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1、高一英语报纸答案高一英语报纸答案【篇一:英语周报高一第39期b版答案解析】b1版 keys:(one possible version) 词语保鲜 i. 1. comes about 2. come across 3. comes round 4. come out 5. has come up ii. 1. rid himself of 2. was robbed of 3. to remind himself of 4. inform you of 5. was accused of 词语狙击 i. 1. circulate 2. respected 3. delivered 4. aud

2、ience 5. support ii. 1. disturbing 2. freedom 3. behavior 4. confused 5. connection 6. considerate 7. arguments 8. modest iii. 1. crowded in 2. by chance 3. carry on 4. refer to 5. look down upon 6. would rather 7. led to 8. moved off 9. built up 10. focus on 句型巡航 i. 1. is equipped with 2. care abou

3、t 3. with the hope of 4. thanks to 5. was satisfied with ii. 1. if so 2. every few years 3. making it difficult 4. twice as large as / twice the size of 5. what is called 第 39期 b2版 keys:(one possible version, 客观题除外) 阅读方略 b 特色题型 1. compared 2. they 3. have developed 4. making 5. of 6. expansion 7. as

4、 8. that 9. to think 10. however 第 39期 b3版 keys: (one possible version,客观题除外) 语法运用 1. ba 2. ba 3. ba 4. dc 5. da 6. ad 语法小测 i. 1. prefer 2. is 3. wants 4. was destroyed 5. have been returned 6. goes 7. playing 8. are visiting 9. reading 10. cutting ii. 1. isare 2. are is 3. readreading 4. lie lies 5

5、. havingto have iii. 1. are going to 2. is interested in 3. to helping 4. requires solving 5. missing the train 第 39期 b4版 keys(one possible version 客观题除外): 课外阅读 1. t 2. f 写作一招鲜 we had a discussion on how to go for an outing this weekend. the results are as follows. some students suggested riding bik

6、es because they thought it does no harm to the environment. besides, riding is good for our health. while others suggested renting a tourist bus, which would save enough time so that our classmates would have more time to enjoy the scenery. in addition, taking the bus together would be safer and eas

7、ier to organise. i prefer riding a bike. with the environment being seriously polluted, we should make contribution to protecting the environment.【篇二:2014-2015高一英语新课标人教版月考试卷及答案】=txt高一英语 本试卷分共8 页。满分120分,考试时间 90分钟。 第一部分 (选择题,共55分) 第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑

8、。 1 tom works in a company and gets paid by _ hour, totally 5,000 yuan _month. a. the; theb. a; the c. the; a d. a; a 2_ get a better score, she has been studying hard all day. a. so as to b. in order to c. so that d. in order that 3. when we visited huantai again ten years later, we found it had ch

9、anged so much that we could hardly _ it. a. remember b. think aboutc. believed. recognize the present one. a. as three times big asb. three times as big as c. as big as three timesd. as big three times as 5. the old man is very _ about the neighborhood affairs for he is always willing to help others

10、. a. amazed b. enthusiastic c. disappointed d. brilliant 6. 4. smoking is bad for your health. yes, i know. but i simply cant _ . a. give it up b. give it in c. give it out d. give it away 7 we must know what we should do and what we should avoid_ a good impression on others in public place. a. to l

11、eave b. leavingc. to have leftd. leave 8 he fell from the bike and broke his leg_, he will have to be away from school for two or three months aas a result of bwith the result that cwithout result das a result 9. the great wall is _tourist attraction (旅游胜地) that millions of people visit it every yea

12、r a. so a well-known c. such well-known a b. a so well-known d. such a well-known 10could you please take this book to the office for me? 河南本土个性化一对一辅导第一品牌 . aits my pleasure bthats all right cnever mind d with pleasure 11. he had _ little education that he cant teach _ little children. a. so; suchb.

