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1、届人教版中考英语模块复习二2021届人教版中考英语模块复习(二)七年级(上册)Unit 5Unit 9词汇梳理模块Unit 51do/du:/ aux v. &v. 用于否定句疑问句做;干2have/hv/ v. 有3tennis/tenis/ n. 网球4ball/b:l/ n. 球5ping-pong /pip/ n. 乒乓球6bat /bt/ n. 球棒;球拍7soccer/sk/ n. (英式)足球8soccer ball (英式)足球9volleyball/vlib:l/ n. 排球10basketball/ba:skitb:l/ n. 篮球11hey /hei/ interj. 嘿

2、;喂12let/let/ v. 允许;让13us/s/ pron. (we的宾格)我们14lets = let us 让我们(一起)15go/gu/ v. 去;走16we/wi:/ pron. 我们17late/leit/ adj. 迟到18has/hz/ v. (have的第三人称单数形式)有19get/get/ v. 去取(或带来);得到20great/greit/ adj. 美妙的;伟大的21play/plei/ v. 参加(比赛或运动);玩耍22sound/saund/ v. 听起来好像23interesting/intrsti/ adj. 有趣的24boring/b:ri/ adj.

3、 没趣的;令人厌倦的25fun/fn/ adj. 有趣的;使人快乐的n.乐趣;快乐26difficult/difiklt/ adj. 困难的27relaxing/rilksi/ adj. 轻松的;令人放松的28watch/wt/ v. 注视;观看29TV/ti:vi:/ n. (=television) 电视;电视机30watch TV 看电视31same/seim/ adj. 相同的32love/lv/ v.&n. 爱;喜爱33with/wi/ prep. 和.在一起;带有;使用34sport/sp:t/ n. 体育运动35them/em/ pron. (they的宾格)他(她、它)们36o

4、nly/unli/ adv. 只;仅37like/laik/ v. 喜欢;喜爱38easy/i:zi/ adj. 容易的;不费力的39after/a:ft/ prep. 在.以后40class/kla:s/ n. 班级;课41classmate/kla:smeit/ n. 同班同学Unit 642banana/bna:n/ n. 香蕉43hamburger/hmb:g/ n. 汉堡包44tomato/tma:tu/ n. 西红柿45ice-cream/aiskri:m/ n. 冰激凌46salad/sld/ n. 沙拉47strawberry/str:bri/ n. 草莓48pear/pe/

5、n. 梨49milk/milk/ n. 牛奶50bread/bred/ n. 面包51birthday/b:dai/ n. 生日52dinner/din/ n. (中午或晚上吃的)正餐53week/wi:k/ n. 周;星期54think about 思考;思索55food/fu:d/ n. 食物56sure/u/ adv. 当然;肯定;一定57How about.? (提出建议).怎么样?58burger /b:g/ n. (=hamburger)汉堡包59vegetable/vedtbl/ n. 蔬菜60fruit/fru:t/ n. 水果61right/rait/ adj. 正确的;适当

6、的62apple/pl/ n. 苹果63then/en/ adv. 那么64egg/eg/ n. 蛋;鸡蛋65carrot/krt/ n. 胡萝卜66rice/rais/ n. 大米;米饭67chicken/tikin/ n. 鸡肉68so/su/ conj. (引出评论或问题)那么69breakfast/brekfst/ n. 早餐;早饭70lunch/lnt/ n. 午餐71star/sta:/ n. 明星;星星72eat/i:t/ v. 吃73well/wel/ adv. 好;令人满意地74habit/hbit/ n. 习惯75healthy/heli/ adj. 健康的76really

7、/ri:li/ adv. 真正地77question/kwestn/ n. 问题78want/wnt/ v. 需要;想要79be/bi:/ v. 变成80fat/ft/ adj. 肥的;肥胖的Unit 781much/mt/ pron.&adj. 许多;大量;多少82How much.? (购物时).多少钱?83sock/sk/ n. 短袜84T-shirt/ti:t/ n. T恤衫85shorts/:ts/ n. (pl.) 短裤86sweater/swet/ n. 毛衣87trousers/trauzz/ n. (pl.) 裤子88shoe/u:/ n. 鞋89skirt/sk:t/ n.

