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1、八上英语综合素质答案八上英语综合素质答案【篇一:2015年秋八年级上册英语期末综合能力复习卷】 class=txt完形填空 a most of the students in miss macleans dance class studied ballet(芭蕾舞) well,but judy couldnt ,but curtain(幕) went up and some children began to dance.when it was time for judy to dance,after that dance show judy gave miss maclean a big h

2、ug(拥抱( )1.a.him bher citdthem ( )2.a.and bbut calthough dif ( )3.a.spent bbought cplayed dbrought ( )4.a.loudly bhard cever dtogether ( )5.a.must bcould ccouldnt dcould ( )6.a.teach bstay cworry dread ( )7.a.sisters bcomputers cchildren dfriends ( )8.a.from bat cin dto ( )9.a.bad bfree cwonderful dl

3、azy b emma came back home and threw(扔) her soccer ball on the floor.she was very sad.her father asked her emma said,“nothing.” her father asked,“are you mother?she is out on business(出差)she is coming back next week.” emma said.“” “tommy is so _4_.he didnt let me play soccer with him _5_i was a girl.

4、i wish i were a boy,”said emma with tears(眼泪her father said,“emma,you want to play soccer,you should convince(说服) tommy to let you play with him.keep he ,he will be happy.” ?she went to play soccer with tommy. ( )1.a.problem bweather cday dbird ( )2.a.saying bmissing cplaying dasking ( )3.a.program

5、breason cstreet dmeal ( )4.a.nice boutgoing cbad dcreative ( )5.a.because bif cbut dand ( ) bon cin dfrom ( )7.a.want bhelp cfeel dmake ( )8.a.taking btrying csinging dhelping ( )9.a.teacher bsinger cplace dreporter ( )10.a.talented btired csad dyoung c linda felt that her life was so boring.s

6、he wanted to do something different.suddenly,she saw a lawn mower(割草机) linda said,“i will mow the lawn.”her mother said,“” linda said,“im ten years old.and i know how to do it.if i do it now,my father wont need to do it this weekend.” ,“” later than day,“thank you for helping me mow ” her mother sai

7、d,“i didnt do that,linda did it.her father said,“wow!” ( )1.a.tired bbusy cold dyoung ( )2.a.bought bdecided cforgot dtraveled ( )3.a.if bso calthough dbecause bhis cher dtheir ( )5.a.finished bate csaw dput( ) bmedicine cspoons dwater ( )7.a.angry bsurprised cserious dsuccessful ( )8.a.fou

8、nd bleft ccame dmissed ( )9.a.tuesday bthursday cfriday dsunday ( )10.a.going out bgrowing up clooking after dfalling down d its well-known that new years resolutions dont have a high success rate(成功率)but why do people make one reason is the idea of beginning of a year gives people a fresh start.the

9、 idea of making ,and new year give many people making new years resolutions can go as far back as babylonian times. its said that its to make a new years resolution. people keep making resolutions every year they dont always follow through in the end,but the fact is they try to improve themselves an

10、d become better. ,but as last didnt make a resolution. ( )1.a.predictions bresolutions ccompetitions dpreparations ( )2.a.starting btrusting corganizing drefusing ( )3.a.talent bexperience cevent dreason ( ) bhim cthem dus ( )5.a.advise bbelieve cexpect dwonder ( ) bon cof dfor ( )7.a.go

11、od bcareless ccreative ddifficult ( )8.a.because bor cso dthough ( ) bchoose caccept dquestion ( )10.a.outgoing bsuccessful cpopular dfriendly e hi,my name is bo woo studying in a middle school in south carolina,usa.last year,our sister ,south 3:40 pin the next days,bikes,rode the wa

12、ter slide (滑梯i spent 3 nights and 4 days at the camp.i friends with some south korean boys and girls.i go to summer camp every year,camp like this next year. ( )1.a.workers bparents cstudents dteachers ( )2.a.experiences bjobs cfriends ddreams ( )3.a.on bby cin dwith ( )4.a.somebody banybody ceveryb

13、ody dnobody ( )5.a.meals bshows craces dactivities ( )6.a.rode bcleaned cbought ddiscussed ( )7.a.favorite bworstclast deasiest ( )8.a.interesting bscary crelaxing dunlucky ( )9.a.invited bhelped casked dmade ( )10.a.although bso cbut dif 阅读理解 a dear lin li, im glad to get a letter from aske

14、d me something about british,im going to tell you what i usually eat every day. i usually have bread and eggs for breakfast.mum prepares milk for me and tea or coffee for dad. seven out of ten students have lunch at school.the school dining hall has different kinds of favorite food

