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1、英语风采大赛台词Every December 25th is Christmas to remember the birth of Jesus. All christians may hold a memorial ceremony that day. Christmas originally belongs to christians, but many people pay special attention to it. As times goes by, it has become a national festival in western countries and as magn

2、ificent as New Year. It likes Chinese Spring Festival. Christmas is a joyful religious holiday. To people all over the world, Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents. In some European countries, Father Christmas, or Saint Claus, (圣诞老人出场)comes into houses in the night and leaves gifts

3、for the children. Saint Nicholas is represented as a kindly man with a red cloak and long white beard. Most children believe that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. All year he lists the names of children, both those who have been good and those who have been bad. He decides what presents to give

4、to the good children. Each child hung a stocking, or sock, over the fireplace. Santa entered down the chimney and left candy and presents inside the socks for the children. On the morning of Christmas day. Each child cant wait to open his or her eyes to see what Santa has left in the stock。开场舞蹈No Bo

5、dy 表演:时尚协会主持人出场: Stepping briskly with snowflakes whirling in the sky, Santa Claus is coming towards us, riding the deer car. 踏着圣诞的脚步,伴着飞舞的雪花,圣诞老人驾着鹿车一路欢歌向我们走来。With the best wishes for the new spring and lingering anticipation, we walk into the fairytale Christmas.带着新春的祝愿,怀着久久的期盼,我们走进童话般的圣诞。Look! Th

6、e smiling faces are painting the color of the New Year!Listen! The sweet songs are sending the sincere wishes.看!一张张灿烂的笑脸描绘出新年的色彩!听!一声声动听的歌儿送去诚挚的祝愿!My dear friend, welcome to the party tonight. Im the hostess XXX. 亲爱的朋友们,欢迎来到第六届“展现英语风采,欢度圣诞”主题晚会。我是主持人;XXX。First, let me introduce the distinguished gue

7、sts to all of you. 首先请允许我介绍出席今晚大赛的领导是XXXXXX,担任本次比赛的评委老师有XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Now ,be careful with the scoring rules.现在请注意大赛的评分规则。本次大赛将从选手的5个方面来评分:1)参赛选手的发音、音准、音量、音色等(3分)2)参赛选手对音乐及台风的表现,若有乐器或舞蹈,选手可酌情加分(2分)3)参赛选手服装及节目整体给评委的综合印象(2分)4)参赛选手与观众互动及现场感染力(2分)5)参赛选手快速反应能力和特殊情况的应急,应变能力(1分)Now, lets

8、 call upon XXXX to address the party.现在有请XXXX领导为大赛致辞。Thanks for XXXXs speech. Now, I declare the party open.感谢XXXX领导的致辞,现在我宣布第六届“展现英语风采,欢度圣诞”主题晚会正式开始。选手一When we face something difficult, when we pray for the good luck, we may say God bless you. But do you know whether the God is a boy or a girl? Fro

9、m the following song , you may get the answer. Lets enjoy God is a Girl.当我们面对困难的时候,当我们乞求好运的时候,我们常常会说上帝保佑!但是你知道上帝是男孩还是女孩呢?或许从下面这首歌曲里,你将找到答案。有请10园林技术一班的同学带来她们的上帝是女孩选手二Thank you. What a wonderful song! In our daily life, we often receive some presents from our parents, our friends, even our lovers. But

10、 which one give you the deepest impression? Lets enjoy next program Present 从小到大,我们总会从父母,从朋友那里收到各种各样的礼物。但是众多的礼物中,哪一个才给你留下了最深的印象呢?下面我们将进入一个特殊的故事,接受一份特殊的礼物,感受一份特殊的情感。请欣赏10级中草药栽培带来的小品礼物。Thanks for their performance. Now, we know the emotion implied in the present is more important than itself. Please c

11、herish every present, please cherish others emotion. 感谢10级中草药栽培给我们带来的特殊礼物。现在,我们知道礼物本身或许并不重要,重要的是隐含在里面的情感。让我们珍惜收到的每一份礼物,珍惜每一份情感。选手三 Look! A pretty girl is coming with the beautiful voice. She will bring us a song The Show. 看,远处走来一位可爱的女孩, 你听到她甜美的歌声了吗?有请园艺三班王佑微同学,The Show送给大家。After the first three prog

