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1、专题02阅读理解之社会生活类最近三年高考英语真题分类精编解析版最近三年(2019-2021)高考英语真题分类精编专题02阅读理解之社会生活类【2021年】(2021全国甲卷C) 话题:玩滑板的经历词数:351难度:When I was 9, we packed up our home in Los Angeles and arrived at Heathrow, London on a gray January morning. Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me. Without my beloved

2、beaches and endless bluesky days, I felt at a loss and out of place. Until I made a discovery.Southbank, at an eastern bend in the Thames, is the center of British skateboarding, where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing .I loved it. I soon made friends with the local skate

3、rs. We spoke our own language. And my favorite: Safe. Safe meant cool. It meant hello. It meant dont worry about it. Once, when trying a certain trick on the beam(横杆), I fell onto the stones, damaging a nerve in my hand, and Toby came over, helping me up: Safe, man. Safe. A few minutes later, when I

4、 landed the trick, my friends beat their boards loud, shouting: “ Safe! Safe! Safe!” And thats what matteredlanding tricks, being a good skater.When I was 15, my family moved to Washington. I tried skateboarding there, but the locals were far less welcoming. Within a couple of years, Id given it up.

5、When I returned to London in 2004, I found myself wandering down to Southbank, spending hours there. Ive traveled back several times since, most recently this past spring. The day was cold but clear: tourists and Londoners stopped to watch the skaters. Weaving(穿梭)among the kids who rushed by on thei

6、r boards, I found my way to the beam. Then a railthin teenager, in a baggy white Tshirt, skidded(滑)up to the beam. He sat next to me. He seemed not to notice the man next to him. But soon I caught a few of his glances. “I was a local here 20 years ago,” I told him. Then, slowly, he began to nod his

7、head. “Safe, man. Safe.”“Yeah,” I said. “Safe.”8. What can we learn about the author soon after he moved to London?A. He felt disappointed. B. He gave up his hobby.C. He liked the weather there. D. He had disagreements with his family.9. What do the underlined words “Safe! Safe! Safe!” probably mean

8、?A. Be careful! B. Well done! C. No way! D. Dont worry!10. Why did the author like to spend time in Southbank when he returned to London?A. To join the skateboarding. B. To make new friends.C. To learn more tricks. D. To relive his childhood days11. What message does the author seem to convey in the

9、 text?A. Children should learn a second language.B Sport is necessary for childrens health.C. Children need a sense of belongingD. Seeing the world is a must for children.【答案】8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C【解析】本文属于记叙文。本文讲述作者自己的经历,起初搬到伦敦很不适应,但是由于找到了玩滑板的地方,结识了玩滑板的朋友,因此很好的适应了。作者回到伦敦之后,经常去之前玩滑板的地方寻找自己的回忆,在与一个玩滑板的

10、孩子打招呼的时候,终于找到了自己久违的熟悉感。8.推理判断题。根据第一段“Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me. Without my beloved beaches and endless blue -sky days, I felt at a loss and out of place.(除了我之外的家里人都很快适应这个城市,没有了我喜爱的沙滩和蓝天,我感到迷茫和无措)”可知,作者刚到伦敦的时候因为没有喜爱的沙滩,不能很好的融入到新的城市,感到很沮丧,故选A。9.词义猜测题。根据画线词后文“And th

11、ats what matteredlanding tricks, being a good skater. (那才是真正重要的滑板的落地技巧掌握了才是一名好的滑板玩家)”可知,作者掌握了滑板落地技巧,因此他的朋友大声欢呼,因此可以推出本句的Safe是赞美的含义,结合选项,故选B。10.推理判断题。根据第四段“I was a local here 20 years ago, I told him. Then, slowly, he began to nod his head. “Safe, man. Safe.”(我告诉他:“我20年前经常在这里玩滑板,”他缓慢地开始向我点头:“嗨,你好!”)”

12、可推知,作者去Southbank这个地方是为了寻找自己玩滑板的回忆,故选D。11.推理判断题。根据全文可知,作者起初搬到伦敦很不适应,但是由于找到了玩滑板的地方,结识了玩滑板的朋友,因此很好的适应了。但是搬去华盛顿,因为没有遇到很好的玩滑板的朋友,几年之后就不再玩滑板,作者回到伦敦之后,经常去之前玩滑板的地方寻找自己的回忆,在于一个孩子打招呼的时候,终于找到了自己久违的回忆。通过作者的经历,作者要表达的是,归属感对于孩子是很重要的,故选C。【2020年】(2020全国卷C) 话题:竞走与跑步的比较词数:302难度:Race walking shares many fitness benefit

13、s with running, research shows, while most likely contributing to fewer injuries.It does, however, have its own problem.Race walkers are conditioned athletes.The longest track and field event at the Summer Olympics is the 50-kilometer race walk, which is about five miles longer than the marathon.But

14、 the sports rules require that a race walkers knees stay straight through most of the leg swing and one foot remain in contact(接触) with the ground at all times.Its this strange form that makes race walking such an attractive activity, however, says Jaclyn Norberg, an assistant professor of exercise

15、science at Salem State University in Salem, Mass.Like running, race walking is physically demanding, she says.According to most calculations, race walkers moving at a pace of six miles per hour would burn about 800 calories(卡路里) per hour, which is approximately twice as many as they would burn walki

16、ng, although fewer than running, which would probably burn about 1,000 or more calories per hour.However, race walking does not pound the body as much as running does, Dr.Norberg says.According to her research, runners hit the ground with as much as four times their body weight per step, while race

