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1、新视野大学英语第二册第4册网络试题答案Part 1 Word Dictation(每小题:i分)Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your an swers as you liste n the sec ond time.Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题:1 分;满分:10 分)小题得 分对

2、 错学生答案Correct1.1applause2.1/coarse3.1/extraord inary4.1/collisio n5.1/clumsy6.1execute7.10vetera n8.1ambassador9.1sca ndal10.0Xn ati on allitySubtotal : 9Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦Part 2 Un dersta nding Short Con versati ons(每小题:i分)Directi on s: In this se

3、cti on youll hear some shortcon versati ons. Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.1.A.The woma n is a tale nted sin ger and impressed the man.B.The man would like to go to a tale nt show.C.The man liked the show better than the woman.D.The woma n had no in terest

4、in the show at all.2.A.He feels he isnt good en ough.B.He feels he isnt a kid anymore.C.He cant make it on the 12th.D.He does nt like trying.A.On es own values.B.On es hard work.C.On es pers onal con tacts.D.On es special abilities.A.4.The man is a professi onal actor.B.The man n ever thinks about a

5、ct ing.C.Many people dont like act ing.D.5.A.The man does nt think sec ond place is good.B.The man has nt taught the woma n any thi ng.C.The woman is proud of winning the race.D.The woma n believes she is a loser.6.A.They have rights.B.They are well-paid.C.They work outside homes.Many people think t

6、he mans a good actor.8.A. The 12th.B.The 17th.C.The 15th.D.The 18th.Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题:1 分;满分:8 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B forN and C for NG.)小题得分对错学生答案Correct1.1C2.1A3.1D4.1D5.1A6.1D7.1B8.1BSubtotal : 8

7、Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦Part 3 Un dersta nding Long Con versati ons(每小题:1分)Directi ons: In this secti on youll hear a long con versati on or con versati ons. Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.1.I IrQuesti ons 1 to 5

8、 are based on the same passage or dialog.B.People in a war.C.The history of war.D. A battle statio n.2.A. In 1999.B. In 1978.C. In 1983.D. In 2005.3.A. The last group of episodes coming out before the firstgroup.B. A man, like the one in the movie, who wears a black suit.C. A battle station that has

9、 the ability to destroy a planet.D. A group of movies that seems confusing to people.4.A. Darth Vader.B. Han Solo.C. Prin cess Leia.D. Luke Skywalker.5.A. The man was in flue need by Star Wars.B. The man is excit ing.C. The man likes Star Wars.D. The man has a new hope for movie history.Questi ons 6

10、 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.6.A. Joi ning a family.B. Becoming a fantastic dancer.C. Going out for the ni ght.D. Dancing at the woma ns home.A. Dancing.B. Dinner.C. A con cert.D. A movie.8.A.The man is importa nt to his pare nts.B.The woman had a great time with her parents.C.The

11、woma n isnt serious about her pare nts.D.9.The man does nt want to go out with the woma ns pare nts.A.To be more serious about the pare nts.B.To have tea with the pare nts.C.To go with the woma n without her pare nts.D.To go with the woma n and her pare nts.A.Wife and husband.B.Girlfriend and boyfri

12、end.C.Sister and brother.D. Mother and son.A. Lisa Marie.Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题:1 分;满分:10 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B forN and C for NG.)小 题得 分对 错学生答案Correct1.1A2.1A3.1A4.1D5.1C6.1/C7.1/C8.1/D9.1/D10.1BSubtota

13、l : 10Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦Part 4 Un dersta nding Passages(每小题:1分)Directi ons: In this secti on youll hear a passage or passages.Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same passage o

14、r dialog. B. Elvis Presley.C. Rock nroll.D.Priscilla Presley.2.A.Danny, a husba nd, is in a no rmal family.B.Lisa Marie did nt approve of how she was raised.C.Suburban families arent really normal.D.Benjamin and Daniel are growing up like their mother.3.A.He was like a no rmal, suburba n father.B.He

15、 gave her everyth ing she wan ted.C.He acted like he did nt want his daughter.D.He always compla ined about her.4.A.She was always in the public eye.B.She always compla ined.C.She had a famous father.D. She was well-k nown.5.rA. Serva nts.B. Lisa Marie.rC. Priscilla.D. Bodyguards.Questi ons 6 to 9 a

