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1、五年级英语下册阅读理解专项习题五年级英语下册阅读理解专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读理解。There are many different kinds of parrots in the world. They cannot only(不但)live in the tree,butthey canalso(而且)live on the mountain. Some parrots are quite big. Some are very small. Many people like them, because they often have beautiful colours, and

2、because they can “talk”.Do you know why parrots can talk? But most birds cannot. Perhaps, parrots can “talk” because they have big, thick tongues. But some other birds that cannot talk have big, thick tongues, too. So we dont know why parrots can talk.(1)The parrots can live the the t

3、 the water(2)Different parrots have _ colours.A.the sameB.beautifulC.different(3)Parrots can _.A.flyB.talkC.both A and B(4)Many people _ know why parrots can talk.A.arentB.canC.dont(5)Some other birds that cannot “talk” _ big, thick tongue.A.hasB.haveC.havent2. 选择正确选项并回答问题。Channel 115: 00-17:

4、 00 Travel In China17: 30-18: 30 Childrens Show19: 00-19: 30 News Show20: 00-21: 30 TV Play: JinyongChannel 28: 30-9: 30 English Classroom10: 00-12: 00 Computers Today14: 00-17: 30 Film and Art19: 00-21: 00 Animal WorldChannel 37: 30-9: 00 English for Today8: 30-12: 00 Popular Music13: 00-15: 30 Spo

5、rts Show19: 00-21: 00 Talk Show() (1)If you want to watch a football game, you can watch _.A. Channel(频道) 1 B. Channel 2 C. Channel 3() (2)If you want to see tigers, elephants and monkeys, you can watch _.A. Channel 1 B. Channel 2 C. Channel 3() (3)If you want to travel in China, you can watch TV at

6、 _.A.7:30-9: 00B.8:30-9: 30C.15: 00-17: 00() (4)If you have free time from 17: 30 to 19: 00, which TV show can you watch?A. Childrens Show B. Computers Today C. Talk Show(5)What are your favourite TV shows? Why?3. 阅读理解:根据上下文意思选择正确的答案。Hello.MynameisLiuMei.Imtwelveyearsold.IminGradeFive.MrGaoisournewm

7、athteacher.Hesyoungandfunny.Welikehim.MyfavouritedayisFriday.Wehavemath,ChineseandP.E.class.Wehavebeef,greenbeansandtomatoesforlunch.Tomatoesaremyfavouritefood.Fridayisagreatday!1LiuMeiis_yearsold.() A.12. B.13.2MrGaois_and_.() A.tallandstrong B.youngandfunny.3LiuMeisfavouritedayis_.() A.Friday B.Su

8、nday.4LiuMeihasChinese,mathand_onFriday.() A.English B.P.E5LiuMeilikes_verymuch.() A.potatoes B.tomatoes.4. 阅读短文,判断正误。Zoom and Zip are good friends. They are planning a trip(旅游).Zip is going to Australia(澳大利亚)!Its so warm there. He can swim all day. He has a new bathing suit(游泳衣)and sunglasses(太阳镜).

9、But Zoom doesnt like swimming. He likes skating. So he is going to Canada, its winter there now. He can skate all day. He has winter coats(冬衣)and some new skates(滑冰鞋).() (1)The season in Australia and Canada is the same.() (2)Zoom and Zip are going to Canada.() (3)Zoom likes swimming.() (4)Zip has a

10、 new bathing suit and sunglasses.() (5)Zoom can swim all day in Canada.5. 阅读Tom的笔友写给他的邮件,将正确的选项填在括号里。To: Tompenpal. comFrom: Marka penpal. comDear Tom.At our school, we have hot lunch or cold lunch. Hot lunch comes from restaurants(饭店) and cold lunch comes from home. I usually have bot lunch. Becaus

11、e my parents dont have time to cook cold lunch for me.For hot lunch we have different(不同的) things every day. On Mondays, we have tomatoes and fish. It is delicious On Tuesdays, we have noodles I dont like it, so much, But I like the fruits after that. Every Wednesday we have pizza. We all like it On

12、 Thursdays, we have fresh carrots, green beans, soup and rice. We have bee and potatoes on Fridays. They make us strong and healthy.Do you have lunch at school!? What do you have for lunch every day?Mark() (1)Hot lunch comes from_.A. school B. restaurants C. home() (2)On Thursdays, we have_.A. veget

13、ables, soup and rice B. beef and potatoes C. pizza() (3)I usually have hot lunch at school because_.A. I like hot lunch B. my parents have no time to cook C. it is delicious() (4)But I like the fruits after that. Here that refers to(指的是)_.A. pizza B. tomatoes and fish C. noodles() (5)Mark hasfor hot

14、 lunch every day.A. fruits and vegetables B. different things C. rice and beef6. 阅读理解。阅读对话,回答问题。Waiter:Excuse me. Can I help you? Heres the menu.Zip:What would you like, Zoom?Zoom:Let me see. Id like a sandwich, some salad and beef. What about you, Zip?Zip:Me? Mmm Id like some vegetables, soup and f