17、walkers, who do not leave the ground, create only about 1.4 times their body weight with each step.As a result, she says, some of the injuries associated with running, such as runners knee, are uncommon among race walkers.But the sports strange form does place considerable stress on the ankles and h

18、ips, so people with a history of such injuries might want to be cautious in adopting the sport.In fact, anyone wishing to try race walking should probably first consult a coach or experienced racer to learn proper technique, she says.It takes some practice.28.Why are race walkers conditioned athlete

19、s?A.They must run long distances.B.They are qualified for the marathon.C.They have to follow special rules.D.They are good at swinging their legs.29.What advantage does race walking have over running?A.Its more popular at the Olympics.B.Its less challenging physically.C.Its more effective in body bu

20、ilding.D.Its less likely to cause knee injuries.30.What is Dr.Norbergs suggestion for someone trying race walking?A.Getting expertsopinions.B.Having a medical checkup.C.Hiring an experienced coach.D.Doing regular exercises.31.Which word best describes the authors attitude to race walking?A.Skeptical

21、. B.Objective.C.Tolerant. D.Conservative.【答案解析】本文是说明文。虽然竞走与跑步一样都有助于健康,但竞走运动与跑步不同。竞走者必须是有一定条件的运动员,而且需要练习,需要有教练或有经验的竞走者的指导。28.选C。推理判断题。根据第二段对竞走运动的介绍可知,竞走需要一定的条件:距离长,竞走者的腿在跑动时必须是直的,而且前后脚交替着地。因此,C项“竞走者必须遵循一定的规则”符合题意。29.选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“因此,她说,一些与跑步有关的损伤,比如跑步者的膝盖(的损伤),在竞走者中并不常见。”也就是说竞走对膝盖的伤害比跑步要小。故选D。30

22、.选A。细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句“她说,事实上,任何想尝试竞走的人都应该首先咨询教练或有经验的竞走者,学习适当的技术。”可知,诺伯格博士建议想参与竞走运动的人先听一听专家的意见。故选A。31.选B。观点态度题。作者介绍了竞走与跑步的不同,并引用了一些研究成果。所以,作者对竞走的态度是客观的。故选B。(2020全国卷D)话题:我和图书馆 词数:348W 难度:I have a special place in my heart for libraries.I have for as long as I can remember.I was always an enthusiastic

23、reader, sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child.Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties, I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the library.My first job was working at the Ukiah Library when I was 16 years old.It was a dream j

24、ob and I did everything from shelving books to reading to the children for story time.As I grew older and became a mother, the library took on a new place and an added meaning in my life.I had several children and books were our main source(来源) of entertainment.It was a big deal for us to load up an

25、d go to the local library, where my kids could pick out books to read or books they wanted me to read to them.I always read, using different voices, as though I were acting out the stories with my voice and they loved it! It was a special time to bond with my children and it filled them with the won

26、derment of books.Now, I see my children taking their children to the library and I love that the excitement of going to the library lives on from generation to generation.As a novelist, Ive found a new relationship with libraries.I encourage readers to go to their local library when they cant afford

27、 to purchase a book.I see libraries as a safe haven(避风港) for readers and writers, a bridge that helps put together a reader with a book.Libraries, in their own way, help fight book piracy(盗版行为) and I think all writers should support libraries in a significant way when they can.Encourage readers to u

28、se the library.Share library announcements on your social media.Frequent them and talk about them when you can.32.Which word best describes the authors relationship with books as a child?A.Cooperative. B.Uneasy.C.Inseparable. D.Casual.33.What does the underlined phrase “an added meaning” in Paragrap

29、h 3 refer to?A.Pleasure from working in the library.B.Joy of reading passed on in the family.C.Wonderment from acting out the stories.D.A closer bond developed with the readers.34.What does the author call on other writers to do?A.Sponsor book fairs.B.Write for social media.C.Support libraries.D.Pur

30、chase her novels.35.Which can be a suitable title for the text?A.Reading: A Source of KnowledgeB.My Idea about WritingC.Library: A Haven for the YoungD.My Love of the Library【答案解析】作者从小就与图书馆建立了密切关系,后来把自己对图书馆的热爱在家庭里一代代地传递下去。最后,作者还阐明了图书馆的作用。32.选C。推理判断题。根据第一段的I was always an enthusiastic reader以及Stories

31、 were like air to me可知,当作者是一个孩子时,她就已经和书籍密不可分了。故选C。33.选B。推理判断题。根据第三段可知,作者成为母亲后,图书馆在她的生活中又增添了新的意义,那就是书成为她和孩子们快乐的来源。由此可以推断出,“an added meaning”指“阅读的快乐在家庭中的传承”。故选B。34.选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段的I think all writers should support libraries in a significant way when they can可知,作者认为所有作家都应该力所能及地支持图书馆。故选C。35.选D。标题归纳题。作者

32、从小就与图书馆建立了密切关系,后来把自己对图书馆的热爱在家庭里一代代地传递下去。故选D。(2020全国卷C)话题:家庭多代同居 词数:323 W难度:CWith the young unable to afford to leave home and the old at risk of isolation (孤独), more families are choosing to live together.The doorway to peace and quiet, for Nick Bright at least, leads straight to his mother-in-law: she lives on the ground floor, while he lives upstairs with his wife and their two daughters.Four years ago they all mo

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