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1、第五单元课堂十分钟第五单元课堂十分钟Section A.第一课时 (10分钟,30分)一、从框中选择恰当的单词填空。(5分,每小题1分)1.I often sleep late.I need an oclock.2.Hows the today,sunny or cloudy?3.Li Ming is clever and he often has idea.4.We were doing our homework, the light went out.5.Some sea birds are strong and not afraid of .二、写出下面的短语(5分,每小题1分)1.pi

2、ck up 2.发出响声 the library4.走着回家 5.等公共汽车1.打电话 2.go off 3.在图书馆 4.walk home 5.wait for the bus三、单项选择 (10分,每小题1分)( )1.What you doing at 8 this morning? B.are C.were D.was( )2.My parents were watching TV I got home.A.when B.if C.because D.until( )3.New term ususlly in September.A.starts B.ends C.

3、opens D.begins( )4.The students have so much homework they do less that B.because C.although D.that( )5. we were having dinner,the phone rang .A.When B.While C.Until D.As soon as( )6.The boy was listening to the music carefully and he didnt see the car .A.come B.came come D.coming(

4、)7.I didnt wake up until the alarm three times. A.made noise B.called up C.went out D.went off( )8.I asked the train conductor if the train . leaving B.left C.was leaving D.will leave ( )9.The teacher told me that the class soon. A. was beginning B.began C.was beginning D. begins( )10.What were

5、 Li Hui and Wang Liang doing ? A.just now the time the accident happened a minute D. at the moment四、从框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,其中有两个是多余的。(10分,每小题1分)A.What was I doing at eight? B. What was I doing at eight?C.I called you again at eight and you didnt answer then either.D.So while you were sleeping,I ca

6、lled Jenny and she helped me.E.Why did you sleep so early? F. I was sleeping at that time.G.What were you doing last night?Mary: 1 I called at seven and you didnt pick up.Linda:Oh,I was in the kitchen helping my mom.Mary:I see. 2 Linda: 3 Oh,I know.When you called,I was having a shower.Mary:But then

7、 I called again at nine.Linda:Oh, 4 Mary:So early?Thats strange.Linda:Yeah.I was tired.Why did you call me so many times?Mary:I needed help with my homework. 5 答案一、1.alarm 3.strange 4.suddenly 5.rainstorm二、1.接电话 2、go off 3.在图书馆 4.walk home 5.wait for the bus三、1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.

8、C 9.A 10.B四、1.G 2.C 3.A 4.F 5.DSection A.第二课时 (10分钟,30分)一、从框中选择恰当的单词填入到句子中。(5分,每小题1分)1.Few students in China go to school by .2.The sun is shining in the room through the .3.We can see this kind of tree in many in China.4.The room is towards the south and can get enough .5.Could I ues your ?Our ligh

9、t went out.二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分,每小题1分)1.Lily,could you please help me buy two boxes of ?(match)2.Is it toda?We are going to fly kites.(wind)3.Look ,the rain is very .(heavily)4.My cousin was so tired that he soon fell .(sleep)5.I like to sleep in the bed.(wood)三、单项选择 (10分,每小题1分)( )1.Our hearts fast

10、er after running. B.jump C.go D.beat( )2.The idea is terrible.I am it. A.for B.against C.agree with D.disagree with( )3.I think the rainstorm will soon. A.ran away B.walk away C.die down D.die of( )4.Everyone knows that the sun in the east. A.rises B.set C.go down D.raise( )5.After the rainst

11、orm,we found the street . A.mess B.clean a mess mess( )6.The strong wind broke many branches in the trees . A.down B.apart D.away( )7.Could I put my seat to you?A.close B.closer C.closer to D.near( )8. the weather like today? A.Whats B.What C.Hows D.Why( )9.People at home when the ra

12、insorm came. A.stayed B.were staying C.stay D.will stay( )10. the necessary things are ready before the storm. A.Be sure B.To be sure C.Make sure D.Be sure of四、完成句子 (10分,每小题2分)1.张华说昨晚7点她在吃晚饭。Zhang Hua she dinner at 7 yesterday evening.2.王磊,暴风雨到来时你在做什么?What you the rainstorm came?3.今天早上我跑着去公交车站,但是还是错

13、过了公交车。I to the bus ,but I the bus.4.我洗澡的时候,有人给我打电话了。Somebody me up I a shower.5.昨夜我父亲工作的太晚结果闹钟响了三次他也没有醒。Last night my father late he up though the alarm went off three times.答案一、1.boat 2.window 3.areas 4.light 5.flashlight二、1.matches 2.windy 3.heavy 4.asleep 5.wooden三、1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A

14、 9.B 10.C四、1.said; was;eathing/having; 2.were; doing; when; 3.ran;stop;still;missed 4.called;while;was;taking/having5.worked ; so; that; didnt;wake S ection B.第一课时一、从框中选择恰当的单词填入到句子中。(5分,每小题1分)1.Do you understand tmy meaning ?2.Americans are rebuilting the of World Trade Center.3.Every student rememb

