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1、高考一轮总复习英语人教版教师用书第1部分+必修3+Module+51doc话题素材地理知识好词1.surround vt. 包围;围绕 2.custom n. 风俗3.widespread adj. 分布广泛的;普遍的 4.resource n. 资源5.mountainous adj. 多山的 6.be_located_in 位于;坐落于7.with a population of 有人口8.have/cover an area of.square kilometers 占地面积为平方千米9.have_a_history_of. 有的历史10.take_on_a_new_look 呈现新面貌

2、11.be_wellknown_for/as 因为/作为而著名12.settle_down 定居 separated from与分离e_into_being 开始存在;产生 the distance 在远处;在远方佳句1.Toronto has some top tourist_attractions,_which attract millions of visitors every year.多伦多有一些顶级的旅游景点,每年吸引数百万游客。2.Covering_a_total_area_of 7,434 square kilometers, this city has_a

3、_population_of about ten million.这座城市占地面积达7434平方千米,人口大约是1000万。3.The Great Wall is one_of_the_most_attractive_places_of_interest,_attracting_tens_of_thousands_of_visitors from home and abroad every year.长城是最有吸引力的名胜之一,每年吸引成千上万来自国内外的游客来观光。精美语篇Hainan Island, a pearl lying in the south of China, is the s

4、econd largest island in China with an area of 35,000 square kilometers.People on Hainan Island can enjoy typical tropical climate, which is quite pleasant and makes various plants on the island stay green all the year round. The average temperature ranges between 23 and 39 and 51% of the island is c

5、overed with forests.The climate is so nice and the weather is so clear that every year, more than two million tourists come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, fresh air and famous places of interest, among which Ends of the Earth is the most popular. 高频单词1measure (vi.& vt.) 测量;衡量;判定(n.)计量制;计量单位;措施

6、2aboard (prep.&adv.) 在(船、飞机、火车或公共汽车)上;上(船、飞机、火车等)3within (prep.) 在之内4border (n.) 边界;国界;边沿; (vt.&vi.) 与接壤;接近5urban (adj.) 城市的;市镇的(反义词) rural (adj.) 乡村的;农村的6topic (n.) 话题7confirm (vt.) 证实;证明;批准confirmation (n.)证实;证明;认可8approximately (adv.) 接近;大约approximate (adj.) 接近的;大约9dawn (n.) 黎明;拂晓;破晓10surround (v

7、t.) 包围;围绕surroundings (n.) (复)周围的事物;环境surrounding (adj.) 周围的11slight (adj.) 轻微的;微小的slightly (adv.) 稍稍;轻微地12mix (vt.&vi.) 混合;调配mixture (n.) 混合(物);混合状态13wealthy (adj.) 富有的wealth (n.) 财富14distance (n.) 距离;远方distant (adj.) 在远处的;远方的15downtown (adj.) 市区的 (adv.) 在市区;往市区16tradition (n.) 传统;风俗traditional (ad

8、j.) 传统的;风俗习惯的 traditionally (adv.) 传统地17terrify (vt.) 使恐怖;恐吓terrified (adj.) 恐惧的;受惊吓的terror (n.) 恐惧terrible (adj.) 恐惧的;可怕的18impress (vt.) 使印象深刻;使铭记impressive (adj.) 给人印象深刻的;感人的impression (n.) 印象19broad (adj.) 宽阔的;广泛的broaden (v.) 增长;扩大;(使)变宽20nearby (adv.) 在附近; (adj.) 附近的near (prep.) 在附近21mist (n.) 雾

9、misty (adj.) 有薄雾的;模糊的22pleased (adj.) 欣喜的;高兴的;愉快的please (v.) 请;使满意;使愉快pleasure (n.) 高兴;愉快;快乐23baggage (n.) 行李(同义词) luggage(n.)行李 重点短语1rather_than 与其;不愿2settle_down 定居;平静下来;专心于3manage_to_do 设法做4catch_sight_of 看见;瞥见5have_a_gift_for 有天赋6in_the_distance 在远处7at_dawn 在黎明8dream_about/of 梦想9as_far_as 远到;直到;

