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1、避碰规则全文Regulati ons for Preve nti ng Collisi ons at Sea. 1972PART A GENERALRule 1Applicati on(a)These Rules shall to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters conn ected there with n avigable by sea going vessels.(b)Nothi ng in these Rules shall in terfere with the operati on of special rules

2、made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterways conn ected with the high seas and n avigable by sea- going vessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely as possible to these Rules.(c)Nothi ng in these Rules shall in terfere with the operati on of a

3、ny special rules made by the Gover nment of any State with respect to additi onal stati on or sig nal lights, shapes or whistle sig nals for ships of war and vessels proceed ing un der convoy, or with respect to additi onal stati on or shapes for fishi ng vessels en gaged in fish ing as a fleet. The

4、se additi onal stati on or sig nal lights, shapes or whistle sig nals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistake n for any light, shape or sig nal authorized elsewhere un der these Rules.(d)Traffic separatio n schemes may be adopted by the Orga ni zati on for the purpose of these

5、 Rules.第一条适用范围本规则适用于公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切船舶 .本规则不妨碍有关主管机关为连接于公海而可供海船航行的任何港外锚地、 港 口、XX、XX或内陆水道所制订的特殊规定的实施。这种特殊规定 ,应尽可能符合本规则。本规则不妨碍各国政府为军舰及护航下的船舶所制订的关于额外的队形灯、 信号灯、号型或笛号,或者为结对从事捕鱼的渔船所制定的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号,应尽可能不致被误认为本规则其他条文所规定的任何号灯、 号型或信号。为实施本规则,本组织可以采纳分道通航制。凡经有关政府确定,某种特殊构造或用途的船舶,如不能完全遵守本规则 任何一条关于号灯或

6、号型的数量、位置、能见距离或弧度以及声号设备的配置 和特性的规定时,则应遵守其政府在号灯或号型的数量、位置、能见距离或弧 度以及声号设备的配置和特性方面为之另行确定的尽可能符合本规则要求的规定ORule 2Resp on sibility责任1本规则并不免除任何船舶或其所有人、船长或船员由于遵守本规则的任何 疏忽,或者海员通常做法要求的或当时特殊情况要求的任何戒备上的疏忽而产 生的各种后果的责任。2在解释和遵守本规则时,应考虑到一切航行和碰撞的危险以及包括当事船 舶条件限制在内的任何特殊情况,这些危险和特殊情况可能使船舶在必要时为 避免紧迫危险而背离本规则。Rule 3Gen eral Def

7、in iti onsFor the purpose of these Rules, except where the con text otherwise requires:(a)The word vessel in cludes every descriptio n of water craft, i ncludi ng non- displaceme nt craft and seapla nes, used or capable of being used as a means of tran sportati on on water.(b)The term power- drive n

8、 vessel means any vessel un der sail provided that propelli ng machi nery, if fitted, is not being used.(d)The term vessel en gaged in fish ing means any vessel fishi ng with n ets, li nes, trawls or other fish ing apparatus which restrict man euverability, but does n ot in cludea vessel fishi ng wi

9、th trolli ng lines or other fishi ng apparatus which do not restrict man euverability.(e)The word seapla ne in cludes any aircraft desig ned to mano euvre on the water.(g)The term vessel restricted in her ability to mano euvre means a vessel which from the n ature of her work is restricted in her ab

10、ility to mano euvre as required by these Rules and is therefore un able to keep out of the way of ano ther vessel. The term vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre shall include but not be limited to:(i)A vessel en gaged in lay ing, servic ing or picki ng up a n avigatio n mark, submari ne

11、cable or pipeli ne;(ii)A vessel en gaged in dredg ing, survey ing or un derwater operati ons;(iii)A vessel en gaged in reple ni shme nt or tran sferri ng pers ons, provisi ons or cargo while un derway;(iv)a vessel en gaged in the laun chi ng or recovery of aircraft;(v)a vessel en gaged in mine clear

12、a nee operatio ns;(vi)a vessel en gaged in a tow ing operatio n such as severely restricts the tow ing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their course.(h)The term vessel con stra ined by her draught means a power-drive n vessel which, because of her draught in relati on to the avail

