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1、七级英语上册79单元测试题_七年级英语上册79单元测试题听力部分(共20分) I. 听对话,从每小题4幅图画中选出与对话内容相符的一幅。(5分) II. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(5分) 1. A. big B. small C. short D. long 2. A. comedy B. thriller C. documentary D. action movie 3. A. funny B. scary C. interesting D. sad 4. A. school trip B. football game C. English party D. birthday pa

2、rty 5. A. January 15th B. February 5th C. March 15th D. April 5th III. 听对话,根据对话内容回答下列问题。(5分) 1. What color does John like? _ 2. Are they the same age? _ 3. What does the boy want to buy? _ 4. When is the volleyball game? _ 5. Does the boy like Beijing Opera? _ IV. 听短文,填词,每空填一词。(5分) I want to see a m

3、ovie with my friends this _1_. We love seeing movies, but we all like _2_kinds. I like to see thrillers, my friend Sam loves action movies and_3_, and my best friend, Lee, loves documentaries. Its _4_ to choose(选择) one to see. So we _5_ take turns(轮流) to choose the movie. 笔试部分(共80分) I. 语音。(5分) 选出划线部

4、分发音和其他三项不同的一项。 1. A. sure B. school C. bus D. desk 2. A. clock B. color C. cool D. climb 3. A. pants B. baseball C. sad D. relaxing 4. A. ninth B. trip C. favorite D.think 5. A. sweater B. runner C. dessert D. Robert II. 词汇。(5分) 根据句意和首字母,完成单词。 6. This T-shirt is twenty d_. 7. What c_ are your shoes?

5、 8. When is Lucys b_? 9. There are t_ months in a year. 10. Tom l_ like his father. III. 单项选择。(10分) 11. Oh, this shirt is nice. Ill _ it. A. look B. take C. bring D. see 12. Mike _ to buy a white bag. A. like B. want C. wants D. wants to like 13. -What do you think of _? -Its very hard. A. the twelv

6、eth lesson B. the lesson twelve C. twelve lesson D. the twelfth lesson 14. Do you like music? Yes, I do. _ its relaxing. A. But B. Because C. So D. But 15. _ your brother want to be an actor? A. Do B. Is C. Are D. Does IV. 单句改错,找出每句中的一处错误并改正。(10分) 16. How much is these black pants? 17. Do you need b

7、ags for sports and school? 18. We have a school trip on April. 19. Lets go to the movies. Sure. That sound interesting. 20. September is the nineth month of the year. . 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分) 21. The sweater _ (be) $15. 22. Its five. Lets _ (play) football. 23. Mum, I want _ (have) a party this evening.

8、 24. She _ (have) a computer game. 25. There _ (be) a book and two pencil cases on the desk. VI. 句型转换。(10分) 26. Can I help you? (改为同义句) _ can I do _ you? 27. English is my favorite subject. (用math改为选择疑问句句) _ is your favorite subject, English _ math? 28. I want to take photos with you. (变为一般疑问句) _ yo

9、u want to _ photos with _? 29. I like action movies because its very exciting. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ like action movies? 30. dont, its, I, great, think (连词成句) _. VII. 逻辑配对。 你能给下面的句子找到适当的答语吗?每句话限用一次。(10分) 31. What color is her coat? 32. What kind of movies do you like? 33. How much is the sweater? 34. Is i

10、t an apple or an orange? 35. Which is your father? 36. Where are my shoes? 37. Is that your brother? 38. How is Kate today? 39. When is your birthday, John? 40. Is there a pop concert? A. Its just 30. B. Its an apple. C. The man in a green sweater. D. Yes, it is. E. She is fine. F. It is red. G. The

11、y are under the bed. H. Sorry, I dont know. I. Action movies. J. Its March 24th. VIII. 阅读理解。(10分) Its half past nine now. Michael is still on the bed. He thinks its Sunday today. His father works behind the house. His mother cleans the rooms. Little Sandra, his sister, watches their grandma milks th

12、e cow(挤奶) under the tree. She asks Michael to take the basin(桶) of milk in the room. The boy hears her, but he doesnt answer. So Sandra comes into his bedroom and says, Get up, Michael. Grandma wants your help. Why dont you help her? asks the boy. She says Im too young. Michael gets up. But he finds

13、 a math book and reads, .six times(乘以) six is thirty-six; six times seven is thirty-seven. His mother is angry(生气) and says, What are you reading, Michael? I dont know. Arent you reading? Yes. But Im not listening. 41. Why doesnt Michael go to school? A. Because he isnt a student. B. Because he feel

14、s tired. C. Because its Sunday today. D. Because he waits for his father. 42. How many people are there in Michaels family? A. Therere four. B. Therere five. C. Therere six. D. Therere seven. 43. What does Grandma want Michael to do? A. She wants him to help her. B. She wants him to drink the milk.

