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2、况这一影响高等教育机会获得的核心变量进行分析,探讨了教育资源配置不均衡对社会公平所造成的不利影响。本文通过研究认为,教育确实具有促进社会公平的极大作用,但必须建立在基础教育资源的均衡配置和高等教育机会的公平获取的基础之上。关键词:社会公平;作用机制;教育收益率;高等教育机会;教育资源配置;A Review on the relationship between education and social equityAbstract: Education has always been seen as a powerful way to promote social equity during

3、the past centuries. However, education as a promoter of social equity never acts automatically. It needs the appropriate supporting institutional conditions from the society. This paper attempts to explore the function of the education carried to promote the social equity base on the empirical studi

4、es from the academic community. The paper first analyzes the concept and the basic content of social equity, and the way of the education attribute to the social equity. Second, this paper exams the rate of educational return, which is the core element of social mobility. Third,paper analyzes the op

5、portunities for higher education among different social groups. Fourth, the paper explores the allocation of public educational resources. In this paper, studies suggest that education does have a significant role in promoting social equity, but it only can be achieved by a balanced allocation of re

6、sources for basic education and equitable access for higher education opportunities.Keywords: Social Equity;Mechanism;Rate of Educational Return;Higher Education Opportunities;Educational Resource Allocation;一、问题的提出教育与社会公平二者之间的关系,长期以来都是学术界关注的核心话题之一。一般认为,教育具有促进社会公平的作用,特别是在人类社会走向工业化社会以来,教育在社会生活中扮演着越来越

7、为重要的角色,甚至已经成为个人获得自身经济和社会地位不可或缺的关键要素。正如美国教育社会学家科林斯所指出的,“在现代美国,教育在取得职业成就的过程中已变得极为重要。因此,在分析产生社会分层和社会流动的原因时, 教育占据了中心地位。”近年来,在我国社会主义市场经济体制不断完善、劳动力市场的市场化程度日益提高的宏观背景下,随着我国基础教育课程改革的深入和高等教育大众化进程的加快,教育在促进社会公平的作用问题,再次成为学术界探讨的热点问题。然而,在已有的诸多相关论著中,要么将教育视为天然的促进社会公平的工具,进而采取批判的视角对当前教育系统中存在的各种问题进行抨击;要么单单基于各类统计数据,从指标上




11、体表现为教育的成层过程,即“社会成员因具有不同的教育程度, 而对社会地位、社会财富、权力、文化和职业进行再分配,使新的阶级和阶层得以形成的过程。”在这一过程中,教育所扮演的角色就是将接受过不同层次教育的社会成员,输送到相应的职业中去。在这些职业中,该社会成员所掌握的政治资源、经济资源和社会声望等因素,进而决定了该社会成员所处的社会地位。因此,教育作为社会分层的发生器,决定着社会成层和社会流动的过程。正如美国知名的社会学者索罗金所指出的,“学校是使人从社会底层向社会上层流动的电梯,学校通过考试来进行选拔,从而决定人们的社会地位”。国内学者李强以非常独到的观察指出,“自古以来,中国教育制度的首要功




15、此,要探讨教育对社会公正的作用机制,其中最为核心的切入点,在于分析教育对个人经济收入的影响关系。因此,这样一来,我们关注的焦点就可以转向对教育收益率的探讨。Third、 The returns on education: Core elements analysis of social mobility As to research and explore on social equity, social scholars have long been out of the metaphysical debates stage, and further step to carry out a

16、lot of empirical research stage. The social status of the society members whether gets from acquired efforts or decided by congenital birth, that is, what is first ascribed factors or after induced factors determines the social status of the society members, which is a fundamental question when to e

17、xplore social equity. Generally speaking, in a closed society, the first ascription rule is the main social mobility rules; while in a open society, after induced rules is a major social mobility rules. Some scholars have pointed out that what determines the society members social status most is eco

18、nomic reasons. Hence Social stratification research is the differences of interests between individuals, between groups, especially the differences of the economic interests; this involves the most fundamental problem of the classification of social groups. .dissect human behavior from the economic

19、and material interests, is the most deep-seated of the anatomy. Therefore, to discuss the education mechanism for social justice, one of the most central entry point, is to analyze impact of education on personal income. Thus, the focus of our attention can be turned to the returns on education.关于教育


