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1、英语人教新目标七年级上单元检测卷Unit91【英语】人教新目标:七年级上单元检测卷:Unit9(1)Unit 91. 单项选择1. We have classes _ Monday _ Friday., to B. on, to C.from, to D. on, on2. -Why dont you like English? -Because its _. A. interesting B. fun C. exciting D. difficult3. This morning we have _ classes, and the _ class is English. A. f

2、ive, five B. five, fifth C. fifth, fifth D. five, fiveth4. -Can you finish _ these books before Sunday? - Yes, I can. A. to read B. read C. reads D. reading5. -_do you have a basketball game? -In January. A. why B. when C. how D. where6. He plays soccer _ about two hours every day. He likes it very

3、much. A. for B. in C. to 7. The basketball game starts _ 9:00 a.m. Dont be late. A. in B. at C. on D. to8. He often reads English in the morning. He thinks English is very important _ him. A. for B. on C. with D. to9. -Whats your favorite _? -Red. A. color B. food C. subject D. sport10. What do

4、 you usually do _ Sunday morning? A. in B. on C. for D. at2 句型转换1. He likes P.E. best.(改为同义句) _ is P.E.2. I like Mr. Smith because he is great fun. (对划线部分提问) _ like Mr. Smith?3. Tom has science on Thursday. (对划线部分提问) _ have science?4. My favorite subject is music. (对划线部分提问) _ favorite subject?5. Mis

5、s. Wang is our Chinese teacher. (对划线部分提问) _ your Chinese teacher?3 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 晚饭后,我弹一个小时的钢琴。 After dinner, I play the piano _.2. 他在周三下午有一节音乐课。 He has a music lesson _.3. 我们每个学期都有一些球赛。 We _ every term.4. 我们的英语老师说是一门有用的学科。 Our English teacher says that English is _.5. 李老师总是忙于工作。 Mr. Li _ always _ hi

6、s work.4补全对话 A:1_ B: Well, I really like math best. 2_ A: No, math is boring for me. Science is my favorite. B: 3_ A: I have science on Thursday afternoon. 4_ B: I have two history classes every week. A: _ B: Mr. Liu. He is a great history teacher.5短文填空 class a good one late play be finish teach get

7、 Tom 1_ very busy on Friday. He 2_ up at 6:30 in the morning. After breakfast, he goes to school with his friend Jack. In the morning he has five 3_. And the 4_ class begins at 8:00. His 5_ are very strict with him and he cant be 6_ for school. He 7_ sports in the afternoon. He can play basketball v

8、ery 8_. His favorite sport is ping-pong. And his favorite subject is math. He thinks math is easy for him. He has an art lesson in the afternoon. His school 9_ at 5:30 p.m. After supper, he often watches TV for 10_ hour. But he has to finish his homework first. He goes to bed at 10:30. He feels very

9、 tired then.最新英语人教版七年级上册unit9单元测试卷(含答案)(1) 七年级上册英语unit9单元测试卷I单项选择(共10小题,计10分)本题共有10个小题,请从每小题的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。( )1.- doyoulikeP.E.?-Becauseitsfun.A.What B.When C.Howmuch D.Why( )2.How birthdaypresentsdoyouhave?A.old B.much C.many D.muchfor( )3.-Whataretheydoing?-Theyare dumplings.A.tomake B.making C.mak

10、es D.make( )4.Thewindisblowingstrongly!Itsa day.A.cloudy B.windy C.rain D.sunny( )5- isyourfavoriteseason?-Ilikespringbest.A.How B.Where C.When D.What( )6.Helikestoeatsome forbreakfast.A.rices B.vegetable C.strawberry D.strawberries( )7.He toworkonherbicycleeveryday.A.go B.goes C.isgoing D.going( )8

11、.Most themcometoschool foot.A.of;by B.of;on; on D.of;onthe( )9.TheycomefromAmerica.They English.A.speak B.say C.tell )10.Thereis timeforbreakfast.A.not B.nomany D.doesntII.完形填空(共10小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。My dearfriends,letmetellyousomethingaboutmydailytimet

12、able.I 1 at7:00andIgoto 2 at 8:00. I have science at 3 and then I have math at 10:00. 4 is my favorite subject. I like math because its 5 .Mr. Tan is our math 6 . I like him very much. I have 7 at 12:00 and them I have music at 1:00p.m.Ihavehistoryat2:00p.m.I 8 likehistorybecause its boring.ButI 9 l

13、ikeartandIwantto bean10.IhaveartonWednesdayat3:00p.m.( ) B.getup D.sleep( )2.A.home )3.A.nine B.eleven C.six )4.A.Music B.Math C.English D.PE( )5.A.boring B.difficult D.easy( )6.A.teacher C.class D.friend( )7.A.lunch B.breakfast Cdinn

14、er D.meal( )8.A.not B.doesnt C.dont )9.A.kindly B.really C.surely D.really( )10.A.artist C.teacher D.singer阅读理解(共10小题,计20分)第一节:阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示。IamLiJie,Iamagirlofeleven.MyfavoritesubjectisEnglishbecauseitisveryinteresting.MyEnglishteacherisMissSun.Shelovesu

15、sverymuch.Sheisverystrictwithus,butwealllikeher.Shelikesplayingvolleyballafterclass.Andsheoftentellsussomeinterestingstories.Myfavoritesportsaredancingandskating(滑冰)Icantswim,butIwanttojointheswimmingclub.My favoriteanimalismydog.ItsnameisKingKong(金刚).Itisblack.Nowitissleepingunderatree.( )1.LiJiesf

