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1、四川省内江市学年高二下学期期末检测英语精校Word版含答案四川省内江市高一下学期期末试题英语试卷第一部分 听力(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第二部分 阅读理解(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhen KidsPost published a story this month about the possibility that th

2、e United States would stop producing the penny,we offered readers “a penny for your thoughts” on the subject. Here are just a few of the letters we received from kids on both sides of the subject.Silas ReitsmaI think that the government should stop making pennies and make nickels (五分钱) out of the sa

3、me material that they now make pennies from since it now costs 10 cents to make a nickel. That way, making nickels would be likely to make money.Siddharth TanejaI think that the United States should get rid of the penny because it costs more than its worth and weve gotten rid of a coin before. In th

4、e past, there was a coin called the half penny, but we got rid of that. The penny is a useless coin. In fact, the government should also improve the nickel by reducing its thickness and by changing the metal that nickels are made of.Tovar SteinI think the United States should keep the penny because

5、I really like to collect pennies. I wouldnt be able to collect them if there were no more pennies. So keep the penny!Neha SripathiWe should not get rid of pennies, as five pennies cost the same as one nickel to make. As stores are likely to round prices up without pennies, things will get expensive,

6、 hurting the poor.Diana ClayThe U. S. should keep the penny. Many charities depend on penny drives. Getting rid of the penny would cause them to get less money.21. Both Reitsma and Taneja .A. like to collect old nickelsB. want to keep using penniesC. advise the government to change nickelsD. hope to

7、 make pennies from new material22. How does Stein feel about the penny?A. She dislike it. B. She is fond of it.C. She has doubts about it. D. She thinks it worthless.23. What is Sripathis opinion?A. Pennies will rise in value.B. The penny is a useless coin.C. Pennies are to the poors advantage.D. Ni

8、ckels will get more and more expensive.BGreenwich (格林威治) is on the River, five miles from the middle of London, and its history is two thousand years old. The first English people were fishermen there, and they named the place Greenwich, meaning “green village”. Later the English kings and queens li

9、ved at Greenwich in their beautiful palaces.The name of the earliest palace was Placentia. Henry VIII lived there. He knew that England must be strong at sea. So he started two big ship-yards (船坞) at Greenwich. But trouble was coming to Greenwich. In 1649, a war started in England and for eleven yea

10、rs there was no king. The men who had worked for him at Placentia sold all its beautiful things. Finally, the war ended and King Charles II came back. But Placentia was falling down. So King Charles built a new and bigger palace, which is now open to the public.At this time, Charles was worried abou

11、t losing so many of its ships at sea: their sailors did not know how to tell exactly where they were. So in 1675, Charles made John Flamsteed, the first astronomer (天文学家) in England, try to find the answer. Flamsteed worked in a new building on the high ground in Greenwich Park. From it with a teles

12、cope which he made himself, Flamsteed could look all round the sky. And he did, night after night, for twenty years. Carrying on Flamsteeds work a hundred years later, an astronomer called Harrison finally made a clock which told the time at sea, and helped sailors to know where they were. You can s

13、ee Harrisons clock, still working, in Greenwichs museum of the sea. Because of Flamsteeds work, every country in the world now tells its time by Greenwich Time.24. The first English people living in the “green village” were .A. sailors B. King Charles and his familyC. fishermen D. the families of ki

14、ngs and queens25. What kind of trouble came to Greenwich in 1649?A. Placentia was destroyed. B. King Henry died.C. Ship-yards were built. D. A war started in England.26. What did Charles make John Flamsteed try to find?A. How to tell the exact time.B. How to build strong ships.C. How to set up a tel

15、escope.D. How to tell sailors positions at sea.27. Who made the first clock which could tell the time at sea?A. Harrison. B. Flamsteed. C. Henry. D. Charles.CKitty is a little black-and-brown Australian dog. Its not a particularly bright dog. While Dad can make my sister and me afraid just by the to

16、ne of his voice, I have never heard him raise his voice at Kitty. In fact, one look from Kitty at the biscuit tin is enough to send my dad flying to get him a snack. Whenever we protest about the unfair treatment, Dad has a sorry smile on his face. Its become a longstanding family joke that Kitty is