12、rams, lets play a funny game now. I may present the rules. The participants should answer questions form the host within I minute .You anwser can not match with the question,but when you anwser the question you must blow off one candle .If you blow off five ,you can get one apple and one ggift .As l

13、ong as you take part in it you can get one apple.太精彩了,接下来我们将做一个有趣的游戏,现在,我给你们介绍游戏规则。参加游戏的观众必须在规定时间(一分钟内)回答主持人的问题(可与问题不相符合)说出一个英语单词的同时使一根蜡烛熄灭。吹灭5支蜡烛则完成任务,获得平安果一个和圣诞小礼物一份。参加本游戏者均可获得平安果一个。游戏结束:OK! Thanks for your cooperation好了!游戏到这儿就结束了,感谢你们的参与,Now, I would like to announce the final scores of the first

14、 three programs.现在我宣布第1个节目的最后得分是 第2个节目的最后得分是 第3个节目的最后得分是选手四:我想大家都很期待后面选手的精彩表现吧?女孩们请注意了,一首赞美你们的歌she送给大家,有请郑亚玲歌曲结束:大家觉得郑亚玲同学的表现如何?让我们把掌声再次送给他,希望她能取得好的成绩!选手五:火红的玫瑰,迷人的季节,有个带着热情的女孩,来到了我们晚会的现场,送给大家一份神秘的爱。有请陈兰兰为我们带来的红玫瑰 选手六Thanks for their wonderful performance!感谢这些同学带来的精彩表演!We know Christmas is a festiva

15、l to commemorate Christs birth. Today, to celebrate the festival, our students bing a song and dance. Lets enjoy Christmas Show 关于圣诞节,我们都知道,那是西方国家为了纪念耶稣的生日而设定的节日。今天,为了庆祝这个节日,我们的同学把它变成了一首好听的歌和一支精彩的舞蹈来呈现给大家。现在让我们一起来欣赏歌舞圣诞秀表演者为10级作物生产技术全班同学选手七Thanks for the wonderful song and dance. Lets give them warm

16、 applause.感谢这些同学给我们带来好听的歌曲和精彩的舞蹈,掌声送给他们!In our childhood we were interested in the fairy tale, such as Snow White, Daughter Of The Sea, The Ugly Duckling, Sleeping Beauty and so on. Now, lets recall our childhood. Please enjoy Little Red Riding Hood!也许,童年时候纯真的我们都衷情于童话故事。比如白雪公主、海的女儿、丑小鸭、睡美人等等。接下来,让我们

17、一起来回味童年的美好时光,请欣赏10级农产品质量检测一班带来的小红帽After brilliant programs, lets relax for a while, Ok? Be careful, its time for the game Guessing Words. First, let me give a brief introduction about the game.欣赏了这么多精彩的节目之后,让我们一起来放松一下,好吗?请注意,现在是游戏时间猜单词首先,请允许我为大家简单地介绍一下游戏规则Choose a few cards among them. Open the card

18、s and guess the word. If you are right, you can choose to go on or stop. And we will reward you with the present.猜单词游戏规则:参加游戏的观众选择翻开其中一部分的卡片,(如单词apple有五个字母组成,参加游戏者可任意选出3个字母卡片)并在规定的时间内猜出该单词,猜对后可选择继续或终止游戏。按猜出单词的数量赠予相应的奖品。Are you ready?(游戏过程省略)。游戏结束:OK! Thanks for your cooperation, please take your pre

19、sent and back to your seat!好了!游戏到这儿就结束了,感谢你们的参与,请带好礼物回到座位,谢谢!现在请让我宣布第4个节目的最后得分是 第5个节目的最后得分是 第6个节目的最后得分是 第7个节目的最后得分是 选手八 Love is an eternal topic. Because of love, the world is full of warmness and happiness; because of love, we get together to enjoy ourselves. But whats the real love? Lets enjoy I l

