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冀教版英语八年级下册单元教案Unit 8.docx

1、冀教版英语八年级下册单元教案Unit 8Unit 8Save Our World第一课时Lesson 43:Lets Clean Up!教学目标1.掌握单词:attention,rubbish,pollution,explain;短语:clean up,pick up,a bit of,too much2.了解介绍自己的环保活动。3.了解询问他人清理垃圾的方法。4.通过听力训练,两人一组合作角色扮演的方式及小组合作交流的方式进行教学,通过实物或图片提供的场景练习目标语言,提高英语听说能力。5.初步了解代词it的用法。教学过程Step.Lead inLeading in 【情景1】T:Hello

2、,boys and girls.How do you feel when you see a lot of garbage in your schoolyard?S1:I feel sad.S2:I feel bored.T:Do you know about World Environment Day?Ss:Yes./No.T:What do you do to keep clean?S3:Pick up the garbage.S4:Clean up all the time/everywhere.Discuss the questions in groups.The teacher sh

3、ows some pictures about picking up garbage.Ask the students to talk about these questions for three minutes.Then we can know the importance of the environment,then let them present their talk in class.设计意图利用学生学过的内容,从询问垃圾清理情况开始,讨论捡垃圾的活动,轻松进入语境,进而介绍生词,图片的使用使学习更加形象直观,自然地进入谈论环保活动的新话题。Leading in 【情景2】Gre

4、et the class.T:Hello! Boys and girls!Ss:Hello! Mr./Ms.XX.Ask the students to introduce the garbage in class.S1:Its dirty.S2:We mustnt throw it everywhere.S3:No,its useful.Show the new word “garbage” and show the picture of the garbage to the students.T:What did you do with the garbage?S4:Throw away.

5、S5:Pick up.S6:Clean up.设计意图运用学生所学的知识,从谈论熟悉的入手进入新内容的学习,运用实物或图片帮助学生学习生词,直观、感性、形象。Step.PresentationIf some students feel the conversation is too long,the teacher can divide it into two or three talks.Then ask them to read them in pairs.After a while,ask them to act them out.(1)We should pick up the gar

6、bage! (2)Each student could clean up a bit of the schoolyard.(3)There is too much rubbish left by the factories.(4)We can ask our classmates to help us.(5)We would finish cleaning in an hour!Please pay attention to the long words:schoolyard,factories.设计意图两人组合练习对话。创设情景,使同学们身临其境,激发说的欲望。在练习中巩固本课需要掌握的句型

7、。Step.ListeningT:Listen to the tape and answer the questions:1.What do they see in the schoolyard?2.When will they finish cleaning?3.What are they studying in class this week? 【Keys】1.There is a lot of rubbish.2.In an hour.3.Pollution.设计意图加深同学们对整体的掌握,学生们带着问题有目的地倾听,容易把握内容回答问题。Step.Post-listening Acti

8、vitiesAfter listening to the conversation,get the class to read it aloud.Ss read aloud.Then practice the conversation.Focus on the stressed words,pronunciation and intonation.设计意图学生训练听力之后,朗读巩固,训练学生的语音语调;再模仿对话,编出自己的对话,培养学生运用目标语言进行交际的能力。Step.Reading1.Read the dialogue and decide whether the statements

9、 are true or false.(1)There is some rubbish on the playground. ()(2)Pollution will be a class project. ()(3)Danny didnt find his homework at last. ()2.Then ask some volunteers to read the passage.3.Read the text again and fill in the blanks.(1)We should the garbage!(2)All the students help.(3)It wou

10、ld too long.(4)We can our classmates help us.(5)We would finish in an hour!(6)Jenny the plan to the class.【Keys】1.(1)F(2)T(3)F3.(1)pick up (2)agree to(3)take(4)ask,to(5)cleaning(6)explains设计意图学生通过阅读课文,了解重点内容,并且通过判断正误来巩固对课文的理解和掌握;朗读课文并做填空练习,了解课文重点内容。Step.Complete Lets Do It!Ask the students to read t