8、 裙子90dollar/dl/ n. 元(美国、等国的货币符号为$)91big/big/ adj. 大的;大号的92small/sm:l/ adj. 小的;小号的93short/:t/ adj. 短的;矮的94long/l:/ adj. 长的95woman/wumn/ n. 女子96Can I help you? 我能帮您吗?97need/ni:d/ v. 需要98look/luk/ v. 看;看上去99pair/pe/ n. 一双;一对100take/teik/ v. 买下;拿;取101Here you are. 给你。102ten/ten/ num. 十103eleven/ilevn/ n

9、um. 十一104twelve/twelv/ num. 十二105thirteen/:ti:n/ num. 十三106fifteen/fifti:n/ num. 十五107eighteen/eiti:n/ num. 十八108twenty/twenti/ num. 二十109thirty/:ti/ num. 三十110Mr./mist/ 先生111clothes/kluz/ n. (pl.) 衣服;服装112store/st:/ n. 商店113buy/bai/ v. 购买;买114sale/seil/ n. 特价销售;出售115sell/sel/ v. 出售;销售;卖116all/:l/ a

10、dj. 所有的;全部的117very/veri/ adv. 很;非常118price/prais/ n. 价格119boy/bi/ n. 男孩120a pair of 一双Unit 8121when/wen/ adv. (疑问副词)什么时候122month/mn/ n. 月;月份123January/dnjuri/ n. 一月124February/februri/ n. 二月125March/ma:t/ n. 三月126April/eiprl/ n. 四月127May/mei/ n. 五月128June/du:n/ n. 六月129July/dulai/ n. 七月130August/:gs

11、t/ n. 八月131September/septemb/ n. 九月132October/ktub/ n. 十月133November/nuvemb/ n. 十一月134December/disemb/ n. 十二月135happy/hpi/ adj. 愉快的;高兴的136Happy birthday! 生日快乐!137old/uld/ adj. 年老的;旧的138How old.? .多大年纪?.几岁了?139party/pa:ti/ n. 聚会;晚会140See you! 再见!141first/f:st/ num. 第一142second/seknd/ num. 第二143third/

12、:d/ num. 第三144fifth/fif/ num. 第五145eighth/eit/ num. 第八146ninth/nain/ num. 第九147twelfth/twelf/ num. 第十二148twentieth/twenti/ num. 第二十149test/test/ n. 测验;检查150trip/trip/ n. 旅游;旅行151art/a:t/ n. 艺术;美术152festival/festivl/ n. (音乐、戏剧等的)节;节日153dear/di/ adj. 亲爱的154student/stju:dnt/ n. 学生155thing/i/ n. 东西;事情15

13、6term/t:m/ n. 学期157busy/bizi/ adj. 忙碌的;无暇的158time/taim/ n. 时间159Have a good time! (表示祝愿) 过得愉快!160there/e/ adv. (在)那里Unit 9161favorite/feivrit/ adj.&n.特别喜爱的(人或事物)162subject/sbdekt/ n. 学科;科目163science/sains/ n. 科学164P.E./pi: i:/ n. (=physical education)体育165music/mju:zik/ n. 音乐;乐曲166math/m/ n. 数学167Ch

14、inese/taini:z/ n. 语文;汉语中国的168geography/digrfi/ n. 地理(学)169history/histri/ n. 历史170why/wai/ adv. 为什么171because/bikz/ conj. 因为172Monday/mndei/ n. 星期一173Friday/fraidei/ n. 星期五174Saturday/stdei/ n. 星期六175for sure 无疑;肯定176free/fri:/ adj. 空闲的177cool/ku:l/ adj. 妙极的;酷的178Tuesday/tju:zdei/ n. 星期二179Wednesday

15、/wenzdei/ n. 星期三180Thursday/zdei/ n. 星期四181Sunday/sndei/ n. 星期日182A.M./ei em/ (=a.m.)上午183P.M./pi: em/ (=p.m.) 下午;午后184useful/ju:sfl/ adj. 有用的;有益的185from/frm/ prep (表示开始的时间)从.开始186from. to. 从.到.187Mrs./misiz/ (女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;夫人188finish/fini/ v. 完成;做好189lesson/lesn/ n. 课;一节课190hour/au/ n. 小时习题训练模块一:单项

