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1、上海市金山区届高三下学期质量监控二模数学1含答案昆明第一中学2014届高中新课程高三上学期期末考试英语试题审题:昆明一中高三命题组本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分120分,考试用时100分钟。注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚,并认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号及科目,在规定的位置上贴好条形码。 2每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试卷上的答案无效。第卷(选择题,共85分)第一

2、部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。lI wonder if you can lend me your camera? ,Im not using it anyhow. ASure, go ahead B I dont know CYes, I doubt DI really care2When the news came, the boys all became so excited, their hats into the air Ato throw

3、Bthrown Cthrowing Dwere throwing 3It is easy to learn English You need is to practice more and use it frequently ASomething BAll CBoth DEverything4In the company officeThe way you speak should circumstances Acare about Bmatch with Cmake up Dchange into5Susan doesnt think shell need any money but she

4、ll bring some Aafter all Bon purpose Conce again Din case 6These kinds of flowers are most beautiful, but very difficult indeed Ato plant Bto be planted Cplanting Dplanted7Any spring around?Well, Theres one just six kilometers away and the water a little hotAis feeling Bis felt Cfeels Dwill feel8 Th

5、e sales goal, or youre sure to lose the high salary job AIf you achieve BAchieve CAchieving DYou achieve9Wheres John, the pilot? He be drinking coffee in the rest room as usual Amust Bneed Cshould Dmight10My photography needs development all the way to becoming professionalThats really what you need

6、 to Atimely Beffective Cfurther Dnatural11Miss Long told me yesterday that the train to Shanghai at 8:30 in the morning Aleaves Bwas leaving Cwill leave Dleft12What puzzles them most is they can remember more wools in a short time Awhat Bthat Cwhere Dhow13Marry at the airport on time but she missed

7、the last bus because of taking an old man to hospital Awould arrive Bwould have arrived Cmay arrive Dhad arrived14MrHarvey and his daughter have asked me to their kind regards Adescribe Bexplain Ctranslate Dconvey15The gentleman we turned really gave us a hand when our car broke down Awith which Bfo

8、r whom Cto whom Dwithout which第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 My father passed away earlier this year, and I find myself recalling the good and not so good timesHe was once a taxi driverIt was a strange job for him as he 16 night blindness and he

9、 had a(n) 17 of heights, so his professional driving career did not last long One night, and long after hed stopped drivingDad 18 himself a taxi to his flatWhen it was time to settle the 19 , Dad passed the driver a note and the driver fumbled around(摸索)for the correct 20 from a small coin bagMy fat

10、her 21 the drivers frustration and told him to“ 22 ”while he walked quickly into his flatAfter a few moments, Dad 23 with a plastic coin dispenser(分币器)he had from his own 24 days“Take this,”he said to the driver, 25 hed once been a taxi driver, too“I have mo need for it 26 ”The driver was most 27 an

11、d told my father hed get a free far the next rime they met Twelve months later, my Dad 28 a taxi to head home after a Friday night outThe taxi driver looked at Dad 29 as he asked,“You dont remember me?”Dad was confusedThe driver 30 and shook his coin dispenser“Remember this?”The driver then reached

12、across and 31 the meter(计程器)with the words:“You 32 live at the same place?” The taxi driver kept his word and the free $20 fare would have been a small 33 to my DadBut most of all he was just truly 34 that the taxi driver had remembered him and his gesture from a year 35 16Aresulted in Bsuffered fro

13、m Cgave up Dlonged for17Ahappiness Bworry Cfear Dexcitement18Afound Brealized Ctold Dforced19Adestination Bdecision Cproblem Dfare20Achange Bdirection Cmove Dwords21Ahated Bcomforted Cnoticed Dcriticized22ATake off BLook out CWatch over DHang on23Awent Breturned Cjumped Dstarted24Adriving Btraveling

14、 Ccooking Dwalking25Aresisting Bexplaining Crequiring Ddoubting26Afaraway Beverywhere Canymore Dwherever27Aexcited Bworried Csad Dgrateful28Ajumped into Bran into Cpointed to Dwaved to29Awith a smile Bin pain Cwith satisfaction Din anger30Acame to Breached down Clooked back Dstood up31Asearched for

15、Bbrought out Cturned off Dmade out32Aeven Bstill Calready Dever33Aflat Btaxi Cbox Dbonus34Abitter Bdisappointed Cpleased Dhopeful35Alater Bahead Clate Dearlier第二部分 阅读理解(共两小节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASavlour of the lost(Singapore) When she was young,

