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1、专升本英语试题库网络教育入学机考专升本英语试题网络教育入学机考专升本英语试题1、He knows little of English to say _ of English culture.A、something B、anything C、everything D、nothing 答案:D2、Though he is very intelligent, he is _ rather modest.A、otherwise B、nevertheless C、therefore D、hence 答案:B3、If you can provide the wine, Ill _ the food.A、l

2、ook at B、see to C、think about D、ask for 答案:B4、Fortunately, the demonstration _ to be quite peaceful.A、turn in B、turn out C、showed off D、showed up 答案:B5、Selfish people often take _ of other peoples kindness.A、use B、care C、profit D、advantage 答案:D6、His name was on the _ of my tongue, but I just couldnt

3、 remember it.A、end B、tip C、edge D、top 答案:B7、We found our _ round your factory most interesting.A、journey B、travel C、tour D、show 答案:C8、This album is _ as it was the only one ever signed by the President.A、unusual B、rare C、singular D、unique 答案:D9、The premier and the visiting foreign minister had a tal

4、k in _ friendly atmosphere.A、a most B、most C、the very D、very 答案:A10、There is a good _ of the countryside from the front of the bus.A、sight B、view C、scene D、scenery 答案:B11、_ she finds out that youve lost her books?A、Even if B、What if C、As if D、Suppose that 答案:B12、In a low voice, she _ that someone wa

5、s moving about upstairs.A、spoke B、shouted C、whispered D、told 答案:C13、Im afraid this Painting is not by Picasso. Its only a copy and so its _.A、priceless B、worthless C、unworthy D、invaluable 答案:B14、We are very busy . Every one is _A、carefully B、careful C、care D、careless 答案:B15、The twins are _ each othe

6、r in character.A、difference from B、different from C、different to D、different for !#答案:B16、Will you _ tomorrow morning?A、shout me up B、call me up C、call me on D、telephone me up 答案:B17、Youd better come _ to my house and see me.A、up B、over C、for D、around 答案:B18、I am afraid I have to _ .A、do my washing

7、B、do me washing C、do some washing D、do washing 答案:C19、Every day I _ home at half past five.A、get to B、get fromC、get back D、back 答案:C20、The flood has done _ to this area.A、many damages B、much damage C、injury D、damages 答案:B21、My uncle is _ than that worker.A、old B、elder C、older D、the oldest答案:C22、This

8、 picture is _ than that one.A、beautiful B、more beautiful C、most beautiful D、the most beautiful答案:B23、She said she was much _ than before.A、good B、well C、better D、the best答案:C24、I will tell him as soon as he _ back.A、come B、comes C、will come D、came 答案:B25、He _ by the teachers.A、is always praised B、pr

9、aises C、have been praised D、always is praised 答案:A26、It is _ to travel on the moon.A、wonderful B、careful C、brave D、important答案:A27、The patient refused _ any medicine.A、have B、to have C、how to have D、to how have 答案:B28、He always depends _ help from others.A、on getting B、in getting C、getting D、to get

10、!#答案:A29、Not only I but also Tom and Mary _ fond of watching TV.A、am B、is C、has D、are 答案:D30、Tom with a dog _ standing on the street.A、was B、were C、are D、will be 答案:A31、Dick is _ Maths.A、well at B、interested at C、good at D、good to 答案:C32、Mary is very _ her mother.A、likes B、liking C、to like D、like 答案

11、:D33、I am sorry I must go, for I want to _A、catch a bus B、take a bus C、sit a bus D、get a bus !#答案:A34、In your family, who _ the meal for every day?A、cook B、cooks C 、take D、takes 答案:B35、On my birthday party, I enjoyed _ very much.A、me B、mine C、myself D、us 答案:C36、Tom is _ student in our class.A、the ta

12、llest B、tall C、taller D、tallest 答案:A37、March 8 is _ day.A、Womens B、Women C、Womans D、a woman 答案:A38、The text is _ than that one.A、easy B、easier C、easiest D、the easiest 答案:B39、Which language do you like _ , English or Russian?A、best B、better C、well D、very well答案:B40、He usually _ TV on Sunday evening.A

13、、watch B、watches C、watching D、is watching 答案:B41、A lot of differences _ between the two languages.A、can be found B、can find C、would find D、is found 答案:A42、Nobody knew _ a living in that country.A、to go B、to make C、how to do D、how to make 答案:D43、The book is worth _ twice.A、read B、to be read C、being r

14、ead D、reading 答案:D44、Your new room needs _ .A、to clean B、being clean C、cleaned D、cleaning答案:D45、Fighting means _ .A、killing B、to be killed C、to kill D、be killed答案:A46、Whether he comes or not _ nothing to me.A、are B、is C、has D、have 答案:B47、What he said _ untrue.A、be B、is C、are D、were 答案:B48、In our cou