16、avoritesubjectisEnglish.( )2.LiJiecanswim.( )3.LiJiesEnglishteacherlikesplayingbasketball.( )4.MissSunoftentellsherstudentsinterestingstories.( )5.KingKongissleepinginthehouse.第二节:阅读下面一篇短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题的一个最佳答案。 Ihavetwobrothersandtwosisters.Weallenjoyschoolverymuch!MybrotherTomlikestoworkwit

17、h numbers.Hisbestclassismath.MysisterJane likessports, studyplants andanimals.Hegetsgoodgrade(分数)inbiologyMy sisterVeronica likestostudydifferent languagesandherfavoriteclassisFrench.Ireallyenjoylearningaboutthepresidents(总统).Idowellin(擅长于)History.( )6.Howmanyc

18、hildrendoesthefamilyhave?A.Four B.Three C.Five D.Six( )7.Wholikesmath?A.Tom B.Jinet C.Alex D.Nobody( )8.WhatsVeronicasfavoritesubject?A.History B.French C.Biology D.Math( )9.Wholovessports?A.Janet. B.Alex C.Veronica D.Tom( )10.WhichofthefollowingisNOTright?A.Myfavoritesubjectishistory.B.JanetlikesP.

19、用所给词的适当形式填空(共5小题,计10分)1.Therearetwo (knife)onthetable.2.Look!XiaoMing (swim)intheriver.3.Pleasesitdown.Itstime have supper.4.Whocan (sing)inEnglishinyourclass?5.Mr.GreensaystheChinesepeoplearevery (friend).V完成句于:根据所给中文意思,完成下列各句(共5小题,计10分)1你最喜欢的食物

20、是什么? is your ? 2她最喜欢的科目是音乐。Her is . 3谁是你的科学老师? isyour teacher?4你为什么喜欢英语? do you English?5我下午两点上体育课。I P.E.at2:00inthe .VI按要求完成下列句子(共5小通,计10分)1MyfavoritesubjectisEnglish.(对部线部分提问) yourfavoritesubject?2Herbrotherwantstobeasinger(对画线邮分提问) tobeasinger?3.Annalikesmathbecauseitsfun.(对画线部分提问) Annalikemath?4

21、Ilikeplayingfootballbest(改为同义句)Footballis sport.5HerEnglishclassisonTuesday(对画成部分提问) ishisEnglishclass?VII.补全对话(共10小题,计10分)A)阅读下面的对话,根据内容填入所缺单词。A:Hi,LiuMing.MayIaskyou1 questions?B:Certainly.A:Whatsyour 2 subject?B:History.Its3 ,butitsinteresting.Ourteacheroftentellsusstories.Ilike4 history verymuch

22、.A:Do youlikeP.E.?B:Yes,Ido.Itsveryfun,butIfeel5 afterit.B)从栏中找出I栏中恰当的答语。 I II( )6.WhydoyoulikeP.E? A.Hesmybrother.( )7.DoyoulikeEnglish? B.Itsred.( )8.Whatsyourfavoritecolor? C.Yes.Ido.( )9.Whosthatman? D.Itsart.( )10.Whatsyourfavoritesubject? E.Becauseitsfun.书面表达(共1题,计15分)请以MyFavoriteSport为题写一篇40词

23、左右的作文。要点:(1)人们通常做哪些运动;(2)你最喜欢的运动项目;(3)运动带给你的益处。要求(1)内容必须包括以上要点,可适当发;(2)语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,字迹工整;(3)文中请勿出现直实的人名、地名、校名。 参考答案I. 1-5DCBBD 6-10DBBAC15BCABC 6-10AACBAIII.1-5ABBAB 6-10CABADIV.1.knives 2.isswimming 3.tohave 4.sing5.friendlyV.1.What;favoritefood 2.favoritesubject; music3.Who ; science 4.Why; like

24、 5.have;afterVI.1.Whatis 2.Whowants 3.Why 4.myfavorite 5.WhenA) 2.favorite 3.difficult 4.learning 5.tiredB)6-10ECBADVIII. MyFavoriteSportTherearemanydifferentkindsofsports.Somepeopleliketheexcitingspo-rtslikebasketball andsoccer. Otherslikethequietsportslikefishing andrunning.Myfavoritesportisda

25、ncingbecause itsmuchfun.SportsareveryImportantinourlife.Theycanmakeushealthy.【英语】人教新目标:七年级上单元检测卷:Unit9Unit 9I单项选择。(每小題2分,共20分)( )1.Thestudentsare school.A.on C./ )2.Doyouhavehistory theafternoonofMonday.A.on C.or D.for( )3- doeshehaveP.E.?-HehasPE.at3:00intheafternoonA.When B.What C.

26、Where D.Why( )4.Wehavepolitics Tuesday.A.on B. in D./( )5.-Doyoulikemusic?- .A.Yes.itdoes B.No,it isnt C.Yes,because itsrelaxing D.No,Idont ( )6.KenandLindasfavoritesubject P.E.A.are D.does( )7Wehavemath B.on D.for( )8“ doyouusuallygotobed?” “10:00 oclock.”A.What B.When C.Where D.Why( )9.-Whatdayisittoday?-Its .A.Monday B.summer C.November D.5:00a.m( )10. isyourfavoritesubject?A.How B.What C.When D.WhereII完形填空

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