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1、外研版八年级英语上册Module3Sports知识点复习总结电子教案外研版八年级英语上册Module-3-Sports知识点复习总结初二英语上册(外研版)Module 3 Sports知识点总结一、重点词汇基本用法 baseball n. 棒球 其他相关的用ball形成的球类名称还有: football 足球 volleyball 排球 basketball 篮球 如要表示”打/踢.球时,用“play+球类名称”,中间没有任何冠词。 Would you please tell me how to play volleyball?你可以告诉我怎么打排球吗? boring 原文再现 Last we

2、ek the match on TV was so boring because no one scored at all. 上周电视上的比赛太枯燥了,因为根本没有人进球。基本用法 boring adj.烦人的;无聊的。 It is boring to listen to the same story. 听相同的故事是令人厌烦的。知识拓展 词义辨析:boring/bored boring:烦人的;无聊的,其主语一般是物bored: 厌烦的;厌倦的,其主语一般是人 It was boring to sit there without anything to do. 无所事事地坐在那里太无聊了。

3、He is bored with your long speech. 他对你的长篇演说感到厌烦。 相关单词 relaxing:令人愉悦的;使人放松的,其主语一般是物。relaxed:放松的,其主语一般是人。 We come here once a year expecting a quiet, relaxing holiday. 我们每年来这里一次,期待度过一个安静而放松的假期。 Take a deep breath, and you will feel relaxed. 深深地吸一口气,那样你会觉得轻松的。 exciting:令人激动的;使人兴奋的,其主语一般是物。 excited:感到兴奋

4、的,激动的,其主语一般是人。Do you think football is an exciting sport? 你认为足球是一种激动人心的运动吗? She is very excited about winning the first prize. 赢得首奖,她激动不已。 score 原文再现 Whats the score? 比分是多少?基本用法 1. score n.(比赛中的)得分,比分;(测验的)成绩。 Their team beat ours by a large score. 他们队以很高比分打败了我们队。 2. score v. 得分 Our school basketbal

5、l teamdidntscore.我们校篮球队没有得分。 already 原文再现 So this weeks match is already more exciting. 那么这周的比赛已经更令人兴奋了。基本用法 already adv. 已经(常与完成时连用) I have already watched the movie. 我已经看过这部电影了。 matter 原文再现 Whats the matter with you, Tony? 托尼,你怎么了?基本用法 matter n. 问题,麻烦 “Whats the matter?”意为“怎么了?”与“whats wrong with

6、you? 同意。 hurt 原文再现 And I hurt my knee. 我还伤到了我的膝盖。基本用法 1. hurt vt.伤害;使受伤,常指精神上、感情上和肉体上的伤害。(过去式: hurt 过去分词: hurt 现在分词: hurting 第三人称单数: hurts) 2. hurtvi.疼痛 She was badly hurt when she fell from the ladder. 她从梯子上跌下来,伤得很厉害。 Does your left leg still hurt badly? 你的左腿仍然疼的厉害吗? enjoyable 原文再现 Nothing is more

7、enjoyable than playing tennis. 没有什么比打网球更令人愉快了。基本用法 enjoyable adj. 有趣的,愉快的(是由enjoy加后缀able构成) I do not think that movie is very enjoyable. 我看那部电影并不怎么有趣。 Olympics 原文再现 But you enjoyed watching the Olympics on TV, right? 但是你喜欢在电视上看奥林匹克比赛,对吗?基本用法 Olympics=the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 The United States was t

8、he host country for the Olympics in 1984. 美国是1984年奥运会的东道国。 stadium 原文再现 And staying at home was easier than going to the stadium. 而且在家比去体育馆容易。基本用法 stadium n. 体育馆 We will go to the stadium to watch a football match. 我们将去体育场观看足球比赛。 miss 原文再现 Oh, he missed! 哦,他未射中!基本用法 1. miss vi./vt. 未击中;未达到;未赶上;未抓住;错

9、过。 (过去式: missed 过去分词: missed 现在分词: missing 第三人称单数: misses) Its the chance of a lifetime. You shouldnt miss it. 这是一生中难得的机会,你不应错过。 2. miss v. 想念I miss my old friends very much. 我非常想念我的老朋友。 mind 原文再现 Never mind. 别担心。基本用法 mind v. 介意, mind doing sth意为:介意做某事 ”Never mind.“ 意为”没关系,不用担心。“ Never mind. Acciden