16、re based on the same passage or dialog.A.6.The twen ty-third Olympic games.B.Los An geles hosti ng the Olympics.C.Using computers before and duri ng the twen ty-third Olympics.D.A sophisticated computer.C.Approximately 103,000.D.14,300.-_; D. It made the judges decisi on fin al.9.三A. It an alyzed th

17、eir performa nee.B.It suggested ways to improve.C.It identified weakness.1 IK D. It elimi nated competiti on.Part 4 Understanding Passages (每小题:1 分;满分:9 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B forN and C for NG.)小题得分对错学生答案Correct1.1A2.1B3.1B4.

18、1捫D5.0XD6.10C7.1A8.1捫B9.0CSubtotal : 7Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦Part 5 Multiple Choice(每小题:1分)Directi ons: Choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and for twoB.shall stay2. Accord ing to the America n federal gover nmen t, resid

19、e nts ofHawaii have the lon gest life : 77.2 years.A.rankB. scaleD.scopeC. span3. The milli ons of calculati ons in volved, had they bee n done byhand.all practical value by the time they werefini shed.A.had lostB.would loseC.would have lostD.should have lostsome very4. As a public relati ons office

20、r, he is saidin flue ntial be have bee n have knownA. aroseB.raisedC.roseD. aroused6. With the developme nt in scie nee and tech no logy man canA. be bloomed ”| B. bloomC.bloomedD. bloo ming7.A seas on ticket8.9.10.the holder to make as many jour neys as

21、he wishes within the stated period of time.A. en titlesB. gra ntsC. prese ntsD. promisesin the office made a mistake and the firm regrettedcaus ing the customer any inconvenience.A. Some oneB. SomeC. AnyoneD. OneIn rece nt years much more emphasis has bee n putdevelop ing the stude nts productive sk

22、ills.A. ontoB. inC. overD. onOnly a selected n umber of la ndladies in the n eighborhood have bee n allowed by the un iversity to take in .”| A. residentsB. lodgersC. settlersD. in habita nts11.dealPurchas ing the new producti on line will be afor the compa ny.A.forcefulB. treme ndousC. favoriteit厂一

23、D. profitable12.Rod is determ ined to get a seat for the concert mea ns sta nding in a queue all ni ght.C. providedD.whatever13.We had nt met for 20 years, but I recognized her saw her.A.the mome nt:| C. the moment the mome nt whe nPart 5 Multiple Choice (每小题:1 分;满分:13 分)(In the case of Tru

24、e/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B forN and C for NG.)小题得 分对 错学生答案Correctdesperate Being 2. for laughter and claps ofapproval, they will try almost anything. They will try to shockcoarse their audie nee with 3. lan guage. They willcommandsthe audie neesis not

25、 the joke that 6.approval, but the delivery of that joke and the character of the comedia n. Some get lucky for a while by behav ing in a way that has n ever bee n see n before. Some catch a brief glimpse of fame by going aga inst the publics sense of what is 7.(appropriate 十 subject mitFew, however

26、, lear n how toinducingperforma nee that dema nds the in tellige nee and wit of their audie nee. These few do so not by simply startli ng their audie nees sense of what is dece nt and good, but by 9. their audie nee to feel and see thi ngs in aonly laughter but also thought. That is real en terta in

27、ment forthe public.Questi ons 11 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage.It is sometimes very difficult to go against popular opinion and do your own thing. Many extraordinary artists and writers wereappreciated Tn ever truly 11. I Hun til after they died.popularSometimes public opinion about what

28、 is 12.a long time to change. We oftentalentgreat ness is only realized gen erati ons later was ahead of his or her time. It is as if such artists felt an obligati on to 14.thentertainI shruge world of tomorrow in stead of their owntime. Their con temporaries simplyand yaw n without ever un dersta n

29、ding the mea ning of theircomedysimilar fate. Their humor was not received with laughter and applause, but rather empty looks of confusion. Their critics described them as crude and without 17.appeal.Their discovery usually comes, if theyare lucky eno ugh, whe n a you nger comic actor from the n extgeneration notices and copies their act. Wh

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