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Course for IELTS Vocabular2.docx

1、Course for IELTS Vocabular2Course for IELTS VocabularyFollow meWays of memorizing English words复习Unit 9 durable adj 持久的 dwindle v 减少(decrease, reduce,decline) efficient adj 高效的 elapse v 流逝 eclipse n 月食eclipse扩展倍数有关的词缀dia-双,在 之间,通过dialogue dia+logue(说话)对话diameter dia+meter(测量)直径diagnose dia+gnose(知道)

2、 诊断 diagnosisdiagram dia+gram(书写)图表dialect dia+lect (说)方言duplicate du(二)+plic (折叠) +ate复制,重复duel du(二)+el n.决斗bilingual/bilateral/bimonthly/bicyclesemifinal/semiconscious/semiconductor词根词缀法 uni, mono-一monologue mono(一个)+logue(说)solitude soli(一个)+tude 孤独monotonous mono(一个) +ton(语调) 单调的,monopoly mono(

3、一个)+poly(卖) 垄断unique uni(一个)+que(形容词词尾)唯一的universe uni(一个)+verse(转变)宇宙uniform uni(一个)+form(形式)制服,统一的词根词缀法tri-三triangle tri(三个)+angle(角)triplicate tri(三个)+plicate(复制)三倍的,trivial tri(三)+vi(六)+al 琐碎的quadr-四quadrangles quadr(四倍)+angle(角)四边形quadruple quadr(四倍)+ple(重叠)四倍的pentagon penta(五)+gon(角)五边形的 Penta

4、 美口五角大楼, 美国国防部词根词缀法multi,poly-多multimedia multi+media(媒体)multilingual multi+lingual(语言)multiple multi+ple(倍)multitude multi+tude 多数polygon poly+gon(角)多边形Efficient 扩展deficient de+fic(做)+ient(adj 词尾)不足的deficient in common senseefficient e+fic(做)+ient( adj词尾)高效的efficient machineproficient pro+fic(做)+ie

5、nt 专业的She is proficient at / in figure skating.她精于花样滑冰。sufficient su+fic(做)+ient( adj词尾)足够的扩展magnificent=magn(big)+I+fic+ent 华丽的,宏伟的magnify v. 放大 magnifier放大镜 significant=sign(标记,标志)+I+fic+ant 重大的,影响深远的 a significant change sign signature artificial=art(艺术)+I+fic+ial adj. 人工的 artificial intelligence

6、example If you are in a market for a new vehicle, choose a fuel-efficient one that will save your money and help protect the new environment. (P50 18)如果你想去市场买辆车,尽量选择高效燃料,这样你既可以节省钱也可以帮助保护环境。antElapse 扩展:蚂蚁系列 pageant盛装的游行, 壮丽的场面 elegant优美的, 文雅的; Lapse 失误,失检 Collapse 倒塌,崩溃 warrant保证, 担保 Tenant房客 Pregna

7、nt怀孕谐音联想记忆法补充词汇 fling 抛,扔 flee为逃走, fade为褪色, fling抛石头, feeble才脆弱chillUnit 10 Enrich v 使丰富Enlarge v 扩大Broaden v 扩宽Widen v 扩宽2. Enormous adj 巨大的3. External adj 外部的4. Expenditure n 花费5. Explosives n 爆炸物近形对照 Explode Explore Exploit等爆炸,探测人,,开发,剥削它,例子imageAstro-星星分类记忆 Disaster 灾难,天灾(星星偏离方向) Catastrophe 大灾害

8、(黑猫和星星) Wreck 失事(飞机,船)近形对照法 Ash 灰尘 Cash 现金 Abash 窘迫 Clash 撞击 Crash 坠毁 smash 粉粹飞机clash了世贸飞机crash了世贸smash了变成了ashbush很abash需要很多cashUnit 11 Fertile adj 肥沃的 Flaw n 瑕疵 Flourish v 繁荣 Boom n 繁荣 Thrive v 繁荣 Prosperous adj 繁荣的 Heritage扩展Futile fu+tile(adj词尾)琐细的,无用的 the futile yearshostile host(敌人)+ile 敌对的 a h

9、ostile remark. 充满敌意的话Fertile fert(带来)+ile 肥沃的(佛头很肥) fertile soil. 肥沃的土壤Fragile frag(打破)+ile 易碎的(fragment)Versatile vers(转)+tile 多才多艺的Versatile扩展verse 转anniversary n. 周年纪念日anniversary=ann(年)+vers(turn)+ary(表示集合名词)ann=年 annual adj. 年度的annual report/ income/production年度报告/收入/产量vers=turnadverse=ad(to)+v

10、ers(turn)+e (突然间旋转,大好的形式转变了) adj.不利的,有害的 adverse circumstances 逆境 the adverse effects of the drug 药物的有害作用 universe=uni(唯一)+vers(turn)+e n. 宇宙词根词缀universal adj.全体的 共同的 version n. 译文,版本 English versionReverse=re(against)+vers(turn)+e v.颠倒,翻转(turn sth. inside out or turn sth.over to show the back )vers