11、he lesson and answer the questions in No.1,then ask the students to listen to the lesson and finish No.2,and ask the students to read the lesson again and answer the questions in No.3.Pay attention to the new words and phrases.设计意图Lets Do It!中No.1重点是阅读教学,回忆了课文的内容,使学生又一次巩固了文中知识,培养了阅读的能力。No.2重点是听力教学,训

12、练学生的听力能力,巩固了课文内容,No.3强调的是文中的重点单词的用法,加以训练。Step.TaskGROUP WORK:Lets Do It! No.4Ask students to come to the front of the classroom,and some start walking towards others as the teacher says “go”.They must stop as the teacher says “stop”.Then they can make a new group with the student who is standing in

13、front of him/her.设计意图No.4的重点是了解世界环境日,同学们通过随机组合来完成小组合作。以“环保”为话题,提供了一个语境完整、内容丰富的对话,自然呈现本单元的核心句型,为学生进一步输出语言提供了口语示范。Step.ExercisesT:Now,look at the sentences with some missing words.Please use proper words to fill them.1.They always(捡起)garbage in their schoolyard.2.She (打扫)her room every day.3.There is

14、(太多) money in this bag.4.This coat is(有点)small for me.5.(有)a lot of rubbish in the park.【Keys】1.pick up2.cleans up3.too much 4.a bit5.There is设计意图以学评教、强化落实。当堂检测主要是由本节内容组成的形成性评价,利用已知的信息,让学生补充,让他们得到充分的训练。Step.Homework1.Practice the conversations with your group members after class.2.Copy the new words

15、 twice.设计意图口头练习和单词记忆相结合,复习、归纳,注重语言知识的操练与积累。板书设计Lesson 43Lets Clean Up!attention,rubbish,pollution,explainclean up,pick up,a bit of,too muchWe should pick up the garbage!Each student could clean up a bit of the schoolyard.All the students agree to help.It would take too long.We can ask our classmates

16、 to help us.We would finish cleaning in an hour!Jenny explains the plan to the class.第二课时Lesson 44:Environment Clubs 教学过程1.掌握单词:least,pollute,waste,shut;短语:throw away,shut down,makeinto,turn off,encourage sb to do sth 2.了解和运用介绍环保俱乐部的句型:nobody comes to school in a carBring your own bag when you go sh

17、opping.Turn off the lights when you leave a room.3.了解如何写简单的说明文。4.通过小组合作的方式,用实物或图片提供的场景练习目标语言,提高英语听说读写能力。 教学过程Step.Lead inLeading in 【情景1】T:Hello,boys and girls.What do you do when you see somebody throwing garbage? S1:I will stop it.S2:I will pick it up.T:How do you feel about it?S3:I feel angry.S4:

18、I feel sad.T:What do you want to do to protect the environment?S5:I can pick up garbage everywhere.S6:I will join in the environment club.Show some pictures about activities of environment clubs to the class.Let the students discuss the questions in groups.Then let them present their results in fron

19、t of the class.设计意图利用学生学过的内容,以提问的方式开始,轻松进入语境,进而介绍生词,照片使学生感兴趣,运用学生所学的知识与照片相结合。Leading in 【情景2】Greet the class.T:Hello! Boys and girls!Ss:Hello! Mr./Ms.XX.Ask the students to introduce the environment in class.S1:Its a serious problem.S2:We all need to care about it.S3:Its our duty to protect it.Show

20、the new word “environment” and show the picture of the environment clubs to the students.T:What do you do for our environment?S4:Throw the garbage into the dustbin.S5:Pick up the garbage everywhere.S6:Dont use plastic or paper bags.设计意图运用学生所学的知识,从谈论熟悉的入手进入新内容的学习,运用实物或图片帮助学生学习生词,直观、感性、形象。Step.Present