15、er the ,first in Sepbember.4.We arent afraid of the .They are few people.5.Grandpa Lis only grandson goes to a primary school.He is just a .二、单项选择 (10分,每小题1分)( )1.Whats the today? -Its November 14,2013. C.number D.time( )2.I knew little about the computer . first the first C.i

16、n first D.first( )3.My uncle is fishing .the lake. )4.After the teachers explaination,Wang Jiang the skill to the peoblem. A.think B.understand C.realize D.see( )5.It is very busy on the street from 7 to 9 in Beijing.It is hard to spuermarket A.make the way to in the way to

17、 C.make the way for D.get the way to( )6.The movie is very exciting and everyone is .A.talking B.intersting silence D.crying( )7.The can help you understand the whole text.A.title B.passage C.words D.picture( )8.Everyone was after hearing the news of attacking Tianmen Square. A.afraid B.angry C

18、.shocked D.silent( )9.What you when the event happened? A.were ; doing B.are ;doing C.was ; doing D.did ;do( )10.It is a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph you read the whole text. A.after B.when C.until D.before三、用文中所给的单词的适当形式填空。(5分,每小题1分) People often remember what they1 (do) w

19、hen they (hear) heard the news of important 2 (event) in history.In America,for example,many people remember what they were doing on April 4,1968.This 3 (be) an important event in 4 (America) history.On this day,Dr.Martin Luther King 5 (kill).Although some people may not remember who killed him,they

20、 remember what they were doing when they heard the news.四、完成句子。(10分,1.3小题每个3分,第二小题4分)1.我们正在厨房吃饭这时我们从收音机里听到了这个消息。We in the kitchen we heard the news the radio.2.更近的时间里,大多数美国人记得当世贸中心被恐怖分子袭击时他们在干什么。 ,most Americans remember what they when the World Trade Center was the terrorists.3.甚至那个日子-2001年9月11日对大多

21、数美国人都有意义。 the ,Sepbember 11.2001,has most Americans.答案一、epletely 2.tower 4.terrorists 5.pupil二、1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D三、1.were doing 3.was 4.American 5.was killed四、1.were; eating;when;on 2.More; recently;were;doing;taken; down;by3.Even; date;meaning;toSection B.第二课时一

22、、用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分,每小题1分)1.My dream job is to be a .(report)2. The teacher told the students to keep while he was talking.(silence)3.Its good for you to help clean up the .(neighbor)4.We are to hear the news.(surprise)5.Winnig the competition was my day of my life.(happy)二、单项选择 (5分,每小题1分)( )1.I like t

23、o play soccer.My friend Wei Liang likes it . well well as good fine( )2.They should practice speaking English at any time if they want to improve their spoken English. A.speak B.speaking speak D.spoke( )3.I had trouble in the night after the accident. A.sleep sleep

24、ept D.sleeping( )4.There was because of the rainstorm. B.not school school D.schools( )5.Kim was watching the TV when the plane the tower. A.beat B.hit C.flew D.went down三、用文中所给的单词的适当形式填空。(10分,每小题1分) Ben 1 (can) hear strong winds outside his window in Alabama.Black clouds 2 (make) the

25、sky very dark.With no light outside ,it felt like midnight.The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area. Everyone in the nieghborhood was very busy.3 (Ben) dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio 4 (work).She also put

26、some candles and matches on the table.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain 5 (begin) to beat heavily against the windows.After dinner they tried to play a card game ,but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm 6 (happen) outside. Ben could not sleep at first.He finally fell asleep

27、when the wind was7 (die) down at around 3:00 am.When he woke up ,the sun 8 (rise).He went outside with his family and found the neighbor in a mess.9 (fall) trees,broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.They joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together.Although the srorm broken

28、many things apart,it brought families and neighbors 10 (close) together.四、完成句子(10分,1-2小题每个2分,3-4小题每个3分)1.过去凯特认为他的朋友没有讲出那个事件的真相。Kate her friend the truth of the event.2.我演奏的时候大家静静地坐着听。Everyone sat listen.3.那个小女孩那个时候认为她将要停止呼吸了。The little gril that she .4.我和表弟吵架了,我们在回家的路上什么都没有说。I with my cousin and we

29、walked home anything.答案一、1.reporter 2.silent 3.neighborhood 4.surprised 5.happiest二、1.A 2.B 3.D 4,C 5.B三、1.could 2.were making 3.Bens 4.were working 5.bagan 6.hapening 7.dying 8.was rising 9Fallen 10.closer.四、1.didnt; think;was;telling 2.still and 3.thought;would;stoplbreathing 4.had;a ;fight;withou

30、t;saying 第五单元自我检测一、单项选择(10分,每小题1分)( )1.Were you at home when I called?Nobody . A.answers B.picked up C.called up D.picked ( )2.I on the street when I met an old friend of mine. A.walked walking C.was walking D.walk( )3.Look.It is raining . A.heavy B.heavily C.big D.great( )4.What were your pare

31、nts doing you were doing your lessons? A.while B.when C.before D.until( )5.Ma Yue told me he then. sports B.did sports doing sports D.was doing sports( )6.My mother well last night.A. sleep sleeping C.slept D.was sleeping( )7.His uncle health is the most impoetan after coming back to life . A.thinks B.knows C.sees D.realizes

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