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1、英语练习171. But its easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.172. The fridges effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been insignificant.173. It may then take us a long time to render

2、 it intelligent by loading in the right software or by altering the architecture but that too will happen.174. As the intelligence of robots increase to match that of humans and as their cost declines through economies of scale we may use them to expand our frontiers.175. Further ahead, by a combina

3、tion of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technology it will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created world in space, home to thousands or millions of people, will be within our power.176. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel b

4、etween the building and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations.177. If they are not sincere and do not practise what they preach, their children may grow confused and emotionally insecure when they grow old enough to think for themselves, and realize they have been to some extent f

5、ooled.178. For all these reasons, reading newspapers efficiently, which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time, demands skill and self-awareness as you modify and apply the techniques of reading.179. “In Japan, a most competitive society with s

6、tronger discipline than ours.” Says Isaac Stern. “children are ready to test their limits every day in many fields, including music.”180. What does the phrase learning to use a computer mean? It sounds like learning to drive a car; that is , it sounds as if there is some set of definite skills that,

7、 once acquired, enable one to use a computer.参考答案:171、但是如果对绩效差的业绩也进行奖励或者让人们对奖励有太多的预期,是很容易抹杀创造性的。172、冰箱对环境的影响是显而易见的,而它对促进人们幸福的贡献却是微不足道的。173、装载正确的软件来使它智能化可能要花费我们很长的时间,或者也可以改变它的结构,但同样的情况也会发生。174、由于机器人的智能增长到了人脑的程度,加上通过规模经济降低了生产成本,我们可以使用它们来拓展前沿。175、在将来,通过新一代人创造的财富和科技,建设一座可以容纳千百万人的人造大型太空站也是可以的。176、后来,人们试着

8、把建筑物从其基地上撑起来,在建筑物和地基间灌入橡胶和钢铁以减少地表震动的影响。177、如果他们对于自己吹捧的东西不认真对待也不去执行的话,他们的孩子将在糊里糊涂中长大,并且当他们对自己进行一些思考的时候,他们会在情感上有不安全感并认为他们遭受了某种程度的欺骗。178、因为所有这些原因,要进行有效读报的话,既要得到你需要的信息又不浪费时间,需要选择和应用良好的阅读技能和自我了解。179、“在日本,是一个比我们更有纪律性和竞争性的社会。”Isaac Stern说。“孩子们每天都准备在各个领域内冲刺极限,包括音乐。”180、“学习使用计算机”这个短语是什么意思呢?听起来像是“学习驾驶汽车”也就是说,

9、好象里面有一套确定的技能,一旦获得,就会使用计算机了。161. With socialists demanding an end towage slaveryanarchists singing the praises of the virtues of dynamite, middle-of-the-roaders like Samuel Gompers and McGuire. 162. The quick adoption of the scheme may have indicated less about the state lawmakers respect for working

10、 people than about a fear of risking their anger. 163. In the old days, children were familiar with birth and death as part of life. This is perhaps the first generation of American youngsters who have never been close by during the birth of a baby and have never experienced the death of a family me

11、mber. 164. We found out that patients who had been dealt with openly and frankly were better able to cope with the approach of death and finally to reach a true stage of acceptance prior to death. 165. The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter, and change through life. 166. This

12、 means that we fit out actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. 167. I would keep putting my dream to the test-even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. 168. Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babie

13、s make to their first spoken words” 169. This self-imitation leads on to deliberate imitation of sounds made to them by other people.” 170. Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity.参考答案: 161、社会主义者强烈要求结束“薪水奴隶制”,而无政府主义者高

14、唱“炸药”的价值,像Samuel和McGuire这样的中间道路者显得相对温和。 162、“劳动日”很快被采纳,更大程度上表明国家法律制定者害怕激起工人阶级的愤怒,并非体现对工人阶级的尊重。 163、在过去,孩子们对出生和死亡非常熟悉,是他们生活的一部分。现在的孩子也许是从未目睹婴儿的降生和亲人的死亡的第一代美国人。 164、我们发现那些被公开坦诚地对待的病人在对待死亡的临近和接受死亡的问题上处理得更好。 165、我们采取的身份是随着接触的人的不同而改变,且一生都在变化。 166、这意味着我们在不断判断和解释别人的行为的心理过程中进行自己的行为。 167、我要不断地将梦想付诸实际的测试尽管这意味

15、着不确定和对失败的恐惧。 168、一切尝试对多话的小孩的发展追踪从他们说的第一句话开始 169、这种自我模仿使他们故意模仿别人对他们说话的声音。 170、外部奖励,从热情洋溢的话语表扬到冷冰冰的现金,如何影响一个人的动机和创造力,对这一点,心理学家们采取完全不同的观点。151. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage -a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be