10、至于10be_surrounded_by/with 被包围 热点句型1序数词最高级It is the_second_largest_country (第二大国) in the world. (教材P33)2rather than “与其,不愿”,连接并列部分Rather_than_take_the_aeroplane_all_the_way (不愿一路乘飞机), they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. (教材P34)3比较级any other. “比任何一

11、个都”Canada has more_fresh_water_than_any_other_country_ (淡水要比任何一个国家都多) in the world. (教材P34)4独立主格结构It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some_measuring (一些树高达) over 90 metres.(教材P34)5as far as. “直到;远到”Its too bad you_cant_go_as_far_as (你不能一直走至) Ottawa, Canadas capital. (教材P38)6not.unt

12、il. “直到才”They were not_leaving_for_Montreal_until_later (晚些时候才动身去蒙特利尔), so they went on a tour of the city.(教材P38) 巩固训练在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1_ (go) eastward, you will pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests; as well as wide rivers and large cities.答案:Going2The girls were surprised

13、at the fact _ ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.答案:that3_ the way to the station, he chatted _ their trip.答案:On; about4Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and _ (sail) in the harbour make Vancouver one of the Canadas most famous cities to live _.答案:sailing; in5People say it is Canadas most beautiful

14、 city, _ (surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.答案:surrounded6It has onethird of the worlds total fresh water, and much of _ is in the Great Lakes.答案:it7_ dinner at a restaurant called the Pink Pearl, the cousins chatted with Lin Fei, _ had moved to Canada many years earlier.答案:Over; who8They

15、 spent the afternoon in lovely shops _ (visit) artists in their workplaces beside the water.答案:visiting9There was frost on the ground, _ (confirm) that fall had arrived in Canada.答案:confirming10There were signs and ads in French, some of _ had English words in smaller letters.答案:which1surroundvt.& v

16、i. 包围;围绕People say it is Canadas most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.(P34)人们说温哥华是加拿大最美丽的城市,被大山和太平洋环抱。归纳拓展(1)surround sb./sth. with sb./sth.使某人/物包围某人/物be surrounded by/with. 被包围(2)surrounding adj. 周围的(3)surroundings n. 环境名师点睛surroundings指周围具体的、物质性的环境,而environment指对人的发展产

17、生影响的自然环境或生活的环境条件。The boy grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.这个男孩成长的周边环境很漂亮,但家庭环境不幸福。语境助记2016江苏高考The barefoot kid who just a few years previously had been living in poverty, surrounded_by criminals and violence, had written a new chapter in the history of sports.这个前

18、几年还一直生活在贫困中,被犯罪和暴力包围的光脚男孩,在运动史上谱写了新篇章。2016浙江高考Surround_yourself_with uplifting individuals who challenge you to be better while loving you for who you are.让你自己被积极向上的人所围绕,他们在喜欢你这个人的同时挑战你从而使你成为更优秀的人。As a child, I was_surrounded_by love and kindness.幼年时我备受关爱。Surrounded_by the sea on three sides, modern

19、 Qingdao is considered one of the most livable cities in China.现代的青岛三面环水,被认为是中国最宜居住的城市之一。The house is situated in very pleasant surroundings.那所房子所处的环境非常优美。2measurevt.& vi.测量;衡量;判定n计量制;计量单位;措施;尺寸It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.(P34)那儿湿气大,树木极高,有些树高度超

20、过90米。归纳拓展(1)measure. by.用来衡量be measured by/in 用来衡量/计算(2)take measures/sttif/action to_do sth.采取措施做某事make sth. to sb.s measure照某人的尺寸做某物take ones measure 给某人量尺寸名师点睛measure意为“有长(宽、高、重)”时为不及物动词,常用主动形式。The classroom measures 30 feet long and 20 feet wide.,这个教室长30英尺,宽20英尺。语境助记2016北京高考“Although these_measu

