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测试题学年高一数学上学期期中试题 3.docx

1、测试题学年高一数学上学期期中试题 32018-2019学年度第一学期高一年级期中考试英语试题(本试卷考试时间为130分钟,满分150)第1部分 听力理解 (共三节,满分15分)第1节 疑问句翻译 (共3个小题,每小题1分,满分3分)1 我们以前在哪儿见过吗?2 你对这本书印象如何?3 你的新办公室在几楼,三楼还是四楼?第二节 回答问题 (共3个小题,每小题2分,满分6分)你将听到一段对话,并附有3个问题。请根据对话内容,回答这三个问题,将答案写在答题卷上标号为4-6的空格中。4_5_6_第三节 故事复述 (6分)你将听到一段独白。请根据试卷上的提示,将这段独白的主要内容复述出来,写成一段文字,

2、填写在答题卡上标号为7的空格中。7_第2部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第1节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAre you worried about moving up to senior high school(高中)?It can be a new experience,but you shouldnt worry. Weve put together a guide on how to survive the first week.Youre not alone!Remembe

3、r everybody else in your year is on the same boat. They may not realize it,but theyre just as nervous as you are. Moving to senior high school is an opportunity,not a problem. Things are different and all you need to do is be polite and learn the new rules.Teachers are ready to help!If youre unsure

4、what to do or are worried about anything then you had better ask for help. Teachers are probably the best people to turn to as theyre experienced in helping new students. Some senior high schools also have a “friends system”If your school has this,then you will be paired with an older student. They

5、will look out for you and help you if you have any problems or questions.All changeThere are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. Youll have a homework diary or a student planner. You will have your lessons with different teachers in different rooms. You will have h

6、omework for different subjects on different days,so make sure you get organized. Make sure you have a copy of your school timetable written down so you know which rooms your classes are in and on which days you will have your different subjects.Other pointsIf youve got an elder brother or sister at

7、the school then ask them for advice.Be yourself!It sounds simple,but people will know you much better if you just act naturally.Having early nights makes a difference and youll find it easier to get up in the morning!21Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence?AOther st

8、udents have similar feelings to yours.BOther students have to learn boating with you.COther students will help you solve your problems.DOther students will teach you politeness and new rules.22The new students turn to teachers first when having problems because .Ateachers wont blame them as parents

9、doBteachers are good at helping solve problemsCteachers are equal to every studentDparents are too busy to help them23Which of the following is true about the CHANGES?A. You will have your lessons with the same teacherB. You will not have homework for different subjectsC. A copy of your school timet

10、able would not helpD. There are lots of differences between junior and senior high school 24. According to the author, you can do all the following EXCEPT _ .AYou can act in a natural way.BYou should go to bed early enough.CYou must focus on dressing properly.DYou may ask your elder brother or siste

11、r for advice.Hi, my name is Ethan King and I love the game of soccer. In the summer of 2009, at age 14, I went to northern Mozambique(Africa) with my dad to help repair water wells(井) in local villages. I took my soccer ball along. I thought I might be able to play with the local kids. When we arriv

12、ed at the village of Ntette, I threw out my ball and soon, 50 kids were playing .Many of these kids had never had the chance to enjoy playing soccer with a real ball. For me, its no big deal to play soccer with a real ball. I do it all the time.Ive discovered that many kids in poor countries want to

13、 play soccer, but they cant because they dont have a ball. I have several soccer balls in my house. I thought that these kids would enjoy this soccer ball far more than me. So, I gave my ball to them.As we prepared to leave, one of the boys brought the soccer ball back to me. I said to him, “No, thi

14、s is yours. I gave it to you.” He laughed and cheered! I loved seeing that they had a real ball to play with.Every kid who loves the game of soccer deserves(值得) to play. Every kid who loves the game of soccer deserves his or her own ball. And thats why I started Charity Ball in 2010. It provides new

15、 soccer balls for kids in poor communities around the world.25. Ethen is_ years old nowadays. A. fourteen B. twenty-two C. twenty-three D. twenty-four26. When Ethan left Ntette,_.A. he made a soccer ball for the village boysB. he gave his soccer ball to the village boysC. one of the village boys gav

