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高中北师大版英语必修三同步检测Unit 7 The Sea74含答案.docx

1、高中北师大版英语必修三同步检测Unit 7 The Sea74含答案 03课后演练提能夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. We had a brief d_ on whether or not to accept the offer.答案:debate2. He is running his company in a_ to his job at the university.答案:addition3. There were more than two hundred passengers on b_.答案:board4. I d_ with what he said at the meeting.

2、答案:disagreed5. W_ I went, the dog always followed me.答案:Wherever6. Why dont you b_ a branch off the tree and make a walking stick?答案:break7. The girls come from a v_ of backgrounds.答案:variety8. The wealth of society is c_ by the labouring people.答案:created 9. The government took strong m_ against dr

3、unk drivers.答案:measures10. Look, the plastic bag is f_ on the river.答案:floating. 用适当的介词或副词填空1. In the dark street, there wasnt a person _ whom she could turn for help.答案:to2. My glasses, _ which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.答案:without3. It was totally dark in the street and s

4、he was walking home hurriedly. All _ once, out rushed a dog from a house and knocked her over.答案:at4. I was surprised at the way _ which he treated the old man.答案:in5. We discussed it the whole morning but found no good solution _ the trouble.答案:to. 完成句子1. You will _ trouble if you drive after _.如果你

5、酒后驾车,那么你将会有麻烦。答案:get into; drinking2. Well order two chairs _ the new table.除了这张新桌子外,我们将再订两张椅子。答案:in addition to3. You will have to sell the clothes _ in a few days.几天后,你将不得不减价销售这些衣服。答案:at a discount4. In the old days, the couple _ by fishing.在过去,这对夫妻靠捕鱼为生。 答案:made/earned a living5. She went _ the t

6、rain _.她坐上了去上海的火车。答案:on board; leaving for Shanghai. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. The children, all _ had played the whole day long, were worn out.答案:of whom分析题干可知,_had played the whole day long为定语从句,先行词为children,故关系代词用whom。2. The manager was satisfied to see many new products _ (develop) after great effort.答案

7、:developed 句意:经理看到经过巨大努力许多新产品被研发出来非常满意。本题考查非谓语动词作宾补。many new products与develop之间是被动关系,所以要用过去分词。3.What time is it?I have no idea. But just a minute, I _(check) it for you.答案:will check 句意:现在几点了?我不知道,不过等一下,我帮你看看。根据句意可知答话者此刻也不知道几点,因此“我帮你看看”是接下来要发生的动作,故使用一般将来时。4. There are still many problems _ (solve) b

8、efore we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.答案:to be solved 句意:在我们准备好在月球上长久停留之前,仍然还有许多问题有待解决。本题考查非谓语动词作定语。根据句意可知“这些问题还未解决”,to be solved既表被动又表示将来,故答案为to be solved。5. They chose Tom to be _captain of the team because they knew he was _ smart leader.答案:the;a 句意:他们选择汤姆为这个队的队长,因为他们知道他是一个聪明的领导。第一空后的名词c

9、aptain是特指,特指这个队的队长,故与the连用;第二空后的名词leader表示泛指,故与a连用。6. Have you ever heard of the new brand of computer, Miller?Yes, of course, but I havent decided whether to buy _.答案:one句意:米勒,你有没有听说过这个新牌子的电脑?当然听说过,但是我还没有决定是不是要买一台。one在此泛指一台电脑,相当于a computer。7. The changes in the city will cost quite a lot, _ they wi

10、ll save us money in the long run.答案:but比较两个句子的意思可知,前后是转折关系。句意:改变这个城市的面貌要花很多钱,但从长远来看它却会为我们节省钱。8. _ carefully you observe, _ differences you will find out.答案:The more; the more句意:你观察越仔细,你就能发现越多的差别。表达“越越”用“the比较级,the比较级”结构。9. Its a long time since I saw my sister.Why _ see her this weekend?答案:not/dont

11、you句意:我很久没见到我妹妹了。为什么不在这周末去看她呢?why not后只接动词原形,意为“为何不”,向对方提出建议。相当于why dont you.?10. I am too tired to go there. _, its getting dark.答案:In addition句意:我太累了不能去那儿,而且天也黑了。in addition“而且”。提升实战能力. 完形填空Three years ago I went on a book tour for The Energy Bus. I drove thousands of miles and _1_ 30 cities. My w

12、ife and kids _2_ me for part of the trip. But I also spent many days driving _3_.At one point on the journey I looked in the rearview mirror. Then I _4_ I had all the things on my bus that I didnt need. “Why did I travel with all these bags of _5_ things for so long?” I wondered.I believe we all can

13、 say the same about our life _6_. We hold on to bags that _7_ weigh us down. For some theyre the bags of the _8_. For others, theyre the bags of distrust, selfdoubt, mistakes, fear, _9_ and pain. We are often imprisoned by our _10_ thoughts and emotional baggage. They affect our work, our life and o

14、ur relationships.Just _11_ I looked in the rearview mirror of my bus, you can look in the rearview mirror of your _12_ and know which bags need to be _13_. Then you can do what I did. I didnt want to drive with heavy bags. I wanted to _14_light. So I put the bags _15_ the bus. You can do the same. A

15、s author Max Lucado says, “You can throw away the burdens you were never meant to _16_.” I remember the _17_ when I threw the bags away from my bus. I was somewhere past Phoenix driving through the desert. I found a big trash can and put the bags where they _18_. I got back in the bus with the past