21、res are not “effective forever, they are vital for now,” he says.他说:“尽管这些措施并不是永远有效,但是它们现在是至关重要的。”Its generally acknowledged that education shouldnt be_measured only by examination results.普遍认为教育不应该单纯用考试成绩来衡量。In the old days, my mother always made new clothes to_my_own_measure with the Spring Festiva

22、l coming.过去,妈妈在春节来临时总是为我量身定做新衣服。We appeal to the government to take_measures_to prevent it from bad to worse.我们呼吁政府采取措施阻止它进一步恶化。3confirmvt.证实;证明;批准.there was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. (P38)地面上覆盖了一层霜,表明秋天已经来到了加拿大。归纳拓展语境助记When the interview is one day away, send

23、an email to confirm_the_time of the appointment.在面试的前一天,发一封确认面试时间的电子邮件。The latest evidence confirmed me in his honesty.最新的证据让我坚信他是诚实的。牛津高阶It_has_been_confirmed_that the meeting will take place next week.已经确定会议将于下个星期召开。4distancen距离;远方;遥远;疏远v把远远抛(或甩)在后面;与疏远In the distance, they could see the misty clo

24、ud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.(P38)远处,她们可以看到在湖的南边尼亚加拉瀑布上方升腾着的雾霭。归纳拓展(1)in the distance 在远处;远方的at/from a distance 从远处;离一段距离at a distance of. 在的距离within walking distance 步行即可到达;步行距离之内keep sb. at a distance 对冷淡;与疏远(2)distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的名师点睛语境助记We

25、 saw lights in_the_distance.我们看到了远处的点点灯光。Its a beautiful house, especially at_a_distance.这是一所漂亮的房子,从远处看尤其如此。The beach is within walking distance of my house.海滩离我家很近,走几步路就到了。牛津高阶The time we spent together is now a_distant_memory.我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆。It was difficult to get to know her because she alway

26、s kept everyone at_a_distance.很难了解她,因为她总是对每个人保持一定距离。图解助记5impressvt.使印象深刻;使铭记;铭刻;给留下极深的印象 Describe two or three things that impressed you most and your feelings when you experienced them.(P39)描绘两三件给你印象最深刻的事情和当你经历它们的时候的感觉。归纳拓展(1)impress sth. on/upon sb.impress sb. with sth. 使某人铭记某事物be impressed by/wit

27、h/at 对印象深刻It impresses sb. that. 令人佩服的是(2)impression n. 印象;感想make/give/create an impression on/upon. 给一个印象have/get the impression that. 有的印象(3)impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的语境助记My father impressed_me_with the value of hard work.我父亲让我铭记努力工作的价值。The audience was_impressed_by his amazing performance.观众被他惊艳的表演打

28、动了。The new teacher made/left_a_good_impression_on the students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.那位新老师以她丰富的知识和幽默的语言给同学们留下了很好的印象。2016全国卷Hundreds of people have formed impressions_of you through that little device (装置) on your desk.成百上千的人已通过你办公桌上的那个小装置对你产生印象。牛津高阶She was very impressive in the in

29、terview.她在面试中表现得十分出色。过关演练单句语法填空在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1I would be very much _ (please) if you would accept the present from me.答案:pleased考查词性转换。pleased 意为“欣喜的;高兴的”。2Fairly _ (terrify) of being washed away, James was struggling to grab the edge of the boat.答案:terrified考查非谓语动词作状语。be terrified of

30、“害怕;恐惧”,此处省略be动词作状语,说明James的状态。3A cool rain was falling _ (mix) with snow, causing heavy traffic.答案:mixed考查分词作状语。mix与rain之间为被动关系,故填mixed。4Walking out of the theater, the famous singer found many fans _ (surround) there to greet her.答案:surrounding考查“find宾语宾补”结构。surround与many fans为主动关系,且表动作正在进行,故用现在分词形式。5After the typhoon, people found some tall trees, _ (measure) more than 10 meters, lying on the ground.答案:measuring考查分词用法。measure用作系动词

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