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1、届高考英语一轮复习Unit1Names学案重庆大学版Unit 1Names一、单词写 得 准用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)1.sayvt.表示;表明2.openmindedadj. 虚心的,思想开明的3.polishvt. 修改;润色4.featurevt. 以为特色5.conveyvt. 传达6.highlightvt. 使显著,突出7.respected adj.受人敬重的respectableadj.值得敬重的respectfuladj.恭敬的,表示尊敬的respectvt.&n尊敬,尊重8.childish adj.孩子气的,幼稚的childn小孩9.true adj.真实的,真

2、的truthn事实,真理,真实,真相truthfuladj.诚实的10.shorten vi./vt.缩短,(使)变短shortadj.短的11.adapt vt.改编adaptationn改编本;适应12.exaggerate vi./vt.夸大,夸张exaggerationn夸张13.lengthen vi./vt.(使)加长,使延长 longadj.长的lengthn长度14.forgetful adj.健忘的,疏忽的forgetv忘记forgettableadj.可忘的,可忘记的,易被忘记的15.courageous adj.勇敢的,有胆量的couragen勇气16.indicate

3、vt.指出,显示,预示indicationn指示,迹象,暗示1.Evidently, realizing this difference and trying to shorten (short) this gap is the key to achieving our accomplishment.2.He promised that this type of childish (child) behavior would not happen again.3.This book is copyright protected, so no adaptation (adapt) should

4、be made without the writers permission.4.It is no exaggeration (exaggerate) at all to say that good books are both our best teachers and friends.5.The young man was courageous (courage) enough to break away from traditional ideas.6.It is our duty to understand truth and act in a truthful manner in o

5、ur communication.(true)7.The length of the rope is not enough, so try to lengthen it.(long)8.He is so forgetful a man that it is quite possible for him to have forgotten the appointment for such things are forgettable.(forget) 9.Teachers are respectable in our country. Students respect their teacher

6、s and listen to them in school in respectful ways.(respect)1.后缀ful形容词清单respectful恭敬的truthful 诚实的forgetful 健忘的helpful 有帮助的 skillful 有技巧的meaningful 有意义的careful 仔细的2.盘点ex开头动词exaggerate夸大,夸张exchange 交换;交流exist 存在;生存expose 暴露;显露explode 爆炸;爆裂3常见合成形容词大全openminded 虚心的absentminded 心不在焉的quickminded思维敏捷的narrow

7、minded 心胸狭窄的brokenhearted 心碎的kindhearted 心地善良的lighthearted 心情轻松的4后缀ish形容词全扫描childish 孩子气的selfish 自私的foolish 傻的,笨的bookish 书呆子气的二、短语写 得 准用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.go_with 伴随,与相配2.tell_._apart 区分,辨别3.make_up 虚构,拼凑;化妆;和解4.become_known_(as) (以)出名5.by_name 凭名字;用的名字6.be_short_for_sth. 简略的;缩写的7.used_to 过去常常,习惯于8.be_

8、characterized_by的特点在于9.in_general 通常,大体上,一般而言10.divide_into 分成11.borrow_from 从借入1.Your new coat goes_with your black boots; you look very pretty.2.The library is divided_into different zones, so its easy for you to find what you need.3.As is known to all, the UN is_short_for the United Nations.4.I k

9、now him only by_name,_so I am not familiar with him.5.In_general,_one of the best ways to deal with anxiety is to exercise.1.“v.with”短语小结go with与相配agree with 与一致compete with 与竞争cope with 应付,对付deal with 与打交道2.“byn.”短语荟萃by name凭名字by force 用武力by nature 天生地;生性by birth 生来;在血统上三、句式背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.Names a

10、re the quickest and easiest as well as friendliest way to say whos who .名字是最快捷、最容易,也是最友好的说明谁是谁的方法as well as “也,又,还”,可以作介词,也可以作连词,连接相同的句子成分。我们不仅可以更多地了解伟人的生活而且可以了解其他国家的历史和文化。We can know more about the life of great people as_well_as_history_and_cultures_of_other_countries.2.It is not unusual to see me

11、n and women rushing down the street on a sunny morning with umbrellas under their arms.在晴朗的早上看到手臂下夹着雨伞在街上匆匆而过的男男女女并非罕见。It is not unusual to .是双重否定句型表示肯定意义,意为“并不稀奇/很平常”。人们换职业是一件很平常的事。 It_is_not_unusual for people to change careers.第一板块核心单词归纳集释1say vt.表示;表明,指明;预报,报道;假设;说经典例句I would like to say how muc

12、h we appreciate your hard work.我想说我们对你的辛勤劳动非常感谢。say hello to sb.向某人问好I dare say 我敢说;我想(插入语)not to say . 更不用说that is to say 换句话说,也就是说Its said that . 据说It_is_said_that the new mayor will come into power next month.据说新市长下个月将上任。They left two weeks ago; that_is_to_say,_they have been away for two weeks.他

13、们两周前离开了,也就是说,他们已经离开两周了。2adapt vt.使适应;改编高考佳句Because our bodies adapt to everything we do to them.(2013浙江高考)因为我们的身体适应我们对它做的任何事情。(1)adapt (oneself) to使适应于adapt sth.from 根据改编某物be adapted for 为而改写/改编(2)adaptation n. 适应;改编;改写本make a good adaptation to . 很适应(3)adaptable adj. 能适应的;可修改的The TV series RedSorgh

14、umadapted (adapt) from Mo Yans novel of the same name has been shown on many TV channels.由莫言同名小说改编的电视剧红高粱已在许多电视台播放过了。It was the culture, rather than the language, that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.(2014福建高考单选)是文化而不是语言使得他很难适应国外的新环境。3convey vt.传达;运送,输送;表达;转让(财产)教材原句Perfo

