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1、四川省宜宾市兴文县初中英语毕业考试模拟冲刺卷含答案2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、 Boys, please tell me something about the new film The Hunger Games, OK? S

2、orry. _ Frank _ I have ever seen it.AEither; or BNot only; but alsoCBoth; and DNeither; nor2、 visitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation.AThousand BThousand of CThousands DThousands of3、 Do you know the film Big Hero 6? Sure. I like it very much and I _ it three times since it wa

3、s on.Asee BsawChave seen Dam seeing4、 me a chance and Ill bring you a surprise.AGive BGiving CGives DTo give5、Vivian refuses _ her children to the weekend training centre for extra classes.Ato send Bsending Csent Dsends6、Could I ride an electric bicycle to school, Mr Wang?No, you _. Students under t

4、he age of 16 arent allowed to ride electric bicycles.Acouldnt Bneednt Ccant Dshouldnt7、 is a popular festival in North America and its on October 31st.AEaster BWater Festival CHalloween8、- Do you think teachers are one of the most hard-working persons in the world?- _.AI agree with you BIt doesnt ma

5、tterCThats OK DIts very kind of you9、There are many _ shops in this street. I want a pair of _ shoes.Ashoe, sport Bshoes, sport Cshoe, sports Dshoes, sports10、The hotel is not very modern, but it has the _ of being close to the city center.Aadvantage BdirectionCtransportation Dcreativity. 完形填空11、 Ma

6、ry was ill, so she went to see 1 .“Doctor, Im not feeling 2 ,” said Mary. “Every time I do my homework, I feel 3 . If I go to school on foot, I have to sit down and 4 for a few times.”The doctor looked over her 5 . At last he said, “ 6 serious(严重的), but Im afraid you are eating too much.” “I dont un

7、derstand. What do you mean(意思)?” asked Mary.“I mean you eat 7 food,” said the doctor.“Oh! You mean Im too 8 Thats a problem,” said Mary. “What should I do?”“The answer is easy,” said the doctor. “If you eat a lot of food and also do much 9 , you 10 thinner and healthier”1Aher mother Bthe teacher Cth

8、e doctor Dher friend2Aterrible Bill Cgood Dwell3Ahungry Bthirsty Ctired Dhappy4Astand up Blie down Ceat food Dhave a rest5Acarelessly Bcareless Ccarefully Dcareful6ASomething BAnything CEverything DNothing7Atoo many Bmany too Ctoo much Dmuch too8Athin Bhealthy Cstressed out Dheavy9Ahousework Bhomewo

9、rk Cshopping Dexercise10Aare Bwill Cwill be Dshould. 语法填空12、阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。If you take the subway in Beijing,you may see theres nobody in the drivers seatBut dont be afraidit just means you are on the new driverless line 1September 4,a driverless subway line2(name)the Yanfang L

10、ine started to try running in BeijingThe line was open to passengers at 3end of 4The trains on the new line are the Chinese5(one)domestically(国内地)made driverless subway carsThe line 6(build)between Beijings Yanshan and Fangshan areas with 960 seats and a top speed of 80 7(kilometer)per hour. The tra

11、ins are8(complete)self-drivenThe general designer says the driverless trains actually run in a9 (safe)way than regular subway trainsAnd of course,the drivers of the new trains cant become ill10tiredSo far, twelve cities in China11(begin)to build such driverless subway lines. 阅读理解A13、We do eye exerci

12、ses. We wear sunglasses. We do a lot of things to protect our eyes. But we usually forget another important part of our body the ears.Ears help us hear the world. But many things, such as loud noise can hurt your ears. Once this happens, its hard to get your hearing back.March 3 is Ear Care Day. It

13、reminds us to take good care of our ears. So how can we do this? Lets take a look together.Keep your ears dry and warmDry our ears with a towel after swimming or taking a bath. If you feel water in your ear, shake your head a little a bit. This can help you get the water out of your ear.Also, when t

14、he sun is shining, use some sunscreen on your ears. During the winter, protect your ears with a hat or a scarf.How to clean your earsUsually, our ears can clean themselves. The earwax builds up, dries out, and then comes out of the ear along with some dirt.So dont clean your ears with anything sharp

15、. Sharp objects can make the earwax go too deep into your ears and hurt them. But if the earwax is making you feel bad, you can ask a doctor for help.How to use headphonesDont listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time. Follow the 60:60 rule: listen to music at 60 percent of your headph