13、 such; such c. so; sod. such; so 12. this is the first time we _ a film in the cinema together as a family. a. seeb. had seen c. sawd. have seen 13. is it on september 1st _ students come back to school every year ? a. when b. thatc. whichd. who 14. in the last few years thousands of films all over

14、the world. a. have produced b. have been produced c. are producing d. are being produced 15. at first the man refused to answer the questions _ by the police, but later he had to admit _the car. aasking; to have stolen basked; having stolen casked; to have stolendasking; having stolen 第二节:完形填空(共20小题

15、;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。 there are thousands of people across the united states without any food or shelter(住所).every saturday or sunday night,my family and i go out and16 the homeless people in the city. there is one_thing i like to mention here. befor

16、e we begin our_my family and i do not eat. we do thishe kitchen and the food. we then_the food for 30 or more people. i like to write a speciallike “god loves you”. a lot of peoplepeople. not all homeless people are bad people. some are reallymany people hate themno good reason. in the beginning,whe

17、n my family and i went out on the street, we had to,as theyus every week,they started to trust us.weknow some of their names. we all have to keep in mind that they also haveof them shake our hands for giving them food,andsome of them do really funny dances because they are we have becomeclose to a m

18、an named tony and his wife. after meeting with them several times,he has told us a lot about hishe graduated from college and has a phd. he used to teach french and spanish. after we get done(做完某事) feeding the homeless,it makes mesometimes it makes me sad,and makes my mom cry. i love feeding the hom

19、eless,and in someones life. 16a. visitb introduce csave dfeed 17a. hopefulb exciting cspecialdcruel 18a. show b journey c vacation dmeal 河南本土个性化一对一辅导第一品牌 19a. so bwhen cifdbecause 20a. design bpreparecbuy dgive 21a bagbcook cfetch dfind 22a. passagebsayingcnote darticle 23 a. please b help clove dmi

20、sunderstand 24a. helpful bnicecfunny dbeautiful 25a. for bat cof don 26a. foundbearn ccreate dshare 27a. servedbtold csawdneeded 28a. hardlybnever csometimesdeven 29a. wordsblooks copinions dfeelings 30a. change bthank cimpress dattack 31a. happybgreat csurprised dpeaceful 32a. only btoocalso dreall

21、y 33a. dreambfuture clife dfriend 34a. want bappreciate ckeep dthink 35a. taking care bwatching out cshowing upd making a difference 第二部分阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(a、b、c、d)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 a today, roller skating is easy and fun. but many years ago, it wasnt easy at all. before 1

22、750, people never tried skating on wheels. that changed because of a man named joseph merlin. merlins work was making instruments. in his free time he liked to play the violin. merlin was a man with many ideas and many dreams. people called him a dreamer. one day merlin received an invitation to go

23、to an important party. he was very pleased and a little excited. as the day of the party came near, merlin began to think. he wanted to find a way to make a wonderful entrance at the party. merlin had an idea. he thought that he would attract a lot of attention if he could skate into the room. merli

24、n tried different ways to make himself roll. finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. these were the first roller skate shoes. merlin was very proud of them. he dreamed of arriving at the party and skating into the room while playing the violin. he was sure that everyone would be very

25、surprised. on the night of the party merlin rolled into the room, playing his violin. everyone was really surprised to see him. there was just one problem. merlin had no way to stop his roller skating. he rolled on, playing the violin. then, with all eyes on him, merlin hit into a huge mirror on the

26、 wall. the mirror broke into many pieces with a very loud noise. but nobody forgot merlins wonderful entrance after that. 36. the story tells us that people began to enjoy roller-skating _. 河南本土个性化一对一辅导第一品牌 a. before the year 1750 b. before the invitation c. because of joseph merlin d. because it wa

27、s dangerous 37. people called merlin a dreamer because _. a. he slept and dreamed a lot b. he was full of different ideas c. he was a talented violinist d. he always made peoples dreams come true 38. _ made merlin think of skating on wheels. a. merlins work b. merlins violin c. a huge mirror im

28、portant party 39. what was merlins problem after he rolled into the room? a. he couldnt stop his roller-skating. b. he couldnt attract a lot of attention. c. everyone was surprised at him. d. he couldnt play the violin while rolling. 40. the text is mainly about_. a. a strange man b. an unusual part

29、y c. how roller skating began d. how people enjoyed themselves in the 18th century b after a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. sleep is necessary for good health. during this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. the rest that you get while sleeping makes

30、it possible for your body to prepare itself for the next day. there are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. as you sleep, your body relaxes little by little. your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. after you reach the fourth level, your body shifts

31、back and forth from one level of sleep to the other. if you have trouble falling asleep, some people suggest breathing very slowly and very deeply. other people believe that drinking warm milk will make you there is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep. 41. the text makes us know that not getting enough sleep might make you _. a. suffer form poor health b. enjoy more c. dream more oftend. breathe quickly 42. during rem, _. a. you move restlessly b. yo

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