15、rmers also use their eyes and facial expressions to helpconvey the specific meaning.表演者也可以运用眼神和面部表情帮助表达具体的意思。(1)convey ones feelings/meanings表达感情/意思convey sb. 向某人表达/传达某物(2)convey sb./sth.from A to B 把某人或某物从A地 运送到B地Its said that a bus will convey us from hotel to the scenery spot.据说,一辆巴士将把我们从宾

16、馆送到景点。In this letter, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to you for your assistance/help.对于您的帮助,我想在这封信中表达对您衷心的感谢。 .基础点全练(单句语法填空/补全句子)1A notice has been put up on the blackboard, saying (say) that our holiday will be put off.2A good teacher must know how to convey his ideas to his student

17、s.3My father became forgetful (forget) these days because of the negative effect of the medicine.4Respected_guests (尊敬的来宾), welcome to live in our hotel.5It is reported that it was smoking that shortened_her_life (缩短了她的生命).重难点多练adapt全接触(1)介词填空It is never easy to adapt to big changes. Those who can d

18、o it faster are more likely to succeed.The author is going to adapt his stories for television.The new film is said to be adapted from a famous novel of the same name.(2)一句多译他迅速适应了那儿的生活方式。He quickly adapted_himself_to the way of life there.(adapt v)He quickly adapted_to the way of life there.(adapt

19、v)He made_a_quick_adaptation_to the way of life there.(adaption n)(3)对比填空The film TinyTimes is adapted (adapt) from Guo Jingmings novel of the same name.The film TinyTimes is an adaptation (adapt) of Guo Jingmings novel of the same name.阅读词汇专练根据语境选出say的词性和词义(A)vt.表明(B)vt.假设(C)vt.说(D)n.发言权 (E)n.意见1Ju

20、st say you won the lottery what would you do?_B_2Parents should talk to their children but at the same time they should lend an ear to what they have to say._C_3The fact that she never apologises says a lot about what kind of person she is._A_4Dont interrupt her; let her have her say._E_5We are cons

21、idering giving them greater say in such matters._D_第二板块短语句型归纳集释1make up占,形成,构成;弥补;编造;整理;化妆;和解;组成;虚构;拼凑经典例句He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick.他编了个借口,说他的女儿病倒了。一词多义写出下列句中make up的含义They made up for their inexperience by careful preparation for each lesson.弥补They quarrelled the other da

22、y but they made up soon.和解Leave this notice hanging on your door, asking the servant to make up your room.整理I dont like to see women making up in public.化妆Farm workers make uponly a small section of the population.占,构成Dontmake up any excuse for your being late again.编造,虚构make out(费力)理解;假装;辨认出;看清楚mak

23、e it 取得成功;准时到达;做到了be made up of 由组成make for 移向;走向,促成;有利于make up for 弥补,补偿make up ones mind 下决心;决定Theyll do all they can to make up for the economic losses. 他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。I made up my mind to_study (study) harder rather than waste precious time on those useless things.(2015湖南高考书面表达)我已下定决心更加努力学习而不是

24、把宝贵的时间浪费在这些无用的事情上。2be short for是的缩写/简称教材原句One of the most common names in the English language is Smith, which is short for blacksmith.英语中最常见的一个姓是史密斯,史密斯是“铁匠”的简略形式。be short of缺少;缺乏for short 简略为,简称为in shortin a few wordsbriefly 简言之,总而言之to be short 简单地说It is believed that the young graduates are_short

25、_of patience and persistence.人们认为,年轻的毕业生们缺乏耐心和毅力。In England, people usually call me Jim for_short.在英格兰,人们通常简略地称我为“吉姆”。3It_is_not_unusual_to_see men and women rushing down the street on a sunny morning with umbrellas under their arms. 在晴朗的早上看到手臂下夹着雨伞在街上匆匆而过的男男女女并非罕见。句中It is not unusual to see .是双重否定结

26、构,not unusual“并非罕见”。双重否定结构常表示肯定意义。(1)常见的双重否定结构还有:no (not)等表示否定意义的形容词没有不no (never) . without . 没有不;除 不(2)常见的用否定形式表示肯定意义的结构有:cannot . too . 无论怎样也不为过cannot wait to do sth. 急于做某事cannot help doing sth. 禁不住/忍不住做某事It_is_not_unusual to throw rubbish everywhere in some places.在一些地方,随处扔垃圾并非罕见。With so many car

27、s running in the streets, as a new driver, never_can_you_be_too_cautious in order not to scratch others cars.街上有这么多的车子在行驶,为了不刮碰别人的车,作为新手司机的你再怎么小心谨慎也不为过。.基础点全练1单句语法填空The two paintings look so much alike that I cant tell the authentic painting from the modern copy.I never used to_enjoy (enjoy) science

28、,but last year I changed schools, and the science teachers at my new school were excellent.He has fame, money, and everything that goes with it.It is not unusual for students to_play (play) phones instead of reading books.Its no use complaining without taking any action.2运用所学短语完成片段I have a friend wh

29、ose name is Rob, which is_short_for (是的缩写) Robert. He comes from Australia. He has a twin brother, and I cant tell_them_apart (区分他们). He is_known_as (以出名) an expert in the English language. I havent seen him for many years, but I came across him in the street yesterday. He still stays_the_same (保持不变

30、). He told me that he lives in Shanghai now. He has been_used_to (习惯于) living there. I was very happy to see him again.重难点多练1short相关短语多棱镜补全句子UK是联合王国的简略形式。UK is_short_for the United Kingdom. 加拿大国家电视塔位于多伦多市中心,通常简称为CN塔。Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for_short.总之,他是我见过最有前途的学生之一。 In_short,_he is one of the most promising students Ive ever known.2make相关短语点点练

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