17、 the closest thing to a son Dad will ever have.Then, five years ago, our lives were turned upside down when Dad suffered two major strokes (中风) within a month. For four long months, mentally he was non-responsive. We had to take turns standing by his bedside to protect him. We were tired out after e

18、very “shift” but grateful that he was still alive. As the months went by, I couldnt help but talk about Kitty constantly, often hoping that Dad could show some awareness of what I said.Then one day, without even realizing it, I blurted out (脱口而出), “Is Kitty a tiger?” Dad began to smile. It was the f

19、irst sign in four months that Dad had showed any awareness of what I said. Seeing this, the whole family felt a huge weight lift from our shoulders. Over the next nine months, Dad had to learn all the basic things we take for granted. Dad, who was an independent man with a successful career before a

20、ll this happened, found it increasingly frustrating. The only thing that ever brought a smile to his face was talk of Kitty. When we massaged (按摩) Dads arms and legs to prevent his muscles from weakening, I would always say: “Now all you need is Kitty to give you a lick-lick foot massage!” No matter

21、 how many times I repeated this comment, the whole family would laugh.28. What can be inferred about Dad from the first paragraph?A. He liked sons more than daughters.B. He was strict with his daughters.C. He felt sorry about raising Kitty.D. He liked Kitty very much.29. How did the author feel afte

22、r seeing Dads smiling to her talk of Kitty?A. Doubtful. B. Angry. C. Happy. D. Regretful.30. During the next nine months, Dad .A. felt discouraged while learning the basic thingsB. enjoyed being massaged by KittyC. often needed the stories of KittyD. would like Kitty to accompany him31. What would b

23、e the best title for the passage?A. A dog rescues its owner from dangerB. A dog helps a family get togetherC. A dog becomes a topic of the familys talkD. A dog makes my seriously sick dad smileDWhen Medicine Hat, a city in southern Alberta, Canada, promised to put an end to homelessness in 2009, the

24、re were many people doubtful about it. A good six years later, the city says it has fulfilled its promise with the help of a surprisingly simple idea: giving every homeless person a home with no strings attached.While traditional housing programs ask that potential participants shouldnt have crime r

25、ecord and seek psychological treatment before they are admitted into the system, the Housing First approach makes the homeless free from such things. Whoever is in need of a permanent place to stay will get help, no matter what their circumstances are. “We thought that people are worthy of a home an

26、d it is a fundamental human right to have a shelter and a roof over their heads, ” Jamie Rogers, who ran the Housing First program in Medicine Hat told the BBC. “Of course it is recovery-oriented and we help and support people in making different choices in their life, but we dont withhold (抑制) hous

27、ing because of who they choose to be.”Since April 2009, the community of about 64,000 collectively housed 1,013 homeless individuals; 705 adults and 308 children. Apart from the obvious success of getting people out of the street, Housing First also brought with it a number of unexpected positive ef

28、fects. In Medicine Hat, emergency room visits and run-ins with police have dropped while at the same time court appearances went up. Once people felt that somebody cared about them, they gathered the necessary motivation to begin dealing with their past in a positive way.Medicine Hat didnt just carr

29、y out Housing First (which is also being used in other cities with varying levels of success) but rather changed its whole approach to homelessness. Rather than building, or relying only on subsidized (补贴的) housing, the city built a relationship of trust with landlords, property management companies

30、, and local communities as a whole. Fear and prejudice towards the homeless have been replaced by the realization that they are simply people down on their luck and nowadays landlords call up city hall to offer their apartments to the program.Medicine Hats inspiring success proves to us all that if

31、we put aside our fears and differences and instead come together as a community, nothing is impossible.32. What can we know about the homeless in Medicine Hat?A. Most of them have been offered shelters.B. They only need to pay a little for the shelters.C. They neednt sleep in the street any longer.D

32、. They have gained great help from local charity.33. Compared with the traditional one, the Housing First approach .A. houses the homeless with fewer requirementsB. cares less about the homeless peoples crime recordC. cares more about the homeless peoples psychological healthD. gives the homeless shelters regardless of their backgrounds34. Carrying out the Housing First approach, Medicine Hat didnt expect .A.

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