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1、Lesson 32 Shopping made easy,XX年八法工作制研究报告八法工作制其实就是一种密切党群干群关系,架起一座连心桥的有效途径和方法。为了让这座连心桥直通职工群众心中,收到察民情、知民意、解民忧、聚民智、促民富的效果。该团首先从了解和吃透八法工作制精髓入手,今年3月18日,该团在八师率先组织理论中心组成员前往七师123团、127团和天北新区夏哈拉社区、兵团奎屯客运公司等地。实地考察学习“八法工作制”执行落实情况。成功的经验和现实的指导让150团党委一下子咬准了“八法工作制”的主线。“正确的方法比努力更重要”该团党委书记、政委王建彬一语道破“八法工作制”精髓。在八法工作制的基

2、础上,他又提出了“十法工作制”即:驻连入户法,撰写日记法,民主决策法,党员承诺法,政务公开法,群众评议法,活动促进法,典型引导法、创先争优法、激励约束法。为了便于广大党员干部熟记,该团又创编了“十法顺口溜”。驻连入户法、架起民心桥;撰写日记法、打开民心结;民主决策法、扩大民主权;党员承诺法、铺通民心路;政务公开法、算清民心帐;群众评议法、激发民主力;活动促进法、凝聚干群劲;典型引导法、模范促后进;创先争优法、争先要进位;激励约束法、万民齐奋进。朗朗上,CBD=Central Business District,shopping mall,Do you like shopping?,Lets t

3、alk about shopping,What do you think of shopping?Is it fun?Interesting?Difficult?What do you usually buy when you go shopping?,It is one of Mr.Lis shopping mall,but it made Mr.Li worried recently.,Why?,Problem in the shopping mall:Expensive articles(商品)lost every week,How to solve the problem:Hire a

4、 detective,detective ditektiv 侦探,Mr.Li hired a detective to look into the accident.公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。,Time:Monday Morning,suspected person No1:,可疑人物一号,a well-dressed woman,Suspected person No.2:可疑人物2号,a poorly-dressed man,He walked out of the shop without buying anything.,Guess:Who is the thief?How d

5、oes she/he steal the goods?,Dont judge people just by appearance.,Welcome to todays storyLesson 32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便,New words&Expressions,honest adj.诚实的once adv.曾经,一次 temptation n.诱惑,引诱especially adv.尤其,特别,格外article n.商品,物品;文章assistant n.助手,助理wrap v.缠绕,包裹 arrest v.逮捕detective n.侦探,Who is t

6、he thief?Who help the thief?,Listening&Speaking,Language points,1、shopping made easymade 为过去分词,有“被”的意思(标题不用句子,所以标题省略be)make v.制造;使怎么样 make a car/watchmake the room clean make shopping easy=Shopping is made easy.,(1)once 曾经,以前once upon a time=long time ago 很久以前Once upon a time,there is no war on eart

7、h.(2)once 一旦Once Ive decided,I will let you know.(3)once 一次 once a week/month(4)at once 立刻,马上=right now,2.People are not so honest as they once were.,as as 和一样(用于原级比较)He is as tall as John.否定形式:not soasShe is not as tall as John.He is not so smart as Tank.,3.The temptation to steal is greater than e

8、ver beforeespecially in large shops,temptation to do sth.的诱惑resist the temptation to do sth.抵制的诱惑(resist vt.抵抗,反抗,忍得住)I cant resist the temptation to_.steal sth.from sb.偷某人某物,4.A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday v.观察,监视;当心(口语

9、中)Watch out!当心,小心=Be careful.=Look out!Watch your head!(威胁),“well+过去分词”组成复合形容词,做定语 well-known 出名的,著名的,5.One Monday,there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came inlittle和a little与不可数名词一起使用。little表示否定,意为“几乎没有”a little表示肯定,“一点”There is a little water in the bottle.There is little

10、water in the bottle.few和a few与复数可数名词连用。few表示否定,几乎没有,a few表示肯定,一些 They have a few friends here.They has few friends here.little的比较级为less,few的比较级为fewer,1.Be quick!There is _ time left.A.much B.a little C.few D.little2.She has _ good friends in our school,so she is very happy.A.few B.a few C.little D.a

11、 little 3.Could you give me _ ink(墨水),please?a bit B.a little C.many D.few 4.There is _sheep over there.A.a few B.few C.a little D.little,6、After a little time,she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.after

12、 a little time 过了一会儿handto 递给=pass sb.传给,递给hand in 上交wrap v.包裹,缠绕(wrapped-wrapped),wrap v.包裹wrap sth.up for sb.为某人打包Please wrap them(up)for me.请替我把他们包好pack v.打包I will take/get/have it.Please wrap them for me./Please pack them for as possible 尽可能 I have sent you as many books as possible

13、.He went home as soon as possible.,7.Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying.simply 仅仅=onlyI simply know that he is our teacher.,without doing sth.不做未做,He left the room without saying anything.他不吃早餐就去上课了。He went to school without eating breakfast.John不刷牙就睡觉了。J

14、ohn went to bed without brushing his teeth.,8.When he was arrested,the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter.arrest v.逮捕 vt.逮捕,扣留When she was arrested,she refused to say anything.,find out 发现(后跟的宾语一般是抽象的)find out the truth 发现真相Find out the secret 发现秘密find sth.找到(sth.是看得见,摸得着的,

15、具体的)I find the pen.,9.The girl gave her mother a free dress once a week!free adj.免费的 Children under five years old travel free.“once a+表示时间的名词”可以表示频率:He comes to the office once a day.,【Special Difficulties】A and One不定冠词a通常用于表示不确定的人或事物以及第一次提到的人或事物,a强调的是后面的名词;one强调的是“一个”的意思:It was one apple I ate,not

16、 two.There is a book and a pen on the desk.不表示强调时,a和one有时可以互换:She will come home in a/one weeks time.叙述故事时常将one+表示时间的名词用于句首,而不用a:One Monday,he went to the office as usual.,People are not so _ as they once were.The _to steal is _ than ever before-especially in large shops.A _ recently watched a _woma

17、n who always went into a large store on _mornings.One Monday,there were _ people in the shop than usual when the woman came in,so it was _ for the detective to watch her.The woman first bought a few small_.After a little time,she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and _it to an _ wh

18、o wrapped it up for her as quickly as_.Then the woman simply took the _ and walked out of the shop without _.When she was_,the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter.The girl gave her mother a free dress _ a week!,honest,temptation,greater,detective,well-dressed,Monday,fewer,easier,articles,handed,assistant,possible,parcel,paying,arrested,once,

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