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1、新目标七下英语重点题难点题易错题及其答案Unit9Unit10Unit9-Unit10 试题一根据首字母补全单词或翻译单词或词组,或选择最佳答案。1.Let me _(描述)her for you. 2. She wears _(眼镜). 3. She is _(真正地)cool and funny. 4. Tom is not old, but he does not have much hair. 5. There is a photo of her father in the living room6. Whats your height(身高)?7. My brother John i

2、s of medium(中等的)build.8. She is of medium build, and she has long hair.9. He is tall with black eyes and he has curly brown hair.10. The girl with flowers in her left hand is my sister.11. She doesnt likeshorthair. She likes long hair.12. We are always verybusyon weekdays. But we arefree on weekends

3、. So we can relax ourselves.13. This is a verynoisystreet. I dont like it. I enjoy living in aquiet place.14. Nancys fatherlooks young and Tony looks likehis father. 15. He is short, but he looks a little thin.16.-Do you know the h_ of the mountain? -About 500 meters.17. The young man isnt very h_,

4、but he is very kind. 18. Were going to meetat seven oclock tonight. 19. Is there a supermarketin your neighborhood? 20. Im g_ to the movie tonight. 21. Now teenagers are very busy with their schoolwork and they have_ time to do exercise. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little22. _he will go there on

5、time. A. May be B. Maybe C. May not be D. Maybe not23. Jake has a small_ (嘴巴). 24. Some people think the actor is beautiful. Do you like the actors new l_? 25.You and Jack are good friends and I am going to meet him at the train station tonight, but I dont know him. Can you d _what he looks like? 26

6、.最后,我们去了一家花店。_we went to a flower shop. 27. 我弟弟从来不穿牛仔裤。My brother never _. 28. Alice has _(金色的)hair. 29.Its a really wonderful city. 30.They are twins, but there are many d_ between them. 31.The girl always _ sunglasses. She looks cool. A. wears B. wearing C. with D. in32. Does Tom have a _ or long

7、face? A. around B. round C. clean D. beautiful33. Many fast food restaurants paint their walls red, play loud music and have hard seats _ customers (顾客) eat quickly and leave (离开). A. make B. to make C. made D. making34. We can put the story _ newspapers and _ television. A. in; on B. on; in C. in;

8、in D. on; on35. Remember _ off the lights when you leave the room, please. A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turns36. -Liu Yun, _ this pair of glasses yours? -No, my glasses _ on the bookcase.A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is37.-I plan to go out for a bicycle trip to Longzhong. But Im afrai

9、d I dont know the_.-A map is helpful, I think. A. time B. way C. weather D. price38. -Would you like to have_ (another, other)cake?-No, thanks, Im full.39. Do you know the young teacher with a pair of glasses?40. He draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put itin newspapers andon television

10、 to find him. 41. I think Hangzhou is really beautiful and its hard to describe the beautiful scenery (风景)there. 42.I want to live in a big city. But my sister thinks d_. She likes small villages. 43. I can sing this song. But I cant remember the lyrics(歌词)w_. 44. You can work out the math problem i

11、n this w_. 45. Can you d_ your best friend to us? 46. -Why do we eat vegetables every day, Mom? -_healthy, my dear.A. To keep B. Keep C. Keeping D. Kept47. They may describe the same picture _. A. differently B. different C. in differently D. in different48. Mike and his friend are going to the _to

12、see the new action movie tonight. A. bookshop B. restaurant C. concert D. cinema49. Your sister _ shy. A. looks a little B. likes a little C. looks little D. looks like50. Lucy looks _ her father and she _ taking photos very much. A. like; likes B. like; like C. likes; likes D. likes; like51. I dont

13、 like the shirt. Please give me _ one. A. other B. the other C. another D. others52. We all like listening to music, and _ games. A. playing B. play C. to play D. plays53. Can you spend more time _ English? If so, you can have fun _. (C)A. read; learning B. read; learn C. reading; learning D. to rea

14、d; learned54.-Whats Joe Brown doing? -He is drawing a picture of a _. Hes a police artist.A. criminal B. crime C. tiger D. mountain55. He has _ friends at school, so he feels unhappy. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little56.-Would you like some juice? -_ . Id like something to eat.A. Yes, please B.

