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1、最新人社版电工英语教案Unit3第 周 星期五 第5、6节 201 年 月 日课 题Unit Three House WiringLesson seven Reading Diagrams授课方式教 学目 的Learn useful expressions for using wiring plan.练,讲教学内容分析重点句子翻译(依靠工具书,逐词翻译,再整句理解)难点长句翻译教具电脑、投影课时2教 学 过 程一、 组织教学:检查人数。二、 复习:(1) 拼读:words116, phrases 1-6(抽查5个学生,要求掌握看音标读单词的技能)(2) 简要复习关键单词三、 新课学习Dialo

2、gue:1、学习单词1-16号并把单词意思写在书本上;2、学习英语五种基本句型和例句(阅读材料)3、分析、翻译下面的句子1) Why must the installation height be from 0.45m to 1.2m above the floor level? 为什么安装高度必须在地板之上0.45-1.2米之间?2) This provision is made for people to gain access to the facilities. 这个规定是为了让人可以接近这个设施而设定的。3) The equipment includes the consumer u

3、nit, as it contains devices such as MCB and RCD that may need operation or resetting by the user of the dwelling. 这个设备包括了用户配电箱,由于它包含了例如断路器和漏电保护开关这样的器件,这些器件可能需要被住宅里的用户操作或重启。4) It protects the circuits supplying of socket out lets and the cables buried in the wall. 它保护了插座的供电电路和埋在墙里的电缆。4、听CD,再朗读Dialogu

4、e四、小结:1、朗读单词、朗读对话。2、布置作业作业布置1 抄写本课单词和短语。课后分析审阅签名: 年 月 日附:Dialogue文本DialogueA: Hi, Carole. Good afternoon!B: Hey, Jim! Good afternoon. Whats the problem?A: I have something to discuss with you. Do you understand the installation instructions of the consumer unit thoroughly?B: Almost.A: Why must the i

5、nstallation height be from 0.45m to 1.2m above the floor level?B: This provision is made for people to gain access to the facilities. The equipment includes the consumer unit, as it contains devices such as MCB and RCD that may need operation or resetting by the user of the dwelling.A: Oh, I see.B:

6、Is it necessary to have RCD protection?A: Yes. It protects the circuits supplying of socket out lets and the cables buried in the wall.B: OK, I see. Thanks a lot.第 周 星期二 第5、6节 201 年 月 日课 题Unit Three House WiringLesson seven Reading授课方式教 学目 的1) Learn useful words and expressions for wiring plan.2) Tr

7、y to translate sentences.练,讲教学内容分析重点单词学习、修饰语后置现象、句子翻译难点句子翻译、教具电脑、投影课时2教 学 过 程一、 组织教学:检查人数。二、 复习:(3) 拼读:words1641(抽查5个学生,要求掌握看音标读单词的技能)(4) 简要复习关键单词Construction建造 building建筑物 wiring布线 electrical电气的 Contractor承包商 diagram图纸 system系统 switch开关 Lighting照明灯 device器件 living-room卧室 show显示 Ceiling天花板 north北面 c

8、onnection连接 solid固体Conduit线管 cable电缆 represent代表,表示三、新课学习:Reading diagram:1、把单词16-41号写在书本上;2、本课非常艰深,翻译几个较简单的句子。1)A necessary part of any set of drawing for construction of a building is the wiring plan.(系+表结构)(修饰语后置) 任何建筑物的建造图纸都必的部分是布线计划。2)These devices and wiring arrangements are represented by mea

9、ns of symbols. 这些器件和布线的安排由符号的含义来表示。(被动语态)3)The living-room plan shows two three-way switching arrangements. 卧室的计划中显示了两个三路开头的布局。(主+谓+宾结构)4)The cross lines indicate the conductors in the conduit or cable. 交叉线指示出在线管里或电缆里的导体。(主+谓+宾结构)(修饰语后置)四、小结:1、修饰语后置现象非常普遍,在本文中还有一些例子。components of the buildings elect

10、rical system two receptacle outlets on the north wall2、布置作业作业布置1、完成课本上本课所有练习;2、翻译Learn More课后分析审阅签名: 年 月 日附录:Reading的文本Wiring diagram布线平面图A necessary part of any set of drawing for construction of a building is the wiring plan. Architects, electrical designers, and contractors use floor plan diagram

