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1、最新外研版高一英语必修一Module16知识点总结Book 1 Module 11 be similar to 2 sbs attitude to/towards3 far from 4 a computer with a special screen 5 a enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen6 sbs method of teaching=sbs teaching method7 nothing like 8 reading comprehension9 have fun 10 feel bored=be bored11 introduceto 12 in

2、groups 13 giveinstructions on14 by oneself=on ones own15 improve sbs spelling and handwriting 16 in a fun way17 in other words18 write a description of=describe19 look forward to doing20 be impressed with21 make (much) progress22 Would you mind doing?23 at the start/beginning of24 at the end of25 re

3、ceive the high school diploma26 go to college 27 divide into28 be divided into29 take part in all kinds of activities30 summer vacation31 I live in Shijazhuang, a city not far from Bejing。32 Every has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen.33 Ms Shen teaching method is no

4、thing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.34 I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class.35 In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. 36 For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live.37 Some students were embarrassed at firs

5、t, but everyone was friendly and it was really very nice.38 Ms shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves.39 How are you doing?40 How is it going?41 Secondary school in the Us usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve. 42 The school year is divided into two semesters, the first

6、 of which is September through December, and the second January through May.43 The amazing news amazed us.44 The disappointing news made us disappointed.45 His disappointed expression suggested(that) he was disappointed. 46 join (us) in the game 47 join an organization加入一个组织48 join the party49 atten

7、d the wedding 参加婚礼50 attend the opening ceremony参加开幕式 51 This bridge is three times as long as that one.52 This bridge is twice longer than that one.53 This bridge is three time the length of that one.54 There is three times as much money in my pocket as in yours.55 The climate of Bejing is quite di

8、fferent from that of Qingdao.56 There is nothing like a holiday to make one happy.Book 1 Module 11 和相似 2 对于的态度3 远离;远不是远非 4 一个带有特殊屏幕的电脑 5 一个被叫做沈女士的热心肠的妇女6 sb的教学方法7 一点也不像 8 阅读理解9 玩地快乐 10 感到厌倦11把介绍给 12 成组地,按组的 13给关于的指示14 通过自己15 改善的拼写和书法 16 通过一种有趣的方式17 换句话说18 描述19 盼望做20 对印象深刻21 取得(许多)进步22 你介意做?23 在开始24

9、在末尾25 得到高中文凭26 去上大学27把 分成(整体分成部分)28 被分成29 参加多种多样的活动30 暑假31 我住在石家庄,一个离北京不远的城市32 每个教室都有一台电脑,带有几乎像电影屏幕一样大的特殊屏幕33 沈女士的教学方法一点也不像我初中教师的教学方法。34 我认为我在沈女士的课上是不会厌倦的35 换句话说,女生的数量是男生的三倍 36 对于我们今天晚上的作业,我们需要描述一下我们居住的街道37 一些学生开始时是尴尬的,但是每个人是友好的,这确实是是不错的38 沈女士给了我们一些指示,接着我们自己工作。39 你最近情况怎样?40 进来怎样?41 美国的中学通常包括七年,从6年级到

10、12年级。 42 一个学年通常被分成两个学期,第一个学期是从9月到12月,第二个是从一月到5月。.43 这令人吃惊的消息使我吃惊。44 令人失望的消息使我失望。45他失望的表情暗示他很失望46 加入(我们的)活动 47加入一个组织48 入党49参加婚礼50参加开幕式 51 这座桥是那座桥的3倍长。52这座桥是那座桥的3倍长。53这座桥是那座桥的3倍长。54我口袋的钱是你口袋钱的三倍。 55 北京的气候和青岛的气候是不一样的。56 什么也不如假期能使人快乐。Book 1 Module 21 be partient with sb 2 be patient of 3 be strict with

11、sb, be strict in4 avoid doing 5 admit doing admit admitted admitted6 hate doing7 appreciate doing 8 feel relaxed9 make sure 10 so that11 make(rapid)progress 12 as a result 13 as a result of14 fall asleep fall fell fallen15 tell jokes=tell a joke 16 in fact 17 It doesnt matter if/whether18 What is yo

