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高二英语选修七Unit 3 Under the sea课件及强化练习题7份.docx

1、高二英语选修七Unit 3 Under the sea课件及强化练习题7份2014高二英语选修七Unit 3 Under the sea课件及强化练习题7份 Unit 3 Setin 单词拼写1e are ased t turn in an _(每年的) reprt abut ur sales t the general anager2The rbbers tried t _(逃跑), but the ere aught in the end3Hpeless thugh it seeed, Franis did nt _(放弃) all hpe f finding a b4err as afr

2、aid t _(跳水) fr the bard int the plLuis had t si fr 20 inutes t reah the _(海岸)6It is their _(协作)that has led t the suess f the prgrae7I_(催促) students t l thrugh their lessns ahead f explanatin8The an _(暂停) during a reading t disuss diffiult sentenes ith eah ther9The rd _(呼喊) hen the he tea sred in th

3、e final inute f the gae10_(鲨鱼) ere irling arund ur bat答案:1annual2flee3abandn4diveshre6tear7urged8pause9elled10Shars 选词填空ell uthelp utin need fsrt uthld upai atahead fbring in1Have u _ here ure ging t live et?2I tried t thin abut all the prbles that ere

4、 _ e trr3Dnt squeeze his hand; it aes hi _ in pain4eve gt t _ re business if e ant the restaurant t surviverganizing the shl trip ill be a lt f r, s I need se vlunteers t _6Se buildings daaged in the earthquae are still _ repair7The shuld have finished the r n Fridahats _ the _?8I as _ the tree but

5、hit the ar b istae答案:1srted ut2ahead f3ell ut4bring inhelp ut6in need f7hlding; up8aiing at完成下列句子1The _ _ _(沉湎于)drining2She_ _ _ _ _the universit她放弃了进大学的机会。3He illed his ene and_ _ _他杀死了仇敌,逃往了国外。4I _ _ _(坐在她对面)during the ealThis as the all that annuned there _ _ _ _a hale hunt这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的呼声。6I dn

6、t n h t slve the prble Please_e_(帮我)7thers are _it_(阻止逃跑)ut t sea8Gerge ran_ _(在前面)e lie raz9As I as_ _(整理)adatin, I heard a strange vie10I_the terrible sene_ _ _ _(亲眼见到)an ties答案:1abandned theselves t2abandned the hane t enter3fled the untr4sat ppsite heras abut t be6help; ut7stpping; fleeing8ahead

7、 f9srting ut10itnessed; ith n ees单项填空1The shl shuld spend se tie training students t _ in an eergen, espeiall ith all in the buildingsA test utBbring utae utDhelp ut答案:D考查动词短语辨析。句意:学校应该花时间训练学生在紧急情况下互相帮助,特别是当所有学生都在教学楼里时。help ut“帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难”;test ut“检验,试验”;bring ut“使显现,使表现出”;ae ut“分清,理解”。2The first

8、deade f the 21st entur _ the breathtaing, nn&sh;stp develpent f hinaAitnessesBitnessedill itnessDhad itnessed答案:B考查时态。句意:21世纪的第一个十年见证了中国惊人的、持续的发展。根据“The first deade f the 21st entur”可知,应用一般过去时。3I felt sehat disappinted and as abut t leave _ sething urred that attrated attentinAunlessBuntilhenDhile答案

9、:句意:我感到有点失望,正要离开,这时发生了一事情引起了我的注意。be abut t d sthhen“正要这时”。4hen he libed up t the iddle f the high untain, he _ fr a fe inutes t restApausedBparedpiniedDpratied答案:A句意:当他爬到高的半腰处,他停下休息了一会儿。pause“停顿,中止”,符合句意。Hiltn Htel an I help u?Id lie t ae a(n) _ fr a duble r fr this Frida nightAadatinBreservatinappi

10、ntentDrequest答案:B考查名词。句意:希尔顿酒店。有什么可以帮你的吗?我想订一间双人房,这个星期五晚上入住。ae a reservatin fr“预订”,符合句意。6All the teahers and students anaged t _ fr the burning teahing buildingAfleeBflushsneaDslip答案:A句意:所有的老师和学生都设法逃出了着火的教学楼。flee“逃离”;flush“使脸红,使激动,淹没”;snea“偷偷地做,溜”;slip“滑倒,滑落”。7I didnt see her fr anther five ears,and

11、 _ she gt arried and had a uple f ids Ain tieBb the tiefr the tie beingDin the eantie答案:D句意:随后的五年我没有见到她,在此期间她结了婚,并有了几个孩子。in tie“迟早,及时”;b the tie“到时候为止”;fr the tie being“暂时”;in the eantie“在此期间,同时”。8e ere all _ shed hen e heard that se rers ere _ in the ellAdeepl; deepBdeep; deepldeepl; depthDdeep; de

12、epen答案:A句意:当我们得知一些工人在深井下时我们都深感震惊。第一空修饰shed,且表示抽象意义,故用副词deepl;第二空指具体的深度,故用deep。9The hild ent ut f r happil ith a _ f seets in his handApieeBpilepaDset答案:句意:那个孩子高高兴兴走出了我的房间,手里拿着一盒糖果。a pa f“一包,一盒”;a piee f“一条,一张”;a pile f“一堆”;a set f“一套”。10_ ur bad habit,u need great deterinatin and perseveraneAHaving