16、 damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth of deformed (畸形) children or even grandchildren. 152. In the end , only 7 out of 19 regular Cola drinkers correctly identified their brand of choice in all for trails. The diet-Cola drinkers did a little worse only 7 of 27 identified all four

17、 sample correctly. 153. Taste is such a subjective matter that we dont usually conduct preference tests for food. 154. It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological a

18、nd those that are external and environmental. 155. But in actual practice this system breaks down in many ways, because the organism and the environment are constantly interacting so that the environment is modified by the orgainism and vice versa (反之亦然). 156. In the case of man, the difficulties wi

19、th the environment concept are even more complicated because we have to deal with man as an animal and with man as a bearer(持有者) of culture. 157. If we look at man as an animal and try to analyze the environmental forces that are acting on the organism, we find that we have to deal with things like

20、climate, soil, plants, and such like factors common to all biological situations; but we also find, always, very important environmental influences that we can only class as “cultural”, which modify the physical and biological factors. 158. We thus easily get into great difficulties from the necessi

21、ty of viewing culture, at one moment, as a part of the man and, at another moment, as a part of the environment. 159. Unaware that their own ability has developed through the years, they assume the new generation of young people must be hopeless in this respect. 160 Since this concern about the decl

22、ine and fall of the English language is not perceived as a generation phenomenon but rather as something new and peculiar to todays young people, it natrually follows that todays English teachers cannot be doing their jobs.参考答案: 151、问题是很难明确辐射的伤害一个人可能感觉良好,但他(她)的性器官细胞可能受到损伤,而且有些直到生下畸形儿甚至是畸形孙儿才会被发现。 15

23、2、最后,只有7/19的传统可乐爱好者正确地辨别出了他们的品牌,而低糖可乐爱好者水平更差只有7/27的人辩出了四种混合的品牌。 153、口味是个非常主观的问题,所以对于食物我们一般不进行偏好测试。 154、区分周围的环境或者有机物体,以及分辨作用于有机物的影响力是生物内部的还是来自于外部环境的,看起来非常简单。 155、但是在实际中这套系统在很多方面失败了,因为有机物和环境在不断相互作用,所以环境在不断被有机物修改,反过来也是一样。 156、对于人类来说,环境概念的问题更加复杂。因为我们不得不把人类当为动物,又不得不把人当为文化的持有者来对待。 157、如果我们将人类看作动物来尝试解释作用在有

24、机物上的环境影响力的话,我们不得不处理像气候,土壤,植物和一些对于所有生物环境来说共同的因素,但我们也发现,“文化”的影响也非常重大,它可以改变物理和生物因素。 158、所以我们很容易在对待文化的问题上陷入困境,有时候,我们将其看作人类的一部分,有时候,又作为环境的一部分。 159、因为不了解这些你那里他们的能力已经进步了,他们认为在这个方面新一代的年轻人肯定没有希望了。 160、既然这种关于英语语言的衰退的担忧并不被看作一个一代人的现象,而是特指对于今天的年轻人的一种新现象,所以可以很自然地认为现在的英语老师工作做得不好。141. Though most dictionary have a

25、system of making words as obsolete, or in use only as slang, many people, more especially if their use of a particular word has been challenged, are likely to conclude, if they find it in a dictionary, that it is accepted as being used by writers of established reputation. 142. People can be relativ

26、ely rich only if others are relatively poor, and since power is concentrated in the hands of the rich, public policies will continue to reflect their interests rather than those of the poor. 143. Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people

27、 than in societies where people are similar in many ways. 144. In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, Notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. 145. In such a home, the growing boy and gi

28、rl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by co-operation rather than by the “battle of the sexes.” 146. The family is a co-operative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules, because each fa

29、mily, needs to work out its own ways for solving its own problems. 147. Besides serving the indefinite needs of its native speakers, English is a language in which some of important works in science, technology, and other fields are being produced, and not always by native speakers. 148. And someone

30、 with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind. 149. Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward. 150. Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvio

31、us signs, yet some of their worst enemies slowly approach them unnoticed.参考答案: 141、尽管许多字典将有些词汇定义为“过时”或者说“只作口语用”,但许多人对某些词汇的用法不解时,当他们查完字典,却往往发现许多知名作家也在作品中正式使用。 142、人们只能是相对富裕,而另一些人就相对贫穷了。既然权力是集中在富人的手中,公共政策就将继续反应他们的利益而不是穷人的利益了。 143、社会变化在有多种人群汇集的社会里比仅有相似人群的社会里更容易发生。 144、如果一个家庭里面男女的角色不是明显地分开,家务事由双方分担的话,大男子主义就很难维持了。

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