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1、s四年级王zuixin4Bunit1+语法+精炼精讲 副本 副本精锐教育学科教师辅导学案学员编号: 年 级: 课 时 数:3学员姓名:王 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课类型T音标学习C 4B单元知识点总结与复习巩固T期末综合拔高教学目标1.掌握单元的基础知识点并能熟练使用;2.掌握音标。授课日期及时段2013-7-2 10:10-12:10教学内容Garfield: Cats.Garfield: We cats are intelligent, soft, cute.intelligent: 聪明的 soft: 温柔的 cute: 可爱的Garfield: Furry cuddly.furry

2、: 毛茸茸的 cuddly: 抱着舒服的Garfield: Playful.playful: 爱玩耍的Garfield: Demure.demure: 娴静的Garfield: And masters of the house.masters: 主人 音素、音标的概念(1)音素是记录英语语音的最小单位,英语共48个音素,20个元音,28个辅音。(2)音标是记录音素的符号,现在我们用国际上通用的48个音标来记录英语语音。为了把音标与字母进行区分,常把音标放在 或者/ /里。音标的分类记录英语音素的48个音标可分为元音和辅音两大类。元音:发音时声带振动,呼出的气流在通过口腔时,不受阻碍发出的语音叫

3、做元音。国际音标中有20个元音,里面包括12个单元音和8个双元音。 单元音:i: i e a: : : u: u 双元音:ai ei i u u au i 通过游戏,卡片等互动兴趣教学i: eat i:t 吃 tea ti: 茶 peach pi:t 桃he hi:他 she i: 她 beef bi:f 牛肉ifish fi 鱼 this is 这个 is iz是 six siks 六 pig pig 猪edesk desk 桌子 dress dres 连衣裙 red red 红色的 bed bed 床 bread bred 面包 egg e蛋 复习巩固重点知识Garfield: We ca

4、ts like to sit in high places. It reinforces our superiority.places: 地方reinforces: 加强 superiority: 优越性Garfield: HelpHelp:救命 4B Unit1 A new student一、 单词及词组1. a student(学生)2. a teacher(教师)3. a doctor(医生)4. a nurse(护士)5. a boy(男孩)6. a girl(女孩) 7. a man(男人) 8. a woman(女人)9. new(新的) 10. our(我们的)11. schoo

5、l(学生) 12. welcome(欢迎)13. tree(树)14. climb(攀登)15. again(再;又)16. sir(先生)17. right(正确的)18. come down(下来)19. excuse me(对不起,打扰一下)二、缩写词1. whos = who is2. youre = you are3. hes = he is4. shes = she is5. Im = I am6. dont = do not三、句型1. Whos that boy/?(那个男孩/是谁?)Hes/Shes . (他/她是。)Hes/Shes a(他/她是一位)2. Are you

6、a student/?(你是一位学生/吗?) Yes, I am.(是,我是的。) No, Im not. Im a(不,我不是的。我是一位)3. Welcome to our school.(欢迎到我们学校来。) Thank you.(谢谢。)4B Unit1复习练习一、 英汉互译1. 谢谢 5.一名新学生 2. 那位男孩 6.下来 3. 爬树 7.在树上的小猫 4. 这位女士 8.过来 二、 连词成句1. our to school welcome (.) 2. again dont trees climb(.) 3. are a nurse you me excuse(,)(?) 4.

7、student a my new is brother(.) 三、 翻译句子1. 你是一位医生吗? you ?2. 你是不是这儿的新生 ? new ?3. 下次不要再爬树了。 trees .4. 那位穿红衣服的女孩是谁? in ?四、 改写句子1. David is a student.(改为一般疑问句) 2. I am a nurse. (改为一般疑问句) 3. That women is Miss Xu.(划线部分提问) 4. The girl isnt a student.(改为肯定句) Garfield: Garfield, you dummy.dummy: 笨蛋2010年牛津小学英语

8、4B期末测试题及答案(满分:100分;时间:60分钟) 姓名 得分 听力部分(30分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(听两遍)(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( ) 1. A. rightB. light C. bright ( ) 2. A. hair B. hand C. head( ) 3. A. want B. watchC. what( ) 4. A. fruit B. free C. fork( ) 5. A. thirsty B. theatreC. thirty( ) 6. A. spoon B. balloonC. cartoon( ) 7. A. play

9、basketball B. play footballC. play baseball( ) 8. A. lots of mapsB. a lot of mapsC. lots of caps( ) 9. A. a bottle of juice B. a glass of juiceC. a carton of juice( )10. A. go to the library B. go to the cinemaC. go to the airport二、听录音,给下列图片标号。(听两遍)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、 听录音,判断图意是否与

10、录音内容相符,相符的用表示,不相符的用表示。(听两遍)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.三、 听录音,选择正确应答。(听两遍)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)( )1.A.Yes, she is.B.No, he isnt.C.Shes a nurse.( )2.A.Yes, they are.B.Yes,we are.C.Yes,they can.( )3.A.Thank you.B.Not at all.C.Some watermelons,please.( )4.A.An egg,please.B.Two apple pies.C.Some orange j

11、uice,please.( )5.A.Yes, you can.B.Yes, I can.C.Dont worry.五、听录音,补全对话。(听三遍)(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)1. Is that girl your _ ? _ one? The one in the _ _.No, shes my friend, Lily.2. Whats in the _ ? Look! Therere some _.3. _ do we get to the_ ? _ we go there on _ ?Good idea. Lets go.笔试部分(70分)一、 找出与所给例词不同类的单词

12、,并将选项字母填入题前的括号内 。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)( ) 1. A.schoolB. cameraC. cinemaD. theatre( ) 2. A.bowlB. spoonC. forkD. hot dog( ) 3. A.bookB. cookC. policewomanD. waitress( ) 4. A.eyeB. earC. motherD. mouth( ) 5. A.pianoB. photoC. violinD. guitar 二、写出下列词组的英语或汉语。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. 一些新学生 _2. 一位老太太 _ 3. 三位司机 _

13、4 乘火车 _5. 买些糖果 _6. 两杯茶 _7. watch me _8. go to see the doctor _9. open the yellow box _10. play with your balloon _三、在方框内选择适当的单词或词组,并将其填在句中的横线上,不能重复使用。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)go to school get up play basketball watch TV move look at have a look read the words have some juice have a hamburger1. _ , Helen.

