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1、英语测试题三年级英语单词听写_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _女孩 爸爸 妈妈嘴 椅子 桔子梨 课桌 尺子铅笔 四 七兔子 老鼠 矮的三年级口语测试题1. How are you ? Im fine ,thank you.2. Are you a girl? Yes, I am.3. This is Kitty . Shes thin.4. Who is she ? Shes my mother.5. My hair is long. My ears are small.6. How much are they? Ten yuan, please.7. This is my bed

2、. These are my books.8. Are these you books? Yes, they are.9. How many boys? Three boys.10. What is it? It is a rabbit.四年级英语单词听写下午 跳 饥饿的 姑(姨) T恤衫 医生 老师 教室 图书馆 胡萝卜 在。下面 堂兄(妹)超市 正方形 多云的在。旁 护士 办公室司机 多风的 四年级英语单词听写下午 写 饥饿的 叔叔 短裙 医生 老师 教室 图书馆 土豆 在。下面 公园超市 正方形 多云的在。上 鱼 办公室司机 高兴的 四年级口语测试题1. This is my broth

3、er. His name is Paul. Nice to meet you .2. Can you swim? No, I cant. What can you do? I can draw. 3. How are you ? Were tired.Are you happy? Yes, I am.4. Do you have any cousins? No, I dont have any cousins.5. She has a dress. Its red and white. Whos she? Shes Alice. 6.Is your mother a teacher? No,s

4、he isnt.What does your mother do? Shes a nurse.7. We have a computer room. There are many computers in it.8. What would you like? Id like some candy. Id like some orange juice too.9. Where are they? Theyre beside the box.10. Is there a park near your home?Yes,theres a park behind my home. 五年级英语单词听写

5、等一等 想要 喝纸 面条 蔬菜校服 便宜的 饥饿的午饭 老鼠(复数) 第二一百 四十 钱丛林 拼写 昆虫叶子(复数) 岛屿 五年级英语单词听写 等一等 想要 喝纸 面条 蔬菜校服 便宜的 饥饿的午饭 老鼠(复数) 第二一百 四十 钱丛林 拼写 昆虫叶子(复数) 岛屿 五年级口语测试题1. Can I have some sweets? No,you cant .Its dinner time.Can I watch television ? Yes, you can.2. What time do they eat dinner?They eat their dinner at half pa

6、st seven. They eat their fish.3. Do you like the yellow one ? I dont like the yellow one,but I like the red one. I want the green one.4. How much money have you got? Ive got eighty yuan.5. You cant play football here. Why not?Look at the sign.6. Some monkeys live in the jungle. They like fruit and l

7、eaves. They do not eat sweets. This one is eating a banana.7. Its a cocoon. How do you spell that in English?Whats a cocoon? Lets read the book.六年级英语单词听写去购物 总是 肯帮助的健康的 早餐 肉西红柿 进入 分钟电影院 到达 最后结束 牙医 因为年龄 小时 明天苦的 新鲜的六年级英语单词听写去购物 总是 肯帮助的健康的 早餐 肉西红柿 进入 分钟电影院 到达 最后结束 牙医 因为年龄 小时 明天苦的 新鲜的六年级口语测试题1. What do y

8、ou usually have for breakfast?I usually have a lot of fresh fruit. You diet is less healthy than my diet.2. Would you like some salad? Yes, please. No, thanks.Why not? I dont want any salad because its too sweet.3. What does this sign mean? We must not run.Where can we find it? We can find it on a r

9、oad.4. Joe lives far away from school. He goes to school by underground. It takes him about half an hour.5. Do you like your job? Yes, I do. Why?Because I like to make sick people better.When do you usually start work?I usually start work at half past eight in the morning.6. How are we going to get there? Lets go by bus.How much does it cost? Twenty yuan.When are we going to come back?We are going to come back at six oclock.7. Alice is my good friend. She is always friendly and helpful.She always works hard. She is never late for school. She never gets angry.

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