12、ur impression of19 dont dare to do=dare not do 20 get bored21 get excited22 prefer to do A rather than do B23 prefer doing A to doing B24 would rather do A than do B25 would do A rather than do B26 Have you got that?27 take/have a look at28 thats settled 29 It is up to you30 a couple of31 the relati

13、onship between A and B32 be true of33 be considered(to be)important34 have problems with35 state schools 36 private schools37 pay for 38 Good teachers make sure that everyone understands.39 I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with students.40 My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was

14、nervous and shy.41 The class really like working with her.42 She explains grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! She avoids making you feel stupid.43 Mrs Li just smiles, so that you dont feel completely stupid.44 We dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.45 There are a few students

15、 in our class who keep coming to class late but they are always on time for Mrs Chens class.46 During scientific experiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving.47 I will do well with Mrs Chen teaching me.48 Mr Wu has only been teaching us for two weeks and h

16、es already very popular.49 Hes got so much energy, this is one class you do not fall asleep in.50 With prices going up, Im having a hard life.51 He left with the door closed.52 He left with the door open.53 With many problems to settle, the president is having a hard time.54 He came in, with a book

17、in his hand.55 He went out with the light on.56 The doctors are patient with patients.57 He became so excited that he couldnt help laughing.58 He was such a good boy that he was praised. so good a boy59 I worked hard, so that I caught up with him60 I got up early so that I could catch the bus.61 It

18、rained heavily. As a result, he stayed at home.62 As a result of the heavy rain, he stayed at home.Book 1 Module 21 对某人耐心2 对某事耐心3 对某人严格, 对某事严格4 避免做5 承认做6 厌恶做7 欣赏、感激做8 感到放松9 确保确使10 目的是结果是11 取得(迅速)进步12 结果是13 结果是14 入睡15 讲笑话16 事实上实际上17 是否没多大关系18 你对于的态度是?19 不敢做20 感到厌倦21 感到激动22宁愿做A而不做B23宁愿做A而不做B24宁愿做A而不做B

19、25宁愿做A而不做B26 你听到了了吗?27 看一看28 就这么定了29 由你来定30 两三个,几个31 A和B之间的关系32 也适用于33 被认为是重要的34 有的问题35 公立学校36 私立学校37 支付38 好的教师确保每一个学生都理解39 我喜欢有趣并能和学生同乐的老师。40 我对李女士的第一印象是她很紧张和害羞。41 整个班集体都喜欢和她一起工作。42 他解释语法如此清晰,以至于甚至我都能理解它,他避免使你感到愚蠢。43 李女士只是微笑,这样你就不会感到很愚蠢。44 我们不敢说一句话除非她叫我们说话。45 班上有几个学生总是上课迟到,但是他们总是准时上陈女士的课。46 在科学实验中,

20、她确切地解释正在发生的一切,结果是我的学习正在提高。47 有陈女士教我我会学好的。48 吴先生一直教了两个周,就已经很受欢迎了。49 他有如此多的精力, 这是一堂你不会睡觉的课。50 价钱不断上涨,我生活艰难。51 他离开了,门关着,。52 他离开了,门开着。53 有许多问题要解决,总统日子不好过。54 他进来了,手里拿着一本书。55 他出去了,灯亮着。56 医生对于病人很耐心。57 他如此激动以至于他情不自禁地笑了。58 他是一个如此好的孩子以至于他受到了表扬。59 我努力工作,结果是我赶上了他。60 我起得早目的是我能够赶上公车。61 雨下得很大,结果是他呆在家里。62 由于大雨他呆在家里

21、。Book 1 Module 31 get on 2 get off3 get into a taxi/helicopter4 get out of a taxi/helicopter5 take off6 be short for7 be short of8 in short/in a word9 notany more10 out of date11 refer to 12 at midnight13 feel exhausted/get exhausted/be exhausted14 travel a long distance15 ride a bicycle/motorbike16

