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1、江苏高考英语冲刺练习题型滚动练二题型滚动练二.单项填空1.Hearing the doorbell,I ran to answer it but found my brother had _ me and let the guests in.(2018南京市、盐城市高三一模)A.interrupted B.updatedC.anticipated D.overlooked答案Cinterrupt意为“打扰”;update意为“更新”;anticipate意为“先于行动”;overlook意为“忽视”。根据句意可知应选C项。2._ you have a good command of Engli

2、sh grammar,it will be much easier for you to write good English articles.A.Once B.Unless C.Although D.Before答案AOnce “一旦”在句中引导条件状语从句。Unless “除非”;Although “尽管”;Before “在之前”。3.Professor Johnson will be invited to give us a lecture on English literature,but when and where to hold it _ yet.(2018江苏四星级学校4月

3、联考)A.wasnt decided B.werent decidedC.hasnt been decided D.havent been decided答案C句意:Johnson教授将受邀给我们作一个英国文学方面的讲座,但时间和地点还未定。根据句意及句中的“yet”可知,此处应用现在完成时;又“when and whereto do”作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数。4._ speed and flexibility,Chinas anti-ship missile CM-302 also has greater destructive power than others in the mark

4、et.(2018苏州市高三调研)A.On the contrary to B.Apart fromC.On behalf of D.Little more than答案B句意:除了速度和灵活性之外,中国的反舰导弹CM-302也比市场上其他的反舰导弹有更大的破坏力。根据句意,此处表示“除了之外(还)”,故要用Apart from。on behalf of “代替,代表”;little more than “仅仅是,几乎和一样”;on the contrary to“与相反”。5.In any case,parents should make clear what,_,the child is e

5、xpected to pay for with the pocket money.A.if ever B.if soC.if any D.if anything 答案D句意:不管以哪种方式,父母都必须明确的指出,如果有什么需要花钱的,孩子就应该使用零花钱。if ever意为“假如曾有过”;if so意为“如果是这样的话”;if any意为“如果有的话(有明确的范围)”;if anything意为“如果有的话(无明确的范围)”。根据语境可知应选D项。6.Why didnt you go with us to the movie Star Trek Beyond?I would love to h

6、ave,but I was _ engaged.A.else B.otherwiseC.somehow D.anyhow答案B根据句意可知,此处表示“另,在其他方面”,所以要用otherwise。else “别的”;somehow “以某种方法”;anyhow “总之,无论如何”。7.Lucy will come back from Europe next week; she has been studying there for nearly 2 years.Her parents must be excited about it,for she has always been _.A.a

7、lost sheep B.the apple of their eyeC.the salt of the earth D.a black sheep答案Ba lost sheep “误入歧途的人”;the apple of ones eye “某人的掌上明珠”;the salt of the earth “善良而可靠的人”;a black sheep “害群之马”。8.This powerful music style addresses issues like love,sex,drugs,politics and death.Often it _ the accepted values.A

8、.argues against B.rebels againstC.fights with with答案B句意:这种强有力的音乐风格讨论了诸如爱情、性、毒品、政治和死亡之类的问题。它经常叛离公认的价值观。rebel against “反抗,背叛”,符合句意。argue against “争辩,说理”;fight with “与打架,与作斗争”;deal with “处理,对付”。9._ angered me most was that he just stood there looking at me,with no intention to give me a hand.(2

9、018南京市四校第一学期联考)A.How B.What C.That D.Who答案B句意:最让我生气的是他就只是站在那里看着我,没有一点要帮我的意思。分析句子结构可知,空处引导主语从句,且在从句中作主语,表示“所的事情”,故用What。10.Problem-focused strategies are those _ at doing something to change the problem causing the stress.(2018盐城市高三三模)A.aimed aimC.being aimed D.having aimed答案A句意:聚焦问题的策略是那些旨在做一些事

10、情来改变引起压力的问题的策略。be aimed at.“旨在,目的是”,故此处用过去分词作后置定语。11.Teachers in primary schools _ influence the kids fall under should be role models.A.whose B.who C.where D.which答案A这是一个定语从句,根据题干可知,定语从句中缺少定语,表示“老师的”影响,所以用whose。fall under ones influence “受的影响”。12.Will Uncle Peterson come to my birthday party tomorr

