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定语从句 专讲专练.docx

1、定语从句 专讲专练 定语从句专讲专练 第一讲1、导入:2、幽默小火花 Money is not everything. Theres MasterCard & Visa.viz n. (护照等的)签证,背签,入国许可;(表示同意、批准的)签字,签名 vt. 给签证,签发(护照);签准亦作 vis 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡. One should love animals. They are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃. God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends. 神决定了谁是你的亲戚,幸

2、运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。3、新授:【专题讲解】考点一正确区分关系代词that, which, who, whom及所有格whose That 除了定语都可以Which 指物做主宾Who 指人做主语Whom 指人做宾语Whose 指人指物做定语*典型例题.(09天津)A person _ e-mail account is full wont be able to send or receive any e-mails.A. who B. whom C. whose D. whoever【解析】C 考查定语从句的用法。分析先行词和定语从句的关系发现先行词在定语从句中作定语,故选C符

3、合。重点区别:that与which指物时的区别。当先行词是物时,that和which一般可以换用,但在下列情况下一般常用that:1 当先行词为不定代词时,如:anything, nothing, everything, all, any, (a) little, (a) few, none, much, one。注意:something作先行词有时可用which。*典型例题(10湖北77)My mother was so proud of all _(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do)答案:that I had don

4、e考点:定语从句解析:先行词是 “all”的时候,定语从句只能由 “that”引导,又因为主句是一般过去时,“我”所做的事情是过去已经完成的事情,所以要用过去完成时。*典型例题(10全国16)I refuse to accept the blame for something _was someone elses fault. A. who B. that C. as D. what答案:B考点:定语从句。解析:不定代词something作主语,用that引导。2当先行词被all, any, every, each, few, no, some修饰时。3当先行词被the very, the o

5、nly, the same, the last修饰时That is the only way that leads to your success .那是通向你成功的唯一之路。 4当先行词被序数词或形容词的最高级修饰时This is the most impressive TV theater that has never been put on show before . 这是以前从未上演过的最有感染力的电视剧。 5当先行词中既有人又有物时。6当先行词是who或which时。但在下列情况下一般用which而不用that:1引导非限制性定语从句。*典型例题(2008江苏) The Scienc

6、e Museum, _ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of Londons tourist attractions Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhere 解析:答案为A。句意:在最近一次去英国的旅游中,我们参观了科技博物馆,它是伦敦的旅游景点之一。which引导非限制性定语从句,在定语从句中作visited的宾语,修饰先行词The Science Museum,that不可用于非限制性定语从句,what不可引导定语从句。*(2007浙江) Chans restaurant on Baker Street, _

7、 used to be poorly run, is now a successful business. Athat Bwhich Cwho Dwhere解析:答案为B。句意:Chan的饭店坐落在Baker街上,过去经营得不好,现在成功了。这是一个典型的非限制性定语从句,先行词是restaurant,where是个陷阱项,从句缺少的是主语,where在从句中只能作状语,故不能选。正确选项为B。2在“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中。(如果介词不提到关系代词前,而是放在定语从句句末时可用that)*典型例题(09陕西)Gun control is a subject Americans hav

8、e argued for a long time.A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which【解析】C 考查定语从句,先行词是Gun control,指物,关系词在从句中做介词的宾语,介词前置,介词与从句动词构成搭配argue about sth,选C。考点二:正确区分关系代词(that或which)与关系副词when(表时间),where(表地点),why(表原因)解题技巧:关系副词在从句中作状语,关系代词在从句中作主语、宾语、表语。*典型例题(2008安徽)All the neighbors admire this fami

9、ly _the parents are treating their child like a friend Awhy Bwhere Cwhich Dthat解析:答案为B。句意:邻居们都羡慕这个家庭,在这个家庭中父母对待孩子像对待朋友一样。考查引导定语从句的关系词,先行词为this family,代入定语从句后为:The parents are treating their child like a friend in this family由此可知,先行词在定语从句中作状语,故where或in which为正确答案。*典型例题(2008 重庆)They will fly to Washin

10、gton,_they plan to stay for two or three days Awhere Bthere Cwhich Dwhen解析:答案为A。句意:他们将乘飞机去华盛顿,他们打算在那里呆两到三天。本题考查非限制性定语从句。先行词为Washington,代入定语从句后为they plan to stay in Washington for two or three days由此可知,先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where。5.(09浙江)I have reached a point in my life _ I am supposed to make decisi

