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1、国际贸易双语稿Chapter 1 An Introduction to International TradeThe exchange of goods and services arises simply because countries differ in their demand for goods and services and in their ability to supply them. There are some special problems in international trade including cultural problems, monetary co

2、nversion, etc. International trade has played an important role in the world history as well as in sustaining and modernizing the Chinese economy. 1.1 The Need for International Trade 国际贸易的产生I . Why does international trade take place? 国际贸易进行的原因Definition:International trade refers to the exchange o

3、f goods and services between nations. It is also known as foreign trade or overseas trade. Why does international trade take place? There are many reasons.1. Resources reasons 资源匮乏No nation has all of the commodities that it needs. 没有一个国家拥有需要的全部产品。Some countries are abundant in certain resources, wh

4、ile other nations may be lack of them. For example, Colombia and Brazil have the ideal climate for growing coffee beans. The United States is a major consumer of coffee, yet it doesnt have the climate to grow any of its own. Consequently, this has made Colombia and Brazil big coffee exporters, and t

5、he United States big coffee importer. Raw materials are scattered around the world. Large deposits of copper are mined in Peru and Zaire, diamonds are mined in South Africa, and petroleum is recovered in the Middle East. Countries that do not have these resources within their own boundaries must buy

6、 from countries that export them. In short, the uneven distribution of resources around the world is one of the most basic reasons why nations trade with each other.2. Economic reasons 经济原因With the development of manufacturing and technology, there arose another incentive for nations to trade, i.e.

7、economic benefits. In addition to getting the products they need, countries also wish to gain economically by trading with each other. China has been able to export large quantities of radios and television sets because it can produce them more efficiently than other countries. It is cheaper for cou

8、ntries like the United States and European countries to buy these than to produce them domestically. According to economic theory, China should produce and export those items from which it derives a comparative advantage. It should also buy and import what it needs from those countries that have a c

9、omparative advantage in the desired items. 3. Other reasons 其他原因A country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. Although China is a producer of oil, it consumes more than it can produce internally and thus must import oil. Even though a country can produce enough of an i

10、tem at reasonable costs to meet its own demand, it may still import some from other countries for innovation or a variety of style. For example, the United States produces more automobiles than any other country, it still imports large quantities of autos from Germany, Japan, and Sweden, primarily b

11、ecause there is a market for them in the United States. Sometimes, political objectives can outweigh economic considerations between countries. One country might trade with another to support the latters government which upholds the same political doctrine.All in all, in todays complex economic worl

12、d, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation of international trade and economic activities.II. The differences between international trade and domestic trade国际贸易与国内贸易的区别The

13、fundamental characteristic that makes international trade different from domestic trade is that international trade involves activities that take place across national borders. Special problems which are not normally experienced when trading at home may arise in international trade in particular:1.

14、Deals might have to be transacted in foreign languages and under foreign laws, customs and regulations.在国际贸易中,有许多环节需要参与贸易的双方或多方,进行各自意见传达给对方的交流:当面谈判,书信来往。由于各方语言不同,给这种交流带来诸多困难。只得借助于商业通用语言-英语。但英语并非在世界各地都通行无阻,它在很多国家和地区使用还很不普遍。因此,除通晓英语外,国际贸易人员还要掌握一些国家或地区的语言。各国法律制度和贸易规章的差异,使国际贸易往往受到诸多限制,不像国内贸易那样自由。所以,一个称职

15、的国际贸易人员,在实施每一项国际贸易业务时,必须先行了解对方国家的贸易法规,对通用的国际贸易法规和国际商业惯例也须从早学习和掌握。2. Information on foreign countries needed by a particular firm may be difficult to obtain.3 Foreign currency transactions will be necessary. Exchange rate variations can be very wide and create many problems for international trade.由于

16、各国货币制度不同,国际贸易中的支付一般都必须在外汇市场上兑换国际货币之后再进行,这就迫使国际贸易商不得不承担汇兑风险。20世纪70年代以来浮动汇率制的实行,要求国际贸易商要善于把握汇率变动的趋势,以便在国际市场上成功地进行营销,尽可能减少汇率风险。举例:我方向美国一公司出口价值100000美元的货物,当时汇率为1美元=8.27人民币,三个月后付款,三个月后汇率变为1美元=8.15人民币(美元贬值),这时我方将承受汇率变动的损失。4. Numerous culture differences have to be taken into account when trading with othe

17、r nations.各国贸易商和广大消费者的民族特性、宗教信仰、风俗习惯都有较大差异,甚至对颜色、数字、图案都有不同的忌讳和偏好。这就要求进入国际贸易领域的商品无论在品质特征上还是在外观装潢上都须有更强的适应性和针对性。这些都对贸易商和出口商品生产者提出了更高的要求。举例:日本忌讳紫色、绿色、荷花、13、4、42,喜欢松、竹、梅、鸭子、乌龟、鹤 美国忌讳13、星期五 加拿大忌讳白色百合花(葬礼),不喜欢黑色、紫色 法国忌讳黄色的花(不忠诚),忌讳黒桃图案(不吉利),忌讳仙鹤(蠢汉),忌讳墨绿色(纳粹军服)。 德国忌讳茶色、黑色、红色、深蓝色、核桃5.Control and communicat

18、ion systems are normally more complex for foreign than domestic operations.6. Risks levels might be higher in foreign markets. The risks include political risks (such as the imposition of restrictions on imports, etc. ); commercial risks (such as products not appealing to foreign customers, etc. ) ;