11、ow?Pity he _ to Zimbabwe as a volunteer teacher.A.was sent B.has been sentC.had been sent D.would be sent答案B据答语中的Pity可知,答话者的意思是Uncle Peterson已经被派往津巴布韦了,所以对现在的影响便是他来不了生日晚会。故选现在完成时。13.The Internet is so much a part of our culture that it affects our lives by acting as a _ for face-to-face

12、eference B.motivationC.substitute D.guideline答案Cpreference意为“偏爱,偏爱的事物”;motivation意为“动机,动力,诱因”;substitute意为“代替者,替代品”;guideline意为“指导方针,指导原则”。根据句意可知,选C项。14.I have no idea what made the students so excited and crazy._ it have been their teams victory in the finals?A.Must B.Could C.Would D.Should答案B我不知道学

13、生为什么那么激动疯狂。可能是因为他们的队赢了决赛吗?在疑问句中表示“可能”用could或者can。故选B。15.Watch out! You hurt my foot heavily._ ,sir.I dropped my stick by accident.A.No doubt B.No offenceC.No wonder D.No problem答案B根据答语中的“I dropped my stick by accident”可知,答话人不是故意冒犯对方的,故选B。No offence “没有冒犯的意思,请别见怪”;No doubt“毫无疑问”;No wonder“难怪”;No prob

14、lem“不用谢,别客气”。.完形填空It was a cold winter day when I set out on a run with my dog,Tick.As a(n) _16_ athlete I often went for training runs by myself,and had taken this particular route before.So what happened next was just bad _17_.About an hour into my run along a remote canyon(峡谷) trail,_18_ I hit a

15、piece of black ice.I found myself _19_ the rock face,which became steeper until suddenly I fell.I fell 60 feet into the canyon,_20_ on a four feet square rock.I could feel my legs,_21_ I knew I wasnt paralyzed(瘫痪的).However,I was in extreme pain.Tick had _22_ to find his way back to me,so I _23_ ther

16、e must be a way out of the canyon,but I couldnt _24_.I shouted for _25_ but there was no response at all.In a last effort,I called Tick over and told him to _26_ someone for help.I always talked to him just as I talked to a _27_.Tick took off through the canyon and I _28_ there thinking about my fam

17、ily and friends.There was more that I wanted from _29_.Half an hour later,Tick returned _30_.Then I heard an engine in the distance.I started yelling for help _31_,and that was when I saw a man walking towards me.He was so _32_ and told me his name was Bill,and that he came to find me.I cried with _

18、33_.It turned out that Tick had found a search and rescue team and guaranteed a successful _34_I was airlifted to hospital _35_ my best company Tick.【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。作者在一次跑步训练时意外地掉入峡谷不能动弹,最后因为自己的狗狗得以脱险。16.A.ambitious B.professionalC.reputable D.outstanding答案B根据下文的“I often went for training runs by mysel

19、f,and had taken this particular route before”可知,作为一个职业运动员,作者经常进行跑步训练。ambitious “有野心的”;professional “职业的”;reputable “有声望的”;outstanding “出色的”。17.A.alternative B.potentialC.memory D.fortune答案D根据上文的“had taken this particular route before”可知,作者之前跑过该线路,因此下文中作者掉入峡谷只是运气不佳。fortune “机会,运气”符合语境。alternative “可供

20、选择的事物”;potential “潜力”。18.A.purposefully B.apparentlyC.accidentally D.violently答案C作者不小心(accidentally)踩到了一块黑冰。purposefully “有目的地”;apparently “显然”;violently “猛烈地”。19.A.slipping down B.going aroundC.climbing up D.driving along答案A根据下文的“which became steeper until suddenly I fell.I fell 60 feet into the ca

21、nyon”可知,作者滑下了岩壁。slip down “滑下”;go around “四处走动”;climb up “攀登”;drive along “沿驾车行驶”。20.A.holding B.landingC.hanging D.leaning答案B根据上文的“I fell 60 feet into the canyon”和下文的“on a four feet square rock”可知,此处指作者跌落在一块四英尺见方的岩石上。land “着陆,跌落”;lean “倚靠”。21.A.but B.and C.or D.so答案D根据上文中的“I could feel my legs”和下文中