11、ons of my own.A. which B. where C. how D. why【解析】B 考查定语从句关系副词的选择。分析句式in my life为插入成分;point为先行词,在定语从句中先行词做地点状语,意思为“我应该做出我自己决定的地方(某一点)”考点三:对介词后接关系代词而不接关系副词的考查:介词后用which还是whom;以及介词如何确定解题技巧:既然介词后接宾语,自然用(关系)代词,而不用副词(因副词常作状语,不作宾语);先行词指物,用“介词 + which”,指人用“介词 + whom”,且两个关系代词均不可省略;介词的选取必须遵循“一先,二动,三意义”的原则,即:(

12、1)与先行词搭配;(2)与定语从句谓语动词搭配;(3)与整句话的含义搭配。*典型例题(2008 福建) By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, _ appeared a rare rainbow soon Aof which Bon which Cfrom which Dabove which解析:答案为D。句意为:到九点止,所有的奥运火炬手都登上了珠峰峰顶,很快一道奇特的彩虹显现在山顶的上方。从题意可知,rainbow应显现在山顶上方,故用介词above。B选

13、项on不对,on表示“在上面”,往往和所指物体表面接触,above指在某物的上方。*典型例题(2008 上海)We went through a period_ communications were very difficult in the rural areasAwhich Bwhose Cin which Dwith which解析:答案为C。句意:我们经历了一个乡村地区通讯难的时期。a period为先行词,代入从句中为communications were very difficult in the rural areas in the period。由此可见,先行词在定语从句中作

14、介词in的宾语,故C正确。考点四:定语从句和强调句型混台考查解题技巧:做题时,应分清句子结构。另外,强调句型可以还原,而定语从句则不可。其次,强调句型的引导词that或者who只起引导词的作用,而定语从句的引导词不只起引导作用,还在定语从句中作一定的成分。*典型例题(2007 山东) Where did you get to know her? It was on the farm_ we worked Athat Bthere Cwhich Dwhere 解析:答案为D。句意:你在哪儿认识她的? 在我们工作的农场。本句是省略了that从句的强调句型,在被强调部分中的名词farm后有一个定语从

15、句。补充完整后,该句应为:It was on the farm (where We worked) that I got to know her考点五:which和as引导的非限制性定语从句指代整个句子的区别解题技巧:1. as作关系代词指代整个句子,引导的非限制性定语从句可以位于句首、句中和匀末,译成“正如,正像”。which作关系代词也指整个句子,但从句不能位于句首,译成“这”。2.关系代词指整个句子时,as后可接“-ed”分词构成省略的定语从句,而which不能。3.在下列结构中多用as引导非限制性定语从句:as everybody can see, as we all know, as

16、 is well known, as we had expected, as often happens, as has been said before。*典型例题(2006 江苏)The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and employ more people to keep it running, _ meant spending tens of thousands of pounds Awho Bthat Cas Dwhich解析:答案为D。句意:那家电影院的主人需要大胆创新并雇佣更多的人来使电影院运

17、转,这意味着要花费数万英镑。此处是非限制性定语从句,不能用that引导。as表示“正像,正如”,不符合题意。which指上文一句话的意思,译成“这”,故选择D。*典型例题(2008 全国II)The road conditions there turned out to be very good,_was more than we could expect Ait Bwhat Cwhich Dthat解析:答案为C。句意:结果那儿的路况很好,出乎我们的预料。which用于引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的情况。由逗号可知,本句不是并列句,排除A项;what不引导定语从句;that不引导非限制性定

18、语从句。*典型例题(2008 福建)who should be responsible for the accident? The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _.A. as told B. as are told C. as telling D. as they told解析:答案为A。句意:谁应该对事故负责?是老板,不是工人,他们仅仅是按告知的指令行事,as told 是as is told 的省略形式。as的意思是“正如,按照”。考点六:that引导定语从句和名词性从句的区别解题技巧:关系词that引导定语