15、ish. Would you like something to drink?Zoom:Yes. A bottle of juice, please.Zip:I dont like juice. Milk, please.Waiter:OK! Wait a minute.Zoom and Zip:Thanks.1Are Zoom and Zip at home? 2What would Zoom like to eat? 3What would Zoom like to drink? 4Does Zip like juice? 7. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。MissGreenismyEng


17、ssGreenis_.A.a Chinese English teacherC.anEnglishwriter(2)MissGreenliketoworkfor_.A.old menB.young womenC.children(3)MissGreenleans_inaneveningschool.A.ChineseB.mathsC.English(4)Theunderlined(划线)word“difficult”means_.A.容易的B.困难的C.轻松的(5)MissGreenworks_everyweek.A.three daysB.five daysC.six

18、days8. 根据表格情况完成下面的题目。What do they do at weekends?Nearly every weekendNot every weekendAlexchat on the Internetplay with the catLucyfly a kitevisit her grandparentsLindago to the cinemahave dancing lessonsTonyhave a picnicplay football(1)Alex oftenat weekends.(2)Lucy usuallyat weekends.(3)Linda alway

19、sat weekends.(4)Tony sometimesat weekends.9. 阅读短文,判断正误。If you use fire carefully, fire can help you a lot. But if you dont, you will be dangerous.People know the danger of fire. Its good for us to know how to protect us from fire.First, get a smoke alarm in the house. It can make a loud sound. The s

20、ound tells everyone to leave the house immediately (立刻) in case of emergency (紧急情况).Next, have an escaping (逃生) plan. Make sure we all know where is the safety exit (出口) of your house. In case of fire emergency, everyone should follow the right way to escape.Then, it is necessary for every family to

21、 buy a fire extinguisher (灭火器). And also make sure that every family member know how to use it.Sometimes fire is dangerous. We must be careful. We know the danger of fire and we should know how to protect ourselves.We should get a smoke alarm. So we can find the fire and escape quickly.We should hav

22、e an escaping plan. We should know where the safety exit.We should buy a fire extinguisher and learn to use it.( )(1)Fire can help us a lot if we use it carelessly.( )(2)The smoke alarm can tell us the fire danger.( )(3)We should follow the right way to escape.( )(4)A fire extinguisher can help us p

23、ut out the fire.10. 阅读短文,判断正误。New friendsHi! Im Tony Hu from Room 202, Block B, Sky Estate. I am twelve years old. I go to Future Primary School. I like skiing and jogging. My telephone number is 13816602288. How about you?Hi! Im Katie Wu from Room 301, Block A, Sky Estate. I am eleven years old. I

24、go to Future Primary School. I can sing and dance. I like singing very much. I have a beautiful voice. Do you want to know me? Please write an e-mail to me. My address is Katiewuhotmail. com.( )(1)Tony and Katie go to the same school.( )(2)Tony and Katie are at the same age.( )(3)Tony lives on the s

25、econd floor and Katie lives on the third floor.( )(4)Katie likes skiing and jogging.( )(5)Katiewuhotmail. comis Katies e-mail address.11. 根据短文内容判断下列各句的正误。My name is Cindy. I am a girl. I am ten years old. I am a pupil. Im tall and fat. I have two good friends. Celia is tall and thin. Shes shy. But s

26、ometimes shes very funny. Tina has short hair.She is helpful. Miss Liu is our Chinese teacher. She is clever and beautiful. She teaches well. We all like her Chinese class.( )(1)Cindy is twelve years old.( )(2)Cindy has three good friends.( )(3)Celia is tall and thin.( )(4)Tina has long hair.( )(5)M

27、iss Liu is clever and beautiful.12. 阅读短文,根据短文内容用A,B,C,D,E给图画排序。The Double Ninth FestivalThe Double Ninth Festival is a traditional (传统的) Chinese festival. It usually comes in October.On this day, people usually go on an outing or climb mountains. Sometimes they go to see flower shows. People eat Dou

28、ble Ninth cakes at this festival. The cakes are sweet(甜的) and nice.Its also a festival for old people. On this day, people go to see their parents and grandparents. Many students(学生) visit old people in Old Peoples Homes. They get together and have a good time.( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )13. 阅读理解。Today is Mar

29、ch 15th. I put some flower seeds(种子) into a big pot. I put in some water, too. Now its in the sun. Today is April 1st. I am so excited. I can see a sprout (芽). Its small and green. Its so lovely. I water it again and put it in the sun. Today is April 15th. My plant(植物) has two green leaves. I water it every day and make sure it gets lots of sun. Today is May 1st. My plant is one month old! Its tall and strong, but it has no flowers. Oh, come on! I can hardly wait!(1)On _, I put some seeds into a pot.A. April 1st B. April 15th C. March 15th(2)On _, the plant has a sprout.A. Apri

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