22、的“I knew I wasnt paralyzed(瘫痪的)”可知,作者能感觉到自己的腿,所以作者意识到自己还没有瘫痪。so连接两个并列分句,表示因果关系。22.A.arranged B.determinedC.managed D.attempted答案C根据下文中的“find his way back to me.there must be a way out of the canyon”可知,Tick成功地找到了回到作者身边的路,所以作者断定有走出峡谷的路。arrange “安排”;determine “决心,决定”;attempt “试图”。23.A.doubted B.imagine

23、dC.concluded D.remembered答案C见上题解析。conclude “断定”符合语境。24.A.survive B.insistC.withdraw D.progress答案D根据上文的“I was in extreme pain”和下文的内容可知,作者前进不了。survive “幸存”;insist “坚持”;withdraw “撤离”;progress “前进”。25.A.advice B.helpC.inspiration D.opportunity答案B根据上下文语境可知,此处指作者大声呼救。下文中的“yelling for help”亦是提示。advice “建议”

24、;inspiration “灵感”;opportunity “机会”。26.A.attend to B.see toC.turn to D.stick to答案C根据上下文语境可知,作者大声呼救,但是没有回应。所以作者让Tick去向别人求助。turn to sb for help意为“向某人求助”。attend to “照顾,照料”;see to “处理”;stick to“坚持”。 D.human答案D此处指作者总是跟Tick说话,就像跟人说话一样。28.A.wandered B.layC.hid D.served答案B根据上文可知,作者

25、受伤不能动,故Tick离开峡谷后,作者躺在那里想着家人和朋友,意识到自己还想从生活中得到更多。wander “漫游,徘徊”;serve “接待,服务”。 D.adventure答案A见上题解析。adventure “冒险经历”。30.A.regretfully B.straightC.alone D.casually答案C根据下文中的“Then I heard an engine in the distance”“It turned out that Tick had found a search and rescue team and

26、guaranteed a successful.”可知,作者首先看到的是Tick独自回来的景象。regretfully “遗憾地”;straight “径直”;alone “独自”;casually “随意地”。31.A.randomly B.desperatelyC.curiously D.painfully答案B结合上文提到的作者的遭遇可知,现在作者只能等待救援,在听到发动机的声音后,为了引起注意,作者拼命地大声呼救。desperately “拼命地”符合语境。randomly “随机地”;curiously “好奇地”;painfully “痛苦地”。32.A.caring B.aler

27、t C.patient D.confident答案A根据下文的“told me his name was Bill,and that he came to find me”可知,Bill告诉作者他是来救作者的,故Bill是乐于助人的(caring)。alert “机敏的”;patient “耐心的”;confident “自信的”。 B.fear C.panic D.anger答案A根据上下文语境可知,此处指作者知道自己可以得救了,喜极而泣。cry with joy意为“喜极而泣”。panic “恐慌”。34.A.experience B.rescueC.recovery D.

28、exploration答案B根据上文中的“It turned out that Tick had found a search and rescue team and guaranteed a successful”可知,结果证明Tick已经找到了搜救队并保证了一次成功的救援。rescue “救援,营救”符合语境。experience “经历”;recovery “康复,痊愈”;exploration “探索”。 B.beside D.for答案D根据语境可知,因为Tick,作者才得以脱险,被安全送到了医院。for “因为,由于”。.任务型阅读(2018江苏省苏北四市高

29、三上学期期末联考)Is Cash Becoming Outdated?When he rolls into a gas station to fill his tank,Barkhad Dahir doesnt get out of his car.He pushes a few buttons on his cellphone and within seconds he has paid for the fuel.With the same quick pushes on his phone,he pays for virtually everything he needs: groceri

30、es at the supermarket,a few oranges from a market stall,or a cup of sweet milky tea from a caf.“Everyone here has his own bank with easy access,” boasts Mr.Dahir.“Even lying in bed,you can be paying your bills.”Electronic payments offer consumers convenience,provide revenue for banks,credit card companies and payment processors,and offer merchants improved cash flow and convenience.“I dont even carry money any more,” says Adan Abokor,a democracy activist.“I havent seen cash for a long time.Almost every merchant,even hawker (小贩) on the street,accepts payment by cellphone.Theres no waiting f

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