15、C. She wants him to milk the cow. D. She wants him to do his homework. 44. _, so he begins to read the book. A. Michael is not good at math B. Michael does not have breakfast C. Michael does not hear his grandma D. Michael does not want to work 45. Michaels mother is angry because _. A. her son is s

16、till on the bed B. her son reads wrongly (错地) C. her son only likes playing D. her son does not listen to her . 写作。(10分) 请根据中、英文提示,写一篇短文,约50词左右。 中文提示:1. 今天是什么日子?2. 商店里有什么?3. 最好吃的月饼来自哪儿?4. 晚上全家干什么? 英文提示:October 1st, Mid-Autumn Day, many different kinds of, the nicest moon cakes, Guangdong, stay, in t

17、he open air, look at, eat _ _ _ 参考答案: 听力部分录音原文及答案 I. 1. W: When is your uncles birthday? M: It is September 18th. 2. W: Can I help you? M: Yes, please. I want to buy socks for myself. 3. W: Is this five dollars? M: No, its fifteen dollars. 4. W: Do you have School Day every year? M: Yes, we do. 5. W

18、: I like watching basketball games. M: I like it, too. (1-5 C A B B D) II. 1. This shirt is too long. 2. Alan doesnt like thrillers. 3. The story is very funny. 4. They have an English party. 5. I was born on February 5th. (1-5 D B A C B ) II. 1. W: Do you like blue, John? M: No, I dont like blue. I

19、 like green. 2. W: Im fourteen. How about you? M: Im fourteen, too. 3. W: Do you want to buy a T-shirt? M: Yes, I do. 4. W: Is the volleyball game in July? M: No, it isnt. Its in June. 5. W: I like Beijing Opera. Its very fun. M: I think so, too. (1. He likes green. 2. Yes, they are. 3. He wants to

20、buy a T-shirt. 4. Its in June. 5. Yes, he does.) IV. I want to see a movie with my friends this weekend. We love seeing movies, but we all like different kinds. I like to see thrillers, my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies, and my best friend, Lee, loves documentaries. Its difficult to cho

21、ose(选择) one to see. So we usually take turns(轮流)to choose the movie. (1. weekend 2. different 3. comedies 4. difficult 5. usually) 笔试部分 I. 1-5 ACBAC II. 6. dollars 7. color 8. birthday 9. twelve 10. looks III. 11. B. 当说想买某东西时,口语中常用Ill take it. 12. C. 想干某事是want to do sth. 注意主语是单数,所以want用第三人称单数形式。 13.

22、 D. 表示第.时,要用序数词。十二的序数词是twelfth。 14. B. its relaxing.是喜欢音乐的原因,所以连词用because。15. D. 主语是your brother,助动词用does。 IV. 16. B. is are因本句的主语是pants,所以应用are。 17. D. and or这里是表示选择,所以用or。 18. C. on in在月份前用介词in。19. D. sound sounds因主语是that,所以sound应用单数。20. C. nineth ninth nine的序数词应去掉e再加th。 V. 21. is 22. play 23. to

23、have 24. has VI. 26.What, for 27. Which, or 28. Do, take, me/us 29. Why do you 30. I dont think its great VII. 31-35 FIABC 36-40 GDEJH VIII. 41-45 CBADB IX. One possible version: Today is October 1st. And its also the Mid-Autumn Day. I go shopping with my parents in the morning. There are many different kinds of moon cakes in the shop. The nicest moon cakes are from Guangdong. We buy some fruit and moon cakes. On Mid-Autumn Day evening, we always stay in the open air with all the family members. We look at the moon and eat the moon cakes together. We are all very happy.

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