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1、新视野大学英语视听说教程4答案 新视野大学英语视听说教程第四册 听力练习录音文本和答案Unit1II. Basic Listening Practice1. ScriptM: Im beside myself with joy. Im so lucky. Guess what? Ive won a lit of money in the lottery.W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right?Q: What does the woman mean?2. ScriptW: Mary was furi

2、ous. Her son wrecked up her car.M: He shouldnt have driven a car without a drivers license. Hes still taking driving lesson.Q: What do we know about Marys son?3. ScriptM: Susan, I hear youre going to marry that guy. Some people think youll regret it.W: Is that so? Only time tell.Q: What does the wom

3、an imply?4. ScriptM: Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mothers passing. I know how close you two were?W: Thank you. It was so sudden. IM still in a state of shock I dont know what to do. Q: Which of following is true?5. ScriptW: I get furious at work when my opinions arent co

4、nsidered just because Im a woman.M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard.Q: What is the woman complaining about?Keys: 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.A 5.DIII. Listening InTask 1: Soft answers turn away wrath.Mary: Dam! Youre spilled red wine on me. My new dress is ruined.Joh

5、n: I m terrible sorry! What can I do to help? Heres some water to wash it off.Mary: Stop splashing water on me! Oh, this is so embarrassing! Im a mess.John: Well, you do look a little upset. Please dont blow up. Dont lose your cool.Mary: Hmm, youve got the nerve talking like that! Who shouldnt fly o

6、ff the handle? This dress cost a fortune.John: You look really cute when youre mad. I kid you not. Some people do look attractive when they are in a rage.Mary: This is very expensive dress. I saved for months to buy it, and now its ruined. Look at this stain!John: Accidents do happen. Give me your d

7、ress, and Ill take it to the cleaners.Mary: Sure! You want me to take it off right here in public and give it to you? I dont even know you!John: This might be a really goof time to get acquainted. Im John Owen.Mary: Mmm, at least youre polite. I guess I really shouldnt have flared up. After all, it

8、was an accident. Im Mary Harvey.John: Come on. Ill take you home. You can change your clothes, and Ill get the dress cleaned for you.Mary: Now youre talking. Thanks. Youre a real gentleman.John: Youd better believe it. Im glad to see that youve cooled down. Feel look a bite to eat afterward? Im star

9、ving.Mary: Ok. Youre pretty good. Im not nearly as mad. If you can get this stain out, Ill be very happy.John: Ill try my best. But if I cant get the stain out, please dont let your happiness turn to wrath.1. Which of the following would be the best title for the dialog?2. Why does the woman get ang

10、ry?3. What does the man say to please the woman when she looks angry?4. Why does the woman say the man is a real gentleman?5. What is the mans final proposal?Keys: 1D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.CTask3: A View of HappinessScriptDr. Smith has proposed a reasonable, if perhaps somewhat oversimplifies, view of happi

11、ness. According to his theory, happiness might be described as a state if balance. And when human or certain animals achieve that balance, they rend to remain in that condition in order to repeat the happy feeling. To illustrate this, we may study two magnets. When their positive and negative poles

12、meet, they are comfortably joined, and they remain there. In other words, they have attained a balance or state of happiness. If on the other hand, one of the poles is reversed, and positive pole is presses against positive pole, there is resistance, instability, imbalance a state of unhappiness.Ani

13、mals with some degree of intelligence seem to find happiness in reinforcement. Once they have gained one or more of their goals such as food, and water, they learn to repeat the actions that led to satisfaction of those goals. This repetition or reinforcement produces a state of balance or sense of

14、happiness.According to this theory, only animals with a significant capacity to learn should be able to experience happiness. But in truth learning can take place through surprisingly simple short-term action such as scratching an itch, followed by pleasure, followed by more scratching, and so on. T

15、hus learning can occur with almost no conscious thought.For human beings, blessed with the ability to reason, goals are not limited to the short-term satisfaction of needs. Indeed, there is a strong link between happiness and the fulfillment of long-term goals. Even if human strive for goals that ar

16、e more complex and longer-term than the animals goals, once those goals are gained, happiness is reinforced.1. Why does the speaker mention “magnets”?2. According to the passage, what may animals do after they have got food?3. Which of the following is true according to the speaker?4. What does the