20、ove you bought by 李玲,welcome!我们都知道,爱是一个永恒的话题。因为爱,这个世界充满温暖和幸福;因为爱,今天,我们聚在一起。10级园林技术二班的李玲同学将用她深情的歌声告诉我们什么是真爱,让我们珍惜身边的每一份爱!请欣赏歌曲我爱你选手九 How wonderful! The song moves all of us. Lets thank girl for her song!多么动听的歌声啊,几乎打动了现场的每一位观众。感谢李玲的精彩表演,让我们再次把热烈的掌声送给她!There is a girl . She s common, but she has the mo

21、st perfect love in the world, because of a pair of shoes. I think you all know who is the girl. OK! Lets welcome Cinderella有一个女孩,她很平凡。但是,因为一双漂亮的玻璃鞋,她拥有了这个世界上最唯美的爱情。你们知道她是谁吗?她就是灰姑娘,掌声有请10级园艺技术三和他们的灰姑娘。选手十 Wherever you go, whatever you do. Please remember you are a Chinese. Today, we are proud because

22、 we are Chinese. Next, lets enjoy the poem Im proud, I am a Chinese.敲响那一排铜质的编钟,浑厚而清亮的左音右韵由远及近,穿越五千年悠悠岁月和五十三年缤纷花季,在河之洲,水之湄,山之阳,海之滨,泛起层层涟漪,响起阵阵回声,在亿万炎黄子孙的心中凝结一个主题:我骄傲因为我是中国人。有请段有能,XXXWe all feel excited. Yes, we are proud because we are Chinese.我们都被这浓浓真情所融化。是的,我们骄傲因为我们是中国人。让我们为祖国的腾飞,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,喝彩。手势嘘- C

23、an you hear the sharp ringing sound around the corner? Santa Claus is coming with the presents. Lets follow the song Santa Claus is Coming to Town to make a wish. Maybe the surprise is right in front of your eyes. 听,叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当,圣诞老人坐着雪橇带着礼物就要来了。请欣赏由院学习部和英语协会的同学为我们带来的圣诞老人进城咯。Yes, Christmas is comin

24、g. Whether you are sleeping or awake, you will be found. So, are you ready for the present? Yes, I am.Now, I would like to announce the scores of No. 8,9,10 program. 是的,当钟声在午夜十二点响起,不论你是已安然入睡还是翘首期盼,圣诞老人都会找到你,带给你一份惊喜。现在,我宣布第8个节目的最后得分是 第9个节目的最后得分是 第10个节目的最后得分是 。Based on careful consideration and evalua

25、tion of the judges, we have got the final results. Please give it up for Mr./Miss.XXXX to give a speech。Lets give the floor to Mr./Miss.XXXX, welcome!经过评委老师严谨的评定,本场比赛的最终结果即将揭晓。下面,掌声有请某某领导就本场比赛点评。有请评委组组长 就选手的表现做专业点评。Thanks for Mr./Miss.XXXs speech.Now, lets hold our breath and wait for the most excit

26、ing moment. Lets welcome XXXXX, please announce the list of the third prize.感谢某某领导的讲话。现在,让我们摒住呼吸,等待比赛最终的揭晓。有请某某某领导宣布三等奖同学的名单。他们是 有请上台领奖。 Lets welcome XXXXXX to announce the list of the second prize.有请某某某领导宣布二等奖同学的名单。他们是 有请上台领奖。Who is the biggest winner tonight? Lets welcome XXXXXXX, please announce

27、the champion.谁是今晚最大的赢家呢?让我们欢迎XXXXXX领导揭晓最后答案。他是 有请上台领奖。How time flies! Our party is coming to the end. I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful performance. Thank girls and boys for your programs! Thank leaders for your support! Thank judges for your hard work! And thank all audience for your coming! Bless you all: Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!欢乐的时光总是很短暂,到这里,晚会进入了尾声。让我们再次感谢选手们给我们带来的精彩表演;让我们再次感谢诸位领导在此次活动的筹备过程中所给予的大力支持;让我们再次感谢评委老师对选手的表现所作出的肯定;让我们再次感谢到场的所有嘉宾和同学们,感谢你们的光临。最后祝大家:圣诞快乐!新年快乐! 晚会到此结束请领导嘉宾及评委老师留步。和选手合影!谢谢!

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