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1、新视野大学英语读写教程14册所有词组总结be well worth + sth./ doing sth. 值得. .的 not only .but also . 不仅. .而且 . . far from 一点都不 a couple of 几个 get access to 可以使用;获得 keep up with 跟上,不落后 feel like sth./doing sth. 想做,想要 give up 放弃 reap the benefits of 获得益处,得到好处 come across 偶然遇上 trade for 用. . 换 participate in 参加 now that 既

2、然 reach out to 接触, 联系play a role in . 起 . .作用 be aware of 对. .清楚 in addition 另外,加之 reflect on 深思,考虑,反省 allow for 考虑到,顾及,为. .留出余地 blast forth (声音)突然响起来 along with 与一道 turn off 关掉 burst into 匆匆进入 突然爆发 over and over 一次次 reach for 伸出手以触到或拿到 turn up 发现,挖掘 发生,出现,到来 turn down (收音机等)关小;调低 as well as 和,以及,还有

3、 as usual 像平常一样 turn on 打开,拧开; v. 反对,攻击 that much 那么. bolt out 匆匆离开in peace and quiet 平静地 make ones blood boil 使(某人)生气 get rid of 清除 驱赶;消除 the knots in ones stomach 不安 go too far 走极端 drop out of 退出 talk over 商量grow up 成长,长大 start out 出发 make it 成功地做某事 even if 即使, 虽然 subject to 使 .遭受 now that 既然 even

4、 though 即使,纵然,尽管 in some way 以某种方式 have a good time 玩得高兴,过的快乐 break out 突然开始,爆发 逃离 on leave 休假 see to 照料;务必做到, 务须come to 达到某状态 now and again 不时地, 有时候 call for 需求,要求 set out 出发 for a while 一会儿;有一段时间 pay no attention to 不注意, 没加注意 now and then 不时地, 有时候, 时时 with that 接着, 于是 on ones way to 在.的途中 turn out

5、 结果是,证明为 make up ones mind 下决心 range from. to. 从. 到. (范围或幅度内)变化 focus on 把(注意力等)集中在 drive someone crazy 逼得某人发疯,或受不了 at ones best 处于最佳状态,在全盛时期 communicate with 与.交谈,与.交流 lighten up 放松,不要生气 take .seriously 认真地对待某人或某事lack of 缺乏,不足 find out 找出;查明 actions speak louder than words 行动比言语更响亮;事实胜于雄辩 in relati

6、on to 有关,关于 become /be acquainted with 与. 相识,了解 pick up 拾起;捡起 in part 在某种程度上;部分 account for 作出解释,提出理由,说明 be /feel at home 感到无拘束,感到熟悉 be content with 对.感到满足 a wealth of 大量的,丰富的be infected with 感染(疾病) in place of 代替 suffer from 受. .之苦,患(某种疾病) pass out 分发; 晕倒 as a result 因此,结果 at risk 有危险,有风险 regardles

7、s of prep. 不管,无论 the solution to .的解答; 解决(解答).的办法 threaten to do sth. 扬言要. distract . from 使分心 sign up 报名参加; 签约参加工作(或组织)in haste 匆忙 prior to 在.之前 make it 成功地做某事 start with 从.开始 assist (sb. with) sth. 帮助做某事share with 分享 be a part of 一部分,一份 fill with 充满,装满,盛满 define as 界定, 定义为 mistake for 误当作 fill one

8、s need 满足需要 bring up 养育;教养 save from 保留;抢救;免于make the rounds 串门拜访,四处走动 638 go with 同时发生,伴随 Who are you to say. ? 你有什么权利说.?你竟敢说.? boast about 吹牛,吹嘘 stay away from 与.保持距离 stay at 保留,待在 contrary to 与.相反 be in for 免不了遭受 look down on 蔑视;不赞成 call for 需求,要求 hold water (指辩论、辩解、理论等)经得起检验,站得住脚face to face (wi

9、th) 面对面的地 必须面对的,无法回避的 pull into (车)停靠;驶向(一旁等) as if 好像 attach to 认为有(重要性等) 把附加于 rather than 宁可;是.而不是. have mercy on someone 可怜某人 get to ones feet 站起来 look through 浏览 be out of control 失去控制,不听约束 eat (away) at 逐渐毁掉,侵蚀be immune to 不受.影响的,对.有免疫力的 believe in 相信.可行,相信.的真实性,信任,信仰 be capable of 有.能力做,能做 hea

10、r of 听说 in front of 在.前面 at the sight of 一看见sleep on sth. 暂时不作决定,过一晚再作决定 a gift from the gods 不期而获又大受欢迎的好处,利益 depend on 依赖,依靠,凭借 write down 写下;记下来 be occupied with 忙于做,专心于 seek for 寻找 as though 好象,俨然 take shape 成型 put into 表达 at work 在工作 arrive at 到达(某地) search for 搜索,寻找 fill sb. with sth. 使充满(感情)ri