17、speaker say is special about the goals of human beings?5. Which of the following best captures the main idea of the passage? Keys: 1D 2.C3. B 4.D 5.AVI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Reason and EmotionScriptEmotion is sometimes regarded as the opposite of reason; s is suggested by phrase such

18、 as” appeal to emotions rather than reason” and “dont let your emotions take over”. Emotional reactions sometimes produce consequences or thoughts which people may later regret or disagree with; but during an emotional state, they could not control their actions. Thus, it is generally believed that

19、one of the most distinctive facts about human beings is a contradiction between emotion and reason.However, recent empirical studies do not suggest there is a clear distinction between reason and emotion. Indeed, anger or fear can often be thought of as an instinctive response to observed fact. The

20、human mind possesses many possible reactions to the external world. Those reactions can lie on a continuum, with some of them involving the extreme of pure intellectual logic, which is often called “cold”, and others involving the extremes of pure emotion not related to logical agreement, which is c

21、alled “the heat of passion”. The relation logic and emotion merits careful study. Passion, emotion, or feeling can reinforce an argument, event one based primarily on reason. This is especially true in religion or ideology, which frequently demands an all-or-nothing rejection or acceptance. In such

22、areas of thought, human beings have to adopt a comprehensive view partly backed by empirical argument and partly by feeling and passion. Moreover, several researchers have suggested that typically there is no “pure” decision or thought; that is, no thought is based “purely” on intellectual logic or

23、“purely” on emotionmost decisions are founded on a mixture of both.1. What results does the speaker may some from emotional reactions?2. What is the popular belief about reason and emotion?3. What does the speaker mean by “cold “?4. According to the passage, what should people do in religious matter

24、s?5. What is the speakers conclusion?Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.DUnit2II. Basic Listening Practice1. ScriptW: Did you hear? Helen got modeling jib! Shes going to be sashaying down the catwalk.M: Wow, thats great! All that walking practice really paid off. And foe once she wont be complaining about bein

25、g so tall.Q: Why did Helen get modeling job?2. ScriptM: Julia, come and see the Miss America contest on TV. All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits, so the judges can decide who has the best figure.W: Bah! Thats the worst kind of exploitation. They are treating women like toys

26、for people to enjoy. I would never take part in this kind of contest.Q: What do the man and the woman think about the beautify contest?3. ScriptW: What shall I do? Im fat. I want to be slim and beauty, but Im fat. Ive tried all the new ideas, high carb and low carb, but nothing works.M: Those diets

27、are just fads, popular for a while and then forgotten. Just follow the usual diet with fruits, vegetables, fish, water, and get plenty of exercise. Before long youll see results.Q: What has the woman tried?4. ScriptW1: I think Lily is really attractive. Shes half Spanish and has this really sultry l

28、ook about her.W2: That explains why she tans so well. Ive always been jealous of her skin color in the summer.Q: Which of following is true of Lily?5. ScriptM: Trust me, it was tight there on the Internet: “Plastic Surgery Increasing at a Faster Rate Among Men”. Apparently more and more men are tryi

29、ng to improve their appearance.W: I saw it too on the news. Face-lifts, nose jobs, and box to hide wrinkle are now very popular with men. Men say its for business reasons, but we know its vanity.Q: What does the woman think the real reason is that men have plastic surgery?Keys: 1.B 2.A 3. C 4.D 5.BI

30、II. Listening InTask 1: A Friendly StylistStylist: Morning, sir. This chair, please. What can I do for you?Nick: A simple haircut: short on the back and sides.Stylist: Very good. I can, of course, do something fashionable for only $60.Nick: 60 dollars! Thats highway robberytwice what I ordinarily pa

31、y.Stylist: Perhaps, sir. But your haircuts havent been in harmony with your character. Your hair is at war with your soul.Nick: Ive never heard of such a thing.Stylist: If I may say, Im an expert at matching hairstyle to personalities. Believe me; youre suffering a “disjunction”.Nick: A disjunction?

32、 What the devil is a disjunction?Stylist: Your hair does not match you.Nick: This is utter nonsense. However, Id like to hear how youd solve this so-called problem.Stylist: Your character is artistic, imaginative. But your hair is dull. I can correct that imbalance in seconds.Nick: Okay, let me see what can you do about theuhdisjunction, as you call it.Stylist: Were going to use scissors to create peak

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