19、 financial risks and transportation risks.(1)政治风险 (2)商业风险 在国际贸易中,双方在买卖商品的商业性业务环节中,常发生货样不符、单证不符、交货期延误等现象,这就给出口商和进口商造成商业性风险,而且这种风险比较大。 (3)汇兑风险在国际贸易的支付业务中,交易双方或至少一方要以可自由兑换的外币计价,但外汇汇率总是不断变化的,交易双方也因此而面临汇兑风险。 (4)运输风险在国际贸易中往往伴随着大宗货物的长时间、远距离的运送和交付。在托运至交货这一运输过程中,存在着诸多与运输货物有关的内在因素和外部条件,海难等恶性事故时有发生。所以说运输风险也相对比

20、较大。(5) 信用风险在国际贸易中,买卖双方往往是天各一方,偶而才会面,多是信函往来。彼此对对方资信情况的了解比较困难,而且双方在长时期的交易过程中,资信情况还可能发生较大的变化。因此,国际贸易中的信用风险往往要大于国内贸易。 1.2 Basic Concepts in International Trade国际贸易的基本概念1. Favorable balance of trade (positive trade balance, trade surplus) vs. unfavorable balance of trade (negative trade balance, deficit)

21、 贸易顺差、贸易逆差When nations export more than they import within a certain period (usually one year), they are said to have a favorable balance of trade. When they import more than they export, an unfavorable balance of trade exists. Nations try to maintain a favorable balance of trade, which assures them

22、 of the means to buy necessary imports.Balance of trade is one of the most important compositions of current account of a nations balance of payment. The position of nations balance of trade has great impact on its balance of payment.一个国家或地区在一定时期内(通常为一年),出口贸易总额与进口贸易总额相比的差额。出口进口 贸易顺差、贸易盈余、出超出口进口 贸易逆差

23、、贸易赤字、入超出口进口 贸易平衡2. Visible trade vs. invisible trade 有形贸易、无形贸易 (1) Visible trade: trade in goods (merchandise)When we import or export goods, we have to carry out customs formalities. Thus goods transactions are observable. The usual customs records or data are available for valuing these transacti

24、ons. That is why these transactions are called visible trade. The share of international visible trade in 2001 is 80.6 of the total value of international trade.There are many varieties of goods in international trade. For the purpose of collecting statistics, the UN Secretariat drafted Standard Int

25、ernational Trade Classification (SITC) in 1950, and made amendment in 1960 and 1975. SITC classifies international trade commodities into 10 categories, 63 chapters, 233 groups, 786 sections and 1924 items. The 10 categories are: Food stuffs (0); Beverages and tobacco (l); Non-food items (not includ

26、ing fuels) (2); Mineral fuel, lubricating oil and related raw material (3); Animal and vegetable oils and fats and wax (4); Chemical industrial products and related products (5); Finished products classified by raw materials (6); Machinery and transportation equipment 7); Other products (8); Unclass

27、ified commodities (9).商品分类方法:联合国秘书处于1950年出版了国际贸易标准分类SITC,并于1960年和1975年两次进行了修改。在1975年修订本中,把国际贸易商品依次分为10大类,63章,233组,786个分组和1924个项目。10大类中商品分类如表1-1所示。0-4初级产品(primary product)5-9制成品(finished product)。 表1-1类别0食品和主要供食用的活动物初级产品1饮料和烟草2燃料以外的非食用原料3矿物燃料、润滑油有关原料4动植物油脂及蜡5化学品及有关制品制成品6按原料分类的制成品7机械及运输设备8杂项制品9没有分类的其他

28、商品(2) Invisible trade: trade in servicesServices generally include the following categories in the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC国际工业标准分类) system: wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels, transport, storage, communications, financial services, insurance, real estat

29、e, business services, personal service, community services, social services, and government services.GATS does not define services, but does define “trade in services. Paragraph 2 of Article I defines trade in services as the supply of a service though any of four modes of supply: cross-border suppl

30、y of services, consumption abroad, commercial presence, and presence of natural persons. 1 跨境提供:由一个成员境内向另一个成员境内提供的服务。在这种形式下,服务提供者和被提供者分别在本国境内,并不移动过境。所以,这种服务提供方式,往往要借助于远程通讯手段,或者就是远程通讯服务本身。例如,国际电话通讯服务。 2 过境消费:在一个成员境内向任何其它成员的消费者提供的服务。在这种服务提供形式下,服务的被提供者,也就是消费者跨过国境进入提供者所在的国家或地区接受服务。出国旅游、出国留学实际上都是接受的这种服务提

31、供方式。 商业存在:通过一个成员的商业实体在任何其它成员境内的存在而提供的服务。这种商业实体或商业存在,实际上就是外商投资企业。其企业形式可以采取独立的法人形式,也可以仅仅是一个分支机构或代表处。在这里,服务的提供是以直接投资为基础的,其提供涉及到资本和专业人士的跨国流动。例如,外资银行提供的服务就属于这种形式。自然人的流动:由一个成员在任何其它成员境内的个人提供的服务。这种形式涉及到提供者作为自然人的跨国流动。与商业存在不同的是,它不涉及投资行为。例如,我们请一个国外著名会计师事务所的注册会计师前来作财务咨询以及进行讲学,那么这可以被看作自然人的流动。但如果该所来中国开设了一家分支机构,那么

32、这就是商业存在了。3. General trade system vs. special trade system 总贸易体制、专门贸易体制Two systems of recording merchandise exports and imports are in common use. They are referred to as general trade system and special trade system.(1) General trade system: This is a system under which statistic figures are collected based on country territory. It covers all types of inward and outward movement of goods through a country or territory including

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