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1、新编简明英语语言学上课重点Linguistics notes 第一周Chapter 1 Introduction .1. Definition of language*Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Language is a system.Language is arbitrary.Language is vocal.Language is human-specific.2. Design features of languageArbitrariness 任意性Prod

2、uctivity 多产性Duality 双重性Displacement 移位性Cultural transmission 文化传播性3. Functions of language(Halliday)The ideational 概念功能 to organize language users experience of the word.The interpersonal 人际功能 to establish/maintain social relationship.The textual 语篇功能 to organize texts in a coherent and appropriate

3、way. 第二周1. Definition of linguistics*Linguistics studies not any particular language, but it studies languages in general.-general linguistics.Scientific study of language.2. The branches of linguisticsPhonetics语音学-the study of how speech sounds are produced and classified 研究发音,自然属性,无序的语音Phonology音系

4、学-the study of how sounds form systems and functions to convey meaning 研究音间联系,注重功能,有序的语音Morphology形态学、词法-the study of the form off words 涉及词语的内部组织,研究词语的最小单位-语素Syntax句法学-the study of how words and phrases are combined to form sentences 研究如何组词成句,形成、理解正确的句子Semantics语义学-the study of meaning(in abstracti

5、on) 研究词语的意义如何在语音中编码Pragmatics语用学-the study of meaning in context of use 特定情景中的特定话语的理解和运用Historical linguistics历史语言学-the study of language change.Sociolinguistics社会语言学-the study of language with reference to societyPsycholinguistics心理语言学-the study of language with reference to the working of the mind

6、.Applied linguistics应用语言学-the study of applying linguistic findings to the solution of practical problems.广义-实践,狭义-教学研究 3. Some important distinctions in linguistics1) Prescriptive vs. DescriptivePrescriptive规定式-to aims to lay down rules for correct and standard verbal behaviour.做规定Descriptive描写式-to

7、 describe and analyze the language people actually use.写现象Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive.2)Synchronic vs. DiachronicSynchronic共时-the description of a language at some point of time in history.语言在特定时间点上的研究Diachronic历时-the description of a language as it changes through time.语言随时间演变的研究Modern

8、 linguistics is mainly synchronic.3) Speech vs. WritingModern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, written language as secondary.Linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing; the amount of information, speech is more than writing; the learning of mother tongue, speech first,writin

9、g later.4) Langue and ParoleTheir distinction was made by the Swiss linguist F. De Saussure.Langue语言-the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.抽象的。规范的语言系统Parole言语- the realization of langue in actual use.特定情景,个人对语言的应用5) Competence and PerformanceTheir distinction

10、 was proposed by American linguist N. Chomsky.Competence语言能力-the ideal users knowledge of the rules of his language.人对语言系统的理解Performance语言应用-the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.人对语言系统的真实应用The difference between Saussures distinction and Chomskys:Saussures distinction

11、- a sociological view of language, a matter of social convention.Chomskys distinction-a psychological point of view, a property of the mind of each individual.6) Traditional grammar and modern linguisticsThe beginning of modern linguistics-the publication of F. De Saussures book course in general Li

12、nguistics.F. De Saussure is called the father of modern linguistics.Linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive;Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary; traditional grammarians tended to emphasize the importance of the written word;Modern linguistics does n

13、ot force languages into a Latin-based framework. 第三周Chapter 2 Phonology音系学1. Definition of phonetics语音学Three branches of phonetics:Articulatory phonetics发音语音学:studying how a speaker uses his or her speech organ to articulate the sounds.研究语音的产生Auditory phonetics听觉语音学:studying how the sounds are perce

14、ived by the hearer.研究语音的感知Acoustic phonetics声学语音学:studying how sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another.研究语音的物理特征2. Organs of speech The pharyngeal cavity-the throat;咽腔The oral cavity-the mouth;口腔The nasal cavity-the nose.鼻腔3. Orthographic representation of speech sounds标音法1

15、)International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA)国际音标The IPA is using on letter selected from major European languages to represent one speech sound.2)Two ways to transcribe speech sounds:Broad transcription宽式标音Narrow transcription严式标音-有添加附加符号(diacritics)3)Classification of English speech sounds语音分类An initial c

16、lassification will divide the speech sounds in english into two broad categories:vowels元音&consonants辅音(元音和辅音的区别在于气流是否受阻)In producing a vowel the air stream coming from the lungs meets with no obstruction whatsoever.In the production of a consonants it is obstructed in one way or another.4)Classifica

17、tion of English consonants辅音分类划分标准两种:(判断哪一类是根据什么标准划分)一是根据 manner of articulation发音方式:Stops.塞音(爆破音) Fricatives.擦音 Affricates.塞擦音Liquids.流音 Nasals.鼻音 Glides.滑音(半元音)二是根据 place of articulation发音部位:Bilabial.双唇音 Labiodental.唇齿音 Dental.齿音 Alveolar.齿龈音 Palatal.腭音 Velar.软腭音 Glottal.喉音5)Classification of Engl

18、ish vowels元音分类The position of the tongue in the mouth;The openness of the mouth;The shape of the lips;The length of the vowels. 第四周1、Phonology音系学and phonetics语音学语音学发音、自然属性、发现规律。音系学研究、系统总结、解释规律。2、Phone音素, phoneme音位, and allophone音位变体语音的最小单位是音素。音位/b/,音素b;音位/p/,音素ph/p=音位是一个语言中能够区别意义的语音单位。(如:speak和peak)