15、ntry everybody and every girl _ a happy life.A、live B、lives C、living D、are living 答案:B49、The teacher as well as the students _ this picture.A、like B、are liking C、likes D、is liking 答案:C50、Today our country is getting _ .A、stronger and stronger B、strong and strong C、strongest and strongest D、more stro

16、ng and more strong 答案:A51、Where_ born ?A、were you B、was you C、had you been D、have you been 答案:A52、Please be _ !A、carefully B、careful C、care D、careless 答案:B53、Reading in bed isnt _ your eyes.A、good to B、good at C、good for D、good as 答案:C54、We are going to the hospital to see my uncle He is ill _ .A、in

17、 the hospital B、at the hospital C、living in the hospital D、in hospital 答案:D55、Liu Ying is not at home now, perhaps she _ .A、is going out B、went outC、is out D、had been out 答案:B56、If you jump the queue, other people will not _.A、pleased B、be pleased C、pleasure D、be pleasure 答案:B57、Look! They are _ .A、

18、shops B、do shopping C、doing shop D、shopping 答案:D58、Where_?A、are they come B、are they come from C、do they come from D、do they come !#答案:C59、The radio says the sun will _ later.A、come to B、come on C、come out D、come up答案:C60、When you _ the road, you should look around.A、across B、through C、cross D、are c

19、ross 答案:C61、What does your father do ? He _ .A、does an office work B、does the office work C、do the office work D、does office work 答案:D62、Last week he didnt go to school because of his illness, so he _ .A、teach himself B、taught himself C、taught him D、taught his English 答案:B63、What a pity! Mary fell _

20、 her bike.A、of B、off C、from D、out off 答案:B 64、My brother is _ worker in his factory.A、the most excellent B、more excellentC、excellent D、most excellent 答案:A65、After a long walk, I _ .A、feel tired B、feel tire C、tired D、felt tired 答案:D66、My mother was ill in hospital . I _.A、feeling worried B、felt worri

21、ed C、felt worrying D、felt being worried 答案:B67、Please read these dialogues and _ another kind of football.A、take out B、take C、find out D、find 答案:D68、Young_ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do.A、that B、as C、although D、however 答案:B69、I am sorry to _ the book for such a long time.A、keep B、had

22、 kept C、have kept D、having kept 答案:C70、His parents _last week, and the child has no one to look after him.A、have died B、died C、dead D、death 答案:B71、Mother warned the boy _ the guard dog any more.A、not touching B、not touch C、to not touch D、not to touch 答案:D72、Your hair wants _ . Youd better have it do

23、ne tomorrow.A、cut B、 to cut C、cutting D、being cut !#答案:C73、Most of the people _ to the party were famous scientists.A、invited B、to invited C、being invited D、inviting 答案:A74、Do you mind _ here?A、my smoke B、to smoking C、to smoke D、my smoking 答案:D75、I dont feel like _ anything now . I am tired.A、eating

24、 B、to eat C、ate D、eat 答案:A76、He is an honest official and never _ any gifts from people who sought his help.A、received B、expected C、took up D、got 答案:C77、The customer accused the cook _ using canned potatoes.A、for B、with C、against D、of 答案:D78、Helen apologized _ her not being able to attend the party.

25、A、for B、to C、under D、of 答案:A79、Id like to go to Hanzhou with you, only I cant _ two weeks off work.A、offer B、afford C、leave D、manage 答案:B80、All the reference books should be made _ to the teachers and students in our university.A、available B、flexible C、related D、concerned 答案:A81、When I took his temp

26、erature, it was two degrees above_ .A、normal B、average C、regular D、ordinary 答案:A82、The doctor soon made the worried patient feel _ ease.A、with B、on C、at D、off 答案:C83、The football match was televised _ from the Workers Stadium .A、alive B、life C、live D、lively 答案:C84、That new lorry is _ than the old on

27、e.A、very good B、rather betterC、more good D、much better答案:D85、I want to go the dentist, but you_ with me.A、need not to go B、need not goC、do not need go D、need go not 答案:B86、Some are reading newspapers, _ others are playing chess.A、or B、for C、so D、while 答案:D87、John asked me _ I managed to do it.A、what

28、 B、how C、which D、that答案:B88、Im not sure _ hell be here in time.A、if B、what C、when D、where 答案:A89、Mr. Smith spent the weekend in the country _ he didnt have to go office on Sunday.A、until B、because C、unless D、so that 答案:B90、Look at these clouds. _ .A、Itll rain B、Its going to rainC、Itll be raining D、I

29、t is to rain 答案:B91、Had I known her name, I _ her to dinner.A、would invite B、was invitedC、have invited D、would have invited 答案:D92、Its time you _ a holiday.A、will have B、are going to haveC、have D、had 答案:D93、You should have been more patient _ that customer; Im sure that selling him the watch was possibility.A、of B、with C、for D、at 答案:B94、He fell and hurt himself while he _ tennisA、was playing B、is playingC、plays D、played 答案:A95、She was complaining that the doctor was _ too much for the treatment he was giving her.A、expending B、offe

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