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北师大小学英语 56年级内容梳理.docx

1、北师大小学英语 56年级内容梳理川大附小3、4年级教学内容梳理一、话题:身体与健康1、词汇: eye眼睛 ear耳朵 head头 mouth嘴 toes脚趾 shoulder肩膀 knee膝盖 nose鼻子 leg腿 foot (feet) 脚 arm手臂hand手 face脸stomach胃cold感冒cough咳嗽 hurts疼痛 stomach ache胃疼 headache头疼 toothache牙疼 fever发烧 ill病的 medicine药2、句 型:(1)Whats wrong with you? /Whats the matter? /What happened to yo

2、u?(2)Ive got (3)My hurts. (4)Are you ill?(5)Have you got? (6)Has he/she got?二、话题:学校与日常生活1、词汇:(1)学科名称:subject学科English 英语Chinese 语文Maths 数学 Art 美术PE体育 Music音乐 Computer 计算机 Science 科学 (2)文具:pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 desk书(课)桌 pencil-box文具盒 pencil-case笔袋 chair椅子 bag 书包book书 ruler直尺eraser橡皮擦 knife小刀(3)学校里的称谓:class

3、room教室 playground操场 library 图书室class 班级grade年级 lesson课(程)pupil小学生 teacher教师school学校blackboard黑板door门window 窗floor地板、层2、短语get up起床 go to school上学 walk to school走路上学watch TV 看电视have classes上课 go to (see) a movie/go to a cinema (去)看电影go home回家 play with friends和朋友玩耍 do homework 做家庭作业play football/baske

4、tball/Ping-Pong/(踢足球)打篮球、打乒乓球 go to bed睡觉 eat(have)breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早、中、晚餐 by bike/car/bus(骑自行车)乘小汽车、公交车 on foot步行3、句型:(1)How do you/does he(she) go to school? I go to/ She(He) goes to school by bus/car/bike/on foot.(2)Do you/Does he(she ) like ? Yes,I like/He(She)likes. No, I dont like /He(Sh

5、e)doesnt like(3)Whats your/her/his favourite subject/ sport? = What subject/sport do you/does he(she) like?My/Her/His favourite subject/sport is = I like/He(She )likes (4)What do you/does he(she) like doing (at school/home)? I like/He(She likes) ing (5)How often do you /does he(she)play football? (6

6、)You should/shouldnt (7)Can he/she/you ? What can you/he/she do (at school)? Yes/ No, I/He/She can (9)When/What time do you/does he(she) get up? I often get up /He (She)gets up at 三、话题:饮食1、词汇:(1)食物:egg鸡蛋 rice米饭 noodle面条 cake蛋糕chips 薯条sandwich 三明治bread面包 ice cream 冰激凌tomato西红柿 potato 土豆carrot胡萝卜 pork

7、猪肉 tofu豆腐 hamburger 汉堡(2)水果:apple苹果 orange橘子 pear梨 peach桃子 banana香蕉 lemon柠檬 mango芒果 cherry樱桃 strawberry草莓 watermelon 西瓜pineapple菠萝2、句型:(1)What food/fruit do you/ does he(she) like?=Whats your/her/his favourite food/fruit? I like/He(She)likes =My/His/Her favourite food/fruit is (2)What food /fruit di

8、d you eat yesterday? I ate (3)Whats this/that? Its a/an What are these/those? Theyre s/es.(4)Is it a/an ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Are they s/es? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 7. 职业astronaut 宇航员 doctor 医生 dancer舞蹈演员 film star电影明星 footballer足球运动员 famer 农民juggler杂技演员 nurse 护士 teacher 老师 student学生

9、 policeman 警察 pilot 飞行员 runner 跑步运动员 bus driver 公交车司机 vet兽医 taxi driver出租车司机 train driver 火车司机 writer 作者1What are you ? / What do you do ? Im a teacher .2What is he/she/Tom ? / What does she/he/Tom do ? He/She/Tom is a student .3What will you be in the future ? Maybe Ill be a writer4What are you goi