16、behind me and a road _19_ daylight ahead. A big smile came upon my face. I was then free to _20_ the ride. I hope youll do the same.在开车旅行的途中,作者发现车上所带的很多东西都是没用的,但却增加了旅行的负担。他因此想到了人生旅途中人们也常常如此,被一些负面的情绪所影响,而增加生活的负担。1. A. developed B. movedC. walked D. visited答案:D作者开车行驶了成千上万公里,“到过”了很多城市。2. A. wanted B. j

17、oinedC. surprised D. welcomed答案:B这里是指在这次旅行的部分时间里,作者的妻子与孩子是和他在一起的,故选B。3. A. alone B. happilyC. tiredly D. silently答案:A根据转折的语境,可知有时候是作者一个人“单独”旅行。4. A. admitted B. toldC. explained D. realized答案:D作者通过看后视镜,“意识到”车上很多东西其实都是他不需要的。5. A. strange B. uselessC. expensive D. ugly答案:B既然这些东西是作者不需要的,那么也就是“没用的”。6. A

18、. activity B. dreamC. change D. journey答案:D通过这次开车旅行,作者联想到了人生的“旅程”。7. A. only B. sometimesC. hardly D. never答案:A这里是指人生旅程中那些没用的包裹,它们“只会”增加我们的负担。8. A. happiness B. hopeC. past D. future答案:C这里是指有些人沉浸在“过去”里,使过去成为了无用的负担。根据末段的“with the past behind me”也可知应选C。9. A. excitement B. confidenceC. joy D. anger答案:D

19、根据“distrust, selfdoubt, mistakes,fear”等可知应选D,表示一些消极的东西。10. A. normal B. negative C. interesting D. great答案:B根据前面的那些词可知这里是指那些“消极的”思想和情感。11. A. as B. when C. how D. where答案:A这里是指“像”作者通过后视镜看自己所带的东西一样,我们也应该看看人生旅程中的后视镜。12. A. story B. work C. life D. car答案:C我们也应该看看“人生”旅程中的后视镜。13. A. thought of B. looked

20、after C. cared for D. left behind答案:D通过看人生旅程中的后视镜,我们可以知道哪些包裹是需要被“丢弃”的。14. A. travel B. wonder C. fly D. breathe答案:A根据“I didnt want to drive with heavy bags”可知,作者想“旅行”时更轻便一点。15. A. in B. off C. above D. under答案:B作者想旅行时更轻便一点,所以把那些没用的包裹扔下了车,故选B。16. A. touch B. spread C. carry D. forget答案:C这里是指人生中我们没必要“

21、扛着”的负担。17. A. result B. cause C. chance D. moment答案:D这里是指扔掉东西的“时候”。18. A. belonged B. rolled C. disappeared D. burnt答案:A那些东西是没用的,相当于是垃圾,那么垃圾应该被放在垃圾箱。19. A. lack of B. short of C. instead of D. full of答案:D卸掉了负担,那么前面的路就是“充满”阳光的路。20. A. consider B. enjoy C. watch D. remember答案:B没有了负担,作者能更好地“享受”旅行。. 阅读理

22、解It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a damaged brain. Without enough blood, the brain lives for only three to five minutes. More often the doctors cant fix the damage. Sometimes they are afraid to try something to help because it is dangerous to work on the brain. The doctors might mak

23、e the person worse if he operates on the brain. Dr. Robert White, a famous professor and doctor, thinks he knows a way to help. He thinks doctors should make the brain very cold. If it is very cold, the brain can live without blood for 30 minutes. This gives the doctor a longer time to do something

24、for the brain.Dr. White tried his idea on 13 monkeys. First he taught them to do different jobs, then he operated on them. He made the monkeys blood go through a machine. The machine cooled the blood. Then the machine sent the blood back to the monkeys brains. When the brains temperature was 10, Dr.

25、 White stopped the blood to the brain. After 30 minutes he turned the blood back on. He warmed the blood again. After their operations the monkeys were like they had been before. They were healthy and busy. Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them.大脑受损后,难以修复,这是医学界的一大难题。罗伯特怀特博士用冷冻的

26、方法,在猴子身上做实验,解决了这一难题。1. The biggest difficulty in operating on the damaged brain is that _.A. the time is too short for doctors B. the patients are often too nervousC. the damage is extremely hard to fixD. the bloodcooling machine might break down答案:A细节理解题。由第一段中的第二句话“Without enough blood, the brain l

27、ives for only three to five minutes.”可知,脑部手术最大的难题是大脑缺血只能存活3到5分钟,给予医生的时间太少,故A项正确。2. The brain operation was made possible mainly by _.A. taking the blood out of the brainB. trying the operation on monkeys firstC. having the blood go through a machine D. lowering the brain s temperature答案:D细节理解题。由第二段倒

28、数第一、二句话可知,如果使大脑冷却的话,大脑可以存活30分钟,可以给医生做手术更长的时间,故D项正确。3. With Dr. Whites new idea, the operation on the damaged brain _.A. can last as long as 30 minutesB. can keep the brains blood warmC. can keep the patients brain healthyD. can help monkeys do different jobs答案:A细节理解题。由原文第二段倒数第二句话及最后一段的第七句话可知,A项正确。4.

29、 What is the right order of the steps in the operation?a. send the cooled blood back to the brainb. stop the blood to the brainc. have the blood cooled down d. operate on the brainA. a,b,c,d B. c,a,b,dC. c,b,d,a D. b,c,d,a答案:B内容排序题。最后一段做手术的先后顺序为:让血冷却、把冷却的血输送回大脑,停止向大脑供血、动手术。故B项正确。. 短文改错I often quarre

30、l about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds view that senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons. It seems to me that once I am allowed to do that, Ill unable to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks it is bad for my eye. But I really cant accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest a

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