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1、超级无敌倒装句讲义学生学案陶涛倒装句Inversion主语放在谓语的前面,叫做自然语序。谓语放在主语的前面,叫做倒装语序。1 倒装的种类:1)将谓语全部放在主语前面的叫全部倒装。2)将谓语一部分(助动词/情态动词)放在主语前面的叫部分倒装。3) 倒装用法巧记忆:(五全八部话倒装)五全: 有/时/表/地方 八部: 不/只/让步/也/需/常/如此/祝福谓语动词放在主语之前的这种语法现象称为倒装。从倒装的形式来看,可分为全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种。前者是指整个谓语置于主语之前,而后者仅是指助动词、情态动词或be 动词等功能置于主语这前

2、。结构: 全部倒装:引起全部倒装的成分(放句首) + V + 主语表语 + 系动词 + 主语部分倒装:引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + do/did/does + 主语 + V原形引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + can/could/might等情态动词 + 主语 + V原形引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + be动词(am, is, are, was, were ) + 主语 + 表语(一) 全部倒装基本结构为“引起倒装的词或词组+ 谓语+ 主语”1 “There + be” 句型。 表示存在概念的状态动词,如:be ( 有各种时态变化), exist,remain,live,lie,stan

3、d等; 表示某事发生或某人到达等概念的不及物动词,如:come,enter,arise,occur,follow,等There happen +主语(碰巧); There appear +主语There seem +to be主语(似乎) There be going to be+主语(将会) There used +to be主语(曾经) There be likely to be+主语(很可能)There seem to be still some elements undiscovered yet.There came a temple near our cottage. 村庄附近有座庙

4、。There exist many problems among the students. 学生中存在很多问题。There is no one who really understood me. 似乎没人真正理解我。练习(小试身手): 将下列句子改成倒装句,并翻译。1 A bridge across the river stands there. 2 Some trees in this area used to be there. 3 An unusual thing occurred at that moment there. 4 A knock came there at the do

5、or. 5 A dangerous task remains there. 2 here/ there/ in /out/ up / down/ now现在/ then那时 /below/above/away离开/ back后退/off离开/ahead前面/Thus如此,以此方式 等表方位的副词开头的句子,并且句子谓语是be, stand, lie, live, exist, appear, come, go, fall, follow, end等Vi(不及物) 动词时。注意此时该句子的时态必须是一般现在时态或一般过去时态。结构为:”adv+ 谓语(Vi或be )+ 主语”. Here is

6、a ticket for you. There goes the bell for break. In came a teacher with a book in his hand. Out rushed the patient.Up flew the kite.Down came the heavy rain.Now comes your turn. Off went the dog.Then came the sound of shots.Below is a good cinema.Thus ended the film. 练习:将下列句子改为倒装句A restaurant is bel

7、ow. The rain came down. An old man with a white beard came in. The horse went off. The final result came then. He rushed out. 但代词做主语时,主谓语序不变Out he rushed. 他跑出去了。Then he left. 然后他离开了。The bus comes here. (正常语序)Here comes the bus. (倒装语序)Here it comes. (正常语序)The naughty boy went away. 那个顽皮的孩子走了。Away wen

8、t the naughty boy. Away he went.3 地点状语放句首时 in the room/ under the bed/ out of the classroom/ next door to sb/ on the wall/ west of 此时谓语常为半系(be动词或表状态的不及物)动词。结构为:“状语+ 谓语+ 主语”. 能应用在此情况下的谓语时态常为一般时态(即一般现在时和一般过去时)。West of the lake lies the famous city. At the corner stands a man selling newspapers.At the

9、end of the valley lies a small lake.Next door live a young couple with no child.On the top of the hill stands a tower.Among the guests stood the professor.On top of the books is the photo album you are looking for.Just in front of our house stands a tall tree with a history of 1000 years.练习:将下列句子改为倒