11、atile=vers(turn)+atile adj.多才多艺的 a versatile cookdiverse=di(away)+vers(turn)+e adj.各种各样的diversity n.多样性词根词缀extroverted外向的introverted内向的controversial有争议的(on the contrary)Unit 12 Frown (P68)v 皱眉The old frowned while the young applauded.2. Frustrated adj 受挫的3. Complex adj 复杂的Complex-complicated-sophist

12、icated-intricate4. Preserve v 保存preserve扩展serve 保持,服务 preserve pre(之前)+serve(保持)保护,保存 preserve peace维持和平 conserve con +serve(保持)保存 People have to learn to conserve water anytime, especially during the drought.大家必须学会节约用水,特别是在干旱期间。 deserve de(充分)+serve(服务)值得 observe ob(对,向)+serve(保持)观察,注意 reserve re(回

13、来)+serve(保持)储备,预订reserve a table for 4reservationUnit 13,14(P73) Give rise to v 导致 Gloom n阴暗(amorous,) Humane adj 仁慈的 Humble adj 谦卑的 Humiliate v 羞辱 Humid adj 湿气的Gloomy扩展 导致: Give rise to Contribute to Result inUnit 13,14 (P80) Immigrant n 移民 Incorporate v 合并 Indifferent adj 冷漠的 Induce v 引诱扩展duce 引导c

14、onduce con+duce (引导)导致,有利于(conducive,conductor)Heart to heart chats conduce to the establishment of harmonious atmosphere among fellow workers.谈心活动有助于造成员工间和谐的氛围。deduce de+duce 演绎induce in+duce 引诱Nothing shall induce me to join their club.我怎么都不会去加入他们的俱乐部。reduce re+duce减少词根词缀法seduce 色诱produce pro(向前)+

15、duce生产,引起reproduce 繁殖introduce intro(向内)+duce 介绍词根词缀法dis-分开disable v残疾的,丧失能力的disadvantage 不利条件disclose v揭漏,透漏discourage 使气馁disorder 混乱dispute v争论,辩论disregard v不理,漠视distract /attract 转移Instinct词根词缀法differ 不一致,不同differentiate 区分,区别distinguish 区分 diversify di+ver(转移) 使多样化discriminate 歧视difference 差异 di

16、versity 多样性,差异 distinguish in use区分,辨别syn differentiate, discriminatedistinguished 卓著的, 高贵的Anthropologist also use the term culture in a more restricted sense when they refer to the culture of a particular society, meaning the non-biological characteristics unique to that society, which distinguish

17、it from other societies. (IELTS ,Reading)Diverse in use 不同的,多种多样的syn. different, dissimilar, unequal, various, distinct, separate, variedant. equal, equivalent, same, identicalThe shops here sell a diverse range of gifts.diversity in useThe loss of genetic diversity associated with reductions in pop

18、ulation size will contribute to the likelihood of extinction. (IELTS: Reading)diversity of a diversity of opinions diverse adj. 不同的 diversify vt.& vi. 使多样化;多样化diversification n. 多种经营, 多样化 Farms began to diversify. (IELTS: Reading) farm diversification (IELTS: Reading)diversion n. 消遣,分散注意Lets have a

19、try 一个有智慧的人是善于辨别是非的。近形对照法近形对照法 rouse“唤醒” I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒。 arouse“唤起”, arouse ones interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心” raise根本含义“使上升”, (1)“举起”raise ones hand (2)“提出”raise a question (3)“抚养,相当于bring up,raise children (4)“筹集”raise funds分类记忆法 increase/rise/grow/climb/reco

20、ver/improve/soar decrease/deteriate/diminish/worsen/decline/plummet/plunge/dwindle/ fall/drop/decrease convention/custom/practice/tradition/habit eliminate/erase/eradicate/remove desert/desert/dessertlets have a try 从1986年到1996年美国拥有住房的人数急剧上升/下降。 There is a rapid/dramatic/sharp/significant/marked inc

21、rease in the number of homeowners in America. The number of homeowners in America increases/rises/grows rapidly/sharply/dramatically/markedly from 1986 to 1996core words in IELTS Reverse in use相反, 背面 on the reverse on the other side The British ten-pence coin has a lion on the reverse. in reverse 反过

22、来 US video recorders cannot play European tapes, and the same applies in reverse (vice versa). 倒车 Put the car into reverse语境中学单词1. Mechanical failure or human error could provoke a catastrophe if maximum security precautions are not taken.(P20 30)2. Football is one of the most popular spectator spor

23、ts.(P21 38)3. Science and technology have come to pervade every aspects of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented. (P21 39)lust. caution语境中学单词4. Information on the locations and developments of Maya civilization plus reference to the history of the related archeological research.(P25 7)5. If the act is serious enough to constitute a crime, it shall be investigated for criminal liability according to law. (P31 10

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