10、ng to be ? Im going to be a driver.8. 动词answer回答 ask问 bring带来 buy买 break打破 call 打电话 can能 clean 打扫 close 关 cut 切 stick 粘贴 climb爬come 来 cook做饭 cost 值 count数数 choose 选择 clap拍手 cry哭 dance 跳舞 do 做 draw画 drink 喝 eat吃 feel感觉 feed 喂 fall掉下 finish 完成find 找到 fly 飞 get 获得 give 给 go去 guess猜 have 有 hear听 hurt受伤

11、help 帮助 jump跳 invent发明 knock敲打 know知道 laugh笑 let让 listen听 live住 learn学习 look看 love爱 make 制作 meet 碰面 open打开 phone打电话 plant种植 play 玩 pick采摘 paint画 print印刷 put放 read读 ride 骑 run 跑 say说 see 看 send发送 sing 唱 sit坐 sleep 睡 speak说 stand 站 stop停 study 学习 swim 游泳 sleep睡觉 shout 喊 touch触摸 take 带走 talk谈论 tell 告诉

12、thank谢谢 think思考 travel旅游 try尝试 turn转 use用 visit 参观 wait 等候 walk走路 want要想 win 嬴 wash 洗 watch观看 wear穿 work 工作 worry 担心 write写1Dont touch the machines . Lets meet there .2Well see lions and tigers. Will Sam go ? 3Im going to go shopping . Im eating .4What did you do last Sunday ?I went to the Great Wal

13、l .I didnt walk to school yesterday .Did you fall ? Yes ,I did ./ No I didnt .9.形容词afraid 担心的 angry生气的 beautiful漂亮的 big大的 bored 无聊的 busy忙的 bad坏的 cheap便宜的 clever聪明的 cute可爱的 cold 冷的 dangerous危险的 expensive贵的 dear亲爱的 difficult难的 dirty脏的 early早的 easy容易的 fat 胖的 fast快的 fantastic精彩的 favourite最喜欢的 far远的 fine

14、好的 fresh新鲜的 great 伟大的 good 好的 happy快乐的 hard难的 healthy健康的 hot热的 heavy重的 high 高的 hungry饿的 ill病的 interesting有趣的 kind和蔼的 late迟到 lazy懒惰的 little 小的 loud 大声的 long 长的 many许多的 much许多的 new新的 nervous紧张的 naughty淘气 nice好的 old 老的 perfect完美的 powerful 有力量的 proud自豪的 quiet安静的 right正确的 shy害羞的 sad悲伤的 short短的 slow慢的 rou

15、nd圆的 small小的 short 矮的 sorry 对不起 special特别的 strong强壮的 sweet甜的 scary恐怖的 sick 生病的 tall 高的 thin瘦的 tired 累的 true真的 wide 宽的 well身体健康的 wonderful 精彩的 worried 担心的 wrong 错的 young 年轻的 helpful有帮助的1 This is a cut dog, 2 Hes very clever .He is a tall boy . Im shy .He is a bit quiet. This river is long.3. Is Tom n

16、aughty ? She is very good at maths话题: (词汇部分)注:低段学生26个字母必须人人过手,词汇部分基本能认读,并知其含义。1、自我介绍(个人情况)I我 my 我的 name名字 age年龄 birthday生日 boy男孩 girl女孩 student学生 pupil小学生2、学校与日常生活pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 desk书(课)桌 pencil-box文具盒 pencil-case笔袋 chair椅子 bag 书包book书 ruler直尺eraser橡皮擦 knife小刀school学校3、颜色Red红色 orange橙色 yellow黄色 gree

17、n绿色 blue蓝色 black黑色 purple 紫色 white白色 pink粉红色 brown 褐色 gray/grey灰色4、数量number数字 zero 0 one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 11 twelve 12 thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 19 twenty 20twenty-one 21thirty 30 forty 40 f

18、ifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 one hundred 1005、动物cat 猫 dog 狗 pig 猪 duck 鸭子 rabbit 兔子 horse 马 elephant 大象 ant 蚂蚁 kangaroo 袋鼠 monkey 猴子 fish 鱼 bird 鸟 panda 熊猫 sheep 绵羊 goat 山羊 cow 奶牛 bear 熊 lion 狮子 tiger 老虎6、形状shape 形状 square 正方形 circle 圆形 triangle 三角形 rectangle 长方形star 星形heart 心形7、饮

