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1、最新SA8000社会责任管理体系标准汇编九年级数学下册知识点归纳12.与圆有关的辅助线2.正弦:tanA的值越大,梯子越陡,A越大;A越大,梯子越陡,tanA的值越大。2、加强家校联系,共同教育。sin 推论1: 同弧或等弧所对的圆周角相等。11.弧长及扇形的面积弧、半圆、优弧、劣弧:弧:圆上任意两点间的部分叫做圆弧,简称弧,用符号“”表示,以CD为端点的弧记为“”,读作“圆弧CD”或“弧CD”。半圆:直径的两个端点分圆成两条弧,每一条弧叫做半圆。优弧:大于半圆的弧叫做优弧。劣弧:小于半圆的弧叫做劣弧。(为了区别优弧和劣弧,优弧用三个字母表示。)1、第二单元“观察物体”。学生将通过观察身边的简

2、单物体,初步体会从不同角度观察物体所看到的形状可能是不同的发展空间观念。INTERNATIONAL STANDARDSAISA8000: 2008Social Accountability 8000SA8000 is a registered trademark of Social Accountability InternationalAbout the StandardThis is the second issue of SA8000, a uniform, auditable standard for a third party verification system. Subject

3、 to periodic revision, SA8000 will continue to evolve as interested parties specify improvements, corrections are identified and as conditions change.这是SA8000的第二版。SA8000是统一、可核查的第三方认证系统。如果相关方面发现需改正及提高的地方,SAI 会对标准在一定期限内作出相应修改。Many interested parties have advised on this version. SAI welcomes your advi

4、ce as well. To comment on SA8000, the associated Guidance Document, or the framework for certification, please send written remarks to SAI.许多人士给第二版的修订工作提供了咨询。您也可以成为其中一员。如果您想就SA8000标准、配套的指导文件以及认证过程的基本框架发表看法,请书面提交给SAI。The SA8000 Guidance Document helps explain SA8000 and its implementation; provides e

5、xamples of methods for verifying compliance; and serves as a handbook for auditors and for companies seeking certification against SA8000.SA8000的指导文件能帮你解释SA8000及其实施、提供达标核查方法的示例。核查人员以及欲获认证的公司可将其当作手册使用。It is hoped that both the standard and its Guidance Document will continuously improve, with the hel

6、p of a very wide variety of people and organisations.我们希望本标准及其指导文件在诸多组织和个人的帮助下能不断得到完善。SAISocial Accountability International社会责任国际 SAI 2001SA8000 may not be reproduced without prior written permission from SAISAI220 East 23rd Street, Suite 605New York, NY 10010USA+1-212-684-1414+1-212-684-1515 (facs

7、imile)e-mail: Contents PageI. Purpose And Scope 目的与范围II. Normative Elements And Their Interpretation 规范性原则及其解释III. Definitions 定义1. Definition of company 公司定义2. Definition of supplier/subcontractor 供应商/分包商定义3. Definition of sub-supplier 下级供应商定义4. Definition of remedial action 补救行动定义5

8、. Definition of corrective action 纠正行动定义6. Definition of interested party 利益相关方定义7. Definition of child 儿童定义8. Definition of young worker 青少年工人定义9. Definition of child labour 童工定义10. Definition of forced labour 强迫劳动定义11. Definition of remediation of children 救济儿童定义12. Definition of homeworker 居家工人定义

9、IV. Social Accountability Requirements 社会责任要求1. Child Labour 童工2. Forced Labour 强迫性劳动3. Health and Safety 健康与安全4. Freedom of Association & Right to Collective Bargaining 结社自由及集体谈判权利5. Discrimination 歧视6. Disciplinary Practices 惩戒性措施7. Working Hours 工作时间8. Remuneration 报酬9. Management Systems 管理体系I.

10、Purpose And Scope1.目的和范围This standard specifies requirements for social accountability to enable a company to:本标准界定社会责任的有关要求,以使公司;a) develop, maintain, and enforce policies and procedures in order to manage those issues which it can control or influence;开发、维持并执行政策及程序,在公司可以控制和影响的的范围内管理有关社会责任的事宜b) dem

11、onstrate to interested parties that policies, procedures and practices are in conformity with the requirements of this standard.向利益相关方证明公司政策、程序及举措符合本标准之规定The requirements of this standard shall apply universally with regard to geographic location, industry sector and company size. 本标准各项规定具有普遍适用性,不受地

12、域、产业类别和公司规模限制Note: Readers are advised to consult the SA8000 Guidance Document for interpretative guidance with respect to this standard.注意;关于本标准的解释,我们建议读者参照配套的SA8000指导文件。II. Normative Elements And TheirInterpretation规范性原则及其解释The company shall comply with national and other applicable law, other req

13、uirements to which the company subscribes, and this standard. When national and other applicable law, other requirements to which the company subscribes, and this standard address the same issue, that provision which is most stringent applies.公司应遵守国家及其它适用法律,公司签署的其他规章以及本标准。当国家及其它适用法律,公司签署的其他规章以及本标准所规

14、范议题相同时,应采用其中最严格的条款The company shall also respect the principles of the following international instruments:公司也应该尊重下列国际协议之原则ILO Conventions 29 and 105 (Forced & Bonded Labour)国际劳工组织公约第29及第105号(强迫性劳工及债务工)ILO Convention 87 (Freedom of Association)国际劳工组织公约第87号(结社自由)ILO Convention 98 (Right to Collective

15、 Bargaining)国际劳工组织公约第98号(集体谈判权利)ILO Conventions 100 and 111 (Equal remuneration for male and female workers for work of equal value; Discrimination)国际劳工组织公约第100及第111号(男女工人同工同酬;歧视)ILO Convention 135 (Workers Representatives Convention)国际劳工组织公约第135号(工人代表公约)ILO Convention 138 & Recommendation 146 (Mini