13、abandnedBT abandnAbandningDAbandned答案:B本题考查目的状语从句。句意:要改正坏习惯,你需要决心和毅力。阅读理解Aan anials regnize their fd beause the see it S d huans hen u see an apple r a piee f hlate u n that these are things u an eat u an als use ther senses hen u hse ur fd u a lie it beause it sells gd r beause it tastes gd u a dis

14、lie se tpes f fd beause the d nt l,sell r taste ver nie Different anials use different senses t find and hse their fd A fe anials depend n nl ne f their senses, hile st anials use re than ne senseAlthugh there are an different tpes f fd, se anials spend their lives eating nl ne tpe The giant panda e

15、ats nl ne partiular tpe f bab ther anials eat nl ne tpe f fd even hen given the hie A ind f hite butterfl ill sta n the leaves f a abbage, even thugh there are plent f ther vegetables in the garden Hever,st anials have a re varied diet The bear eats fruits and fish The fx eats sall anials, birds and

16、 fruits The diet f these anials ill be different depending n the seasnHuans have a ver varied diet e ften eat fd beause e lie it and nt beause it is gd fr us In untries suh as Frane and Britain, peple eat fds ith t uh sugar This aes the vereight, hih is bad fr their health Eating t uh red eat and an

17、ial prduts suh as butter, an als be bad fr the health hsing the right fd, therefre, has bee an area f stud in dern life1e an infer fr the text that huans and anials _Adepend n ne sense in hsing fdBare nt satisfied ith their fdhse fd in siilar asDeat entirel different fd答案:推理判断题。根据第一段可知,人用气味和味道选择食物,动

18、物用一种或多种感觉选择食物,从这点上人和动物是类似的。2hih f the flling eats nl ne tpe f fd?AThe hite butterflBThe sall birdThe bearDThe fx答案:A细节理解题。根据第二段第四句“A ind f hite butterfl ill sta n the leaves f a abbage,even thugh there are plent f ther vegetables in the garden”可以推断出这种白蝴蝶只吃卷心菜。3ertain anials hange their hie f fd hen

19、_Athe seasn hangesBthe fd lr hanges the ve t different plaesDthe are attrated b different sells答案:A细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“The diet f these anials ill be different depending n the seasn”可以推断出这些动物的食物随着季节而变化。4e an learn fr the last paragraph that _Afd is hsen fr a gd reasnBFrenh and British fd is gdse peple h

20、ave fe hies f fdDse peple are little abut health diet答案:D推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“e ften eat fd beause e lie it and nt beause it is gd fr us”可知我们选择食物经常是因为喜欢而不是对身体有益,由此推断出有些人会选择不健康的食物。BIn tber n the east ast f Australia igrating(迁徙)hupba hales(座头鲸)pass ver lse t the shre ith the help f ax Egan, e ent t fil th

21、e near Brn Ba It as extreel exiting t spt the little puffs(水柱)f spra n the hrizn hen igrating, the hales an be traveling at speeds f abut 12/h and an dive under anhere beteen five and frt inutes but ith an ears f experiene ax usuall guided ur bat t exatl the right plae t prvide us ith aazing sightin

22、g As the hales brea the surfae lie subarines(潜水艇), the ater spills ff their brad dar bas and huge tails Then, ith a perful dn stre, the dive ba int the depths f the sea, leaving ust a sth glass path f ater r“ftprint”n the surfae t sh here the had beenne da e had traveled up and dn the shre and far u

23、t t the sea in searh f hales, but the hrizn as deserted There as n reprt f hales in the area s e deided t test ut axs ne, highl sensitive hdrphne(水中听音器)and the result as astnishing As sn as the hdrphne as in the ater, e fund urselves listening t the st beautiful vies hat a have seeed lie a vast ept

24、ean as filled ith the singing f halesIt is the ales hih sing, as the igrate beteen feeding and breeding(养育)grunds N ne ns fr sure hat the purpse f these sngs is, hether the are lve sngs t the feales r arnings t ther ales t sta aaIt as thught that eah ppulatin f hupbas had its n sng hih reained regul

25、ar but reent findings suggest that the hales appreiate a erable tune(曲调)and quil adpt an ne sngs the hearhih finding abut hales is bend the riters expetatin?AThe little puffsBThe sngs f halesThe traveling speed f halesDThe depth f the hales dive答案:B细节理解题。发现鲸鱼美妙的歌声是作者的意外收获。由倒数第三段“the result as astnis

26、hing”可得出。6hat d e n abut ax?AHe lies hales ver uhBHe is a brave sientist n halesHe is an experiened an in finding halesDHe is an expert in aing hdrphnes 答案:判断归纳题。关于马克斯中提到了两点,一是他在寻找鲸鱼方面很有经验,二是他制造了一种水中听音器,但中并未明确表明他是制造听音器的专家。由首段“ith an ears f experiene ax usuall guided ur bat t exatl the right plae”得出项

27、正确。7The riters ain purpse f ling fr hales is_Aarring ut researh n halesBstuding the beautiful sngs f halesaing fils abut halesDhunting hales fr researh答案:细节理解题。由首段“e ent t fil the”得出。8hats the RNG pinin abut hales befre arding t the passage?AEah grup f hupbas had the sng f their nBhales ant sing t eah therhales arent eas t findDhales ant dive in the sea as lng as frt inutes答案:A细节理解题。原先人们认为, 每一群座头鲸都有自己相对固定的歌,但这次的发现证明这种观点是错误的。由最后一段得出。

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