15、No problem C. Thats OK D. No, thanks57.I often go to the house of pizza to buy a pizza to eat . 58.Welcome to my home to have one hot dog. Id like to be your friend.59.I would like to tell you some specials(特色菜).60.And we also have another(另一)kind of dumplings boiled(水煮的)dumplings. We often eat boil

16、ed dumplings during our Spring Festival.61.In China, we eat different(不同的)food in our festivals. 62.My mother would like(想要)some carrot noodles.63.Every Sunday, my mother cooks many dumplings for me. If she has no time, Ill go to the supermarket to buy some. 64. There are fifty _ in our school. They

17、 are all friendly to us.A. woman teachers B. women teacher C. woman teacher D. women teachers65. I often have a bowl of porridge and two eggs for breakfast.66. I want some orange juice67. I dont like mutton or pork, but I like fish and beef.68. Some dumplingsare on the table. Some muttonis in the bo

18、wl.69. What would you like to havefor lunch, Tom?70. My mother likes to drink tea withmilk.71. What kind ofmeat do you like best, pork, beef ormutton?72. The boy doesnt like singingor dancing.73. I like chicken, but I dont like chickens.74. I think most people in the world(世界) love peace.75. Bob and

19、 Frank are good friends. They are in the same school but in different(不同的)classes.76. Sun Yang is a good swimmer. He is popular(受欢迎的) with many people.77. If you go to the party, she will(将会) be very happy.78.If I have enough money, I _ the ticket to the concert.A. will buy B. dont buy C. have bough

20、t D. buy79. -Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one? -_ is OK. I dont care too much.A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All80. -Its our duty _ our city clean and beautiful. -Yes. We should do something for it.A. to keep B. keepC. keeping D. keeps81.-What _ the number of the students in your sc

21、hool? -About two thousand. A number of them _ from the countryside.A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are82. In Chongqing, you can often see many people dance outside together if it _ in the evening. A. rains B. doesnt rain C. will rain D. wont rain83. The tea _ in the cup and the chicken _ on

22、the plate. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are D. are; is84. Linda takes _ order _ a hamburger. A. a; in B. an; for C. an; of D. a; with85. This piece of music is very _(受欢迎的).We all like it.86. Can you tell me the _(答案)to the question?87. The wind is _(吹)hard.88. My sister likes to eat _(糖果)very much.

23、89. I found my lost dog. How _(幸运的)!90.Talk to your teacher and you will get help _ you have a problem.A. unless B. if C. until D. so91. -Lily, lets make vegetable salad. How many_ do we need?-One is enough.A. oranges B. potato C. tomatoes D. milk92. -Your tea smells great!-Its from India. Would you

24、 like _?A. it B.this C. some D. little93. 世界各地的人们都喜欢中国食物。People_ _ _ like Chinese food94. 他一口气完成了这份工作。He finished the job _ _ _.95.Would you like _ chicken _ breakfast? A. one; to B. some; of C. some; for D. a; for96. We have four _ salad in our shop. A. sizeB. kinds of C. kind of D. kinds97. There

25、is little _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some. A. apples B. eggs C. vegetables D. milk98. Hed like a small bowl of noodles _ mutton and potatoes. A. onB. inC. withD. of99. Linda takes _ order _ a hamburger. A. a; in B. an; for C. an; of D. a; with二. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子1. -那是她的父亲吗?-不, 不是。-Is_ _ father?-No

26、, _ _.2. 他想画好每个罪犯。He wants to draw_ _ _ of_ criminal. 3. 他们把同一个人描述得不一样。 They _the same person _.4. 最后, 真正的罪犯又矮又胖。 _ _ _, the_ criminal is short and heavy.5. 汤里没有一些牛肉。 There_ _ in the soup.6. 桌上有一些鸡肉和胡萝卜。 There_ some_ and _on the table.7. 今天有一些特色菜吗? Are there_ _ today?8.你想要多大尺寸的生日蛋糕? What size _ _would you like? 9.我们有美味煎饼,仅售5元。 We have delicious _ _just five yuan.10.今晚我们在饭店订些特色菜吧! Lets _some_

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