10、装句1. Mary stood among the guests. 2. A tower stands on the top of the hill. 3. The manager sits behind the counter. 但: 如果主语是人称代词时,主谓语序不变.In the armchair she sat.A cat sleeps under the bed. (正常语序)Under the bed sleeps a cat. (倒装语序)如果含有there与表示地点的介词短语同时存在一个句子中,there 在句首+地点介词短语+谓语+ 主语,原则是there,或其他方位副词优先

11、考虑放置在句首引起倒装。There on the mountain lives an old man, who I visited several years ago.4 表语放在句首,结构为“表语+系动词+主语”。这样做的条件:(1)当句子没有宾语而主语又比较长, (2)为了使上下文紧密衔接(3)强调表语, 谓语常见的有: be, lie, stand, sit表语可能是:1 adj. (如present);Present at the meeting will be many experts from all over the world. Happy are those who are

12、contented. (知足常乐)2 代词such , Such was the result.介词短语,In front of the village lies a river.过去分词done (如seated, gone, buried, lost, absorbed, based ) ,Gone are the days when they could play together.Seated on the ground are a group of young men playing cards.Buried in the sands was an ancient village.现

13、在分词doing (如working, growing, sitting表主动进行)Sitting around him were his two children and a neighbours child.Attending our ceremony are many professors and experts from all over the world.也适用于此倒装结构,该全部倒装结构为:表语 + 系动词 + 主语注:以上情况中若句子中同时有地点状语,首选表语提前的语序。Working in the dining-room are a few students. (不说In t

14、he dining room are a few students working.) 5 直接引语的全部或其中的一部分位于主句之前,并且主句中的主语为名词时,主句中的主语和谓语要全部倒装。但如果主句中的主语是代词,则不宜将主句中的主谓倒装。“You are right,” said the teacher.“He has already left,” answered my mother.但如果主句的谓语动词还有其他宾语时,主句不能倒装,无论主语是noun & pron.“Why didnt you join us!” Our monitor asked us.“Good God!” was

15、 all he said. 他所说的只有“老天爷啊!”6 在表示祝愿的句子中表祝愿的句子中,用全部倒装;若谓语带有情态动词,用部分倒装Long live sth! (万岁、长存)May sb do! (祝愿某人)Long live China! (全部倒装)Long live the Peoples Republic of China!Long live our friendship!Long live the Communist Party of China!Long live Chairman Mao!May you succeed! (部分倒装)May you do!May you ha

16、ve a pleasant trip!May you stay young forever!May you pass the exam!May you succeed in career and marriage!May you have good luck!May the peace, health, wealth and happiness follow you!May god bless you!五全: 有/时/表/地方 五全:有/时/表/地方“ 有”指 there be 句型 “时”指时间副词或短语(now, then)位于句首的倒装情况。“表”指表语提前,为了平衡句子或是为了强调而进

17、行的倒装。“地”指地点副词或短语(here, there, in the front of)位于句首的倒装。“方”指方位副词(in, out, up, down, away)位于句首的倒装。练习:小试身手1. and caught the mouse. A. Up the cat jumped B. The cat up jumpedC. Up jumped the cat D. Jumped up the cat2. and the lesson began. A. In came Mr. Brown B. Mr. Brown in cameC. In came he D. Came in

18、Mr. Brown3. On the wall two large portraits. A. hangs B. hang C. hanged D. are hanging4. Such the results of the experiments. A. is B. was C. are D. as be5. Now your turn to recite the text. A. there is B. has come C. comes D. will come6. the plane. A. Flew down B. Down flew C. Down was flying D. Do

19、wn flying7 “Where is your father?” “Oh, .” A. here comes he B. here does he come C. he here comes D. here he comes(二) 部分倒装全部倒装:引起全部倒装的成分(放句首) + V + 主语表语 + 系动词 + 主语部分倒装:引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + do/did/does + 主语 + V原形引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + can/could/might等情态动词 + 主语 + V原形引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + be动词(am, is, are, was, were