22、 drive a car/taxi/train/bus17 on the coast 18 off the coast19 more than20 meals cooked by experts21 abandoned farms 22 trained animals23 look out of the window24 look out25 try doing26 try to do27 much better28 pass a law29 allowto do30 allow doing31 Could I possily do32 Would you mind(him/his)doing

23、 33 Im sorry but34 The fact is that35 the visit to36 all the time 37 so many children38 a 90-year-old actress called Mary39 a 30-kilometere journey40 at a speed of41 reach a speed of42 attend the opening/closing ceremony43 Where do you think most people live?44 Recently I had my first ride on a long

24、-distance train.45 we got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, right in the middle of Australia, more than four thousand kilometers away.46 We ate meals cooked by experts.47 We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.48 One night, at about midnight, I watched the

25、night sky for about an hour.49 They tried riding horses, but the horses didnt like the hot weather and sand.50 They and their camels did this until the 1920s.51 They passed a law which allowed people to shoot the animals if there were a problem.52 Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hou

26、r, the train can complete the 30-kilometer journey in eight minutes.53 We didnt go to bed until midnight.54 Some people in their twenties went abroad in the 1920s/in the 1920s.55 I I remember the day when my father tried to teach me how to ride a bike.56 refer to a dictionary=look up a word in a dic

27、tionary57 Dont refer to him.=Dont mention him.58 More than one room has been burned down59 Reading English is one of the fastest ways of improving English/to improve English.60 Yesterday I saw him for the first time.61 The first time I saw him, I fell in love with him. Book 1 Module 31 上车2 下车3 进入出租车

28、/直升飞机4 从出租车/直升飞机出来5 起飞6 是缩写7 缺少8 简言之9 不再10 过期11 指的是,涉及到12 在午夜13 感到筋疲力尽14 坐长途旅行15 骑自行车、摩托车16 开汽车/出租车/火车/公共汽车17 在海岸线上18 离开海岸线19 不仅仅是20 专家做的饭21 废弃的农场22 经过训练的骆驼23 向窗外看24 当心小心25 尝试做26 尽力做27 更好28 通过一个法律29 允许做30 允许做31 我能做32 你介意(他)做33 很抱歉可是34 事实是35 的参观36 一直37 如此多的孩子38 一个叫做玛丽的90岁女演员39 一次30 公里的行程40 以速度41 达到的速

29、度42 参加开幕式、闭幕式43 你认为大多数人住在哪里?44 近来我第一次乘坐了长途火车。45 我们是在悉尼上车,在4000多公里以外的澳大利亚中部的斯普林斯下车,并在火车上呆了两天两夜。46 我们吃了专家们做的饭菜。47 我们看到了被遗弃了的100年前建造的农庄。48 有一个晚上,大约是在半夜,差不多有整整一个小时我都在注视夜晚的天空 49 他们试着骑马,但那些马不喜欢炎热的天气和沙漠。50 直到20世纪20年代,阿富汗人和他们的骆驼还在做着这样的工作。51 他们通过了一项法律,这项法律允许人们射死动物如果有问题的话。52 以每小时超过400公里的速度运行,火车能够在8分钟内完成30公里的行

30、程。53 我们直到午夜才上床睡觉。54 一些20多岁的人在20世纪20年代出国了。55 我记得我父亲尽力教我如何骑自行车的那一天。56 查字典57 不要谈他了58 不止一个屋子已经烧毁了59 读英语是提高英语的最快的方式之一。60 昨天,我第一次看见了他61 当我第一次看见他,我就爱上了他。Book 1 Module 41 put up 2 so far = up to know= till now3 get away from 4 a great many=many5 a number of6 the number of7 go up=rise8 feel fortunate (in) doing=feel fortunate to do9 a pretty park10 be pretty cold pretty well11 starve to death=die of starvation12 give a brief report of13 high-rise buil

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