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1、河北省专接本公共英语知识点1. adopt:采纳,通过,收养adapt=adjust:调整适应 oneself to sth/doing sthadept:擅长 be at2. economy 经济economical:节约的economic:经济的3. imagine 想象imaginary 虚拟的imaginative: 想象力丰富的(修饰人)imaginable:可以想象的到的(修饰物)beyond ones imagination超出.的想象4. take,花费it take do sth spend, 花费 sb spend . on sth/doing sth cost

2、, 花费 sth cost sbpay花费 sb pay. for sth5. empty,空的 指代里面没有物 vacant, 空的,表示无人占用 (座位,职位等) bare, 裸的或光的 表示没有衣物或草木遮盖(人,山等)blank, 空白的 表示某页上没有字迹 go blank(人大脑一片空白) hollow,中空的 (人)空虚的 bald 秃的 无毛的(人,鹰等)6. take to喜欢/in欺骗,接纳,衣服改小,吸收/up占用/after长的像/over接管,继任/on雇佣,从事 for把.看做/误认为.7. turn up声音调大,出现/down声音调小,拒绝/in

3、to转化成/off关闭/on打开/in上交8. break into破门而入/down损毁,破损/up拆散,驱散,分裂/off断绝关系9. come up with 想出put up with 忍受keep up with 与.同步catch up with 追上stand up for 捍卫live up to 达到,不辜负make up for 弥补look up to-look down upon 尊敬-藐视,小看add up to 加起来,合计add to 增加,有助于face up to 勇敢的面对10. give up放弃/in屈服(=yield)/out分发,发出(气味,热气等)

4、/off发出(蒸汽,光等)11. bring up养育/ about发生,产生/in引进12. catch fire 起火(强调动作)be on fire 着火(强调状态)put out fire 扑火set fire to 放火烧.fire at 对着.射击fire=dismiss=lay off 解雇13. take ones temperature 测量体温measure ones height/blood pressure 测量身高/血压weigh ones weight 测量体重14. run out 用尽(主语为物)run out of 用尽(主语为人)lack 缺乏(动词)lac

5、k of 缺乏(名词)be short of 缺乏(形容词)15. in case 以免,以防(后加句子)in case of以免,以防(后加词或短语或动名词)in the case of 至于,就.而言in no case 绝不16. arise 发生 (为不和物动词)arouse 引起,激发(和物动词)rise 上升,起床(不和物动词)raise 升起,养育,饲养(和物动词)17. consider 考虑 +doing sthconsiderable 大量的,相当多的considerate 考虑周全的,体贴的consider.as把.看做18. at a time 一次at one tim

6、e 曾经in time 和时on time 按时for the time being 暂时,目前at no time= in no way=by no means 绝不19. late 晚地(副词)迟到的(形容词,be for)later 之后 sooner or later迟早latter 后者,后者的last 最后的,上一个的lately 最近=recently20. be bound to 一定,注定be bound for 开往,驶往bindboundbound 装订,贴boundboundedbounded 跳跃21. rather than 而不是would/had rathert

7、han 宁可.也不would/had rather=would just as soon 宁愿(后接动词原形或句子但句子中必须是过去式)other than 除了=except=apart fromnone other than 正是.more than 多于22. instead 代替instead of 代替(后接名词,代词或动名词)23. despite 尽管(后接名词,代词,动名词或句子)in spite of尽管(后接名词,代词,动名词)24. literature 文化,文学literary 文化的,文学的literal 逐字的literate 有文化的(修饰人)illterate

8、无文化的liberal 自由的25. respect 尊敬,方面respectable 值得尊敬的(放在名词之前)respectful 对.有礼貌的(放在be动词之后)respective 分别的,个别的aspect 方面26. reserve, 预订,保留conserve, 节约,留用preserve 保护不受破坏,腌制deserve 值得27. receive 收到(客观)accept 接受(主观)28. be proud of=take pride in=pride oneself on 为.而骄傲29. prevent/stopfrom 阻止.去做hinder/prohibit.fro

9、m 妨碍.去做free.from 使.自由protect/shelter/keep.from 保护.不受.30. suspect/convict.of 怀疑某人某事convince.of 说服.accuse.of.=chargewith 指控.deprive.of 剥夺.inform.of 通知.remind.of 使.想起.rob.of 抢.cureof 治愈.relieveof 使.缓解.31. be sick/tired of 对.厌恶be tired from 因为.而疲惫be tired out 筋疲力尽be bored with = be fed up with对.厌恶32. in