10、t will happen. 没关系。难免会有意外。 Do/Would you mind.?句型意为:介意.?常用来提出建议,请求等。Would you mind turning off the lights? 你介意把等关掉吗? 注意:回答Do/Would you mind.?时,如果愿意做某事,应用:f course not./Certainly not./Not at all.等; 如果不愿意,也就是介意的话,可以用Better not, please. /Id rather youdidnt. plenty 原文再现 Theres still plenty of time for th

11、em to score. 他们还有很多时间得分。基本用法 plenty pron. 大量, 许多,plenty of 意为:许多的,大量的(既可以接可数名词复数,也可以接不可数名词) There is plenty of coal in this area. 这个地区有丰富的煤。 Plenty of people have come. 来了很多人。 beat 基本用法 beatv.打败,战胜(过去式:beat 过去分词:beat/beaten 现在分词:beating 第三人称单数:beats) beat 后通常接对手名称,意为:打败. I finally beat her in that m

12、atch after hard work. 通过努力,我在那场比赛中最后打败了她。知识拓展:词义辨析 beat/win/defeat 1. beat “打赢”“战胜”。用于比赛时,后接宾语是战胜对手,表示“赢了某人”。 Li Lei beat all the runners in the 100-meter race. 李磊在百米赛跑中赢了所有的对手。We are sure to beat them. 我们肯定会赢他们。 2. win “赢得;获胜”, 用作及物动词,后接宾语是表示某种比赛的名词或战争,而不是参加比赛的对手。 We won the basketball game. 我们赢得了篮

13、球赛。 Who won the race? 谁赢得了赛跑?3. defeat “战胜;赢得”与win 一样,较正式,后接宾语时与beat一样,是表示人或代表群体的名词或代词,间或接表事物的名词或代词。 Our class defeated / beat theirs in the basket-ball match yesterday. 昨天我们班在篮球赛中赢了他们班。 careless 基本用法 careless adj. 粗心的,疏忽的 It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked. 你没锁门,太粗心了。知识拓展-反义词 careful

14、 adj. 认真的,细心的 You should be more careful with your money. 你花钱要慎重一些。 cheer.on 原文再现 They cheer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game. 他们大声为我们加油,我们更有信心赢得比赛。基本用法 cheeron 意为“用欢呼声激励;为加油”。 The fans cheered the local football team on to victory. 球迷为当地的足球队加油,鼓舞他们去争取胜利。知识拓展-相关短语 cheer up “(使

15、)振作起来;(使)高兴起来”。 Cheer up! Im sure youll feel better tomorrow.振作起来!我肯定你明天会好些的。 coach 基本用法 1. coach n. 教练 Our football team has got a very experienced coach. 我们的足球队有了一个很有经验的教练。 2. coach n. 长途大巴车,一般指较大型的车,通常是单层的,常用于英式英语。 I hate travelling by coach. 我不喜欢坐长途汽车。 fan club 基本用法 fan club 球迷(或影迷、歌迷)俱乐部 Are yo

16、u a member of his fan club? 你是他影迷俱乐部的成员吗? My sister joined Brad Peters fan club. 我妹妹加入了布莱德彼特的影迷俱乐部。 against 原文再现 I am in our school team and we are going to play against another school next week. 我在校(足球)队,下周我们要与另一所学校比赛。基本用法 against prep.(在比赛或战斗中)对(某人或某物),常用于play, fight等动词之后。 You will play against Li

17、ly in the game. 在这场比赛中你将对抗丽丽。 We fight bravely against the enemy. 我们与敌人应用奋战。出题建议精确搜索用against的题目时,需在关键词中输入:against。 train 原文再现 We are training harder than usual because the other team beat us last year. 我们比平常更加努力地训练,因为另一支球队去年打败过我们。基本用法 1. trainvi./vt. 训练,操练(过去式: trained 过去分词: trained 现在分词: training 第

18、三人称单数: trains) He is training to be an engineer. 他正接受培训准备当工程师。 They train dogs to do the farm work. 他们训练狗干农活。 2. train n.火车 practice 原文再现 The practice starts at 10 am. 训练上午十点开始。基本用法 1. practice n. 练习,实行 We must put our plans into practice. 我们必须将计划付诸实行。 2. practise v. 锻炼,实行(也可写作practice)知识拓展-相关句型/结构