16、 Nicole Ling was frightened of eatsThat all changed when a sick lost kitten wandered into her lifeLing,19 at the line, overcame her fears and look the ill animal to the vet(兽医)。When she realized the kitten would be must likely to be killed to stop suffering. Ling was heart-broken. Now 43, Ling has f

17、ought Singapores practice of gathering lost animals by rescuing and rehoming countless cats for over 20 years, taking a maximum 15 at a time, rehoming some of them first, and keeping the rest for herself. Millionaire street cleaner(China) What matters most to Yu Youzhen, a wealthy laudlord from Wuha

18、n City, China, is not the money shes made from wise building investments, but that her children can learn from her example. “I want to be a role model for my children,”Mrs. Yu told the Wuhan Evening News. “I dont want to sit around idly and eat up my fortune.”So, six days a week, the starts work at

19、3a, m. and works for six hours Teaching maths in a colorful classroom(South Africa) Maths teacher Wendy Lovett knows how to get kids interested in her subject. In 2011, Lovett went from the UK to South Africa to work at the Center of Science and Technology(COSAT).When she arrived. The walls of her c

20、lassroom were plain and boring. Her solution was to paint colorful shapes and graphs on the walls, and engage the students by getting them to make three-dimensional paper shapes hung from the ceiling. The result? An inspiring place to learn. The interest in maths changed overnight. “You look up and

21、see all these colors, and suddenly the answer just comes t your mind,”Sisippo, a tenth-grader at COSAT told PRLs The World radio program last July.36How did Ling get over her fear of cats? ABy receiving a treatment from the vet BBy realizing eats would be killed CBy rescuing and rehoming many cats D

22、By looking after a sick lost cat37The purpose for Yu Youzhen to be a cleaner is Ato make money to raise her children Bto get chances to buy a building Cto set an example for her children Dto make the street clean38Why did the students interest in maths change so quickly? ATheir teacher came from the

23、 UK BTheir teacher inspired their interest to learn CTheir teacher changed the walls of the classroom DTheir teacher had enough teaching experience39What do the three stories tell us? AWomen can do something better than menBStrong will can make a person great CReceiving is more valuable than giving

24、DEveryone can do something for othersB They are the clever, funny or special images that lighten up the home page of one of the worlds most-used search engines on random days throughout the yearGoogle Doodles celebrate everything from the New Year to Marconis birthday to the spring equinox(春分). Most

25、 are drawn by a small learn of designers working for or hired by GoogleEach year, Google invites school students in a number of countries to redesign the company logo based on a provided theme This year, he US Doodle 4 Google directions were simple: illustrate your best day ever. Out of 130.000 subm

26、issions, a learn of nine guest judgesincluding TV host Katie Courier and The Roots drummer Amhir Thompsonchose a touching six-part design by Sabrina Brady, 18, then a high school senior in Sparta, Wisconsin. In it, a little girl carrying a small American flag runs towards a soldier, In the last part

27、, the soldier kneels down to hug the girl. Bradys little reads,“When I was ten yeas old, my Dad came home from war. This was the best day ever.” The design, titled“Coming Hone”, was the first major exhibition of her work for the keen art students, and it had an, audience of millions. But for Brady,

28、its the personal story that matters. She recalled welcoming her father back from an 18-month period in lraq, “With my Doodle, I tried to show how unreal it was when he came home.” For her design, Brady received a $ 30,000 college scholarship, a Google Chrome-book computer and other prizesSparta High

29、 School, from which Brady graduated after winning, received a $ 50,000 technology funding Its a tough competition to judge, says Google technologist Daniel Sieberg, part of the team that supervise(监督)the competition, but as soon as you see Bradys design, you can feel it.”40What do we know about Goog

30、le from the passage? A Google is the worlds most-used search engine. B All the Google Doodles are drawn by a team of designers C Google invites American students to redesign the company logo D Google is good at using gifted persons41This year, the theme of Google Doodles design competition is to . A

31、 show your school life B describe your war experience C picture your best day D express your love to Dad42According to the text, the winner of the competition is chosen by . A a group of nine guest judges B the students of Sparta High School C a small team of designers D a team that oversaw the competition43Why did Brady win the design competition? A Her design expressed peoples wish for peace B She was a student

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