16、mum Age and Recommendation)国际劳工组织公约第138号及建议条款第146号(最低年龄及建议)ILO Convention 155 & Recommendation 164 (Occupational Safety & Health)国际劳工组织公约第155号及建议条款第164号(职业安全与健康)ILO Convention 159 (Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment/Disabled Persons)国际劳工组织公约第159号(职业康复与就业/伤残人员)ILO Convention 177 (Home Work)国际劳工组织

17、公约第177号(居家工作)ILO Convention 182 (Worst Forms of Child Labour)国际劳工组织公约第182号(最恶劣形式的童工)Universal Declaration of Human Rights世界人权宣言The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child联合国儿童权利公约The United Nations Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women联合国消除一切形式歧视妇女行为公约III. De

18、finitions定义1. Definition of company: The entirety of any organization or business entity responsible for implementing the requirements of this standard, including all personnel (i.e., directors, executives, management, supervisors, and nonmanagement staff, whether directly employed, contracted or ot

19、herwise representing the company).公司定义:任何负责实施本标准各项规定的组织或企业的整体,包括所有员工(即董事、主管、经理、监察以及非管理类人员,不论是直接聘用、合同制聘用或以其他方式代表公司的人员)2. Definition of supplier/subcontractor: A business entity which provides the company with goods and/or services integral to, and utilized in/for, the production of the companys goods

20、 and/or services.供应商/分包商定义:给公司提供货物和/或服务的实体,他所提供的货物和/货物构成公司生产的货物和/或服务的一部分,或者被用来生产公司货物和/或服务。3. Definition of sub-supplier: A business entity in the supply chain which, directly or indirectly, provides the supplier with goods and/or services integral to, and utilized in/for, the production of the suppl

21、iers and/or companys goods and/or services.分供方定义:在供应链中直接或间接向供应商提供货物和/或服务的经营实体,它所提供的货物和/或服务构成供应商和/或公司生产的货物和/或服务的一部分,或者被用来生产供应商和/或公司的货物和/或服务。4. Definition of remedial action: Action taken to make amends to a worker or former employee for a previous violation of a workers rights as covered by SA8000. 纠

22、正行动定义:给SA8000所涵盖权益受害工人或前雇员的补救。5. Definition of corrective action: The implementation of a systemic change or solution to ensure an immediate and ongoing remedy to a nonconformance.纠正行动的定义:为确保给不符点提供及时、持续补救而实施的系统化的改进或解决措施。6. Definition of interested party: Individual or group concerned with or affecte

23、d by the social performance of the company. 相关方定义:关心公司社会行为或受此影响的个人或团体7. Definition of child: Any person less than 15 years of age, unless local minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work or mandatory schooling, in which case the higher age would apply. If, however, local minimum age law is set

24、 at 14 years of age in accordance with developingcountry exceptions under ILO Convention 138, the lower age will apply.儿童定义:任何十五岁以下的人。若当地法律所规定的最低工作年龄或义务教育年龄高于十五岁,则以较高年龄为准。如果当地法律规定最低工作年龄为十四岁,符合国际劳工组织第138号公约有关发展中国家的例外规定,则以较低年龄为准8. Definition of young worker: Any worker over the age of a child as defin

25、ed above and under the age of 18.青少年定义:任何超过上述定义的儿童年龄但不满十八岁的工人。9. Definition of child labour: Any work by a child younger than the age(s) specified in the above definition of a child, except as provided for by ILO Recommendation 146.童工定义:由低于上述儿童定义规定年龄的儿童所从事的任何劳动,除非符合国际劳工组织建议条款第146号规定。10. Definition o

26、f forced labour: All work or service that is extracted from any person under the menace of any penalty for which said person has not offered him/herself voluntarily or for which such work or service is demanded as a means of repayment of debt.强迫劳动定义:任何人在任何受惩处威胁下被榨取的非志愿性工作或服务11. Definition of remedia

27、tion of children: All necessary support and actions to ensure the safety, health, education, and development of children who have been subjected to child labour, as defined above, and are dismissed.救济儿童的定义:为保障曾从事童工现被遣散儿童之安全、健康、教育和发展而采取的所有必要的支援及行动12. Definition of homeworker: A person who carries out

28、 work for a company under direct or indirect contract, other than on a companys premises, for remuneration, which results in the provision of a product or service as specified by the employer, irrespective of who supplies the equipment, materials or other inputs used.居家工人定义:在直接或间接合同下,不在公司场地内为公司做工的人。

29、不论由谁提供设备、原材料或其他物料,只要提供了雇主界定的产品或服务并为报酬而做工的人均属居家工人。IV. Social Accountability Requirements社会责任要求1. Child Labour 童工 Criteria: 准则 1.1 The company shall not engage in or support the use of child labour as defined above. 公司不应使用或支持使用符合上述定义的童工。 1.2 The company shall establish, document, maintain, and effecti

30、vely communicate to personnel and other interested parties policies and procedures for remediation of children found to be working in situations which fit the definition of child labour above, and shall provide adequate support to enable such children to attend and remain in school until no longer a

31、 child as defined above.如果发现有儿童从事符合上述童工定义的工作,公司应建立、记录、保留旨在救济这些儿童的政策和措施,并将其向员工及利益的相关方有效传达.公司还应给这些儿童提供足够支持以使之接受学校教育直到超过上述定义下儿童年龄为止。 1.3 The company shall establish, document, maintain, and effectively communicate to personnel and other interested parties policies and procedures for promotion of educat

32、ion for children covered under ILO Recommendation 146 and young workers who are subject to local compulsory education laws or are attending school, including means to ensure that no such child or young worker is employed during school hours and that combined hours of daily transportation (to and from work and school), schoo

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