10、 a word 总之in other words 换句话说have a word with 与.交谈have words with 与.争吵33. put off=delay=postpone 推迟(接名词或动名词)call off=cancel 取消pay off 偿还write off 一笔勾销leave off 停止set off=set out 出发,起身lay off 解雇34. lie-lay-lainlying 躺lieliedliedlying 撒谎laylaid-laidlaying 放置,下蛋35. as a result 结果as a result of .的结果resu

11、lt from= due to=owing to=because of 由于,因为result in=lead to =cause=give rise to 导致,引起36. by the way 顺便说一下in the way 以.的方式in no way 绝不under way 在进行中get in the way of 阻碍37. be popular with 受欢迎be particular about=find fault with 挑剔in particular 尤其38. particularly 尤其especially 尤其的,专门的specially 尤其的,专门的39.

12、 count on=rely on=depend on 依靠,指望account 账目account for 解释,占.比例take into account/consideration 把.考虑在内40. draw money 取钱draw up 起草,草拟draw on 利用41. pull in 车进站pull out 车出站,拔出check in 办理登记入住手续check out 办理离开手续42. be for-be against 支持-反对43. be made up of=consist of=be composed of 由.组成make up 占用,化妆,组成make f

13、or=head for=be bound for =leave for 开往,去往consist in=lie in=in that 在于exist 存在resist 反对44. decline ones invitation with thanks 谢绝.的邀请on the decline 下降-on the rise 上升45. at will 随意的at large 详细的at random 任意的at length 最终,终于at last 最后at least 至少at most 至多at intervals 时而at best 充其量,最好at ease 放松的,自由的at a l

14、oss 不知所措for good 永远46. in general-in detail 概括地-详细地generally/frankly/strictly speaking 一般/直白地/严格地说detailed 详细的47. contract 合同contact 联系keep in touch/contact with 与.保持联系lose touch with 与失去联系out of contact with 与失去联系48. concern 关系,关系concerning 关于=about=as tobe concerned about 对.关心be concerned/ associa

15、ted with=be connected/related/relevant to与.相关as far as . concerned 就.而言49. sense of humor 幽默感in a sense 在.意义上make sense 可理解,行的通common sense 常识sensitive 敏感的,过敏的sensible 明智的sentimental 多愁善感的50. either.or 或者.或者whetheror 是否,无论.还是neither.nor 两者都不51. likely 可能的(人,物或it 作主语)possible可能的(it 作主语)unlike 不像的disl

16、ike 不喜欢be like 像.(后接名词或代词)be alike 相像(后不接名词或代词)likelihood 可能性=possibility=probability52. quality 质量,品质qualify oneself for=be qualified for 能胜任.qualify as 作为.而合格quantity 数量quantify 给.定量53. raw material 原材料crude oil 原油54. origin 起源,出身original 原来的,最初的,原版的source 来源 of income/information 收入/信息来源resource

17、资源 natural 自然资源55. make out 认出=recognize=identifyfind out 找出,查明work out 解决,想出,算出=figure outstand out 突显stand for 代表=representbring out 吐露,取出single out 选出56. have access to 接触,利用accessible 可用的,可得到的feasible 可行的unavoidable 不可避免的=inevitableavailable可用的,可得到的capable 可能的,有能力的57. tell/distinguish .from 区分.与

18、.distinguish between.and. 区分.与.58. reward 回报 sb with sthaward 授予,给予 sb sth59. show up 出现,出席show off 炫耀60. prefer to=be willing to 愿意去做.prefer torather than 宁可.也不prefer doing/ doing/sth 喜欢做.胜过.to ones preferences= to ones tastes 适合某人的品味61. assemble 装备,装配,聚集assembly 集会 line装配线resemble 相似62. be d

19、ifferent 在.方面与.不同differ fromin在.方面与.不同be indifferent to 对.漠不关心be similar to 与.相似be the same as 与.一样63. altitude 海拔latitude 纬度attitude 态度64. on duty 值班on show/display 展示on average 平均起来on purpose 故意地65. be famous/known for 因为.而著名be famous/known as 作为.而著名be famous/known to 对.来说著名66. at the sigh