19、从句时,做成分,有意义,不省略。连词that引导名词性从句时,不做成分,无意义,除直接跟在动词后引导宾语从句时可以省略外,一般不能省略。另外,同位语从句是对名词内容的解释与说明,定语从句是对先行词的修饰和限定。*典型例题(2008陕西)Tomorrow is Toms birthdayHave you got any idea_ the party is to be held?Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhere解析:答案为D。句意:明天是汤姆的生日。你认为晚会应当在哪里举行? where引导一个同位语从句,并在同位语从句里作地点状语。*典型例题(2006 安徽)A warm t

20、hought suddenly came to me_ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday Aif Bwhen Cthat Dwhich解析:答案为C。句意:我脑海中突然出现了一个温情的念头,用我的零花钱给妈妈买些鲜花作为她的生日礼物。本题考查名词性从句的用法。I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday不缺任何成分,因此用that。本题a warm thought与其同位语从句被sud

21、denly came to me隔开,增加了试题难度。此外,部分考生由于对名词性从句和定语从句区分不清楚,误选D项。考点七:定语从句中加入插入语解题技巧:插入语紧接关系词之后。解题时应注意将插入成分取出,从而化解难题。能用作插入语的句子有:I am sure, I believe, I think, I know, I suppose, I hope, Im afraid, you see, whats more, that is to say, as we know, as I see, believe it or not等。*典型例题13(2005 福建,35)Is that the sm

22、all town you often refer to? Right, just the one_ you know I used to work for years Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhat解析:答案为C。you know 插入语,可以把它去掉。先行词是the one (the town),把先行词代入定语从句为:I used to work in the town for years,由此可判断,先行词与in连用作地点状语,所以用关系副词where,不能把you know 看成是定语从句。考点八:分割定语从句的考查解题技巧:根据句子的意义找到定语从句和它的先行词,

23、让定语从句紧跟先行词,然后根据定语从句中缺少什么成分来确定选用关系代词还是关系副词。*典型例题(2008 山东)Occasions are quite rare_ I have the time to spend a day with my kids Awho Bwhich Cwhy Dwhen解析:答案为D。句意:我一整天都和孩子待在一起的这种机会是很少的。when引导的从句作Occasions的定语,整个句子调整一下顺序为:Occasions when I have the time to spend a day with my kids are quite rare这样就很容易理解了。*

24、典型例题(2008 江西)Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers_ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law Awhere Bwhen Cwho Dwhich解析:答案为A。句意:后来,在这个章节中,消费者的抱怨已产生了法律方面的一些变化,这些案例将会介绍给读者。句中由where引导的定语从句修饰其前面的cases,构成in the cases,主句是cases will be introduced to readers,出现了定语从句的分隔现象。E

25、xercises:1.There are three bedrooms in the house,_ is Marys. A the smallest of which B the smaller of which C the smallest of them D the smallest one 2.The Greens will move into the new house next Monday,_ it will be completely finished.A by the time B by which time C by that time D by this time 3.A

26、lice has a large collection of phone,_ was taken in london.A none of them B no one of which C all of which D none of which4.With the fast development of agriculture, the people _ village I taught before lived a happy life.A who B whose C in whose D in which 5.There is a moutain _ the top is always c

27、overed with snow.A whose B of which C its D that 6.She may have missed her train, in _ case she wont arrive for another hour.A what B that C which D this 7.1)I have three children,and two of _ are doctors.2)I have three children, two of _ are doctors.8.There two thousand students in our school,_ are

28、 girls.A two-thirds in which B two-thirds in them C two-thirds of them D of whom two thirds 9.I have bought two ballpens,_ writes well. A neither of them B none of them C neither of which D none of which (1-6ABDCBC 7-9B DDC)特殊结构定语从句点击1. These houses are sold at such a low price _ people expected. A.

29、 like B. as C. that D. which 2. Ive never heard so interesting a story _ you told me. A. as B. that C. of which D. about which 3. Ive seen the same film _ you saw yesterday. A. that B. which C. as D. like 4. Ill buy the same coat _ you wear. A. that B. which C. as D. like 5. He made another wonderfu

30、l discovery, _ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think is 6. _ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It B. As C. That D. What 7. This is the first time _ he has been here. A. that B. when C. at which D. which 8. I dont like _ you speak to her. A. the way B. they way in that C. the way which D. the way of which 答案与简析: 1. B。当先行词被such修饰时,定语从句用as引导,即构成结构为such+(a/an)形容词名词as引导的定语从句,意为.像.一样的。整个句子意为:这些房屋以人们原来估计的那样低的价格出售。

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