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1、高一英语导学案B1M4Module 4 A Social Survey- My NeighborhoodPeriod One Useful Words and ExpressionsStep 1根据词性及汉语释义写出单词 1_ adj.有吸引力的;吸引人的_ vt.吸引;吸引的兴趣_ n吸引(力)2. n.城郊;郊区 adj.郊区的 adj.乡下的;乡村的 adj.城市的3_ adj.幸运的;吉祥的_ adv.幸运地_ adj.不幸的4_ n旅游者;观光客_ vt.&n.观光;旅游_ n旅游业5_ n建筑;建筑风格_ n建筑师6_ vi.饿死_ n饿死;饥饿7_ adj.失业的;没有工作的_

2、n失业8_ adj.专业的_ n职业_ n教授9_ vt.交换;互换_ vt.&vi.变化;改变10_ adj.迷人的;吸引人的_ vt.使着迷提示:查字典完成11_ _vt.&vi.经历而幸存;死里逃生_ n幸存者;生还者_ n幸存Step2.根据括号内的要求,写出单词的正确形式1. attract(形容词) 2. fortunate(副词) 3. pretty(同义副词) 4. organize(名词) 5. unemploy(形容词) 6. fascinate(形容词)7. profession(形容词) 8. occupy(名词)9. starvation(动词) 10.nuisanc

3、e(反义词) Step3 重点词汇探究精讲1.survey v./n.短语: 2.neighborhood n. It cost in the neighborhood of 5,000 dollars.neighbor n. 3. attractive adj. 有吸引力的,吸引人的;引人注目的The offer is very attractive to us. 这一出价对我们具有很大吸引力。I must admit shes pretty attractive to me, especially her manner of smiling. 我必须承认在我看来她是相当迷人的,特别是她那微

4、笑的样子。He gave a little cough to attract the waitresss attention. 他轻咳了一声,以引起女招待的注意。People are attracted to people who are attracted to them. 人们喜欢那些同样喜欢他们的人。The TV programPleasant Goat and Big Big Wolfis always a special attraction for children. 电视节目喜羊羊与灰太狼对孩子们总是很有吸引力。In the darkness, he fired his gun

5、in order to the enemys attention. A. bring B. take C. fetch D. attract 4. fortunate是形容词,意为“幸运的”,作系动词feel的表语。 短语总结: We were so fortunate to get the last two tickets for the final match. 我们很幸运能够买到这场决赛的最后两张票。He was fortunate in having a happy family. 他真幸运有一个幸福的家庭。Fortunately, the government is starting

6、 to pay attention to the problem of house price. 幸运的是,政府已经开始关注房价问题。火势现在已被控制。幸运的是,没有人受伤。The fire is now under control. Fortunately enough , nobody was hurt. 你很幸运,有自己的房子。Youre fortunate to have a house of your own/ in having a house of your own . The workers were fortunate enough to escape being trapp

7、ed in the big fire.那些工人们很幸运,没有被困在大火中。I am fortunate to have a good teacher.我很有幸有一位好老师。5. pretty adv. 很;相当 adj. (人)漂亮的;(地方,建筑,物体)迷人的,好看的You look pretty cool with that new haircut. 你新剪的发型真酷。Carol is very pretty and so is her sister. 卡罗尔很漂亮,她姐姐也很漂亮。 This pretty vase is pretty expensive. 这个漂亮的花瓶价格相当高。He

8、s in a pretty bad wayYoud better get an ambulance. 他状态很不好。你最好叫辆救护车。6. sound vi. 听起来(不用于进行时态和被动语态)What you said sounds reasonable. 你所说的听起来很合理。That sounds as if hes coming in. 听起来好像是他进来了。It doesnt sound as if he knew what had happened. 听起来他好像不知道刚才所发生的事情。The noise waked us all out of a sound sleep. 这声音