16、e him a handmade soccer ballD. he gave the village boys some money to by soccer balls27. What do we know about Charity Ball?A. It collects old soccer balls.B. It trains kids who love soccer.C. It started when Ethan was 14 years old.D. It gives new soccer balls to kids in poor communities.28. We can

17、learn from the passage that Ethan is _.A. kind B. talented C. brave D. carefulCWhat time of day can you think most quickly? Are you a morning person? Or does it take you a few hours to get your brain (脑)going? A lot of recent research suggests that we should pay attention to our body clock. It can t

18、ell us what time of day we can perform(表现) best at.Many people work best later in the morning. This is because the bodys temperature takes time to rise through the day. Taking a warm shower when you wake up can help your bodys temperature rise quickly.But everyones body clock is different and some a

19、re special. Morning people will get up early and work better early in the day. Evening people will work later but work better towards the end of the day.Research shows that were better at some activities at certain times of the day. Physical performance (体能) is at its best between 3 pm and 6 pm, so

20、its better to exercise later in the day.Between noon and 4 pm, people begin to pay less attention. This is because we think less quickly after a big meal. Research also shows we become sleepy around 2 pm. This is why people in Spain take a short sleep in early afternoon.Finally, it is best to eat wh

21、en were active. This allows our body to burn calories (卡路里) better and stops our blood sugar levels (血糖)from getting too high.29. _ can tell us what time of day we can perform best at.A. Morning people B. A warm showerC. Our body temperature D. Our body clock30. What is the best time for physical pe

22、rformance?A. Between 3 pm and 6 pm. B. Between 7 pm and 10 pm.C. Between noon and 4 pm. D. Between 5 am and 8 am.31. Why is it best to eat when were active?A. Because eating makes the brain unable to think quickly.B. Because it makes our blood sugar levels higher.C. Because our body can burn more ca

23、lories.D. Because our body needs a short sleep.32. What is the best title (题目)for this article?A. How can we work betterB. The best time to exerciseC. How can we keep healthyD. The best time to do somethingDLondons Chinese community(社区) dates back to the 18th century,when a small number of Chinese s

24、ailors moved to the city to work in Lime house,east London. As time went on,other Chinese people came to this area and Lime house began to be known as “Chinatown”At the start of the 20th century,there were just 545 Chinese people in Britain. However,this situation changed greatly after the Second Wo

25、rld War. At this time,many farmers in Hong Kong lost their jobs,and decided to move to London. In the 1950s,a small Chinese restaurant opened in central London. Many British people visited it and said that Chinese food was wonderful. Suddenly,Chinese restaurants started opening in every part of the

26、city. Instead of too little work,the new Chinese immigrants(移民) now found that they had too much. Most of the new immigrants enjoyed their life and the chances they were offered. Many asked their friends and relatives to join them from their hometowns,and a lot of families were reunited again at thi

27、s time.As time went by,Londons Chinese community became more and more successful. The sons and daughters of the first restaurant workers,encouraged by their parents,studied very hard at school and university. And most got highly- paid jobs. As a result,increasing numbers of Chinese families left Chi

28、natown and moved to the more expensive places. Chinatown,however,is still as lively as ever,and a must- see for every visitor to London.33What does the author mean by the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?ALime house was influenced by World War .BThe number of Chinese people in Britain increased af

29、ter the war.CMany Hong Kong farmers lost their jobs because of the war.DThe new immigrants found it hard to find jobs during the war.34Which of the following statements is NOT true?ABefore the 20th century,Chinatown” in London was still very small.BIn the 1950s,Chinese food became quite popular in B

30、ritain.CMost of the new immigrants could find a job in the 1950s.DWith the help of the British government,Chinatown was very successful.35According to the passage,now most of the Chinese living in London .Aare clever Bwork long hours Chave highly-paid jobs Dlive an unhappy life第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。People with bad manners are refused in the world of work. They do not get good jobs. Their business do not succeed. 36 They are liked and supported (支持). They have friends, luck and success. When you improve your manners, you improve your chances of succes

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