21、。 As to the returns on education, foreign scholars have conducted a lot of research. The study is carried out by the researchers of education in economic circles. Since the 1970s, the experts of the World Bank used the internal rate of return to measure the return on investment in education, and thu

22、s derived the important policy advice for educational development, consequently, the internal rate of return of education become a focus concern in the field of Education and economic circles. So far, both in China and abroad, the research about internal rate of return of education have achieved ric

23、h results, these findings, especially the domestic research, provided a basis of solid empirical data for the discussion of this paper. According to some domestic research about the returns on higher education shows, since the reform and opening up, the returns Chinas higher education present a cons

24、tantly rising trend, at the same time, the level of education and income increase become a significant positive correlation明瑟收益率是用来衡量就业者收入随着教育程度的提高而增加的对比率,其含义是:在相同工作年限的条件下,多接受一年教育的就业者收入比未接受该年的就业者的收入增加的比率。国内较早的一份研究是李实、李文彬进行的关于1998年城镇职工教育明瑟收益率的研究,该研究表明,中国教育的总体明瑟收益率为3.8%,其中小学、初中、高中、和大学教育明瑟收益率分别为:2.7%、3

25、.4%、3.9%和4.5%。 The Mincer yield is used to measure the income of employed persons with higher levels of education and increased contrast ratio, and its meaning is: accept employment income for the year of education than those without the acceptance of the conditions of the same work experience, mult

26、i increase the ratio of employment income. The earlier a study Li Shi, Li Wenbin study, which showed that Chinas overall education Mincer rate of return of 3.8% on the 1998 urban workers education Mincer yield, its primary and secondary schools, junior high school, high school and university educati

27、on Mincer yield: 2.7%, 3.4%, 3.9% and 4.5%, respectively.陈晓宇、陈良焜以1996年中国国家统计局城市社会调查总队对在浙江、广东、湖北、辽宁、四川、甘肃和北京七省市4797户、15012人的入户调查数据为基础,计算教育的明瑟收益率。数据分析表明,对于同等工作年限的就业者而言,多受一年教育者收入增加5.33%,其中,初中程度就业者的明瑟收益率为3.53%,高中程度的明瑟收益率为4.9%,中专程度就业者为5.67%,大专为5.9%,大学本科为8.23%。同时,该研究通过对相关数据的分析表明,从国际比较的角度来看,中国高等教育收益率相对偏低,但

28、正处于明显提高的趋势之中。随着接受教育程度的提高,就业者的收入水平是得到显著提高的。 Chen Xiaoyu, Chen Liang Kun based on data of survey of 15,012 people in seven provinces and cities in Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hubei, Liaoning, Sichuan, Gansu and Beijing 4797 made the by urban society of Chinas National Bureau of Investigation Corps in 1996, c

29、omputing the Mincer returns of education . The data analysis shows that, for equivalent work length employment, with one more year educators income increased by 5.33%, junior high school level Mincer returns of 3.53%, the high school level Mincer rate of return of 4.9%, secondary degree of 5.67%, ju

30、nior college of 5.9%, college undergraduate to 8.23%. At the same time, the study through the analysis of the data showed that, from the perspective of international comparison, the returns of higher education in China is relatively low, but it is in a trend of significantly improving. As to accept

31、higher levels of education, the level of employment income is significantly improved.目前,学术界关于教育的个体收益情况的大量研究表明,改革开放以来,随着社会开放程度的不断深入和经济生活市场化水平的日益提高,教育对个体经济和社会成员的促进作用表现得越来越为明显,教育促进个体向上的社会流动的作用日益得到彰显。当然,教育对社会成员所带来的收益,不仅仅是经济上的收益。目前,接受某种程度的教育已经成为政府部门、科研机构、知名企业等主要劳动力市场招聘的基本前提条件,而进入这些工作单位,受教育者还能够获得政治资本、社会资本

32、及文化资本方面的收益,这些收益显然不能通过经济收益来直接衡量的。那些最终得到这些优势职位的社会成员,无疑在很大程度上实现了向上的社会流动。然而,谁能够拥有接受优质高等教育资源的机会,谁能够在优势职位竞争中脱颖而出,则是值得进一步分析的。At present, large numbers of studies about individual returns of education made by academia have shown that, since the reform and opening up, with the increasing deepening of the ope

33、n society and economic life of market-oriented level is increasing day by day, the facilitation of education on individual economic and social members become more obvious. Education promoting individual upward social mobility role is getting reveal. Of course, the returns of education to the society members is not only eco

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