14、Youre late for school. Im ill, Mum. I dont want to _ today. 2. _ , Su Yang. But Im not hungry. Im thirsty. _ then. Thanks, Dad.3. Shall we go and _ ? Good idea. But Im tired. I cant _ now. OK. Lets _ .4. Can you _ ? Yes. I LOVE CHINA.5. _ our new library there. Its nice. Lets go and _ .四、将正确答案的序号填在题

15、前的括号内。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( ) 1. _ the girl _ small eyes?A. Whose, with B. Whos, with a C. Whos, with( ) 2. _ doll is this ? Its Yang Lings. A . Who B. Whos C. Whose ( ) 3. How many _ do you want? One _ , please. A. kilos, kilo B. kilos, kilos C. kilo, kilos( ) 4. There _ some rice in the bowl. A. is

16、 B. am C. are( ) 5. We can see _ birds in the tree. A. a B. lot of C. lots of( ) 6. Its 8:00 in the evening . Its time _ . A. go to bed B. to go to bed C. for go to bed ( ) 7. Is this bus _ Jinshan park? No , it _. A. for , isnt B. to, isnt C. of, is( ) 8. Something to ? Apple juice , please . A . e

17、at B. drink C. have ( ) 9. How much the hamburger and juice? 20 yuan . A. are , Its B. is , Its C. are , Theyre ( ) 10. Heres _ chopsticks _ you. A. a ,for B. a pair of, of C. a pair of , for五、在II 栏中选出能对I栏中的句子作出正确反应的答句,并将其序号填入题前的括号内。 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) I II( )1. How old are you?A. By minibus.( )2.

18、What are their jobs?B. Five hamburgers, please. ( )3. What do you want to be?C. Were ten.( )4. How much are they?D. Lets hurry. ( )5. Something to eat?E. Its pretty.( )6.How do you go to school?F. Theres a piano and three violins.( )7.Ive got a new T-shirt. G. Theyre teachers.( )8.What can you see i

19、n the picture?H. Oh, I cant move now.( )9.We are late for school.I. I want to be an English teacher.( )10.Are you hungry?J. Ten yuan, please.六、将下列单词连成句子。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. climb, again, trees, dont_ .2. woman, red, the, in, whos, the , sweater_ ?3. you, use, the, can, fork_ ?4. go, basketball, lets

20、 , and, play_ .5. is, you, water, here, some, for_ .七、根据图意,将下列对话补充完整,每空一词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. Shall we go to the _by _ ?Thats a good idea.2. _ near the _?There are some _ . 3. Where _ my spoons ?They are _ the plate. 4. What _ you like?Id like a_ of _.Anything else?No, thanks.八、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相

21、符,相符的用T表示,不相符的用F表示。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Susan is my good friend. Shes a Chinese girl. Shes eleven. She has long hair and a small mouth. Her brother Jim is twelve. He has two big eyes and hes not tall . They like storybooks and puzzles very much.Every morning , they have breakfast together. Susan likes

22、 a carton of milk and some biscuits for breakfast. But Jim likes eggs and some orange juice in the morning. Today Susan cant find her milk. Look! Their cat Mimi is drinking it near the table. Perhaps she wants to have a nice breakfast, too!( ) 1. Susan is my friend.( ) 2. Jim is a short boy with big

23、 eyes.( ) 3. They like storybooks and puppets very much.( ) 4. Susan would like some orange juice and biscuits for her breakfast.( ) 5. Mimi is drinking some milk on the table.牛津小学英语(4B)期末复习归类nit 1 A new student四会单词:听懂、会说、会读、会写new新的student学生boy男孩woman妇女、女士teacher老师nurse护士doctorl医生girl女孩man男士三会单词:听懂、

24、会说、会读our你们的school学校who谁tree树wow哇climb爬sir先生right正确三会短语:听懂、会说、会读excuse me对不起,打扰一下in the tree在树上let me see让我看看come here下来all right 好的climb trees爬树look at看一看in the zoo在动物园里over there在那边our school我们的学校new here新来的listen to听掌握缩略形式和其完整形式whoswho isyoureyou arehes he isshes she isIm I amdontdo not四会句型:听懂、会说、

25、会读、会写1. A:Whos that? 那个是谁?B:Hes/Shes He/Shes a他/她是他/她是一名2. A:Are you? 你是吗?B:Yes, I am ./No, Im a 是的,我是。/不,我不是。我是一名三会句型:听懂、会说、会读1. Welcome to our shool. 欢迎来到我们的学校。2. Whos that boy in the tree?树上的那个男孩是谁?3. Come down, 下来, 4. All right.好的。5. Dont climb trees again.别再爬树了。6. Yes, sir.好的,先生。7. Im new here.我是这儿新来的。语音/w/ woman Walkman what which /z/ zebra zoo zero nose dollsnit 2 At a party四会单词:听懂、会说、会读、会写brother兄弟sister姐妹grandfather爷爷祖父white白色friend朋友grandmother奶奶祖母father父亲mother母亲三会单词:听懂、会说、会读party聚会、宴会with有;具有特征eye眼睛which哪一个;哪一些in表示服饰等

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