13、able depth and width ofn avigable water, is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from the course she is followi ng.(i)The word un derway means that a vessel is not at an chor, or made fast to the shore, or agro und.(j)The words le ngth and breadth of a vessel mean her len gth overall and gr

14、eatest breadth.(k)Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one ano ther only whe n one can be observed visually from the other.(L) The term restricted visibility means any con diti on in which visibility is restricted by fog, mist, falli ng snow, heavy rai nstorms, san dstorms or any other similar

15、causes.第三条一般定义除其他条文另有解释外,在本规则中:1.船舶”一词,指用作或者能够用作水上运输工具的各类水上船筏,包 括非排水船舶和水上飞机。2.机动船”一词,指用机器推进的任何船舶。3.帆船”一词,指任何驶帆的船舶,包括装有推进机器而不在使用者。4.从事捕鱼的船舶”一词,指使用网具、xx钓、拖网或其他使其操纵性能受到限制的渔具捕鱼的任何船舶,但不包括使用曳 xx钓或其他并不使其操纵性能受到限制的渔具捕鱼的船舶。5.水上飞机”一词,包括为能在水面操纵而设计的任何航空器。6.失去控制的船舶”一词,指由于某种异常的情况,不能按本规则各条 的要求进行操纵,因而不能给他船让路的船舶。7.操纵

16、能力受到限制的船舶”一词,指由于工作性质,使其按本规则要 求进行操纵的能力受到限制,因而不能给他船让路的船舶。操纵能力受到限制的船舶”一词应包括,但不限于下列船舶:(1)从事敷设、维修或起捞助航标志、海底电缆或管道的船舶;(2)从事疏浚、测量或水下作业的船舶;(3)在航中从事补给或转运人员、食品或货物的船舶;(4)从事发放或回收航空器的船舶;(5)从事清除水雷作业的船舶;(6)从事拖带作业的船舶,而该项拖带作业使该拖船及其被拖船偏离所驶 航向的能力严重受到限制者。8.限于吃水的船舶”一词,指由于吃水与可用水深的关系,致使其偏离 所驶航向的能力严重地受到限制的机动船。9.在航”一词,指船舳不在锚

17、泊、系岸或搁浅。10.船舶的“x和宽度”是指其总xx和最大宽度。11.只有当一船能自他船以视觉看到时,才应认为两船是在互见中。12.能见度不良”一词,指任何由于雾、霾、下雪、xx、沙暴或任何其他 类似原因而使能见度受到限制的情况。PART B-STEERING AND SAILING RULESSECTION 1-CONDUCT OF VESSELS IN ANYCONDITION OF VISIBILITYRule 4Applicati onRules in this Secti on apply in any con diti on of visibility第二章 驾驶和航行规则船舶在任

18、何能见度情况下的行动规则(第四一一第十条)Rule 5Look-outEvery vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look out by sight and heari ng as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevaili ng circumsta nces and con diti ons so to make a full appraisal of the situati on and of the risk of collisi on.第五条了望每一船应在任

19、何时候用视觉、听觉以及适合当时环境和情况的一切可用手 段保持正规的了望,以便对局面和碰撞危险作出充分的估计。Rule 6Safe speedEvery vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective acti on to avoid collisi on and be stopped with in a dista nee appropriate to the prevaili ng circumsta nces and con diti ons.In det

20、erm ining a safe speed the follow ing factors shall be among those take n into acco unt:(a)By all vessels:(i)The state of visibility;(ii)The traffic den sity in cludi ng concen trati ons of fish ing vessels or any other vessels;(iii)The mano euvrability of the vessel with special refere nee to stopp

21、 ing dista nee and turni ng ability in the prevaili ng con diti ons;(iv)at ni ght the prese nee of backgro und light such as from shore lights or from back scatter of her own lights;(v)the state of wind, sea and curre nt, and the proximity of n avigati onal hazards;(vi)the draught in relati on to th

22、e available depth of water.(b)Additi on ally, by vessels with operati onal radar;(i)the characteristics, efficie ncy and limitatio ns of the radar equipme nt;(ii)any con strai nts imposed by the radar range scale in use;(iii)the effect on radar detecti on of the sea state, weather and other sources