9、把我们都从熟睡中吵醒了。Wish all of you back home safe and sound. 祝大家平平安安到家。sound, voice, noise都有“声音”的意思,你知道它们的具体区别吗? 【思考提示】7. bother vt. & n. 打扰;烦扰;麻烦【原句】There are a lot of tourists around. Dont they bother you? (P32)这里到处都有游客。他们没有烦扰你们吗? Hi Jason, sorry to bother you. I have a question for you. 你好,贾森,很抱歉打扰你,我有一

10、个问题要问你。Dont bother to dress up come as you are. 不必为着装费心你就穿平常的衣服来吧。I cant bother him with my little affairs. 我不能因自己那点小事去打扰他。 不必费心答复。 Dont bother to reply / about replying . 对不起,把你的包挪一下好吗?Sorry to bother you , but would you mind moving your bag? 我们费了不少周折才找到一套满意的公寓。We had much bother finding a satisfac

11、tory apartment. 8. approach vt. & vi. 接近;走近;靠近;临近; 处理National Day is approaching. 国庆节即将来临。Have you approached the manager about taking a day off next week? 你是否同经理谈过下周请一天假的事? All approaches to the city were blocked. 通往这座城市的所有道路都被封锁了。The lions approach drove away the small animals. 狮子一走近,小动物们都跑开了。Whic

12、h is the right approach to the problem? 哪一个是解决这个问题的正确方法?9. starve vi. 饿死;极度匮乏vt. 使饿死/ 挨饿You must be starving! Come and have lunch. 你肯定饿坏了!快来吃午饭吧。They will either die from the cold or starve to death. 他们要么将被冻死,要么将被饿死。Many homeless children starve for love from society. 许多无家可归的儿童渴望得到社会的关爱。The naughty

13、boy, who starved a CD, said seriously to his father that he would starve death rather than give up his demand. A. after; toB. for; to C. about; until D. for; till 10. committee n. 委员会委员会由七人组成。The committee is made up of seven people. 委员会做出一项决议,决定兴建一座公园。The committee have made a decision to build a p

14、ark. 11. exchange vt. 交换;交易;兑换Id like to exchange some pounds for dollars. 我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。China and Russia exchanged views on energy cooperation and reached an agreement on further development in this November. 今年十一月份中俄就能源合作事宜交换了看法并就进一步发展问题达成了一致协议。He is giving her Japanese lessons in exchange for Engl

15、ish lessons. 他教她日语,作为交换她教他英语。Call you at 2: 00 and tell you where well make the exchange. 我2点打电话给你, 告诉你我们将在哪里交换。It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money_favors to them. A. in preference to B. in place of C. in agreement with D. in exchange for 12. afford vt. 买得起;有能力支付(常与c

16、an, could, be able to连用);给予(P39) The parents could hardly afford a private teacher for their child. 父母很难为他们的孩子请得起一位家教。We cant afford to pay such a high price. 我们付不起这么高的价钱。His sons success afforded him great pleasure. 他儿子的成功使他非常高兴。 我们一分钟也浪费不起。We cant afford to waste a single minute. 明天的会议将给我们提供讨论重要问题

17、的机会。Tomorrows meeting will afford us the chance/ opportunity of discussing some important questions. 13. survive vi. & vt. 死里逃生;大难不死;经历而幸存 survival n. 生存,存活,幸存 survivor n. 幸存者,生还者survive on sth 靠某物存活下来Only a little girl survived the fire accident. 只有一个小女孩在火灾中幸存下来。Their two children had died as babie

18、s. Only the third one survived. 他们的前两个孩子都夭折了。只有老三活了下来。Mrs. Anderson _the earthquake, but her husband died and she _him by 10 years. A. survived from; survived B. survived; survived fromC. survived; survived D. survived; survived from 14. contact vt. 联络;联系(某人) n. 联系,接触短语累积联系某人 和某人取得联系_ 和某人失去联系_ 和某人保持

19、联系_和某人有联系 和某人没有联系 For further information, contact your local agent. 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。The pilot was trying to make contact with his base. 飞行员正试图与基地取得联系。I have kept in contact with my best friend by telephone for many years. 许多年来我一直与我最好的朋友保持电话联系。I dont usually have much personal contact with him. 我