11、ght away 马上,立刻 act upon 依照 . 行动 come ones way 发生在某人身上,可以被某人利用 fall asleep 睡着;入睡 take advantage of 利用 at once 立即 set sth. in motion 使.运转起来 back and forth 来回,前后 take up 开始,着手做impose on (upon) 强加于 work on (upon) 努力做. more and more 越来越. pay for 付款 bill for 送交某人账单或罚单 start up 开办,开设 on average 平均 as a res

12、ult of 由于而.,作为.的结果 aim at 瞄准,针对 agree to 同意,允诺,赞成 set up 建立,创立,开办 lead to 通往;导向 cash crop 经济作物 birth control 节育open field 旷野 in fact 实际上,事实上,确切地说 on top of 在上面 work on 从事.,忙于. power line 电力线 coordinate ones efforts to 齐心协力 clean up 清除;收拾干净 up to 至多,多达,直到 for instance 例如 wash away 冲掉,冲走 lead into 通往,

13、通向ups and downs 好运和坏运的交替;盛衰;浮沉 work out 算出;制定出;结局,结果为,到最后 for a time 暂时,一度 meet with 遭遇,受到,经历 282 all along 始终,从开始一直 have nothing to do with 与无关, 不跟往来 on the surface 表面上, 外表上, 从表面上看 at ones worst 最差的一面 learn of 获悉,听说,认识到 take care of 照顾,照看come up with 找到;提出(答案、解决方法等) win over 争得 (别人的) 支持或恩惠 from hea

14、d to toe 从头到脚,浑身上下 think of 思考,考虑,对.有特定的想法 hold ones breath 屏息 proceed to do 继续做,继续进行 even though 即使,纵然,尽管 put sb. to bed 安置某人睡觉 hit it off 相处得很好 at first glance adv. 初看起来;乍看起来 as long as 长达 live through 经历,经受住 dream of 想象,梦想,向往 plan on 为做准备 work out 算出;制定出;结局,结果为,到最后 depend on 依赖,依靠,凭借 hit the targ

15、et 达到目的,中肯 in the event of 如果发生 take on 决定做, 承担工作 lack of 缺乏,不足 take along 带着 (某人或某物), 带走(某人或某物) to (ones) capacity 满座的,满载的 leave behind 留下 (某物或某人) from then on 从那时起 in turn 依次,逐个地 close at hand 近在手边,在附近 pick up 拾起;捡起 be grateful for 对感激,对致谢 be dressed in 穿着 couple with 联想,并提,和联系在一起 die from 由于(除疾病、

16、感情以外的原因)而死亡 lean on 倚,靠pack with 塞进,挤进 make a point 提出论点 take for granted 认为真实;视为理所当然 hold down (使)保持低水平,(使)不增加,(使)不升高 attempt to do 试做,尝试,企图 along with 与一道 make fun of 嘲笑,奚落 stand up to 勇敢面对,经得起,承受得起 give in 认输,屈服,投降 to some degree 在某种程度上 on demand 一经要求 turn over a new leaf 悔过自新,洗心革面,重新做人 keep on d

17、oing 继续做 in the end 最后,终于 fill out 填写 for better or worse 不管结果好坏 convey to 表达(思想、感情);转达 attach sth. to sth. 把某物系在、缚在或附在另一物上 even so 虽然这样,然而,不过 turn down (收音机等)关小;调低 blind date (由第三方安排的)男女间初次见面 come up to 走近,靠近 press for sth. 反复请求,紧急请求 be ill at ease 不自在,困窘 free from 不具的,未受危险伤害的 be guilty of 对有罪责 tak

18、e charge of 负责管理,对负责 stick with sth. 坚持; 无法摆脱go to great lengths to do 竭尽全力去做 be inappropriate for 不适当的,不合适的 act sth. out 表达, 发泄 (通常在真实生活中为某种目的)表现,扮演 speak of sth. 表明,暗示 turn out 结果是,证明为 turn sb. off (从)撵走,逐走(某人或某物) tune out 不理会, 不睬 up to sth. 能做,胜任 more or less 几乎,差不多 follow ones track 跟着 apart fro

19、m 除开,撇开,除以外 blow ones cover 泄露,暴露 669 out of character 不合个性的 turn to sb. 转向(某人),扭向(某人) be out of control 失去控制,不听约束 blood pressure 血压 blow ones top 大发雷霆 stir in ones own juice 受煎熬 blow apart 爆炸 on ones trail 在路上 cut down 砍倒 keep sth. in mind 记住 other than 除了 on the other hand (在)另一方面 suffer from 受. .