19、音位变体具体体现音位,如音素ph/p=就是音位/p/的变体。3、phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, and minimal pairphonemic contrast音位对立:(/b/&/p/)(/g/&/k/)(/t/&/d/)(/s/&/z/)complementary distribution互补分布:同一个音位的音位变体间的关系,不可能同时出现。(如:speak和peak)minimal pair最小对立体:音标/音素都相同,仅有一个地方不同,且不同位置相同。(如:till和bill和kill)4、音系学中的一些规则Sequen

20、tial rules序列规则Assimilation rule同化规则两临近音相互影响(inpossibleimpossible)Deletion rule省略规则5、suprasegmental featuresstress, tone, intonation超音段、切分特征重音、声调、语调 第六周Chapter 3 Morphology形态学1. Open class 开放类词:名词,动词,形容词,副词。数量不确定,实词。 Closed class 封闭类词:连词,冠词,介词,代词。数量较为固定,虚词。2. Morphology形态学的定义The study of the internal

21、 structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.研究词的内部结构和构词规则。Inflectional Morphology屈折形态学:studying the inflections语法屈折和意义的表达Lexical Morphology词汇形态学:studying the word-formation单词构成和同义的表达3. Morphemes语素The smallest meaningful unit of language, the basic unit in the study of Morphology.Morp

22、hemes convey two kinds of meaning: 1. Lexical meaning 词汇意义& 2. Grammatical meaning 语法意义 如:played=play+ed; teaches=teach+es; raining=rain+ing.Free Morphemes自由语素:有完整的语义,能够单独成词Bound Morphemes粘着语素:不可单独使用。 复合词:组成部分都是自由语素。如:babysit=baby+sitRoot 词根:大都是自由语素,只有极个别是粘着语素。如:-ceive, receive, perceive, conceive.

23、-mit, submit, permit, commit.4. Derivational Morphemes派生语素&inflectional Morphemes屈折语素Derivational morphemes: prefixes前缀 & suffixes 后缀 前缀一般不改变词性,特例:unearth, enlarge, prewar. 后缀一般改变词性。inflectional Morphemes:传递不同的语法关系或语法范畴的粘着语素。如数、时、格等。s/es/ed/ing等. Free morphology: free root root词根5. Morphology bound

24、root Bound morphology inflectional Morphemes Affix 屈折语素 词缀 Prefixes前缀 Derivational morphemes 派生语素 Suffixes后缀 第七周1.Morphological rules of word formation形态规则派生2.word formation构词法(选择题,判断构词方式)Derivation/affixation派生法给词干加前缀或后缀Compounding 复合法两个自由语素,组成的词可单独使用。(*into)形式有连接、隔着横线或空格。一个复合词的词性,一般由第二个词决定。重音一般在第二

25、个成分。Conversion转类法功能转换,动、形、名。名动 doctor-to doctor water-to water动名 to sneak-a sneak to cheat-a cheatBlending 拼缀法Motor+hotelmotel smoke+fogsmog 部分加部分造词。Coinage/ invention 新创造词语商标、厂商名等等 Kodak Coke Nylon Xerox Internet Cyber-space Clipping 截断法将长词截短。 Earthquake-quake dormitory-dorm memorandum-memo influen

26、za-flu refrigerator-fridge public house-pub popular music-popAbbreviation缩略法Acronym首字母缩拼词 UNESCO 联合国教科文组织Initialism首字母缩略词,不能拼写 VOA WTOBack-formation逆构法删去后缀 editor-edit gangling-gangle hawker-hawk leaser-laseBorrowing 借词外来词。 第八周Chapter 4 Syntax 句法学1.Traditional Grammar 传统学派 数: n. bookbooks v. speaksp

27、eaks 性: n. princeprincess heroheroine 格:pron. Ime youyour 一致关系(concord): abook VS somebooks hespeaks VS theyspeak 支配关系(government)hegive him Ilook at me2.Structuralism 结构主义语言学-结构主义语言学创始人F. de.Saussure每个符号:所指(概念)、能指(读音) 组合关系(syntagmatic): The boy kicked the ball.() The ball kicked the boy.() lexical

28、mistake Boy the ball kicked the.() grammatical mistake 聚合关系(paradigmatic) The _ is smiling. studentteacherfather 处于聚合关系下的词语只须满足语法条件 worker 3. IC analysis 直接成分分析法(immediate constituent)-美国 L. Bloomfield 1933.句子不仅是线性(linear)结构,还是层级(hierarchical)结构。先将句子分析成为直接成分词组或短语,再一直分至最简。Poor John ran away.4. Endoce

29、ntric constructions 向心结构有核心的结构体,也叫中心结构两类向心结构:1. 主从结构-只有一个中心成分,且该成分处于支配地位名词短语 the three small children动词短语 will have been leaving形容词短语 really very late2. 并列结构-不止一个中心成分 coordinate constructionsBoys and girlsSinging and dancing 第十周1. exocentric construction 离心结构无明显的核心或中心成分的结构体介词短语: on the shelf从句: if h

30、e is going英语基本句: the girls smile动宾结构: visit the city2. TG Grammar-Transformational-Generative Grammar转换生成语法N. Chomsky1.Deep structure 深层结构一个结构体的句法属性的抽象表述,即句法关系。2.Surface structure 表层结构深层结构通过一系列的转换规则之后得到的最后结果。3.普遍语法-Universal Grammar/Linguistic Universal人类所有语言必须具备的原则、条件和规则系统。认为语言研究的目的就是去寻找普遍语法。4.语言习得机制-LAD, Language Acquisition Device天生的语音学习能力。3. Functional SyntaxV. Mathesius 马泰修斯1.主位-theme已知的信息或至少在给定语境中是明确的,说话者从它开始说话。2.述位-rheme与说话者陈述的有关,或者涉及话语起点的内容。3.主语、谓语 形式分析 对句子进行主位、述位 功能分析Jane stood on it. On it stood Jane.

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