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1、英语考试高考英语词汇总复习eg2009高考英语词汇总复习EG2009 04 (原创)单词1. 生态;生态学2. 版,版本3. 电子的4. 优美的,文雅的,讲究的;简练的,简洁的5. 使窘迫,使尴尬,使不好意思6. 大使馆7. 紧急情况8. 精力旺盛的9. 询问10. 进取心,事业心;(艰巨的)事业,计划;事业(企业)单位,公司11. 热情的,热心的12. 平等13. (战争、危机、问题等)爆发,突然发生;(尤指火山)等喷发14. 评估,评价15. 终于,最后16. 显而易见,显著;根据,证据,迹象17. 进化,演化,发展18. 扩大,扩充,扩张;膨胀19. 明确的,详述的;坦率的20. 延长(

2、部分),扩大(部分)21. 面部的22. (口语)极好的,美妙的,很棒的23. 想像,幻想24. 纤维(物质)25. 设计,安排,样式,格式,板式26. 易碎的,脆的27. 香的28. 摩擦(力)29. 基本的,根本的,基础的30. 面廊,美术馆31. 大蒜32. (一件)衣服33. 几何(学)34. 长颈鹿35. 重力,地心引力;严重36. 保证,保证书;保证,担保短语1. 收回前言,认真道歉2. 直立着(放),竖着;紧张不安;急切3. 接受学校教育4. 力所不及5. 不遗余力,尽力6. 取出;B腾空A7. .使某人不敢做某事8. 智穷计尽9. 读书长见识10. 参加,开始从事,进入11.

3、举行音乐会12. 对感到妒忌羡慕13. 出于妒忌14. .在方面与某人匹敌15. 一件设备16. 犯错误17. 确切地说18. 产生,成立19. 出乎意料地20. 由付费,由负担费用;以为代价21. 易不定遭到闪电击中22. 照顾23. 爱好,爱上24. 跌跤25. 为所熟知26. (声音、影像)渐渐明显起来27. (声音、影像)渐渐消失28. 远离,远不是(后接名词、动名词,形容词等)29. 对不满,挑剔30. 设宴,举行宴会31. 乘渡轮32. 在方面,在领域33. 纵火34. 转瞬,立刻35. 愚弄,欺骗,嘲笑36. 因谅某人37. 碰运气38. .带给某人荣耀39. 在某人指导下40.

4、 对内疚41. 有罪句型1. 有些学校教书而不育人2. 健康有助于正确推理。3. 孩子们在美丽的环境中长大,但是却缺少一个幸福的家庭环境。4. 你那样对待那位金黄头发的白皙的男子是不公平的5. 美丽为亚洲所倾倒,这完全不足为奇6. 到目前为止那是这座城里最高的建筑物7. 冰摸起来凉,如果你摸它一会,就会感觉到冷8. .我发现给孩子们提建议的最好办法是先弄清他们想什么,然后再建议他们去做什么9. 被解雇后,他对老板怀恨在心,把老板家的房子点着了10. 敌兵四处逃窜,但很多人没能逃出去book 2 知识点1 并不奇怪;不足为奇 do wonders be lost in wonder be fil

5、led with wonder 令人惊奇的是/奇怪的是2. adj.怀疑的;可疑的;难料的 毫无疑问地 in doubt no doubt without(a)doubt 毫无疑问 有疑问 我确信 我怀疑3. .仔细考虑做某事 consider+ 疑问词+to 认为某人/某物是 认为某人做某事 认为做某事是 从各方面考虑 adj. 考虑周到的;体谅的;体贴的 对考虑周到 体谅 体贴 n.考虑;体谅;体贴 考虑到;顾及 在考虑中 决不 in consideration of考虑到;由于 consideras=think ofas=takeas=look onas=regardas把当作4.pre

6、tend+n.假装 pretend that假装做某事 假装做某事 . 假装正在做某事 假装已经做了某事 .假装是5 对评价很高 对印象好/赞赏 认为不好 高度赞扬 说好/坏 觉得不怎么样6. =allow enter允许某人进入 被(某校)录取;成为的一员 admit o容许有 admit 200 people=seat/hold 200 people能容得下200人 admit sth./that-clause承认,认可 .承认做 承认为7.promising adj.有希望的,有前途的 promise+n.许诺某事 许诺做某事 向某人许诺做某事 promise(sb.)tha

7、t向某人许诺 许下诺言 give a promise答应 遵守/履行诺言 break a promise违背诺言8(1)asas同级比较的三种形式:as+adj./adv.+asas+adj.+可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词+asas+adj|+a/an+可数名词单数形式。(2)否定形式的同级比较的第一个as可以换成so。(3)第二个as也可以是连词,引导比较状语从句,从句常用省略形式。(4)同级比较前可有修饰成分,像倍数、百分数、分数等。(5)这种结构中的第二个可以是介词,后接名词,也可以接数量词表示某种性质达到了什么程度。 多达 远达;就而言 不仅而且 尽可能 实际上;几乎等于 长达;只要

8、9. 常识common interests公共利益 共同的;共有的 和一样out of(the)common不寻常的;特殊的 无共同之处 几乎无共同之处 有一些共同之处 有许多共同之处10.adavtageous adj.有利的;有益的advantaged adj.(地位或经济条件)优越的disadvantage n.不利条件;不利因素 占(获得,赢得)优越 .较某人有利;比某人强 .利用某人 .充分利用某事物 对某人有利;有助于某人11.名词choice在表示“选择”时常用下列搭配:careful/good/right/wise choice认真的/好的/正确的/明智的选择bad/wrong

