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1、安徽省池州市高二英语下学期期末考试试题扫描版安徽省池州市2016-2017学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题(扫描版)高二英语参考答案第一部分: 1-5 ABCBA 6-10 CAACA 11-15 BCBBA 16-20 CBCBA 第二部分:第一节: 21-25 CBCAD 26-30 BCABD 31-35 ABCAC 第二节: 36-40 BFEGA第三部分:第一节: 41-45 BCADC 46-50 ABACB 51-55 DBCDA 56-60 BABAC第二节: 61. rules 62. Unluckily 63. embarrassment 64. where 65. me 6

2、6. the 67. to hear 68. to 69. had been 70. but第四部分:第一节: I am a middle school student. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment about the unpleasant experience when I bought some books from Internet the other day. theThe reason of my dissatisfaction and disappointment is that the

3、 books I buy online were beyond my for boughtexpectation. In the first place, they are poor printed. In addition to, some books are slightly damaged and even poorlysome pages are missing. Needless to say, the price of some books are even higher than those in our local Xinhua is thatBookstores.To sol

4、ve these problem, I am writing this letter to you, hoped that my letter will arouse the attention of the problems hopingpublic through the media. I am fully confident what they will improve their service with the supervision of the that或省略public opinion.第二节:Possible versionDear Mr. Smith,I am writin

5、g to tell you an important change about my summer vocation schedule which I have been longing for for a long time. I am really so sorry but I have to abandon this opportunity due to some unexpected arrangement from my college.The reason why I have to change my summer schedule is that my college has

6、arranged for a group of students to help some poor students in a remote village. Unfortunately, I am one of them. I hope my summer schedule change wont bring you much disturbance. Will this winter vocation be appropriate for me to carry on my American culture tour? So excited I am when I imagine tha

7、t I can experience a different Spring Festival from my home town! Again, sorry for the schedule change and inconvenience. I am looking forward to your reply soon.Your sincerely, Li Hua【参考答案解析】阅读理解21. C【解析】考查细节理解。根据第一段Have you heard the tale that Viking explorers named Iceland and Greenland in order

8、to discourage others from the former so they could keep the discovery of a relatively temperate landthe Icelandto themselves? 可知C正确。22. B【解析】考查细节理解。根据第一段内容Greenland is the place for true ice-and-snow adventures,可知B正确。23. C【解析】考查细节理解。根据第二段内容Visit the Russia House tourist centre near Novosibirsk in Si

9、beria to experience a classic Russian winter可知C项正确。24. A【解析】考查语境推测。根据最后一段This wintertime haven calls itself “blessed by snow” and its no wonderwith an average annual snowfall of 630 cm (248 inches)可知blessed by snow为为雪眷顾的地方。因而A正确。25. D【解析】考查细节理解。根据第五段内容that the reason it is so difficult to get a trai

10、n ticket to Hainan is mainly because of its location.以及第六段内容可知D正确。26. B【解析】考查细节理解。根据本文第四段With the index ranging from 1 to 100, Hainan scored 70, while Zhejiang scored 6, meaning those heading to that province face the least difficulty.可知到浙江省难度最小。27. C【解析】考查推理判断。根据最后一段内容可知元月21号到24号期间为假期,从广东,上海,北京到湖南,

11、湖北以及河北的火车一票难求,可见火车基本满座可以推测比较拥挤。28. A【解析】考查主旨大意。本文主要讲述到海南的火车票难买的原因,因而选A。29. B【解析】考查细节理解。由第一段 The head of the e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd spoke about the future of online trade and globalization可知B项正确。30. D【解析】考查细节理解。由第三段According to Ma, the nation has spent a lot of money on foreign co

12、nflicts and invested heavily in Wall Street, rather than working to benefit its own general public.可知D项正确。31. A【解析】考查词义猜测。2008年经济危机给各国造成巨大损失, 因而wore out磨损,耗尽符合语境。32. B【解析】考查细节理解。根据第二段announcing the move to liberalize the domestic job market to attract international talents.可知B项正确。33. C【解析】考查细节理解。根据第

13、三段内容Students must be 18 or above and have no criminal record when they apply for both the Alien Employment License and the Alien Employment Permit.可知C项正确。34. A【解析】考查细节理解。由第四段内容可知A正确。35. C【解析】考查主旨大意。本文主要讲述中国采取改进引进国际人才的措施以缓解人才需要,因而C项正确。3640 BFEGA完形填空41. B【解析】罗斯福的朋友建议他不要把这件事放到心里去。42. C【解析】罗斯福立刻回信write

14、back正确。43. A【解析】朋友写信是安慰罗斯福总统,因而comfort正确。44. D【解析】从下文看,罗斯福是解释原因。45. C【解析】小偷偷了东西没有伤害他,因而hurt正确。其他选项概括不全面。46. A【解析】是哪位男子而不是我成为一个贼。rather than而不是。47. B【解析】感恩是生活中的一项重要哲学并且是一个伟大的智慧。Grateful感恩的,体现在后文语境中,所以选B,elegant优雅的,polite、successful都不符合语境。48. A【解析】同上。49. C【解析】只要人生活在这个世界上,任何人都不可能一直幸运和成功,impossible符合语境。