16、ones maximum volume(最大音量)for no more than 60 minutes a day.Over-the-ear headphones are better than in-ear ones. They do a better job of stopping outside noise, so you can listen at a lower volume.1Which of the following ways is bad for your ears?AUsing a towel to dry your ears after swimming. BKeepi

17、ng water stay in your ear for long.CUsing sunscreen on your ears in summer. DWearing a hat or scarf in winter.2The underlined word “sharp” means _.A圆的 B锋利的 C柔软的 D干净的3Over-the-ear headphones are better than in-ear ones because _.Athey only work at a lower volume Bthey can keep the ears drier and warm

18、erCthey keep the ears cleaner and stop dirt Dthey can stop more outside noise4The story mainly tells us _.Awhy ears are an important part of our bodies Bhow to take care of our earsCwhat can hurt ears Dwhy we need Ear Care DayB14、Besides studying and tests, teens need to learn some life skills for t

19、he future. These skills can help them live by themselves. The following skills are very necessary.Managing moneyYou often get a little money from your parents. You may spend it as you like. You can make a list of the things that you want to buy, and plan how to spend the money. Dont waste.Washing an

20、d cleaningWashing clothes correctly is important. You should first read the instructions on clothing, and then check the pockets of the clothes. Pay more attention to different colors of them.As for cleaning, you should learn how to use brooms, mops(抹布) and so on. If you often do more cleaning, the

21、people who live with you will thank you for the efforts you make.Cooking your favorite mealsYou should learn how to cook a few of your favorite meals. First ask your parents for help to decide on the menu and ingredients. And then you can go shopping, cook the meals and clean up the kitchen together

22、.1This passage is mainly about some life skills for for the future.Ateens Bchildren Cwomen Dboy students2How many life skills are there in the passage?AOne BTwo CThree DFour3According to the passage, how to manage money?AGet more money from your grandparents.BSpend money as much as you like.CMake a

23、list of the things that you want to buy before going shopping.DWaste money as you can.4Before you wash clothes, which is not true?AYou should first read the instructions on clothing.BYou should check the pockets of the clothes.CYou should pay more attention to different colors of clothes.DYou should

24、 learn how to use brooms, mops and so on.5Parents can help to decide on .Agoing shoppingBthe menu and ingredientsCcooking the mealsDcleaning up the kitchenC15、Why do we see teenagers hanging out with a cigarette in their mouths? If you are a smoker, why dont you stop smoking? Here are five reasons w

25、hy you need to give up smoking today.Smoking is bad for your health besides lung cancer, smoking is also considered as a major cause of some kinds of diseases. Smoking is also linked to cancers of the mouth, and throat just to name a few. It also raised blood pressure(血压) and increases the risk of o

26、ther diseases. Besides, smoking may cause life problems.Smoking can break your relationships Non-smokers prefer non-smoking partners because of some reasons. For one, they dont want to let themselves in second-hand smoke. Non-smokers also hate the smell of cigarette, which usually stays in a smokers

27、 body even after they have washed their hands.Smoking looks so out of style The days of looking “cool” while lighting up a cigarette is long gone. Nowadays people are more educated on the risk of smoking. Still, a lot of people, especially young adults, think that lighting up a cigarette will make t

28、hem appear better than their friends.Smoking is more expensive than giving up smoking You will be surprised to know how much you are actually spending on cigarettes. Do a quick online search for “smoking calculator” to find out. On the other hand, programs that will help you give up smoking will set

29、 you back just a couple of hundred dollars at most.Its not as hard as you may think to give up smoking Every smoker will tell you that its hard to stop, in fact its not. They just dont want to stop. If you put your mind and heart to it, with a little help from family and friends, you can stop that b

30、ad habit once and for all.1Why smoking can break your relationships?ABecause smoke never stays in a smokers body.BBecause non-smokers also prefer the smell of cigarette.CBecause second-hand smoke smells bad.DBecause non-smokers prefer non-smoking partners.2Which reason is NOT mentioned in the passag

31、e about giving up smoking?ASmoking costs too much.BSmoking sometimes leads you to cause some diseases.CSmoking makes you be in fashion.DIts not good for your relationship.3What does the underlined word “linked” in passage 2 mean?A联系 B组合 C变成 D构建4Whats the main idea of the passage?ASmoking is harmful.BSmoking is a major cause of some kinds of diseases.CIts not hard to stop smokingDTeenagers should give up smoking

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