20、t/thought of 一看到/一想到out of sight 消失=diasppear=vanish67. spot=recognize=identify 识别,认出on the spot当场,在现场scenery spot 景点68. outline 轮廓,大纲deadline 最后期限headline标题underline下划线hotline热线69. affect影响(动词)effect效果,影响(名词)effective 有效果的efficient 效率高的take effective measures to 采取有效的措施去做.take strict actions to 采取严

21、厉的行为去.come into effect 产生in effect/fact=as a matter of fact事实上70. apply for申请apply to适用apply.to把.应用于be applied to.被应用于be applicable to适用.application 申请applicant申请人71. be based on基于.base . on基于.on the basis of基于.72. make the most/best of充分利用make full use of充分利用take advantage of 利用make fun of 捉弄=play

22、tricks onhave an advantage over 比.有优势73. contrast.with 把.与.进行对照in contrast to=on the contrary= by comparison相反、对照be contrary to与.相反compare.with 把.与.进行比较compare to把.比作.74. vary from. to.与.不同(前后为同一类或级别的词)range from.to在.范围内变化(前后为数字)transfer. 把.转移到.(指时间,空间,位置,职位的转移)transformfrom.to把转变/转化成transpl

23、ant:移植transmit:发射,发出transact:交易transparent:明显的75. be prior/superior/inferior/junior/senior to比优先/级别高/级别低/年轻/年长76. harm:伤害(侧重对身体健康的伤害)injure: 伤害(事故中德伤害)wound: 伤害(战争,刀,枪等)hurt: 伤害(心灵,精神伤害,侧重疼痛)77. do harm/good to 对有害/有益=be good/bad forbe harmful/ harmless to对有害/无害benefit sb.对.有益benefit from sth.从中受益be

24、 beneficial to对.有益78. acquaint oneself with:与相识be/become/get acquainted with与相识make the acquaintance of认识,理解79. see/regard/view/consider/ refer to/think of/look uponas把看作80. think/speak highly of高度评价81. on behalf of代表=representin ones honor以的名义keep an eye on留意turn a blind eye to对视而不见be on guard agai

25、nst提防by chance偶然=by accidentby mistake错误on occasions时而=now and then82. require:需要,要求(doing=to be done)inquire after/into=look into=investigate=examine调查acquire获得,习得,学到83. be/get rid of=give up=quit=abandon放弃,抛弃do away with =get rid of去除,废除go back on违背,背叛fall back on后退,转而依靠84. be involved in 被卷入,涉和be

26、 absorbed/ immersed/ emerged/ lost in 投身于,专注于be focused on 注意到be engaged in参加,从事=enter intobe devoted to投身于=devote oneself to85. be used /accustomed to 习惯于(+doing)used to过去(+do)be used as被用作.86. sign记号,符号,标志,迹象(名词)签字,签名(动词)signal信号signature签字(名词)87. rough:粗糙的,汹涌的tough:艰巨的,困难的cough咳嗽plough(plow)耕地88.

27、 see to 解决see to it that确保,注意when it comes to当提到=when speaking of89. for the sake of为了for ones sake看在.的份上at the cost of以.为代价at the mercy of在.支配下,任由.的摆布at the sight of一看到at the thought of一想到after a second thought又一想90. accident事故incident小摩擦,小事incidence发生率,发生affairs事件(love/currrent/pulic/private/inter

28、natinal)event重大事件,赛事,项目matter事件(指毛病,问题等)business公事,商业事务crash车辆等的撞击wreck船或飞机的失事91. in place在合适的位置-out of place不在合适的位置out of the place 怀疑take place发生take ones place代替=take the place of92 play a role/part in 起到.的作用/角色attach importance to重视=valueput emphasis on强调=emphasizetake. for granted把看作理所当然的事93. d

29、o sb a favor=give sb a hand=help sb给帮助in favor of=agree with 同意in ones favor对.有利94. by virtue of 通过=by means ofon account of因为,由于in light of按照,根据,鉴于in terms of就而言, 根据,依据come to terms with与.妥协95. it occur to sb that某人突然想起run into=come across=happen to meet偶遇be confronted with=encounter=be faced with面对96. solve=resolve=deal/cope with=work out=figure out解决,查明97. assure:使确信ensure:确保insure给上保险98. lose ones temper:发脾气lose heart灰心lose ones way迷路o

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