20、之苦,患(某种疾病) to the contrary (表示或证明)相反地 burn the midnight oil (学习、工作)到深夜,开夜车 at risk 有危险,有风险 tend to do sth. 倾向于,易于,往往会 rack up 积累,积聚,逐步增加 the Stone Age 石器时代 fear for 担心,忧虑 tie to 使联系在一起;使依附于 escape from 逃脱,逃避 at work 在工作 devote to 把专用(于) come in 进来;进入 put all ones eggs in one basket 孤注一掷 according to

21、 ad.按照,根据 be well off 经济充裕,富裕 at a low 处于低水平(或数字) be fond of 喜爱,喜欢 be proud of 以自豪(高兴) arrive at 到达(某地) be meant to do 应做 read of 借助阅读发现(或查明) go on strike 举行罢工 in the long run 从长远的观点来看;终究,最后 the good old days 过去的好时光 play (it) safe 稳扎稳打,小心行事 whether or not 是否,无论是不是,不管 no wonder 不令人吃惊,难怪 be happy with

22、 对感到满意,对感到愉快 civil servant 文职人员,公务员 in short 总之,简言之 by comparison 比较起来 associate with 联合,联系 inner city 市中心区,老城区,内城 at large 全部,整个 protect sb./sth. from sth. 防御,保护 grind to a halt (指过程)慢慢停止 in general 通常,大体上,一般而言 on top 处于领先地位 talk of 谈论;提及 throw sth. out 扔掉,处理掉某物 thumbs up 伸出大拇指表示赞许或接受的手势 speak of 谈

23、及,提到,讲到 foot the bill 付账 in the hope that 怀着希望 keep pace with (与)同速前进,(与)并驾齐驱 in other words 换句话说,也就是说 in the meantime 与此同时 hold water (指辩论、辩解、理论等)经得起检验,站得住脚 in favor of adj. 有利于 call for 需求,要求 drain sb. / sth. of sth. 使逐渐耗尽(力量、金钱等) get into (使)被允许进入 seek to do sth. 试图做,企图做 engage in sth. 从事 partici

24、pate in 参加 push drugs 贩卖毒品 on account of 因为 keep out 不让.进入 drop in 顺便拜访 ahead of time (比原定时间)提早 on vacation 在度假中,度假 a couple of 几个 let in 让进来,使入内 have no intention of doing sth. 没有意图做 (某事) on grounds of 出于的原因 get away with sth. 不因某事受惩罚 night after night 一夜又一夜地,连夜地 no matter what 不论什么 drive sb. / sth

25、. off 击退, 赶走 be sure of sth. 确信会获得,赢得 in broad daylight 大白天,光天化日之下 carry on 坚持下去;继续下去 bring under control 控制,使就范 take in 吸入,吞入 on the air 开始广播(或电视转播) keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止 watch for 留意,当心 put out 熄灭 mark down 记下来,写下来 break (sth.) off (使)折断 sink into 陷入(不活跃或不愉快的状态) wanting in sth. 不够,不足 expect

26、of 对(某人)有 期望,指望(某人做) remain of 从留下,剩下 to bits 成为碎片 make for 向 前进 take sb. in 收留 be seized with 被(强烈的感情、愿望等)影响 keep on doing (sth.) 继续做 go into 开始(某活动) raise a glass to 向. .祝贺,为. .干杯 turn out 结果是,证明为 buy up 全部买进,尽量收购 bring to life 使有活力(或生气) live out 过(某种生活) bring into court 控告,起诉 fall upon dark days

27、遭到不幸,倒霉 stick by sb. 继续支持,忠于(尤指在困难时刻) add on 附加,加上 sink into 投资 fix up 修理,修补 make into 使转变为 sell sth. at a loss 亏本出售 read about 借助阅读发现或查明 for one thing (用以列举理由)首先;一in the night 在夜晚,在半夜 make an appointment 预约,约会 switch on 开 come on 来;过来 raise the devil 非常生气,大声抱怨 check on 检查,核实,调查 answer the door 应声开门

28、 point (sth.) at 瞄准,对着 stare after 目不转睛地追随(某人),以凝视的目光随着(某人)移动 lead to 通往;导向 bounce back 恢复正常,恢复过来 in general 通常,大体上,一般而言 up to 至多,多达,直到 take in 吸入,吞入 at risk 有危险,有风险 tip over the edge 引起明显变化;(使)进入另一状态 out of breath 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁 add sth. to 加,增加,添加 throw up 产生,使突出,匆匆建造 go up 上升 sum up 概括,总结 separate int

29、o 将. .分为 obstacle course 越障训练;(喻)困难重重的事 go through 完成,通过 in contrast 相比之下 apply to 适用于 focus on 把(注意力等)集中在 engage (oneself) in 从事,忙于 point to 指向 see sb./sth. as 认为某人或某物prepare sb. for sth. 使做好准备 spread (sth.) to (使)传播 be willing to do 愿意做某事,不反对做某事 spend sth. on sth. / (in) doing sth. 在上花费时间或金钱 be scheduled to do 被安排,定于 over protest 在有异议的情况下 take responsibility for 对. .负责任 complete with 包括,备有 do ones utmost 竭尽全力 work out 算出;制定出;结局,结果为,到最后 focus (sth.) on (使)集

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