many people from one country have similar(相似的) features, people may think that everybody in that country looks the same. 有时,当一个国家的许多人都有相似的特征时,人们可

19、能会认为那个国家的每个人看起来都一样。”及“But such descriptions are not true. 但这样的描述不是真的。”可知本题是错误的,故填:F。4细节理解题,由短文第二段第二句“For example, all Germans are tall and have blue eyes例如,所有的德国人都很高,有一双蓝色的眼睛”,可知本题错误,故填:F。5细节理解题,有短文第二段中“We should be careful about being too general(大概的) about peoples appearances(外貌).我们应该注意不要对人的外表过于笼统

20、”,可知本题是正确的,故填:T。4阅读理解。It is evening, an old cock(公鸡) is sitting in a tall tree. A fox(狐狸) comes and stands under (在下面) the tree. He looks at the cock.“ Hello, Mr Cock, I have some good news for you.” says the fox.“Oh?” says the cock, “What is it?”“All the animals are good friends now. Lets be friend

21、s, too. Please come down and play with me.”“Fine!” says the cock, “Im very glad to hear that.” Then the cock looks, “ Look! There is something over there.”“What are you looking at?” asks the fox.“Oh, I see some animals over there. They are coming this way.”“Animals?”“ Yes, theyre dogs.”“What? Dogs!”

22、 asks the fox. “ Well.well, I am going now. Goodbye.”“Wait, Mr Fox.” says the cock. “ Dont go. They are only dogs. Dogs are our friends now.”“Yes. But they dont know that yet(还).”“I see, I see.” says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep in the tree.根据上文内容,判断下列问题是否正确,正确T, 错误 F。1The cock and the fox

23、are good friends.2The cock is in the tall tree and the fox is in the tall tree, too.3Dogs are coming.4The fox isnt cute.5The cock isnt clever(聪明的)【答案】1F2F3F4T5F【解析】【分析】试题分析:这是一个故事,故事中狐狸骗公鸡说现在所有的动物都是朋友,它也想和公鸡成为朋友,其实是想吃掉它。但是公鸡很聪明,它篇狐狸说来了一群狗,吓跑了狐狸。1根据短文中“All the animals are good friends now. Lets be fr

24、iends, too.可知,狐狸想和公鸡成为好朋友,所以这时候他们还不是朋友。故这句话是错误的。2根据短文的开头It is evening, an old cock(公鸡) is sitting in a tall tree. A fox(狐狸) comes and stands under (在下面) the tree.可知,公鸡在树上,而狐狸在树下面。故这句话不对。3根据文意可知,公鸡知道狐狸故意说想和它成为朋友,其实是想吃掉它。所以它骗狐狸说来了一群狗。其实并没有狗,它只是想吓跑狐狸。故这句话是错误的。4根据文意可知,狐狸骗公鸡说现在所有的动物们都是朋友,它是想骗公鸡跟它成为朋友,然后把

25、它吃掉。因此狐狸不是可爱的动物,这句话是正确的。5根据文意可知,公鸡知道狐狸故意说想和它成为朋友,其实是想吃掉它。所以它骗狐狸说来了一群狗。其实并没有狗,它只是想吓跑狐狸。因此这只公鸡非常聪明,这句话是错误的。考点:故事类短文阅读。5My sister Cindy Green is an English teacher. She is 26 years old . Cindy speaks English and Chinese very well . She can play the piano, play soccer and swim. She often plays soccer wi

26、th her students . she is good with them., and the students like her very much . Cindy is in Flower Music Club.She goes to the club on Sundays. There she helps the kids with the piano.1Cindy can _.Aplay the violin and swimBplay the guitar and play soccerCplay the piano and play soccerDplay basketball

27、 and swim2Cindy often plays _with her students .Athe piano Bthe guitar Cbaseball Dsoccer3How many languages can Cindy speak?ATwo BOnly one CThree DFour4Cindy is a _in Flower Music Club.Astudent Bteacher Crunner Dsinger5Cindy _in the club .Aplays soccer Bspeaks EnglishChelps the kids with the piano D

28、plays the guitar【答案】1C2D3A4B5C【解析】【分析】文章大意:我姐姐Cindy是一位英语老师,她26岁了,英语和汉语讲得都很好。她会弹钢琴、踢足球和游泳。她经常和她的学生踢足球,学生们很喜欢她。她星期天去花卉音乐俱乐部帮助孩子们弹钢琴。1细节理解题。根据文中的信息She can play the piano, play soccer and swim.可知,Cindy会弹钢琴、踢足球和游泳,结合选项可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。2细节理解题。根据文中的信息She often plays soccer with her students .可知她经常和她的学生一起踢足球

29、,故答案选D。3细节理解题。根据文中的信息Cindy speaks English and Chinese very well .可知,Cindy会说英语和汉语两种语言,故答案选A。4推理判断题。根据文中的信息There she helps the kids with the piano.Cindy在花卉音乐俱乐部里教孩子们弹钢琴,可推知她是俱乐部里的老师,故答案选B。5细节理解题。根据文中的信息There she helps the kids with the piano.可知,Cindy在俱乐部里教孩子们弹钢琴,故答案选C。6Susan is a girl. She likes talki

30、ng online(网上). One day she is walking home. She feels someone is behind her. She doesnt think too much.In the evening she doesnt tell her parents. But she tells her online friend, Jack. Jack is also a child. They talk online every Monday.The next day, Susan is in her room when her father calls her.

31、Father is in the living room and he is unhappy. She doesnt know why. There is a man on the sofa. She doesnt know him.“Do you know me, Susan?” the man asks.“No,” Susan answers.“Im your online friend, Jack. My real name is David.”Susan says, “Its not true! Jack is a boy my age! Hes 14 and he lives far away!”The man says, “I know I tell you all that, but it is not true. I come here to tell you its dangerous(危险的) to give too much information(信

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