11、s to locate components of the buildings s electrical system, such as receptacle outlets, switches, lighting fixtures, and other wiring devices. These devices and wiring arrangements are represented by means of symbols. The living-room plan shows two three-way switching arrangements. In one arrangeme

12、nt, a ceiling outlet is switched from two door locations. Similarly, two receptacle outlets on the north wall are switched from two separate locations. The connection between switch and ceiling outlet is drawn with a medium weight solid line, indicating that the connection (conduit or cable) is to b

13、e concealed in the wall or ceiling above. The cross lines indicate the conductors in the conduit or cable. If cross lines are omitted two wires are understood to be in the connection.第 周 星期五 第5、6节 20 年 月 日课 题Unit Three House WiringLesson Eight Installing Entrance Equipment授课方式教 学目 的Learn useful expr

14、essions for installing entrance devices.Translations training练,讲教学内容分析重点学、认单词;查询资料,完成练习(解决问题的能力训练);学习对话。难点对话中的长句翻译。教具电脑、投影课时2教 学 过 程一、 组织教学:检查人数。二、 复习: 1 点评作业2 复习词汇:Wiring material tool check project householdtoolbox voltage tester special get start三、 新课学习1、 Words and phrases(1-9号)2、 Look and Learn:

15、完成Look and Learn的A、B题。3、 Words and expressions:读单词,写词意4、 Dialogue:10句,了解意思,听录音注:常用表达(应用练习):Wed better 我们最好 Weve got 我们有make sure确保 otherwise 否则四、 长句翻译训练:1、 Good, the materials are ready, but wed better check the tools again to make sure.好的,材料已经准备好了,但我们最好再检查一下工具以确保(不遗漏)2、 We mustnt forget anything; o

16、therwise the time limit for the project will be delayed. 我们不能忘记任何东西,否则项目的工期将被延迟。(修饰语后置)3、 You tell me what youve got and Ill make sure weve got them.你告诉我你有什么,我来确认我们已经有了。五、小结:1、到目前为止,电工电子元器件、工具、材料的单词复习2、布置作业作业布置1. 上节课作业完成得不好的同学重做;2. 抄写本课词汇课后分析审阅签名: 年 月 日附录:Dialogue 的文本Dialogue1) A: I think Ive got al

17、l the wiring materials and tools.2) B: Good, the materials are ready, but wed better check the tools again to make sure. We mustnt forget anything; otherwise the time limit for the project will be delayed. You tell me what youve got and Ill make sure weve got them.3) A: OK. Weve got two household to

18、olboxes.4) B: Right, weve got them. Now whats the next tool?5) A: A 3001 voltage continuity tester.6) B: Weve certainly got the tester. Its so special you cant miss it!7) A: The next tool is a wire stripper.8) B: Right, weve got it. And the last one?9) A: The last one is a fish tape.10) B: Ok, weve

19、got that, too. Now we can get started.第 周 星期二 第5、6节 201 年 月 日课 题Unit Three House WiringLesson Eight Installing Entrance Equipment授课方式教 学目 的1、Learn useful expressions for installing entrance devices.2、Understand the Reading text, get some expressions.练,讲教学内容分析重点学、认单词;查询资料,完成练习,掌握一些专业工作的表达方式。难点掌握重点单词,

20、表达方式的训练教具电脑、投影课时2教 学 过 程一、 组织教学:检查人数。二、 复习1、点评作业2、听录音Dialogue,完成P43的A题。4、常用Expressions的造句练习Wed better 我们最好 Weve got 我们有make sure确保 otherwise 否则Its so special that get started三、 新课学习:Lesson Eight,Reading1、 学单词9-29,完成P42的A overhead vhed adj. 高架的 feed fid vt. 供给transformer trnsfm n. 变压器 attach tt vt. 附

21、着meter mit n. 仪表 volt vlt; vlt n. 伏特grounded graundid adj. 接地的 neutral njutr()l adj. 中立的,中性的homeowner hmn n. 私房屋主 entrance entr()ns n. 入口pipe pap n. 管 pole pl n. 杆rod rd n. 棒 breaker brek n. 断路器distribute dstrbjut; dstrbjut vt. 分配throughout ruat prep. 遍及 disconnect dsknekt vt. 断开incoming nkm adj. 引入