21、ationIf some students feel the passage is too long,the teacher can divide it into two or three parts.Then ask them to read them in groups.After a while,ask them to read the passage one by one.Please pay attention to the long sentences:(1)nobody comes to school in a car(2)Bring your own bag when you

22、go shopping.(3)Turn off the lights when you leave a room.(4)In an environment club,students work together to reduce pollution and protect the environment.(5)Environment clubs encourage students to bring their lunches in reusable bags and dishes.设计意图分小组朗读课文,看一看哪一组读得好。在竞争中整体掌握本课内容。Step.ListeningT:List

23、en to the tape with your book closed and fill in the blanks.1.In an environment club,students help to pollution.2.On a no-car day,nobody comes to school .3.When you leave the room,you must the lights.【Keys】 a car3.turn off设计意图加深同学们对细节的掌握,学生们在有了一定的信息输入之后,才能在这一部分写出所缺信息。Step.Post-listening

24、ActivitiesAfter listening to the tape,get the class to read it aloud.Ss read aloud.Focus on the stressed words,pronunciation and intonation.设计意图学生在听了细节之后,朗读巩固,训练学生的语音语调,培养学生运用目标语言进行交际的能力。Step.Reading1.Read the text and answer the following questions.(1)Which class will get a prize?(2)What should peo

25、ple do on a no-car day?(3)What is the best way to reduce the packaging?2.Then ask some volunteers to read the passage.3.Read the text again and do the exercises in No.3 in Lets Do It!【Keys】1.(1)The class with the least garbage gets a prize. (2)Nobody comes to school in a car. (3)Bring your own bag w

26、hen you go shopping.3.fewer,throw,reuse,recycle,waste设计意图学生通过阅读课文,了解重点内容,并且通过回答问题来巩固对课文的理解和掌握;朗读课文完成课后题3,进行练习,加深对课文的理解。Step.Complete Lets Do It!Ask the students to read the lesson again and again and finish No.1,No.2 and No.3.Read for several times until the students can understand the lesson themse

27、lves.Ask the students to finish them in groups.设计意图Lets Do It! 中的No.1、No.2和No.3 都是针对课文内容的。认真阅读课文,训练阅读能力。同时分组教学培养合作精神,训练阅读能力。也着重练习了文中重点单词的用法。Step.TaskGROUP WORK:No.4Ask students to come to the front of the classroom,and some start walking towards others as the teacher says “go”.They must stop as the

28、teacher says “stop”.Then they can make a new group to finish No.4.设计意图No.4的重点是训练本课内容的拓展延伸,了解更多关于环保的知识,注意课文内容,考查学生的分析总结能力,尤其是口语表达,同时了解环保的重要性。Step.ExercisesT:Now,look at the sentences with some missing words.Please use your own words to fill them.1.I (鼓励) children to play sports every day.2.It is a (浪

29、费) of time to play the computer games.3.Please (扔掉) the garbage.4.We should use (可再使用的) bags.5.What about (关上) the tap?【Keys】1.encourage2.waste3.throw away4.reusable5.turning off设计意图以学评教、强化落实。当堂检测主要是由本节内容组成的形成性评价,逐渐减少呈现句中的信息,让学生补充,让他们得到充分的训练。Step.Homework1.Read the lesson loudly with your group memb

30、ers.2.Copy the new words twice.设计意图口头练习和单词记忆相结合,复习、归纳,注重语言知识的操练与积累。板书设计Lesson 44Environment Clubs least,pollute,waste,shutthrow away,shut down,makeinto,turn off,encourage sb to do sth nobody comes to school in a carBring your own bag when you go shopping.Turn off the lights when you leave a room.In

31、an environment club,students work together to reduce pollution and protect the environment.Environment clubs encourage students to bring their lunches in reusable bags and dishes.Its a good way to reduce packaging.In a year,that would fill a large swimming pool!第三课时Lesson 45:Lets Sort Garbage!教学目标1.掌握单词:empty,litter;短语:go with,do for a walk,take

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