20、平常很少与他有私人的往来。我和大多数大学同学都失去联系好多年了。I have been out of contact with most of my university friends for many years. 我打算设法与他们取得联系。我太想念他们了。Im going to try to make/ get into contact with them. I missed them very much. Period Two Reading and Vocabulary课标导航功能 Showing position and direction(指明位置和方向)1Is Guangzho

21、u in the east of China?2The city Urumqi is in the northwest of China.句型1.Its been six years since we last saw each other .since引导的时间状语从句2And this is the first time Ive visited your hometown.It/This is the first/second time从句从句时态用现在完成时3Sounds OK to me.系动词用法语法Present perfect tense(现在完成时)写作写一篇关于你的社区的文章

22、考点强调句型(2012重庆高考,32);Its high time that后跟句子用虚拟语气(2012辽宁高考,33);put动词短语(2012全国新课标,27);pay off(2012安徽高考,28);attract(2010江苏高考,24);in exchange for(2010湖北高考,30)文本感知Read the passage on P32 carefully and fill in the blanks.CityXiamen is one of the most 1._places John has been to.And its also one of the most

23、interesting cities on the 2._.PeopleEveryone in the city seems 3._.ClimateThe climate is pretty 4._in the summer but quite cold in the winter.Places of interestThe business districtThe huge apartment block has just been 5._The 6._ for an apartment there is very high.Many 7._buildings have been put u

24、p.There are some great 8._.The western districtIt is the most interesting part of the city.It has got some really pretty 9._.Gulangyu IslandIts just across the water.Its a(n) 10._ island with some really interesting architecture.导学互动1Its been six years since we last saw each other,you know.(P32)你知道,

25、从我们上次见面到现在有6年了。本句是由since引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时,意为“自从以来”,在此结构中,如主句表示一段时间,可用一般现在时代替,此句也可改为It is six years since we last saw each other,you know.It is/has been three years since he became a doctor.他当医生三年了。It is three years since he smoked.他戒烟已经三年了。(1)“It is/has been一段时间since从句(从句中谓语动作 不能延续)”意为“自从已

26、经多久了”。 It is two years since I came here. 我来这儿已经两年了。(2)“It is/has been一段时间since从句(从句中谓语动作延续)”意为“自从不做已经多久了”。 It has been two years since I here. 我不在这儿住已经两年了。 点津 特别注意该句型中since从句的时态用一般过去时。联想拓展It will be时间段before从句(常用一般现在时)要过多久才It wont be long before we meet again.过不了多久我们就会再见面的。It was时间点when从句的时候It was

27、eleven when I came home last night.昨天晚上我十一点回的家。It is/was被强调部分that/who句子(强调句型)It was at eight oclock that the plane landed at the airport.飞机是在八点钟降落到机场的。(1)根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词It _ _(已经)half a year since his departure from Shanghai.It has been a long time since she _(居住)here.It _(有)five years since he join

28、ed the army.(2)单项选择How time flies!It has been ten years _ I moved to Chongqing.Awhen Bthat Cbefore Dsince2And this is the first time Ive visited your hometown.(P32)这是我第一次参观你的家乡。It/This isthe序数词time(that)主语has/have done.某人第几次做某事that引导定语从句,that在口语中常省略。图示:It is the first time I have seen such a wonderf

29、ul thing.这是我第一次看见这么好的东西。This is the third time I have told you not to bring your cellphone into the class.这是我第三次告诉你不要把手机带到课堂上来。联想拓展the first time作为连词,引导状语从句,强调第一次做某事的时候。The first time I flew in a plane I was really frightened.我第一次乘飞机时确实很害怕。It is (high) timethat从句(从句中须用虚拟语气,即从句中用一般过去时或should动词原形)Its (high) time that we started.我们该出发了。It is time that you should get up.是你起床的时间了。单项选择(1)This is the first time that I _ face to face with the president.Ahad comeBhave come Ccame Dcome(2)_ I toured the West Lake,I was deeply impressed by its beautiful scenery.AF

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