23、of in terfere nee;(iv)the possibility that small vessels, ice and other floati ng objects may not be detected by radar at an adequate ran ge;(v)The nu mber, locatio n and moveme nt of vessels detected by radar;(vi)The more exact assessme nt of the visibility that may be possible whe n radar is used

24、to determ ine the range of vessels or other objects in the vici ni ty.第六条安全航速每一船在任何时候都应用安全航速行驶,以便能采取适当而有效的行动避免 碰撞,并能在适合当时环境和情况的距离以内把船停住。在决定安全航速时,考 虑的因素中应包括下列各点:1对所有船舶:(1)能见度情况;(2)通航密度,包括渔船或者任何其他船舶的密集程度;(3)船舶的操纵性能,特别是在当时情况下的冲程和旋回性能;(4)夜间出现的背景亮光,xx来自岸上的灯光或本船灯光的反向散射;(5)风、浪和流的状况以及靠近航海危险物的情况:(6)吃水与可用水深的关

25、系。2对备有可使用的xx的船舶,还须考虑:(1)xx设备的特性、效率和局限性;(2)所选用的xx距离标尺带来的任何限制;(3)海况、天气和其他干扰源对雷达探测的影响;(4)在适当距离内,xx对小船、xx和其他漂浮物有探测不到的可能性;(5)雷达探测到的船舶数目 位置和动态;(6)当用xx测定附近船舶或其他物体的距离时,可能对能见度作出的更确切 的估计。Rule 7Risk of Collisio n(a)Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevaili ng circumsta nces and con

26、 diti ons to determ ine if risk of collisio n exists. If there is any doubt such risk shall be deemed to exist.(b)Proper use shall be made of radar equipme nt if fitted and operatio nal,in cludi ng Ion g-ra nge sca nning to obta in early warning of risk of collisi on and radar plott ing or equivale

27、nt systematic observati on of detected objects.(c)Assumpti ons shall not be made on the basis of sca nty in formati on, especially sca nty radar in formatio n.(d)In determ ining if risk of collisi on exists the followi ng con siderati ons shall be among those take n into acco unt:(ii) Such risk may

28、sometimes exist eve n whe n an appreciable beari ng cha nge is evide nt, particularly whe n approachi ng a very large vessel or a tow or whe n approach ing a vessel at close ran ge.第七条碰撞危险1.每一船应用适合当时环境和情况的一切可用手段断定是否存在碰撞危险, 如有任何怀疑,则应认为存在这种危险。2如装有xx设备并可使用的话,则应正确予以使用,包括远距离扫瞄,以便获得 碰撞危险的早期警报,并对探测到的物标进行xx

29、标绘或与其相当的系统观 察。3不应当根据不充分的资料,特别是不充分的 xx观测资料作出推断。4在断定是否存在碰撞危险时,考虑的因素中应包括下列各点:(1)如果来船的xx方位没有明显的变化,则应认为存在这种危险;(2)即使有明显的方位变化,有时也可能存在这种危险, 特别是在驶近一艘很大的船或拖带船组时,或是在近距离驶近他船时。Rule 8Actio n to avoid Collisi on(a)Any acti on to avoid collisi on shall, if the circumsta nces of the case admit, be positive, made in

30、ample time and with due regard to the observa nee of good seama nship.(b)Any alteratio n of course and / or speed to avoid collisi on shall, if the circumsta nces of the case admit, be large eno ugh to be readily appare nt to ano ther vessel observ ing visually or by radar; a successi on of small al

31、terati ons of course and / or speed should be avoided.(c)If there is sufficie nt sea room, alterati on of course alone may be the most effective acti on to avoid a close-quarters situati on provided that it is made in good time, is substa ntial and does not result in ano ther close quarters situati

32、on.(d)Acti on take n to avoid collisi on with ano ther vessel shall be such as to result in pass ing at safe dista nee, the effective ness of the acti on shall be carefully checked un til the other vessel is fin ally past and clear.(e)If n ecessary to avoid collisi on or allow more time to assess the situatio n, a vessel shall slacke n her speed or take all way off by stopp ing or revers i

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