15、50. B【解析】同上。so long as只要, 符合此处语境。51. D【解析】根据后文反问,此处应该为怎样勇敢大方地面对失败和不幸,bravely符合语境。52. B【解析】根据后文变得沮丧,失望,此处应该是抱怨complain而并不是argue,bother或worry。53. C【解析】在一次落入低谷(fall)之后,再次事业雄起,C选项符合语境。54. D【解析】根据后文,生活就像一面镜子,D选项符合语境。55. A【解析】如果你对生活感恩,它会给你带来明媚的阳光,A项符合语境。56. B【解析】如果你抱怨一切,最终将一无所有,B项正确。57. A【解析】当我们成功的时候,我们肯定

16、会有许多理由去感恩,但如果我们失败我们却只有一个借口去表达不感恩。surely符合语境。eventually最后,终于,gradually逐渐地,desperately不顾一切地,绝望地都不符合语境。58. B【解析】解析同上。59. A【解析】我们应对生活感恩无论当我们成功或失败的时候,whenever符合语境。60. C【解析】只有这样我们失败时才会发现我们的弱点和缺点,shortcoming符合语境。语法填空61. rules 62. Unluckily 63. embarrassment 64. where 65. me66. the 67. to hear 68. to 69. ha

17、d been 70. but短文改错1. 第1句from后面加the 2. 第2句of for3. 第2句buy bought 4. 第3句poor poorly 5. 第3句to删除 6. 第4句are is 7. 第4句 those that 8. 第5句problem problems 9. 第5句hoped hoping 10. 第6句what that或省略附:听力录音稿Text 1W: Can you come to the concert with me this Friday, or do you have to prepare for exams?M: I still hav

18、e a lot to do but maybe a concert would do me good.Text 2W: Have you got everything you need for the new flat?M: Well, Ive got most things Ive got a bed and a sofa, but Id like to get a really comfortable chair to go with my desk.Text 3M: Bill is really amazing. Did you hear that he nearly lost his

19、life yesterday in the river? He was rescuing a child from the icy water.W: From what Ive heard, that was not the first time he was in such a dangerous situation.Text 4M: Hello, CITS? How much is the Yangtze River tour for 7 days?W: The spring program is 1,200 dollars for one person, but you can get

20、a ten percent discount for two.M: Great. Id like to book a tour for two.Text 5W: Excuse me. Could you help me find The Sun Also Rises, a novel by Ernest Hemingway?M: Why dont you search for it on the computer over there? Its much easier than looking through the titles on the shelves.Text 6M: Please

21、dont get angry, madam. You are guaranteed to be offered the best service here.W: Can I? All that I know is that I have been waiting here for two hours.M: If you have some other things to do, you can put your computer here and we will get it repaired as soon as our repairmen come back.W: Are there on

22、ly three repairmen in your supermarket? And are they all going out to serve the other customers? Dont you know customers are your God?M: I know, madam. But you know God never gets angry when he meets trouble.Text 7M: Hello. My name is Joe White. I hear that your company wants a secretary. Can you gi

23、ve me some more details about what youre looking for?W: Hello. Yes, of course! Were looking for someone between 20 and 25 years old, and someone able to work from 10:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday. You need to be comfortable working with people from various backgrounds.M: I think I meet all the ne

24、eds you explained just now. When is your company conducting interviews?W: Were beginning next Monday. If you can give me your telephone number, Ill call and inform you of the exact date, OK?Text 8M: Jane, did you love animals when you were little?W: Yes. Though I never thought I would end up living

25、with the chimpanzees, my love for animals was apparent at a very young age. I really liked giraffes and zebras.M: What did you dream of doing when you grew a little older?W: As I grew older, I often dreamt of living among the wildlife in Africa.M: How did you get an opportunity to work in Africa?W:

26、My childhood friend James invited me to visit Kenya. I really loved being with the animals there. Just as I was trying to figure out how to make my stay longer, I met Louis and Mary. They liked me and offered me a job.M: So thats how you got the chance to study the chimpanzees?W: Yes. In order to ge

27、t to know them better, I lived with them almost every day and finally won their trust.Text 9M: Lisa, whats wrong? You dont look like youre in a good mood.W: My friend Linda said something bad behind my back. I really cannot believe it. I always thought she was my best friend.M: Do you think shes jea

28、lous of you? Youre pretty and so intelligent. Youre good at all your subjects and also play the violin so well.W: But she has her strong points, too. Shes lovely and hard-working, and people like being with her.M: Perhaps she hasnt realized that. Youre a smart girl. Im sure youll figure out a way to

29、 solve the problem.W: I guess I should talk with her, let her know that shes a great girl, too.M: Im sure that will help. Oh, look. Im afraid itll rain soon. How about going back to the teaching building now?W: Oh, Im going to the library this afternoon. I need to borrow some books.M: OK. Do let me

30、know if you need an umbrella. Ive got one in the teaching building.W: Thanks.Text 10 Good morning and welcome to the Grange Craft Center. My name is Jenny Sands, and Ill be giving information about courses at the center. Well, first of all, let me tell you the courses we offer. There are courses in

31、painting, drawing and sculpture. And each class lasts for 30 weeks except drawing, which is 33 weeks. All classes are on weekday evenings, and each class lasts for one hour. Drawing is on Mondays and Wednesdays, and painting and sculpture are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. OK, now that you know which cl

32、ass to join, you need to know the times of the classes. Therell be a couple of changes this year. Instead of being from 5:00 to 6:00 like last year, all classes will be from 6:00 to 7:00. Dont worry if you cant remember that. Theres a timetable in your information pack. Those of you who took our classes la

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