15、for lunch is sandwiches.i dont like hamburgers.some students take lunch boxes to the boxes there are usually sandwiches,biscuits and some fruit. supper is the most important meal in a day from monday to friday.mum cooks very good dishes.we oftenhave meat and vegetables.i like tomatoes,carr

16、ots and potatoes.but at weekends,our biggest meal is in the middle of the day.we also have meat and vegetables,but sometimes we have fish and chips or rice.i also like chinese food.please write to tell me something about it! yours, mark ( )1.mark often has_in the morning. abread,eggs and fruit beggs

17、,bread and milk crice,fish and tea dbread,vegetables and coffee ( )2.from monday to friday,70% of the students have lunch_. aat home bat school cat restaurants dat supermarkets ( )3.mark doesnt like_. asandwiches btomatoes ccarrots dhamburgers ( )4.mark is from_and lin li is from_. abritain,japan bj

18、apan,china cbritain,china dchina,britain ( )5.what can we know from the passage? amark takes his lunch box to school every day. bsupper is marks biggest meal in a week. cmarks dad cooks for his family. dmark writes about his three meals in the letter. b i am a teacher in a middle school.i have a goo

19、d friend called mr.white.he is the head of an office.hes often busy and has no time to do the housework.his wife knows him well and does all at home. unluckily,their daughter rose was hurt in a traffic accident two weeks ago,and had to be in hospital.mrs.white had to look after her there and she cou

20、ldnt look after mr.white often ate in he never did any cleaning,the rooms were all in a mess(混乱) yesterday morning,before mr.white got up,the telephone rang.he sat up to answer it.his friend tony told him to write down an important telephone number.but he could not find

21、a pen or a piece of paper.he found there was much dust(灰尘) on the table and wrote the number on it with his finger.but soon he forgot about it and went to work.【篇二:人教版八年级英语上册单元检测题及答案】t一、单项填空(第小题1分,共15分) 1popular songs? a.singb.singing sing d.sing 2. please look after your .,health b.he

22、althy,,healthy d.healthy,health 3. it?s timeour class,now. a.begin begin c.for beginning beginning 4.“60% of students like reading english books.”means“ a. all b.most 5. mrs green doesn?t come to the party.she has toa. look at b.look for c.look like d.look after ?

23、 a. eating eat 7. he doesn?t stop workingly hard-working. b.because c.althoughd.but a.much too,too much b.too much,much too c.too much,too much d.much too,much too a.something b.anythingc.improving d.everything my english? improve b.improve c.improving d.improved a.ever

24、y eveningat every eveningc.every evening a.a,the b.the,the c.the,a out of the window. a.looks seeing health. b.atc.tod.for 二、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分.) hey is very fat.he can?t walk fast for a long time and he often feels tired. he wantsand

25、runs in the be is thinner than before. hey?s cousin,susan,is thin get thin get fat 17.a.many b.much c.few d.little 18.a.water b.fruitc.sugard.vegetables b.makec.gived.bring exerciseb.exercisesc.some exercise d.some exercises 21.a.swims b

26、.swimc.swimming swim d.than 23.a.himselfb.herself c.self d.themselves b.did c.doing d.does 25.a.healthier b.healthc.healthyd.healthiest 三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分。) amaggie was 27 years old and she was a nurse.she was very kind,and all her patients liked her very much. one day s

27、he was out shopping when she saw an old woman waiting to cross a busy street all. maggie wanted to cross the street,too,so she went over to help the woman.when maggie was near her,she suddenly laughed and said,“mrs were my patient in the hospital last year!” mrs herman was very pleased to

28、 see her. “i?ll help you cross the street,mrs herman,”maggie said. “oh,thank you very much,maggie,”mrs herman said,and she started to cross the street. “no,no,mrs herman,”maggie said quickly.“wait!the light is still red.” 26.what was maggie? a.she was young. b.she was a nurse. c.she worked very hard

29、.d.she was happy all the time. . a.she was twenty-seven years old b.she eorked in a big hospital c.she could play the piano very well d.she was kind to them 28.mrs herman was one of maggie?sin the past. a.patientsb.classmates c.students d.teachers when she met her. away b.tell mrs herman to go

30、 home some shopping with the old woman mrs herman cross the street . a.was bright b.was red c.was green d.went out b can you imagine a life without french fries?potatoes are very popular today.but in the past this was not true.potatoes grew insouth america five thousand years ago.but the

31、y only becae popular in other places two hundred years ago. in the 1800s,people started to eat ireland(爱尔兰),potatoes became the main food.then in 1845,a disease(疾病)killed all the pltatoes in ireland.two million people died of hunger. today,each country has its potato dish.germans eat potato salad,and the united states has the baked potato,and of course frenchmen invented french french fries are popular all over the world.

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