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1、幽默三分钟演讲稿大全集幽默三分钟演讲稿大全集幽默三分钟演讲稿大全集!三分钟励志英语演讲稿大全Dear teahers, dear students:hello everone!The topi of m speeh is the hardness of lifeThe vast desert, a tree stand, the sho is a monument to the image.Toering mountains, thousands of tree stand up, as is a magnifient the Great Wall.The long river, all th

2、e trees stood up into a dragon of glor.We are a smbol of too muh, and too muh. But I believe that m image is not the gentlest hands, skin, suh as Diorskin Lin Daiu, nor is the modern unkempt and shabb , Su Qier . We are a smbol of hope and vitalit. So e sho in front of others should be inserted itho

3、ut pleats, fae ithout sale, modest and polite gestures exudes a stream of heroi spirit, the image of the vigor and vitalit of the modern ne outh, a into the embodiment of the spirit of nature.Someone one said, life is a kind of hardness, integrit and dignit of life is propped up the hardness of bone

4、. Better life and the Kui bak in the da, and not ashamed on the ground , hih is alas the traditional virtue of the China. Li Bai s the eebro nengui Zheaoshan poerful thing, so that I ma not be happ Yan this ae inspiring atmosphere of the verse and hether it ill make those no self-esteem people to sh

5、ame? Loss of self-esteem is a orthless person, and e as the vanguard of the times, if dron in the darkness forever, or to do a dauntless hero, a floer in the ind and rain sonorous rose. The anser is self-evident.Desert desolate also has the monument stands, Castle Peak again proud, but also have the

6、 great all around, the river again quiet, also there is a dragon in the reumbent. But the time an be hanged, our image, our glor remains the same. Beause e pride, beause e are onfident, beause e have a fresh life. And beause of this, it is a vast desert riparian long, Qingshan as evergreen, the hard

7、ness of life is forever.尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!我演讲的题目是生命的硬度茫茫大漠,一棵树站不起来,展现出来的是一座丰碑的形象。巍巍青山,千万棵树站起来,连成的是一条长城的宏伟。悠悠河岸,所有的树站起来,缀成的是一条蛟龙的雄风。我们象征着太多,又演绎着太多。但我相信,我的形象,绝不是“手若柔荑,肤如凝脂”的林黛玉,也绝不是“蓬头垢面、衣衫褴褛”的现代“苏乞儿”。我们象征着希望、朝气。所以我们展现在别人面前的就应该是衣无褶、脸无垢、礼貌谦和的举手投足间散发着一股英气,朝气和活力的现代新青年的形象,一个融入了大自然的精灵的化身。有人曾说,生命有一种硬度,气节和尊


9、励志英语演讲稿大全Dear leaders and teahers:Good morning!Youth in the histor of the histor of the Han Dnast, the original intention of the spring, that is, the beginning of a ear. No, a smbol of outh blooming vitalit and vigor, infinite passion and dream and unremitting struggle and enterprising, at the same

10、time, the outh also means sentimental, immature and ignorant, e onl set a orret orld outlook, outlook on life and value vie, an in the long life journe grasp the right diretion. Life rushed for deades, perishable ears, graduall old outh, Mo lightl, hite oung head, empt mournful adage moment in the h

11、aunted, time aits for no man, exatl oung students, sine hen run, enthusiasm betting to his areer, selfless offer sarifie magi for the outh to depit the most gorgeous olor mosai, let outh in the dediation of burning out the most daXXling fireorks.Dotors and teahers, to hol and glorious areer, hildhoo

12、d I Huaihuai favor the to ideal diffiult trade-offs, and no I ant to thank fate, let me from medial shool after graduation to bee a teaher an have their ake and eat it. When I first station in three feet of speaking in front of, faing both knoledge of ees and sared mission feeling arises spontaneous

13、l, I learl kno the teaher, proseltizes instruts dispels doubt the profound meaning, Han Yu ill preah on the first, is to tell us as a good teaher, first of all, e should pa attention to the ultivation of student s personalit, ultivate first then teah and not sripted the ritten knoledge ramming plug

14、to the students is aplished b. Espeiall as a teahing of medial ourses teahers, I alas put health sstem, life entrusted the oath of a medial student engraved in the heart, this simple eight ord, as a medial orker, the expression of inisivel and vividl, and m dut is to ultivate medial ethis, mediine,

15、has the sense of responsibilit of the three talent.Youth is harming, man people in the outh brilliane rote a brilliant life, Song Dnast 21 of Xin Qiji avalr, gas sallo 10000 suh as the momentum of the tiger dispell resistant Staphloous; Premier Zhou at the age of rote the magnifient river song strik

16、e turned East to express the outh dediated to the ause of liberation of the motherland determination; Comrade Lei Feng joined the arm at ears old, Gan for revolution of the sre nail, selfless dediation, holeheartedl serve the people, onl 22 ears old gave oung life. The stand tide hero, is never fall