19、食1)食物:egg鸡蛋 rice米饭 noodle面条 cake蛋糕chips 薯条sandwich 三明治bread面包 ice cream 冰激凌2)水果:apple苹果 orange橘子 pear梨 peach桃子 banana香蕉 lemon柠檬 mango芒果 cherry樱桃 strawberry草莓 watermelon 西瓜pineapple菠萝3)蔬菜:onion 洋葱 cucumber 黄瓜 pepper 辣椒 eggplant 茄子 cabbage 白菜 tomato西红柿 potato 土豆carrot胡萝卜 califlower 8、家庭与朋友Family家庭 mot

20、her(mom) 妈妈father(dad)爸爸 parents父母 son儿子 daughter女儿 aunt阿姨 uncle叔叔sister 姐妹brother兄弟 grandmother(grandma) 祖母grandfather(grandpa)祖父 friend 朋友 he他 she她9、服装T-shirt T恤coat外套 jacket夹克 sweater毛衣 dress连衣裙 skirt裙子hat (cap) 帽子 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 shorts短裤 shirt衬衫 pants 裤子 10、文体dance跳舞 draw画 football足球 game游戏 jum

21、p跳 like喜欢 play玩 run跑 sing唱 song歌 swim游泳 11、问好Hello/hi 你好 Good morning/afternoon/evening.早上、下午、晚上好。话题:1、自我介绍(个人情况) Whats your name? -My name is. How old are you?-Im . Happy birthday! Im from.2、学校与日常生活 Whats this?-Its a an . This is a an . Whats that?- Its a an . That is a an . Thats my your her his .

22、3、颜色 What color is it?-Its . What color is this that?-Its . What color are they?-They are . What color are these those ?-They are.4、数量 How many are there?-There is one. There are .5、动物 Whats this?-Its a an . Whats that? -Its a an .6、形状 What shape is it?-Its a.7、饮食 Whats this?-Its a an . Whats that?

23、-Its a an . Is it a an ?-Yes, it is. No, it isnt. What are these?-They are . What are those?-They are . Are these ?-Yes,they are. No, they arent. Are those?- Yes,they are. No, they arent. What do you like?-I like .8、家庭与朋友 Whos this?-This is my . This isnt . Whos that?-Thats my . Shes Hes from .9、服装

24、Whats this?-Its a . What are these?-They are . What do you like?-I like.10、文体 Can you?-Yes, I can. No, I cant. What can you SheHe do?- I She He can.11、问好 Hello. Hi. Good morning. Morning. Nice to meet you. Nice to see you.川大附小3、4年级教学内容梳理四、话题时间1、星期(1)词汇:day天 week周 Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Th

25、ursday星期四 Friday 星期五Saturday星期六 Sunday星期天 weekend周末 (2)句型:What day is it today/tomorrow? Today/Tomorrow is Friday. What do you do on Monday? I go to school on Monday.2、月份(1)词汇:month月份 January一月 February二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November 十一月 December十二月

26、year年(2)句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in September. My birthday is on September 18th. Happy birthday (to you).3、时间(1)词汇:time half past (2)句型:Whats the time? What time is it? Itsoclock.五、数量1、词汇:2、number数字 zero 0 one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 1

27、1 twelve 12 thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 19 twenty 20twenty-one 21 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 one hundred 1001st =first 2nd =second 3rd =third 3、句型:(1)How many?及回答(2)How much?及回答(3)What class are you in?Im in

28、 Class 1 ,Grade 2.4、Im in Room 201.六、话题:文体活动1、词汇:dance跳舞 draw画 far远的 football足球 game游戏 2、短语:high高 jump跳 like喜欢 long长的 play玩 playground操场 run跑 school学校 sing唱 song歌 sport运动 strong强壮subject科目 swim游泳 table桌子 tired累的 travel旅行 turn转弯 up向上 walk走路 watch看3、句型:(1)I can/cant run. Can you run? Yes, I can./ No,

29、I cant. What can you do? I can swim.(2)What are you doing? I am singing a song.3. I willwont dance. Will you dance? Yes, I will.No, I wont.4. What sport do you like? I like.5. Whats your favorite sport? My favourite sport is.6. Do you like swimming? Yes, I do. No, I dont.7. What did you do yesterday? I played tennis yesterday.

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