19、practise doing sth 意为:练习做某事Lets practise speaking English every day. 让我们每天都练习说英语吧。 warm up 原文再现 We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up. 我们都尽早感到,以保证有时间热身。基本用法 warm up 热身,做准备活动 Its important to warm up before exercise. 在锻炼前做热身活动是很重要的。 usual 原文再现 We are training harder than us

20、ual because the other team beat us last year. 我们比平常更加努力地训练,因为另一支球队去年打败过我们。基本用法 usual adj.通常的;平常的 than usual 意为:比平常 The first snow came a month earlier than usual. 第一场雪比往年提早了一个月。知识拓展-相关单词 usually adv.通常I usually go to bed at half past ten. 我通常十点半睡觉。 better 原文再现 This year we want to do better. 今年我们想做得

21、更好。基本用法 1. better adj. 更好的(good的比较级) Her father transferred her to a better school. 她父亲把她转到了一所更好的学校。 2. better adv. 更好地(well的比较级) Youll like it better when you understand it more.当你对它更了解时,你就会更喜欢它。 after-school 原文再现 ., so it is important not to be late for after-school practice. .,因此课余训练不迟到是很重要的。基本用法

22、 after-school adj. 课后的,课余的 What after-school activities do you often do? 你经常做什么课后活动?知识拓展-相关短语 after school 课余,放学后 I will walk home after school this afternoon.今天下午放学后我将走路回家。 pleased 原文再现 Our coach is pleased because we are playing better as a team now. 我们的教练很高兴,因为现在我们整个足球队配合得更好。基本用法 pleased adj.开心的;

23、满意的,pleased作表语,主语是人,常用于以下结构中: pleased with 对满意 He was pleased with their warm welcome. 他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴。 2. be pleased to do sth. 乐意作某事I am very pleased to hear the news. 我很高兴听到这个消息。 pass 原文再现 Last year we were sometimes careless when we passed the ball and we lost to the other team in the finalmat

24、ch. 去年我们在传球的时候有时很粗心,在决赛的时候输给了另一队。基本用法 pass v. 传递,传送;通过(过去式:passed 过去分词:passed 现在分词:passing 第三人称单数:passes) Pass the salt, please.请递给我盐瓶。 Many a student fails to pass on the examination. 许多学生考试不及格。 pity 原文再现 What a pity! 真可惜啊!基本用法Its a pity that you cant come to the party. 你不能来参加这次聚会,真可惜。 What a pity!

25、 ,意为:太可惜了,为感叹句。 chance 原文再现 That means we have a better chance of winning. 那意味着我们有更好的获胜机会。基本用法 chance n.机会;可能性,a chance of doing sth./a chance to do sth.意为“做某事的机会”。 I dont think they stand a chance of winning. 我看他们没有打赢的希望。 Please give me a chance to explain. 请给我个机会让我解释一下。 loudly 原文再现 They cheer us o

26、n loudly and we feel more confident to win the game. 他们大声为我们加油,我们更有信心赢得比赛。基本用法 loudlyadv.大声地;响亮地 The guests all laughed loudly. 客人们都大声笑了。知识拓展-词义辨析:aloud/loud/loudly 1. aloud 只用作副词,不用作形容词,强调“出声”read aloud 朗读 2. loud 表示“大声”或“响亮”,可用作形容词和副词(1) 用作形容词 The music is too loud; please turn it down. 这音乐太吵人了,请把

27、音量关小一点。 (2) 用作副词(与 loudly 同义) I cant hear you, please speak louder. 我听不见,请说大声些。 3. loudly 只用作副词。Dont talk so loudly. 别这么大声讲话。 confident 原文再现 They cheer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game. 他们大声为我们加油,我们更有信心赢得比赛。基本用法 confident adj. 有信心的 I am confident that everything will come out

28、right in time. 我坚信一切终究都会好起来。知识拓展 相关短语 1. be/feel confident to do sth. 有信心做某事Jim feels confident to pass the final test. 吉姆感觉有信心通过最终的考试。 confident of 对自信 They are confident of their future. 他们对未来充满自信。 3. be/feel confident that 确信 Im confident that Ill win the match.我确信我会赢的这场比赛。 相关单词 confidencen.信心;信任 have confidence in 对有信心 He has a quiet confidence in his ability. 他对自己胸有成竹,但却并不张扬。二、重点句型 You look tired. 你看起来很疲倦。基本用法 look+adj.意为“看起来”,这里look是连系动词,ti

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