17、ing stars, is a model of m heart. If the distane of their era said some of our distant, if the are in a speifi historial period of brave to reflet the ne age oung people s thoughts and spiritual, then under the ne situation of the age of heroes, Nav Dalian Naval Aadem Department of Politial Siene Pr

18、ofessor Fang Yonggang rades, his deeds enough to touhed eah and ever one of us. Fang Yonggang has long been engaged in politial theor teahing and researh ork, for more than 20 ears, he alas put stud the innovation theor of the Communist Part as their sared mission, firm, selfless, passion for orking

19、, even terminall ill also shed don shoulder the responsibilities, his demeanor and harater shos the noble realm of the poer of a munist politial beliefs and outstanding teahers.The moon refleted in ater rivers, loudless Wanli das , I ant to the Comrade Fang Yonggang as a learning model, Tuijin flash

20、, open mind and shaping life atmosphere, thought of the big state. Example in the former emulate, and I ill in a high sense of responsibilit and mission, imparting knoledge and eduating people, the paragon of virtue, assiduous limb, innovation and enterprising, make its greatest ontribution to the r

21、eform and development of medial eduation.Dediation is a kind of not to return to give, dediation is a noble sentiment, but also a mon spirit; not onl ontains the loft realm, but also ontains a different level. Dediation is both in the ountr and the people in need of ritial moment to e forard, die fo

22、r the sake of righteousness, fusion and penetration in their dail ork and life. Some people said: the image of teahers is a andle, for students to give all of the light and heat; teaher s personalit is burning, for students ho ould like to go to the destrution of their on; teaher s behavior is a mod

23、el, for student andidl reveal pure and upright; teaher s jo is the dediation, for students to do a filled ith blood boil. Long road dediation to the distane, roses dediated to love; hite louds dediated to grassland, rivers and dediation to the oean; and m outh and enthusiasm, to give m students, ded

24、iation to the eduation of m love.尊敬的各位领导、老师:上午好!“青春”一词史于汉代,原意为春季,即一年的开始。而今,青春象征着勃发的生机与活力、无穷的激情与梦想以及不懈的拼搏和进取,同时,青春也意味着青涩、稚嫩与懵懂,我们只有树立了正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,才能在漫漫的人生旅途中把握正确的前进方向。人的一生匆匆数十载,年华易逝、青春渐老,“莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切”的古训时刻在心头萦绕,时不我待,恰同学少年时,自当挥斥方遒,将满腔热忱投注到自己的事业当中,用无私奉献的“神笔”为青春描绘出最绚丽的彩锦,让青春在奉献中燃烧出最夺目的花火。医生和教师,两个神圣




28、民需要的关键时刻挺身而出,慷慨赴义,也融会和渗透在日常的工作和生活中。有人说:“教师的形象是蜡烛,为学生奉献所有的光和热;教师的性格是燃烧,为学生宁愿毁灭自己;教师的行为是楷模,为学生坦露着纯洁和正直;教师的欢乐是奉献,为学生熬尽了满腔热血。”长路奉献给远方,玫瑰奉献给爱情;白云奉献给草场,江河奉献给海洋;而我的青春与热情,要奉献给我的学生,奉献给我所挚爱的教育事业。三分钟励志英语演讲稿大全Dear teaher, dear lassmates:Good morning everone! Toda the title of m speeh is isdom to open the door o

29、f isdom to open the road to suess ith diligene .Students, ou an still remember the first time into the shool senarios? Remember the first open textbooks, jo and novelt in riting the first ord? That s one small step into the gate, but it is a big step in life. Life on this voage, e sail ith isdom, ha

30、rd for the pulp and began to sail to the ver vast knoledge of the oean!Our shool is a treasure house of knoledge, a ultural orridor, is Yuefu teahers and students, it is the radle of talent. Students, in this treasure house, the orridor and the Yuefu, bathing in the morning, have ou ever thought of,

31、 toda the stem hat? Inspired b the setting sun. Have ou ever asked, toda there are man harvest?Dikens said, I have harvested, I planted the seeds. Everone has a hane to bee a talented person, it is to see ou go not to fight for this opportunit. The ke to the most monl used light, an e from diligent

32、stud, histor not millions of people ith their on ations to prove this statement redible Su Qin to urge their on diligent stud the first antilever one Cigu stor, leaving the eternal fame. Kuangheng to learn, utting the all to steal light Chen Yin to learn, firefl Yingxue apsule Yang Shi to learn, Li

33、Xue and so on. The not b diligene and isdom beond their on suess. To hange the fate of knoledge, knoledge of life. Do ou also ant to be like them, to ork hard to aquire knoledge, improve our abilit to hange our life?As Mr. Guo Moruo said, diligene and isdom are the kes to suess . Toda e should remember his ords, fling their on outh, ith industrious seat paved road to suess in the f

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