22、的 main men adj. 主要的individual ndvdj()l adj. 单独的 branch brn(t) n. 分支step down 逐步减低 weather head 防水罩meter box 表箱 service entrance 总进户端ground rod 接地棒 power pole 电线杆breaker box 开关盒 fuse box 保险丝盒service panel 配电箱 branch circuit 支路2、在Reading 材料中找出各专业词汇,标注意思。3、理解Reading的含义,用英语表述以下短语: 供电线路- service lines; 把

23、电压降下来- step down the voltage一、 消费者分析进入家里- feed your home 连到XX- travels to,attached to而手工艺制品是一种价格适中,不仅能锻炼同学们的动手能力,同时在制作过程中也能体会一下我国传统工艺的文化。无论是送给朋友还是亲人都能让人体会到一份浓厚的情谊。它的价值是不用金钱去估价而是用你一颗真诚而又温暖的心去体会的。更能让学生家长所接受。电表箱- meter box 电力公司- power company接地中性线- grounded neutral wire 电气面板-electrical panel随着社会经济、文化的飞

24、跃发展,人们正从温饱型步入小康型,崇尚人性和时尚,不断塑造个性和魅力的现代文化价值观念,已成为人们的追求目标。因此,顺应时代的饰品文化显示出强大的发展势头和越来越广的市场,从事饰品销售是有着广阔的市场空间。开关箱-breaker box 保险丝盒-fuse box主断路器- main breaker 分路断路器-individual breaker在全屋分配电力-distribute power throughout your home 把电力从供电线路中断开-disconnect power from the incoming feed(三)大学生购买消费DIY手工艺品的特点分析四、小结1、

25、复习学过的一些电工器材、工具单词:(六)DIY手工艺品的“创作交流性”Tool, tool kit, wire, cable, conduit, wire striper, pipe, fish tape, fuse box2、 3、 据调查,大学生对此类消费的态度是:手工艺制品消费比“负债”消费更得人心。本课中有几个动词被多次用来描述电气布线的工作,非常有用,可认真练习掌握。feed(喂,过去式fed) travel(旅行),attach(附着),distribute(分布,分配)据了解,百分之八十的饰品店都推出“DIY饰品”来吸引顾客,一方面顺应了年轻一代喜欢与众不同、标新立异的心理;另一

26、方面,自制饰品价格相对较低,可以随时更新换代,也满足了年轻人“喜新厌旧”的需要,因而很受欢迎。3、布置作业据统计,上海国民经济持续快速增长。03全年就实现国内生产总值(GDP)6250.81亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年增长11.8%。第三产业的增速受非典影响而有所减缓,全年实现增加值3027.11亿元,增长8%,增幅比上年下降2个百分点。作业布置(三)大学生购买消费DIY手工艺品的特点分析1、完成书上Lesson7-8(P36-45)的所有填空题。2、翻译Learn More。年轻有活力是我们最大的本钱。我们这个自己动手做的小店,就应该与时尚打交道,要有独特的新颖性,这正是我们年轻女孩的优势。

27、课后分析审阅签名: 年 月 日附录:Reading 文本材料Installing Entrance Equipment进户装置安装The power companys overhead service lines feed the transformer to step down the voltage to feed your home. It then travels to the weather head which is attached to a conduit connected to a meter box.Two 120 volt wires and a grounded ne

28、utral wire feed the meter through the weather head. The power company is responsible for power to the meter and the homeowner takes it from there.The electric meter is attached to the service entrance pipe and is usually attached to the side of your house. It may be attached to the power companys po

29、wer pole also. It can be fed overhead or underground. The service must be connected to a ground rod outside the house.The electrical panel, breaker box, fuse box or service panel is the next device in line. This panels job is to distribute power throughout your home and disconnect power from the inc

30、oming feed.The power comes in to a main breaker, then individual breakers are distributed to individual circuits (called branch circuits) throughout your home.第 周 星期五 第5、6节 201 年 月 日课 题Unit Three House WiringLesson Nine Installing Cables授课方式教 学目 的Learn useful expressions for installing cables.Translating training练,讲教学内容分析重点学、记单词;口语训练;翻译句子难点单词、翻译教具电脑、投影课时2教 学 过 程一、 组织教学:检查人数。二、 复习旧课:讲解作业。三、 新课学习:Lesson Nine1、Words and expressions: (1)读单词,写词意(黑体字) (2)完成Look and Learn的填空题、P48的B题(

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