16、填空1.Mum likes soap operas.Lets buy a TV for her.A.becoming B.watching C.looking D.smelling2.My English teacher always comes into the classroom a B.for C.on D.with3.Did you call Michael back?I didnt need to, Ill see him tomorrow.A.unless B.because C.when D.though4.I like reading a lot.Its

17、a good and reading more can make you clever.A.way B.rule C.habit D.story5.Er,.I am not really sure.Can I it?OK.Let me know about B.think about for D.think of6.The song wonderful.Who sings it?Mao Buyi.He is my favorite singer.A.looks B.sounds C.feels D.smells7.My parents and I wil

18、l go to America for a trip tomorrow.Really?.A.I dont think so B.Have a good timeC.Thats very strange D.You should try it8.Do you making the kite?Yes.I flew it with my classmates this morning.A.finish B.enjoy C.stop D.buy9.Mom,can you help me with my English now?Sorry,Jim!Now Im really.Please ask you

19、r dad for help,OK?A.busy B.healthyC.tall D.small10.Ice-cream is not healthy food, lots of people like it.I know why.It tastes very nice.A.and B.but C.because D.so二:完形填空It was Sunday morning,and the sun was shining brightly.“What a 11 day for a bike ride!” Selena said to herself.Selena asked her moth

20、er 12 she could ride her bike outside.When her mom said yes,Selena ran 13 towards the front door.Selenas 14,Matthew,was in the living room playing a video game.“Where are you going?” he asked.When Selena told him,Matthew replied,“That must be a boring 15!” And then he continued playing his game.Howe

21、ver,Selena wouldnt let Matthews words16 her from going for a ride.So she headed outside,put her helmet (头盔) on,and rode down the sidewalk.Suddenly,the neighbors cat Fishbone ran 17 Selenas path (小路).She had to change direction quickly to 18 hitting Fishbone.As a result,Selena fell off her bike.Matth

22、ew must have heard Selenas bike falling onto the ground,because before Selena knew it,he was there helping her 19.“Lets go back home,” said Matthew.Though she hurt her knees seriously,Selena found 20 smiling.Brothers and sisters may fight sometimes,Selena realized,but deep down,they will always love

23、 each other.11.A.different B.perfect C.lucky B.when C.if D.unless13.A.happily B.sadly C.heavily D.easily14.A.friend B.uncle C.cousin D.brother15.A.question B.chance C.idea D.purpose16.A.agree B.understand C.stop D.fail17.A.across B.into C.with D.about18.A.finish B.avoid C.keep D.protec

24、 out B.stand up C.hurry up D.take off20.A.ourselves B.themselves C.himself D.herself三:阅读理解ABoys and girls,we have some interesting and fun things for you this term.Have a good time.English ClubFor the seventh-grade studentsTime:Tuesday afternoon and Friday eveningPlace:Room 301Tele:7745931

25、2Math ExamFor the ninth-grade studentsTime:on Monday,March 20thPlace:Room 306PS:Top 10 will get a surpriseA TalkFor all studentsTime:14:30-16:30,April 25thPlace:in the school hallTopic:How to Learn English WellSinging CompetitionFor the eighth-grade studentsTime:on Thursday,May 23rdPlace:in the musi

26、c room Tele:5817235221.What activity will the school have on May 23rd?A.A singing competition.B.A math exam.C.A talk about how to learn English well.D.An English speech contest.22.Where will Tom,a ninth-grade student,probably be at 3:00 p.m.on April 25th?A.In Room 301. B.In Room 306.C.In the school

27、hall. D.In the music room.23.How often do the English club members practice spoken English?A.Once a week. B.Twice a week.C.Three times a week. D.Four times a week.24.How many students will get a surprise after the math exam?A.4. B.10. C.20. D.306.25.Where may you see this notice?A.In a school. B.In

28、a shop. C.In a hospital. D.In a restaurant.BThis is a true story that happened in my childhood.One day,I was trying to catch a butterfly in a garden.I tried many times to catch it but I couldnt succeed.Just then a man came and asked me,“Why are you trying to catch this butterfly?” I said innocently(天真地),“I like it.” Hearing this he held my wrist(手腕)hard.“Youre hurting me,” I said with tears in my eyes.“So you feel pain,” he said with a mischievous(恶作剧的) smile and held my wrist more tightly(更紧地).“Why are you doing this to me?Im hurting,” I said and st

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