9、/hard choice糟糕的/错误的/艰难的选择 作出选择 面临选择(2)表示“不得不做某事”时用 或者 (3)动词choose的常见用法:choose表示“挑选,选择”,可接双宾语choose 后接from,引出选择范围 选举某人为(4)choose 作“决议要做某事”时,后接不定式短语或that从句。12.the way to do/of doing sth.做的方式;方法by the way顺便说;顺便问一下in the way挡道;妨碍 用这种方法 决不 在任何方面 在途中 迷路 去;前往13.1)so/suchthat引导结果状语从句sothat如此以至句型的常见结构形式:so+a

10、dj./adv.+thatso+adj+a/an+单数名词+thatso many/few/much/little(少)+n.+that(2)suchthat句型的常见结构形式:such a/an=adj. +可数名词复数/不可数名词+thatsuch+adj.+可数名词复数/不可数名词+that2)当so/such放于句首时,句子要部分倒装。3)sothat中的主句和从句的主语是同一个,that 从句也可改为as to do形式。4)so that连在一起用,可引导结果状语从句,也可引导目的状语从句。14Applied adj.应用的,实用的 n.实用,适用,申请 n.申请者 适用于;应用于

11、;施加于 申请;请求,接洽 致力于;集中精力做某事 把运用于apply to关系到;牵涉到;适用于;运用于 向某人申请某物 a result of由于的原因bring about/yield good results得到好的结果with the result that结果是 毫无结果地 因引起(相当于lie in) 导致;致使(相当于lead to)16die out 因而死 减弱;淡化 逐渐减弱,降低;察觉不到 渴望、极想做某事17 毫不理睬或重视draw/attract/catch/get ones attention to 吸引某人对的注意 将注意力集中于 将某人的注意力转向

12、专心致志于stand at attention立正站着may I have your attention please?=Attention,please!请注意!18 拿开玩笑have a joke说笑话for a joke只是为了开玩笑 .恶作剧 取笑 愚弄 嘲笑joke with sb.about sth.以某事与某人开玩笑2009词汇总复习EG答案单词1.ecology2.edition3.electronic4.elegant5.embarrass6.embassy7.emergency 8.energetic9.enquiry10.enterprise 11.enthusiasti

13、c12.equality13.erupt14.evaluate15.eventually16.evidence17.evolution18.expand19.explicit20.extension21.facial22.fantastic23.fantasy 24.fibre25.format26.fragile27.fragrant 28.friction29.fundamental30.gallery31.garlic32.garment33.geometry34.giraffe35.gravity 36.guarantee短语 ones words2.on edge3.rec

14、eive school education4.beyond effort5.spare no effort 6.empty A of B 7.discourage sb.from doing sth. ones wits end9.Enlarge ones views by reading10.enter into11.give a musical entertainment12.feel envy at 13.out of envy14.equal sth. 15.a piece of equipment16.make an error be exact e

15、 into existence 19.beyond the expense of exposed to lightning22.give an eye to23.take a fancy to24.Fall over familiar to sb.(=be known to)26.fade in27.fade out28.far from29.find fault with30.givemakea the field of 33.set fire a flash3

16、5.make a fool of 36.forgive sb. for37.fry ones fortune 38.bring glory to sb. 39.under ones guilty guilty of句型1.Some schools teach, but fail to educate their2.Good health encourages sound reasoning3.The children grew up in beautiful surrounding but not in a happy home environme

17、nt.4.Its not fair for you to treat the fair man with fair hair like that.5.That this country is falling under Asias spell shouldnt be surprising.6.So far it has been by far the tallest building in the city.7.Ice feels cold, if you feel it for a while, you will feel cold.8.I have found the best way t

18、o give advice to our children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.9.Fired,he got angry with his boss and set his house on fire.10.The enemy soldiers were fleeing in all directions, but few of them could 2 知识点 wonder 创奇迹 惊奇得出神 非常惊奇 Its a wonder that2.doubtfu .

19、beyond/out of doubt 感到怀疑的;不肯定的 无疑地;很可能;公认地无疑地;一定地 There is no doubt that clause There is some doubt whether(if)I dont doubt that I doubt whether(if)3.consider doing sth. 考虑怎样/什么时候做某事 consider sb./sth as/to be consider do sth. consider itdo to sth. all things considered considerate be considera

20、te in/about be considerate of be considerate to/towards consideration take into consideration under consideration on no consideration 4. pretend to do sth. Pretend to be doing sth. Pretend to have done Pretend to be+n./adj.5think much (highly)of think well of think ill/poorly/badly ofspeak well/ill

21、of speak well/ill of think nothing of6.admit sb.into be admitted to admit doing sth. admit sb./ be7. promise+to do promise sb.sth. promise(sb.)that make a promise keep/carry out a promise break a promise8(1)as much/many as as far as as well as asas possibleas good as as long asmon sense in com

22、mon in common with have nothing in commonhave little in common have something in common have a lot in common10.have (gain, win)an advantage over have the advantage of sb.take advantage of sb. take(full)advantage of sth. be to sb.s advantage11.make a choice be faced with/face a choice have no other c

23、hoice but to do sth. cant choose but do sth.choose be in this way in no way in any way on the/ones waylose ones way make ones way to14application n. applicant n. be applied to apply for apply oneself to apply apple to sb.for sth.15.without result result from result indie of/from die down die off be dying for/to do sth. 17pay little(no)attention to fix/focus ones attention to turn/direct/switch ones attention to devote ones attention to devote ones attention to 18make a joke/jokes about/of play a trick o n sb. make fun of make a fool of laugh at

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