20、) + 主语 + 表语部分谓语放在主语之前,谓语的主体部分仍放在主语的面.(把be/助动词/情态动词 提前到主语的前面)I was moved was I moved he is allowed _he moved did he move he allowed _he moves does he move he allows _he has moved has he moved I have allowed _he had moved had he moved I had allowed _he will go will he go I can finish _1在疑问句中How are yo

21、u getting along with your work?/ Is this report written in detail?注:如疑问词作主语或者作定语修饰主语时,不发生倒装。2 so(也), nor/neither/no more(也不)所在句子通常表示前面一句话中的谓语所说明的情况同样也适用于另一句中的主语。1 so + v(助动词、be动词、情态动词) + 主语 表“主语也”He has been to Beijing, and so have I. = and I have been to Beijing, too.They went to the cinema yesterd

22、ay. 你也是 They are fond of this kind of cartoons. 我也是 2 nor/neither/no more + v(助动词、be动词、情态动词) + 主语 表“主语也不”He didnt see the film. 她也不 I am not into classical music. 他们也不 He cant operate the recorder. 我们也不 Man cant live without air or water. 动植物也活不了。 3 so +主语+ v(助动词、be动词、情态动词) 表“主语确实如此,的确如此” - He is st

23、udent. - So he is. - You went to the cinema with your friends yesterday. - So I did. - You forgot to turn off the lights when you left the office. - So I did. - Are you a stranger here? - So I am, and so is he.4 It is / was the same with sb/sth或 So it is/ was with sb/sth.In the past I was a student,

24、 but now I am a doctor. So it is with my brother.I like swimming but I dont want to swim today. It is the same with me.In order to pay off the debts, Kate worked hard day and night for ten years. So it was with her husband.区别: 1. She is a teacher. So is her mother. 2. She wants him to be a teacher.

25、He does so. 3. You say she is a teacher. So she is.You didnt do it, and nor/neither/no more did he. If you dont go, neither will I .I will go there tomorrow. So will she. =I will go there tomorrow, and so will she. =I will go there tomorrow; so will she. =If I go there tomorrow, so will she. 注意: 若前一

26、句含有fail或一些加前缀或后缀构成的含有否定意义的词(如dislike, disagree, careless, dishonest, unfit等),这些词虽然具有否定意义,但仍然是肯定形式的词,结构中仍使用so。例如: Tom failed to work out the problem, and so did I. 汤姆没能解决这个问题,我也没能。 注: eg. - It was cold yesterday. - So it was.The doctor told him to take the medicine every day, so he did.I like playing

27、 football and dont like playing basketball. So it is with Tom.练习:小试身手1. I dont think Jack will come today, . A. or Mary does B. Mary will either C. and Mary doesnt D. nor will Mary2. I didnt read the notice. . A. So did he B. Neither didnt he C. Nor did he D. He didnt ,too3. “They have done a good j

28、ob.” “ .” A. So they have done B. So they haveC. So have they D. So is it3 not, never, no, seldom, few, little, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely, nowhere, not once,no longer,等否定意义副词或其短语放在句首,主句要部分倒装。Little did he know who the woman was.Nowhere else will you find such magnificent bargains.Seldom does

29、he go to the cinema with his family.Never have I been to America.Not a word did he say at the meeting.No longer are they staying with us.改写句子:He barely has enough money to live on. Our parents seldom go to see the movie. I knew little that the police were after him. China will at no time first use n

30、uclear weapons. We shall by no means give up pursuing our goal. He has never read this book. I can do nothing.I knew little about German. 练习:小试身手1. Never in my life such a thing. A. I have heard of or seen B. I had heard of or seenC. have I heard of or seen D. did I hear of or seen2. Seldom TV during the day. A. they watch B. are they watching C. have they watched D. do they watch3. nor read English.A. Cant he either write B. He can nei

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